16 research outputs found

    Interdependence in social and territorial planning theories and sustainable development principles

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    This paper intends to deal with interdependence relationships between social and planning theories and their environment principles in a context of a sustainable development. Within any community, people through their activities interact with the physical environment, giving to each region its characteristics and specificity. Then, the management of the activities and the environment needs regulations because the socially unsatisfactory outcomes of the development process give rise to the need of intervention of government. This intervention is enabled through the objectives and the implementation of development planning which, in context of sustainable development, will have to incorporate social and economic and natural environment requirements. Both the management and the planning are closely related in functional terms and complementary. Moreover, the environmental assessment will contribute to the improvement of the planning assessment by integrating the output into development planning and the development control decisions. All this requires a systematic approach to deal with some regional problems of development and of environmental protection. But potential conflicts between the objectives of management and planning or between development and environment principles, can occur.

    Déterminants socio-économiques de l’utilisation des engins et pratiques de pêche destructives des ressources halieutiques sur le lac Toho au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest)

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    La pêche est une activité importante qui contribue à la sécurité alimentaire dans le monde entier, en particulier dans les pays en développement. Elle représente l’une des activités principales dans le septième Pôle de Développement Agricole au Bénin. Elle constitue pour les populations locales non seulement une source de protéines animales hautement nutritives mais aussi une activité génératrice de revenus. Elle est l’une des principales activités humaines qui affectent les écosystèmes aquatiques. L’objectif de cette étude était d’analyser les déterminants socio-économiques de l’utilisation des engins et pratiques de pêche destructives des ressources halieutiques. L’étude a porté sur 129 pêcheurs dans les villages Vèha et Logbo (commune de Lokossa) et Tokpa et Tohonou (commune de Houéyogbé). La méthode d’échantillonnage aléatoire simple a été utilisée pour la sélection des unités d’enquête. Un modèle Logit binomial a été utilisé pour l’analyse des déterminants socioéconomiques. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que le nombre d’années d’expériences dans la pratique de la pêche, le niveau d’instruction du pêcheur et la fréquence de pêche sont les déterminants de l’utilisation des engins et pratiques de pêche destructives des ressources halieutiques au niveau du lac Toho. L’utilisation des filets réglementés, le développement d’activités génératrices de revenus autres que la pêche, la réduction de la pêche à la main, la réduction de l’utilisation des épuisettes et le développement de la pisciculture sont des stratégies de gestion développées par les pêcheurs face à la baisse des ressources halieutiques dans le lac Toho.Mots clés : Ressources halieutiques, déterminants, engins et pratiques de pêche, modèle logit binomial. English Title: Socio-economic determinants of the use of destructive fishing gear and practices of fishery resources on Lake Toho in Benin (West Africa)Fishery is an important activity contributing to food security in the world and particularly in developing countries. In south of Benin, fishery is one of the main activities in coastal regions. Fishery is not only a source of protein with high nutritious value but also an income generating activity. It is one of the main human activities which affect aquatic ecosystem. This study aims at analyzing the socio-economic determinants of the use of the destroy engine and practical in fisher. A total of 129 fishermen were interviewed in Vèha and Logbo villages in the district of Lokossa and Tokpa and Tohonou villages in the district of Houéyogbé in South of Benin. A simple random sampling was used for selecting the survey units. Binomial Logit model was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the number of years in fishery activity, the level of education and the frequency of fish harvesting are the socioeconomic determinants of the use of destroy practical in fishery in Toho lake. The use of regulated nets, the development of income-generating activities other than fishing, the reduction of catching fish by hand, the development of aquaculture and the development of the ritual practices, are ways to cope with the decline in halieutic resources of the fishermen.Keywords: Fishery resources, determinants, fishing gear and practices, Binomial Logit model

    Déterminants Des Montants De Consentement À Payer (CAP) Déclarés Par Les Ménages Pour Une Gestion Durable De La Forêt d’Adjamey Au SudOuest Du Bénin

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that explain the amounts of willingness to pay (WTP) of households for the implementation of a sustainable management program of Adjamey forest in the district of Djakotomey in South-West of Benin. Indeed, the bordering populations of this forest are frequently faced with the problem of the devastation of their crops by the hippopotamuses. These in turn undergo anthropological actions causing the continued loss of their habitat. The data were collected on 110 bordering households using a semi-structured questionnaire. Based on the two-step selection model of Heckman, this study revealed that the households participation to the program of sustainable management of this forest is influenced by factors such as: the origin and level of education of the surveyed households, the fact of having been victims of the damage caused by the hippopotamuses and the fact that the household wishes an improvement of the management of this forest. Moreover, the study shows that the total area held in the forest, the total income drawn from the activities related to the forest, the membership in a management committee and the fact that the hippopotamuses are considered as a threat constitute to the explanatory factors of the amounts of willingness to pay (WTP) declared by the households

