136 research outputs found

    Building defect investigation and analysis

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    Building defects were used to describe imperfections in constructed buildings that can causes inadequacy or failure. This issue may occur due to problems during design stage or construction stage. Building defects not only occur in specific or certain place, but it involves from many different range which are from complex foundation and framing issues to aesthetic issues. The main purpose of this study is identifying types of the building defects, to determine the causes or factors of the building defects and also to analyze appropriate methods and techniques of building maintenance. In this study, the scope will be focusing in Peninsular Malaysia. Questionnaires are distributed to the selected company and also an interview session is conducted with related person on selected company. Data and information are gathered and analyzed using statistical method which is Average Index Percentage using Microsoft Excel. It is found that, twelve (12) defects are identified which are fungus stain and harmful growth, erosion of mortar joint, peeling paint, defective rendering plaster, cracking walls and leaning walls, defective rainwater goods, decayed floorboards, insect or termite attacks, roof defects, dampness penetration through walls, unstable foundations and poor installation of airconditioning units. The factors that cause the defects are climate condition, location of the building, building type and change of use, maintenance approach to the building, building age, support and humidity. There are many methods to maintaining the building. For example, there are six (6) methods for peeling paint defect which are water washing, stream stripping, chemical paint removers, abrasive method, hot air paint stripper and burning off method. To identify those method are very important so that proper maintenance of building can be made and also to avoid defects form repeating

    Predicting Misleading Financial Statement in Malaysia

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    This study aims to examine the ability of financial ratios in predicting misleading financial statements, specifically in Malaysian environment. This study uses nine financial ratios; seven which are commonly used in previous studies (TLTA, NITA, NIS, CATA, RTA, WCTA & STA) and two additional ratios which have never been tested in previous studies (CFOTA & CFOS). Two time periods were studied to compare the usefulness of financial ratios in predicting misleading financial statements for the first year fraud deem to exist and a year prior it comes out clear. Univariate and multivariate such as independent sample test and logistic regression technique were used to analyze the data. Results from univariate test show six financial ratios are significant while results from logistic regression analysis show that three ratios are significant for the misleading year and two ratios for preceding year. NITA is the only ratio that is significant for all three tests conducted. Thus, it is concluded that financial ratios are able to predict misleading financial statements

    Enhancement Of Traffic Collision Avoidance Using Token Bucket Algorithm

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    Traffic collision is one of the problems that occur in the wired network. In order to provide a high performance network, QoS is required. Traffic shaping is one of the tools to provide QoS in the network traffic. However, implement the basic mechanism of traffic shaping cannot solve the issued. In this project, the optimal size of bucket in Token Bucket Algorithm is used as one of the techniques in traffic shaping. The variables of this algorithm is modified in order to offer the effective proposed token bucket size that can be used in wired network. Then, this project will be tested using OPNET modeler

    Synthesis and Characterization of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs)

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    It is broadly known that carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors. There have been many researches and studies conducted in order to come up with the most effective method for CO2 capture. For this project, variety of new DESs is being synthesized and the prepared DESs are chosen based on the structure of salts and the HBD. Materials selected for this project are potassium carbonate, sodium acetate as salt, ethylene glycol, and levulinic acid as hydrogen bond donor (HBD). This project is an experimental based project and the time period given, the experimental work covers the physical properties analysis which consists of determination of the freezing point, density, viscosity, and refractive index over different pressure, temperature and molar ratio of the mixtures. Densities, viscosities and refractive index of sample formed decrease with an increase of temperature and an increase of HBD content. The temperature dependence of densities and refractive indexes for sample are correlated by an empirical linear function, and the viscosities are fitted using Vogel-Tamman-Flucher (VTF) equation. In this project, Peng- Robinson (PR) Equation of State (EoS) is used to measure the solubility of CO2. The CO2 solubility of the studied DESs increases as the pressure and HBD content increases

    Ibn Al-Baitar: the pioneer of botanist and pharmacist

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    Ahmad Ibn Al-Baitar was one of the greatest scientists of Muslim Spain and also a well-known botanist and pharmacist of a Middle Ages. By using all the knowledge he learnt from Abu Al-Ábbas, he start collecting plants in and around Andalusia before he left Spain for plants collecting expeditions and travel along the North African coast before he authored his valuable books at Egypt. Ibn Al-Baitar’s major contribution, Kitab Al-Jame’, described about the basic medicines and nutrients derived from plants, animals, and minerals which hold a high status among botanist up to 18th century. He did not write something without first having observation and he had full confidence in inferences and deductions. Besides that, Ibn Al-Baitar was the first who specifies the timing of medicines, which one to be taken during the night and which were to be taken during the day


