4,361 research outputs found

    Os manuais e a reforma do ensino liceal de 1936 em Portugal. Um prólogo para a história do manual único

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    [Excerto] Na presente reflexão pretendemos sondar os objetivos que foram sendo propostos para o ensino secundário após o golpe militar de 28 de maio de 1926. A um primeiro momento, designado de Ditadura Militar, sucedeu a configuração do denominado Estado Novo, sendo este período pautado, no essencial, pela sistemática explicitação do modo como se constituiu a lapidar e necessária educação nacionalista, neste clima, o Liceu é concebido como o espaço de afirmação e de formação das elites do regime. Os princípios conservadores, totalitários e de estancamento da mobilidade social, foram expressos numa progressiva definição, cada vez mais radical, nos seus enunciados1. Para darmos conta desta trajetória, dividiremos a nossa reflexão em duas partes (...)

    [Resenha a] Escola da ordem e do progresso: grupos escolares em Sergipe e no Rio Grande do Norte

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    Dos moinhos do Huíma à Fábrica de Fiação de Crestuma: (Portugal) um contributo para a história de uma importante unidade industrial (séculos XVI-XIX)

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    The Uima river, left tributary of the Douro, in its final route traverses the parishes of Santo André de Lever and Santa Marinha de Crestuma. Along the Soutelo hill in Lever, the valley narrows, the river coordinate difference is accentuated and current speeds; there existed a large number of mills and there was founded, in the late eighteenth century, the Fábrica dos Arcos de Ferro e Verguinha, wich was succeed, in the following century, by the Fábrica de Fiação de Crestuma.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Image, ritual and urban form: Porto in the 16th Century

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    In the early 17th Century, the Spanish painter Francisco Pacheco railed against his apprentices, telling them that the image should stand out of the picture. The topic was the one most debated in the art of the Counter-Reformation, whose main directives, outlined in the Council of Trent, would be put in motion simultaneously with urban "Christianisation". They presupposed a social contract, established between producer and receiver, implying maximum clarity of the message, which involved an ambiguous grey area that would be reserved for the outside of the focus. In painting, which sacrificed everything that was incidental or extraneous to the story, showing the essential and neglecting the accessory, the binary radicalism of the concept became more explicit, through the Caravaggian illumination or in the case above, the Spanish tenebrism of Velásquez, to whom Pacheco's admonition was addressed. In our Doctoral Thesis presented at the School of Architecture in Barcelona, we sought to demonstrate that the Plastic Arts were not the only field for the application of Luminist principles. In this article we aim to summarise this thesis by exposing the important relationships between image, ritual and urban form in 16th Century Porto, after a time, therefore, the late Middle Ages, which Huizinga classified as deeply iconophile , in which image and ritual were put at the service of the reformulation of a State becoming increasingly centralised and interventionist, whose action extended to the sphere of the Church: with King João II, and especially King Manuel I, the Crown was an active sponsor of religious reform that was pursued with redoubled energy and systematisation, from the reign of "the Pious", then already within the political system of close bilateral cooperation that was designated the Confessional State. We therefore believe that this type of approach to anthropological and symbolic components, which seeks to take into account the increasing importance that is given in contemporary research on the city's history, can be very fruitful

    Fast Image Recovery Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization

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    We propose a new fast algorithm for solving one of the standard formulations of image restoration and reconstruction which consists of an unconstrained optimization problem where the objective includes an â„“2\ell_2 data-fidelity term and a non-smooth regularizer. This formulation allows both wavelet-based (with orthogonal or frame-based representations) regularization or total-variation regularization. Our approach is based on a variable splitting to obtain an equivalent constrained optimization formulation, which is then addressed with an augmented Lagrangian method. The proposed algorithm is an instance of the so-called "alternating direction method of multipliers", for which convergence has been proved. Experiments on a set of image restoration and reconstruction benchmark problems show that the proposed algorithm is faster than the current state of the art methods.Comment: Submitted; 11 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Scene-adapted plug-and-play algorithm with convergence guarantees

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    Recent frameworks, such as the so-called plug-and-play, allow us to leverage the developments in image denoising to tackle other, and more involved, problems in image processing. As the name suggests, state-of-the-art denoisers are plugged into an iterative algorithm that alternates between a denoising step and the inversion of the observation operator. While these tools offer flexibility, the convergence of the resulting algorithm may be difficult to analyse. In this paper, we plug a state-of-the-art denoiser, based on a Gaussian mixture model, in the iterations of an alternating direction method of multipliers and prove the algorithm is guaranteed to converge. Moreover, we build upon the concept of scene-adapted priors where we learn a model targeted to a specific scene being imaged, and apply the proposed method to address the hyperspectral sharpening problem

    The role of government debt in economic growth

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    We study the effect of public debt on economic growth for annual and 5-year average growth rates, as well as the existence of non-linearity effects of debt on growth for 14 European countries from 1970 until 2012. We also consider debt-to-GDP ratio interactions with monetary, public finance, institutional and macroeconomic variables. Our results show a negative impact of -0.01% for each 1% increment of public debt, although debt service has a 10 times worse effect on growth. In addition, we find average debt ratio thresholds of around 75%. Belonging to the Eurozone has a detrimental effect of at least -0.5% for real per capita GDP, and the banking crisis is the most harmful crisis for growth

