13 research outputs found

    Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants used by ethnics of Bajau Ubian and Dusun Bonggi on Southern part of Banggi Island, Kudat / Fatin Afinah Abdul Rahman

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    Generally, the ethnobotanical study emphasizes on the relationship of specific ethnicity and plants in various aspect of life such as medicinal, clothing, furnishers, textile, currency, cosmetic, ornamentation, and religious ceremony. This ethnobotanical study is specifically focus on medicinal purpose used by the ethnics of Bajau Ubian and Dusun Bonggi on southern part of Banggi Island that located under sub-district of Kudat. The study was conducted through interviews by several intensive visiting started on end of July 2016 to early of September 2016. A total of 47 species of medicinal plants was noted and collected. These medicinal plants are come from 27 family namely Acanthaceae, Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae, Bigoniaceae, Bombacaceae, Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Iridaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Menispermaceae, Myrtaceae, Moraceae, Musaceae, Poaceae, Piperaceae, Pandanaceae, Rutaceae, Ulmaceae, Solanaceae, Sterculiaceae, Verbenaceae, and Zingiberaceae. As for preparation method, most of these medicinal plants are being boiling and combined with other ingredients, and the part used includes rhizome, leaves, stem, bark tree, and thorn. These medicinal plants are claimed can treated 14 categories of disease such as dermatologic disease, gastrointestinal diseases, menstrual disorder, postnatal care, periodontal diseases, pulmonary system disease, and so on

    Phytase: application in food industry

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    Phytates have been considered as a threat in human diet due to its antinutrients behaviour which known as strong chelators of divalent minerals such as Ca²+, Mg²+, Zn²+ and Fe²+. Phytic acid has a potential for binding positively charged proteins, amino acids, and/or multivalent cations or minerals in foods. The resulting complexes are insoluble, difficult for humans to hydrolyze during digestion, and thus, typically are nutritionally less available for absorption. The reduction of this phytates can be achieved through both enzymatic and non-enzymatic removal. Enzymatic degradation includes addition of either isolated form of wild-type or recombinant exogenous phytate-degrading enzymes microorganisms in the food matrix. Non-enzymatic hydrolysis of phytate occurred in the final food during food processing or physical separation of phytate-rich parts of the plants seed. The application of phytase with respect to breadmaking process, probiotics, animal feed supplement and transgenic crops are emphasised in this paper

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Bubur Bayam Sebagai Makanan Tambahan Dalam Upaya Dini Pencegahan Stunting Di Desa Setungkeplingsar

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    Setungkeplingsar adalah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Keruak, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan kepala Desa Setungkeplingsar, desa ini tercatat memiliki permasalahan di bidang kesehatan yaitu, stunting, yang terjadi pada tahun 2013 dan terselesaikan pada tahun 2022. Stunting terjadi akibat kurangnya pengetahuan ibu rumah tangga tentang makanan bergizi dan pola makan yang sehat. Hal ini juga berdampak pada anak-anak mereka yang mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis makanan yang tidak jelas takaran gizinya dan tidak tertarik untuk mengkonsumi sayur, salah satunya bayam, yang lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A, B kompleks, C, E, magenesium, zat besi, asam folat, kalsium, dan kalium untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mereka. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada ibu-ibu hamil dan ibu-ibu 1000 HPK sebagai masyarakat sasaran tentang bagaimana mengolah bayam menjadi bubur sehingga anak-anak mereka, termasuk masyarakat sasaran, menjadi tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi sayur. Kegiatan ini juga diiringi dengan sosialisasi tentang makanan yang layak dan bergizi untuk dikonsumsi serta bagaimana menjalankan pola makan yang sehat. Metode yang digunakan adalah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Masyarakat sasaran sangat antusias dalam berpartisipasi pada kegiatan pelatihan dan sosialisasi tersebut mulai dari awal hingga akhir kegiatan. Masyarakat sasaran mendapatkan pengalaman dan skill baru tentang bagaimana membuat bubur bayam, serta memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai makanan yang layak untuk dikonsumsi berdasarkan takaran gizi yang tepat dan seimbang dan pola makan yang sehat

    Sustainable Phosphorus Measures: Strategies and Technologies for Achieving Phosphorus Security

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    Phosphorus underpins the world’s food systems by ensuring soil fertility, maximising crop yields, supporting farmer livelihoods and ultimately food security. Yet increasing concerns around long-term availability and accessibility of the world’s main source of phosphorus—phosphate rock, means there is a need to investigate sustainable measures to buffer the world’s food systems against the long and short-term impacts of global phosphorus scarcity. While the timeline of phosphorus scarcity is contested, there is consensus that more efficient use and recycling of phosphorus is required. While the agricultural sector will be crucial in achieving this, sustainable phosphorus measures in sectors upstream and downstream of agriculture from mine to fork will also need to be addressed. This paper presents a comprehensive classification of all potential phosphorus supply- and demand-side measures to meet long-term phosphorus needs for food production. Examples range from increasing efficiency in the agricultural and mining sector, to technologies for recovering phosphorus from urine and food waste. Such measures are often undertaken in isolation from one another rather than linked in an integrated strategy. This integrated approach will enable scientists and policy-makers to take a systematic approach when identifying potential sustainable phosphorus measures. If a systematic approach is not taken, there is a risk of inappropriate investment in research and implementation of technologies and that will not ultimately ensure sufficient access to phosphorus to produce food in the future. The paper concludes by introducing a framework to assess and compare sustainable phosphorus measures and to determine the least cost options in a given context