    Determinants de la pluriactivite des chefs d’exploitations agricoles au Benin

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    Au Bénin, la pluriactivité constitue l’une des stratégies utilisées par les agriculteurs pour la survie de leurs exploitations agricoles. Cette étude a analysé les déterminants de la pluriactivité en se basant sur la typologie des exploitations agricoles. Les données collectées au moyen des entretiens structurés auprès de 733 chefs d’exploitations agricoles ont été soumises à une analyse multivariée appuyée de test statistique et à une régression logistique. Les résultats ont montré l’existence de trois types d’exploitations agricoles : les petits producteurs avec des revenus extra agricoles dominants ( type 1 ), les gros producteurs avec une production de coton dominante ( type 2 ) et les moyens producteurs éleveurs et commerçants ( type 3 ). Par ailleurs, la pluriactivité des chefs d’exploitations agricoles est positivement corrélée avec taille de ménage, le montant des dépenses annuelles et l’épargne. Par contre, elle a été influencée négativement par l’expérience agricole, le nombre de bovins, le revenu agricole et le score d’insécurité alimentaire. En outre, l’appartenance d’un chef d’exploitation aux types 2 et 3 réduit la probabilité que ce dernier soit pluriactif. Pour développer le secteur agricole au Bénin, il s’avère donc nécessaire de renforcer les capacités des exploitants agricoles, en occurrence les petits producteurs à aller vers une spécialisation et progressivement à une professionnalisation de l’activité agricole. English title: Determinants of the pluriactivity of farm managers in Benin Abstract In Benin, pluriactivity is one of the strategies used by farmers to survive on their farms. This study analyzed the determinants of pluriactivity based on the typology of farms. Data collected through structured interviews with 733 farm managers were subjected to multivariate analysis supported by statistical testing and logistic regression. The results showed the existence of three types of farms: small producers with dominant off-farm income ( type 1 ), large producers with dominant cotton production ( type 2 ) and medium-sized producers who are breeders and traders ( type 3 ). In addition, the pluriactivity of farm managers is positively correlated with household size, the amount of annual expenses and savings. On the other hand, it was negatively influenced by farming experience, number of cattle, farm income and food insecurity score. In addition, the fact that a farm manager belongs to type 2 and type 3 reduces the probability that he or she will be pluriactive. In order to develop the agricultural sector in Benin, it is therefore necessary to strengthen the capacities of farmers, in this case small producers, to move towards specialization and gradually professionalize their agricultural activity. Keywords : pluriactivity, farm income, typology, determinant, farm

    Perception et Prédiction future des Changements Climatiques par les Agriculteurs de Materi et Leurs Impacts sur la Production Agricole

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    L’agriculture bĂ©ninoise Ă  l’instar de celle de la plupart des autres pays du monde subit les effets nĂ©fastes des changements climatiques. Dans le but d’apprĂ©cier le niveau de perception et de prĂ©diction future des changements climatiques par les mĂ©nages agricoles dans la commune de MatĂ©ri et leurs impacts sur leurs activitĂ©s que la prĂ©sente recherche a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. Elle s’est basĂ©e sur un Ă©chantillon de 383 mĂ©nages agricoles oĂą des donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitatives ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es. Plusieurs techniques dont les focus groupes, les entretiens et observations ont Ă©tĂ© combinĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es mĂ©tĂ©orologiques, sociodĂ©mographiques et de perceptions qui en sont issues sont analysĂ©es Ă  partir des statistiques descriptives, des cartes factorielles, des tests de chi2 et les courbes de tendance avec le logiciel R. Les variations des prĂ©cipitations et des tempĂ©ratures sont perçues par les agriculteurs et confirmĂ©es par les donnĂ©es mĂ©tĂ©orologiques en matière de changements climatiques. La disparition de certaines espèces animales et/ou vĂ©gĂ©tales est signalĂ©e par endroits. L’impact des changements climatiques se traduit par la baisse des rendements et l’amenuisement des revenus des communautĂ©s rurales. Les agriculteurs font Ă©galement des projections du climat futur et de son impact sur leurs activitĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats de ces prĂ©dictions de l’état du climat par les agriculteurs sont confortĂ©s par ceux des modèles des scientifiques. Cette capacitĂ© des producteurs agricoles Ă  se projeter dans le climat futur est très peu abordĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature. Plusieurs cultures sont concernĂ©es par la prĂ©sente Ă©tude. Les recherches postĂ©rieures doivent spĂ©cifier les cultures et approfondir les projections climatiques faites par les agriculteurs afin de valider les savoirs locaux, leur contribution dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques et une amĂ©lioration de leur rĂ©silience.   Benin's agriculture, like that of most other countries in the world, is suffering the adverse effects of climate change. This research focuses on the perception and future prediction of climate change by agricultural households in the municipality of MatĂ©ri and their impacts on their activities. The research was based on a sample of 383 farming households, from which quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Several techniques were combined, including focus groups, interviews and observations. Meteorological, sociodemographic and perception data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factorial maps, chi2 tests and trend curves with R software. Variations in rainfall and temperature are perceived by producers and confirmed by meteorological data in terms of climate change. The disappearance of certain animal and/or plant species is reported in some places. The impact of climate change is reflected in lower yields and reduced income for rural communities. Farmers also make projections of the future climate and its impact on their activities. The results of these climate predictions by farmers are supported by those of scientific models. The ability of agricultural producers to project future climate conditions has received very little attention in the literature. Several crops are concerned by the present study. Subsequent research will need to specify the crops and examine in greater depth the climate projections made by farmers, in order to validate local knowledge, their contribution to the fight against climate change and improving their resilience