    Contributo para uma formação contínua centrada nas necessidades dos professores do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico na área de Ciências da Natureza

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Educação, especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica em Ensino das Ciências da Natureza.A presente investigação insere-se no grupo de pesquisas realizadas na área de Formação Contínua (FC) de professores e pretende contribuir para a implementação de uma FC adequada às reais necessidades de formação dos professores do 1º ciclo na área das Ciências da Natureza. O principal objectivo que norteou a sua realização foi: - Analisar a adequação da FC realizada pelos Centros de Formação das Associações da Escolas (CFAE’s) às necessidades e características da formação desejada pelos professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1ºCEB). Como se trata de um estudo exploratório relativamente às necessidades de FC, consideramos igualmente oportuno orientar o estudo no sentido da prossecução dos seguintes objectivos complementares: - Identificar a percepção dos professores do 1º CEB relativamente aos aspectos em que se deve centrar a FC dos CFAE’s, às motivações e limitações sentidas pelos professores para frequentar as acções de FC e às metodologias de diagnóstico das necessidades de FC no âmbito das CN. - Averiguar da possível influência das variáveis sexo e distrito nas necessidades de FC dos professores do 1º CEB, nas características da FC desejada, nos aspectos em que se deve centrar a FC dos (CFAE’s), nas motivações e limitações para a frequência de FC e nas metodologias de diagnóstico das necessidades de FC no âmbito das CN. De forma a atingir estes objectivos, recolheram-se dados a partir da aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra de 88 professores do 1º CEB dos distritos de Bragança e Vila Real e de investigação documental relativa a 509 acções de FC no âmbito das CN, realizadas no período de 1997 a 2002, em 13 CFAE’s dos mesmos distritos. Os dados recolhidos foram submetidos a tratamento estatístico com recurso ao programa SPSS, versão 10.0. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a seguinte principal conclusão: - A FC realizada nos CFAE’s dos dois distritos em estudo não vai de encontro às necessidades de FC na área de CN manifestadas pelos professores da amostra no que diz respeito aos temas da especialidade em CN nem aos temas da metodologia das CN. Não apresenta adequação com as principais motivações dos professores para frequentar FC, nem com a modalidade de formação por eles mais desejada. O aspecto onde se verificou maior adequação entre a formação oferecida pelos CFAE’s e as preferências dos professores foi no número de níveis de ensino a contemplar pelas acções de formação.The following research relates to the Continuous Training (CT) of teachers and intends to contribute towards the implementation of an adequate CT which addresses the real needs of primary school teacher training in the field of Nature Sciences. The main objective of this study has been the following: - To analyze the adequacy of CT carried out by the Training Centres of the Associations of Schools (TCAS) in relation to the needs and characteristics of the training desired by the primary school teachers. As it constitutes an exploratory study in relation to the needs of CT, we find it equally opportune to guide the research towards the pursuit of the following complementary goals: - To identify how primary school teachers perceive what aspects the CT carried out by the TCAS should focus on, the motivating factors and limitations felt by the teachers who attend these CT sessions and the methodologies of diagnostics of the CT needs in the field of Nature Sciences. - To investigate the possible influence of the variables of gender and district in the CT needs of primary school teachers, in the characteristics of the CT desired, in the aspects in which the CT carried out by the TCAS should focus on, in the motivating factors and limitations for attending the CT and in the methodologies of diagnosing the needs of CT in the field of Nature Sciences. In order to achieve these goals, data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 88 primary school teachers in the districts of Bragança and Vila Real and by analyzing documents related to 509 CT sessions in the field of Nature Sciences carried out during a period from 1997 and 2002, in 13 Training Centres of the same districts. The data compiled was then submitted to statistical analysis by using the SPSS program, version 10.0. The results that have been obtained point towards the following main conclusion: The CT carried out in the TCAS of both districts being studied do not match the training needs in Nature Sciences which were pointed out by the teachers involved in the study sample, neither in relation to the topics of Nature Sciences nor in the topics of methodologies of the CT. It does not match the main motivating factors of teachers for attending the CT, nor the type of training desired by them. The aspect which comes closer to matching the training provided by the TCAS and the teachers’ preferences is the number of teaching levels involved in the training sessions

    An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems

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    We propose a new fast algorithm for solving one of the standard approaches to ill-posed linear inverse problems (IPLIP), where a (possibly non-smooth) regularizer is minimized under the constraint that the solution explains the observations sufficiently well. Although the regularizer and constraint are usually convex, several particular features of these problems (huge dimensionality, non-smoothness) preclude the use of off-the-shelf optimization tools and have stimulated a considerable amount of research. In this paper, we propose a new efficient algorithm to handle one class of constrained problems (often known as basis pursuit denoising) tailored to image recovery applications. The proposed algorithm, which belongs to the family of augmented Lagrangian methods, can be used to deal with a variety of imaging IPLIP, including deconvolution and reconstruction from compressive observations (such as MRI), using either total-variation or wavelet-based (or, more generally, frame-based) regularization. The proposed algorithm is an instance of the so-called "alternating direction method of multipliers", for which convergence sufficient conditions are known; we show that these conditions are satisfied by the proposed algorithm. Experiments on a set of image restoration and reconstruction benchmark problems show that the proposed algorithm is a strong contender for the state-of-the-art.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure, 8 tables. Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Image Processin
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