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    ملخض البحث هذا البحث يهدف إلى معرفة فعالية استخدام الطريقةmimicrymemorizatnonفي تدريس المفردات في المدرسة الثانوية المحمدية 8 باتو للفصل السابع Cوالفصل السابع D و إلي معرفة درجة ترقية الطلاب في حفظ المفردات بعد استخدام طريقةmimicry memorization. منهجية البحث المستخدمة هي المنهجالتجريبي بالطريقة "Nonequivalent Control GroupDesign" وهيإحدى منQuasi Experimental Design.وكان محل البحث في المدرسة الثانوية المحمدية 8 باتو. إختارت الباحثة تختار فصلين باعتبارات معينة وهما: الفصل الأول يعني الفصل السابع Cكان البحث فيه باستخدام الطريقةmimicry memorizationو يسمى هذا الفصل فصل تجريبي و الفصل الثانى كان البحث فيه بدون استخدام الطريقةmimicry memorization و يسمى هذا الفصل فصل ضابط. و كان البحث يحصل على نتيجة التدريس من الاختبار القبلي و الاختبار البعدي.و أما جمع البيانات فتستخدم الباحثةالملاحظة، والتوثيق، و الاختبار الشفوى و تحليل البيانات المستخدمة في هذا البحث هو الاختبارات التسوية باستخدامShapiro Wilkثم Independent Sample T-Test. تدل نتيجة البحث على: (1) أن استخدام طريقةmimicrymemorization لتدريس المفردات في المدرسة الثانوية المحمدية 8 باتو فعالية. (2) درجة ترقية الطلاب في حفظ المفردات بعد استخدام طريقةmimicry memorization تعني0,6 التي تدل على أن الدرجة معتدل


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap ilmiah siswa muatan IPA dan muatan Bahasa Indonesia subtema hewan dan tumbuhan di lingkungan rumahku pada siswa kelas IV SD 5 Termulus dengan diterapkannya model outdoor learning berbantuan media papan gambar. Outdoor Learning adalah metode pembelajaran dengan mengajak siswa untuk mempelajari objek-objek pembelajaran yang ada dilingkungan sekolah. Sikap ilmiah adalah sikap yang harus dimiliki siswa. Sikap yang penting dimiliki oleh usia sekolah dasar meliputi kejujuran, keingintahuan, keterbukaan, dan ketidakpercayaan. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui model outdoor learning dapat meningkatkan sikap ilmiah IPA dan keterampilan guru dalam pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SD 5 Termulus dengan subjek penelitian 15 siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai adalah lembar wawancara, lembar observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan merupakan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model outdoor learning berbantuan media papan gambar dapat meningkatkan sikap ilmiah siswa pada siklus I dan siklus II. Sikap ilmiah siswa aspek kognitif mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I mendapat 72,33% dengan kriteria tinggi menjadi 80% dengan kriteria sangat tinggi pada siklus II. Sikap ilmiah siswa aspek afektif mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I 69,58% kriteria baik menjadi 78,77% kriteria baik pada siklus II. Sikap ilmiah siswa aspek psikomotorik mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I sebesar 74,44% kriteria baik menjadi 88,88% kriteria sangat baik pada siklus II. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan model outdoor learning berbantuan media papan gambar dapat meningkatkan sikap ilmiah siswa pada muatan IPA dan bahasa Indonesia subtema hewan dan tumbuhan di lingkungan rumahku di SD 5 Termulus. Berdasaran hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan pada kelas IV SD 5 Termulus dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model outdoor learning berbantuan media papan gambar muatan IPA dan Bahasa Indonesia dapat meningkatkan sikap ilmiah siswa subtema hewan dan tumbuhan di lingkungan rumahku di kelas IV SD 5 Termulus

    استخدام برنامج اختبار الكتابة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بجامعة محمدية مالانج