    Analyse de l'efficacité économique d'allocation des ressources dans la production du maïs au Kanem-Tchad

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    La présente recherche vise à identifier les déterminants de l’efficacité et/ou de l’inefficacité économique des producteurs de maïs dans les oasis du Kanem au Tchad. A partir d’une frontière stochastique de production, nous estimons et décomposons en efficacité technique et allocative, les niveaux d’efficacité économique. Les facteurs responsables de l’inefficience ont été mis en relief par l’estimation d’un modèle Tobit pour tenir compte du caractère tronqué (0 ou 1) de la variable dépendante (efficacité). Il ressort de l’analyse de 251 exploitants agricoles observés en 2014, que les valeurs des paramètres estimés montrent que les intrants de production affectent significativement le coût de production. Plus précisément, le prix d’engrais, d’herbicide, de main d’œuvre totale et d’équipement sont les facteurs influençant le plus le coût de production du maïs. Dans l’ensemble, les indices d’efficacité allocative varient de 48,6 % à 95,1 %. L’efficacité allocative moyenne est de 80,5 % et l’efficacité économique de la production de maïs qui indique un niveau variant entre 13,6 % et 83,4 % et la moyenne étant de 55,8 %.En général, ces différents résultats obtenus sur l’efficacité montrent que dans les oasis du Kanem, existent encore des réserves de productivité à valoriser pour augmenter la production du maïs et augmenter les revenus des producteurs. Quant à l’analyse des déterminants de l’efficacité technique et économique, elle montre que les variables telles que sexe, âge, activité principale (agriculture) améliorent l’efficacité technique et économique des producteurs de maïs dans la zone de recherche. Mots clés: Efficacité économique, déterminants de l’efficacité, frontière de production stochastique, production de maïs, oasis du Kanem.The objective of this research is to identify the determinants of the effectiveness or the economic inefficiency of corn producers in the oases of Kanem in Chad. From a stochastic border of production, we estimate and break up into technical and allocative effectiveness, the levels of economic effectiveness. The factors responsible for the inefficiency were highlighted by the estimate of a Tobit model to take into account the truncated character (0 or 1) of the dependent variable (effectiveness). The analysis of the values of estimated parameters of 251 farmers in 2014 showed that production inputs affected significantly the production cost. More precisely, the price of fertilizers, herbicides, total equipment and labour are the factors highly influenced the production cost of corn. As a whole, the indices of allocative effectiveness vary from 48.6 % to 95.1 %. The average allocative effectiveness is 80.5 % and the economic effectiveness of the production of corn indicates a variable level between 43.6 % and 83.4 % with an average of 55.8 %. In general, these various results obtained on the effectiveness show that in the oases of Kanem, exist still reserves of productivity to develop in order to increase the production of corn and to increase the income of the producers. As for the analysis of the determinants of the technical and economic effectiveness, it showed that the variables such as sex, age, principal activity (agriculture) improve the technical and economic effectiveness of the corn producers in the zone of research. Keywords: Economic effectiveness, determinants of the effectiveness, stochastic border of production, corn production, Oasis of Kanem

    Évaluation Du Niveau D’efficacité Technique Des Systèmes De Production A Base De Maïs Au Bénin

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    This study estimates the technical efficiency of a sample of 411 maĂŻzicoles farms in the main production areas in Benin. The study proposed an evaluation of the technical performance of these farms and identified factors of inefficiency by using the model of the production stochastic frontier Cobb-Douglas to assess the levels of efficiencies of systems production involved in the first step. A truncated regression was used in the second stage in order to establish a relationship between the indices of technical efficiency and some exogenous variables or attributes. The results of the first step shows that the index of technical efficiency varies from 37.37 to 96.22% for all systems, and that of the average technical efficiency is 80.35%. The maximum value of technical efficiency of at least 92.75% obtained shows that there are very efficient producers in the study sample as being close to the production frontier. These producers who obtain such a high productivity can be referred to generally improve the productivity of maize production systems in Benin. The results of the second stage indicate that the variables such as access to fertilizers and herbicides, the use of animal traction and tractor, technical guidance and access to credit influence significantly (p <0.05 to p <0.001) the technical efficiency of maize farms surveyed

    Les Pertes Economiques Dues A L’anthracnose De L’anacardier Au Bénin

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    Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is a disease that causes losses of cashew production in Benin. This study aims to evaluate the economic losses in cashew nuts caused by the disease. The data were collected using a questionary on a sample of 84 farmers from 12 villages in Savè (Centre of Benin) and 126 farmers from 13 villages in N'Dali (North of Benin). These data included socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent, anthracnose expression, disease management methods, yield losses, cashew nut yield, and sale price per kg of cashew nuts. In Savè and N’Dali, 98.68% and 100% of farmers, respectively, reported the presence of anthracnose in their plantations. The yield losses were 316.95 kg/ha (72.19%) at Savè and 189.01 kg/ha (54.71%) at N’Dali. In the period of low demand, these losses amounted an average of 68061 FCFA/ha/farmer at Savè and 42316 FCFA/ha/farmer at N'Dali, while in the high demand periods, they were evaluated to 221576 FCFA/ha/farmer and 135339 FCFA/ha/farmer at Savè and at N'Dali, respectively

    Economy-wide effects of climate change in Benin

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    This research analyzes the economic effects of climate change-induced crop yield losses in Benin. As agriculture is a large sector in Benin, the climate change-induced crop yield losses are expected to affect the entire economy as well as household welfare in both rural and urban areas. The paper applies a dynamic general equilibrium model and simulates productivity shocks in the agricultural sector derived from climate change scenarios for Benin. The findings show that climate change-induced crop yield losses reduce domestic agricultural outputs by 4.4% and the nonagricultural output by 0.9% on average by 2025. While export supply decrease by 25.5%, import demand increases by 4.9% on average by 2025. As price of labour and capital decline, household income drop for all household groups by 2.5% on average. Ultimately, household welfare decline for all household groups by 2.7% on average. Rural and particularly poor households are projected to experience the worst adverse effects of climate change-induced crop yield losses. The results show that without adaptive strategies to cope with climate change, economic growth and household welfare will decline even further by 2035 and 2045. Subsequently, the paper suggests that adaptation strategies are needed not only at the national level to overcome the projected negative effects on macroeconomic indicators, but also at household level to enhance the adaptative capacity of households, especially the poor households living in rural areas.Peer Reviewe

    Yam (Dioscorea spp.) responses to the environmental variability in the Guinea Sudan zone of Benin

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    This study analyzed the morphological characteristics and agronomic potentials of yam varieties (Dioscorea spp.) collected across the Guinea Sudan transition zone of Benin. Dioscorea cayenensis - D. rotundata varieties were characterized as wingless; some varieties were spineless, others had few or dense, robust or thin, and short or prickled spines. There was variation in leaf shape, stem and leaf colour, tuber shapes and forking tendencies. The tuber flesh presented different colours, texture, oxidation colour, oxidation time, and ability to irritate. Dioscorea alata varieties were all spineless and showed winged stems, pentagonal or quadrangular. Various leaf and petiole colours, and tuber shapes were observed. On average, the mean Shannon-Weaver index was 0.86 for the external morphology of the tuber, 0.55 for tuber flesh characteristics, and 1.13 for stem and leaf morphology. The pooled mean yield varied between 0.89 and 3.30 kg/heap for the early maturing varieties of the D. cayenensis - D. rotundata, between 0.94 and 3.03 kg/heap for the late varieties, and ranged from 1.45 to 4.17 kg/heap for the D. alata varieties. The year effect was highly significant for variety-type group and species, and was larger than the genotypic effect. The genotype by year interaction effects were highly significant