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    مستخلص البحث إن تعليم مهارة الكتابة هي إحدى المهارات اللغوية الأربعة في تعليم اللغة العربية. ووجدت الباحثة المشكلات في تعليم مهارة الكتابة هي أخطاء في إعطاء الحركة والكتابة البطيئة وعدم وجود فراغات. والأهداف من هذا البحث: 1) وصف استخدام برنامج اختبار الكتابة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بجامعة محمدية مالانج. 2) فعالية استخدام برنامج اختبار الكتابة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بجامعة محمدية مالانج. والمنهج المستخدم في هذا البحث هو المنهج التجريبي بالمدخل الكمي ويتضمن على فصلين، وهما: الفصل الضابط والفصل التجريبي. وأما الأسلوب المستخدم لجمع البيانات هي المقابلة والملاحظة والإستبانة والإختبار. وأسلوب تحليل البيانات المستخدم هي أسلوب تحليل الكيفي والكمي. النتيجة لهذا البحث هي:(1) يستعد الطلبة الحاسوب الذي يتصل إلى شبكة الدولية، يدخل الطلاب إلى هذا الموقع الالكتروني بعنوان http://ajher.co.id، تسجيل باستخدام gmail، شرحت الباحثة استخدام الويب، امرت الباحثة ان تختار قائمة البرنامج التعليمي، شرحت الباحثة هذه قائمة وهو برنامج تعليمي لكتابة الحروف العربية و علامة الترقيم باستخدام 10 أصابع، طلبت من الطلاب عن محاولة برنامج لكتابة الحروف و علامة الترقيم باستخدام 10 أصابع. (2) استخدام ويب اختبار الكتابة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بجامعة محمدية مالانج فعالة. بدليل أن نتيجة (T) 0،00 وهو أقل من 0.05 بمعنى أن H0 رفض و H1 مقبول. لذلك يمكن الاستنتاج أن استخدام ويب اختبار الكتابة العربية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بجامعة محمدية مالانج فعالية. ABSTRACT Teaching writing is one of the four language skills in teaching Arabic. The researcher found the problems in teaching writing skill are errors in giving movement and slow writing and the absence of spaces. This study aims to 1) Describe the use of the Arabic writing test program in teaching writing skill at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. 2) The effectiveness of using the Arabic writing test program in teaching writing skill at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a quantitative approach, which includes two classes, namely: the control class and the experimental class. The methods used to collect data are interviews, observations, questionnaires and tests. The data analysis method used is qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The result of this research is: (1) The students prepare the computer that connects to the international network, the students enter this website with the address http://ajher.co.id, register using gmail, the researcher explained the use of the web, she instructed the researcher to choose the list of the educational program The researcher explained this list, which is an educational program for writing Arabic letters and punctuation using 10 fingers. She asked the students about trying a program to write letters and punctuation using 10 fingers. (2) Using the Arabic Writing Test Web to teach writing skills at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is effective. Evidence that the result of (T) 0.00 which is less than 0.05, meaning that H0 is rejected and H1 is acceptable. Therefore, it can be concluded that using the Arabic writing test web in teaching writing skills at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is effective. ABSTRAK Keterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu dari keterampilan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. Peneliti menemukan beberapa masalah yang terdapat pada keterampilan menulis yaitu kesalahan dalam memberikan harokat dan penulisan yang lambat dan tidak adanya spasi dalam menulis.Tujuan dari penelitian ini: 1) mendeskripsikan penggunaan program Arabic Typing Test pada pembelajaran keterampilan menulis di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. 2) efektivitas penggunaan program Arabic Typing Test dalam pembelajaran keterampilan menulis di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, yang meliputi dua kelas, yaitu: kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah wawancara, observasi, angket dan tes. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mahasiswa menyiapkan komputer dan jaringan karena web hanya dapat diakses melalui komputer. 2) pada proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan website Arabic Typing Test, dimulai dengan salam dan absensi 3) Peneliti menginstruksikan mahasiswa untuk masuk ke website dengan alamat http://ajher.co.id kemudian melakukan registrasi menggunakan gmail dan memilih login. 4) Peneliti memperkenalkan dan menjelaskan kegunaan dari website ini. 5) Setelah waktu selesai peneliti memberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya apa yang mereka gunakan dan apa yang mereka tidak mengerti. 8) kemudian diakhiri dengan doa dan salam. Penggunaan Web Tes Menulis Arab dalam pengajaran keterampilan menulis di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang efektif. Bukti bahwa hasil dari uji (T) adalah 0,00, ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil lebih kecil dari 0,05, artinya H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan web tes menulis bahasa Arab dalam pengajaran keterampilan menulis di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang efektif

    Conceptual Design and Analysis of Small-Scale Wind Turbine for Household Usage in Malaysia

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    Wind energy is a valuable renewable resource that holds great potential for generating electrical power through wind turbines. However, there is a lack of practical and cost-effective small-scale wind turbines designed specifically for household usage. This study aims to address this need by focusing on the design and performance analysis of a small-scale vertical Darrieus wind turbine tailored for household applications in Malaysia. The objective is to propose an optimized turbine design that maximizes energy conversion efficiency. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations using ANSYS Fluent software are conducted to evaluate the turbine's performance, with the power coefficient (Cp) calculated at various tip speed ratios (TSR). Two 3D designs with different blade configurations are developed using SolidWorks for the CFD simulations. The findings from this study contribute to the design optimization and performance evaluation of vertical Darrieus wind turbines, providing a sustainable and viable alternative for residential energy needs. This research addresses the pressing demand for clean and affordable energy solutions in Malaysia and supports the transition towards renewable sources