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    Abstrak Kepahlawanan Tokoh Wiranggaleng dalam Novel Arus Balik Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer (Teori The Heros Journey Christopher Vogler) Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian berjenis deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tahap-tahap Act One, Act Two, dan Act Three yang dilalui Wiranggaleng dalam novel Arus Balik karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer berdasarkan toeri The Hero’s Journey yang dikemukakan oleh C. Vogler. Data mengenai tahap-tahap Act One, Act Two, dan Act Three berupa kata, kalimat, paragraf, dan wacana dalam novel Arus Balik, didapat dari studi pustaka dengan teknik simak-catat. Model yang diguanakan dalam analisis adalah model Miles dan Huberman. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Wiranggaleng menjalani tahapan perjalanan pahlawan, melalui tahap-tahap Act One yaitu keberangkatan sang pahlawan untuk berpetualang, tahap-tahap Act One diantaranya: Ordinary World, Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting with the Mentor, dan Crossing the First Threshold. Tahap-tahap Act Two yaitu inisiasi yang dilalui oleh sang pahlawan, tahap-tahap Act Two diantaranya: Tests, Allies, Enemies, Approach to the Inmost Cave, The Ordeal, dan Reward. Dan tahap-tahap Act Three yaitu kembalinya sang pahlawan dari petualangan, tahap-tahap Act Three diantaranya: The Road Back, The Resurrection, dan Return with The Elixir., Petualangan Wiranggaleng yang dulunya adalah seorang petani desa menjadi seorang punggawa dimulai dari Syahbandar-muda Wiranggaleng, senapati hingga seorang panglima pasukan perang yang mengemban cita-cita menahan arus balik dan telah mencoba untuk melawan Peranggi. Kata Kunci: Pahlawan, The Hero’s Journey, Christopher Vogler AbstractHeroism of Wiranggaleng in Arus Balik Novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer ( Theory The Hero’s Journey by Christopher Vogler) This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The purpose of this research is describing the stages of Act One, Act Two, and Act Three that Wiranggaleng goes through in Arus Balik novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This research data is the stages of Act One, Act two, and Act Three, in the form of word, sentences, paragraphs, and discourse in Arus Balik novel, obtained from library research with note taking techniques. The models used in the analiysis are the Miles and Huberman’s model. The results showed that Wiranggaleng goes through the stages of the hero’s journey, through the Act One stages is departure of the hero, Act One’s stages including: Ordinary World, Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting with the Mentor, and Crossing the First Threshold. Act Two stages is initiation. Act Two’s stages including: Test, Allies, Enemies, Approach to the Inmost Cave, The Ordeal, and Reward. Act Three stages is return of the hero, Act Three’s including: The Road Back, The Resurrection, and Return with The Elixir. Wiranggalengs Journey, which used to be a village farmer became a courtier, starting from the young-Syahbandar Wiranggaleng, until he was a commander of the army who carried out the ideals of holding back the flowand had tried to fight the Peranggi. Keywords: Heroic, The Hero’s Journey, Christopher Vogle


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    تأثير الفكر القاجاري الأثري على تكوين وتوسع العمارة في الدولة خلال فترة رضا شاه بهلوي [Ar] أصبح نشر وتعزيز الهوية الوطنية لإيران الحديثة من خلال التأكيد على الإرث الحضاري لعصر ما قبل الإسلام، والذي تم طرحه في الأوساط الفكرية للفترة القاجارية، سياسةً رسميةً للبلاد خلال الحكومة البهلوية الأولى وانعكس ذلك في تصميم عدد من المباني الحكومية الجديدة تحت عنوان الطراز «الأثري»؛ كما أن الأعمال التي تنتمي إلى الطراز المذكور تعتبر اليوم سمات دائمة للعصر البهلوي الأول. تتناول هذه المقالة مسألتين تتعلقان بهذا النوع من الهندسة المعمارية؛ أولاً، من أجل إنشاء طراز أثري وطني، كان هناك نوعان من الأنماط هى الأخمينية والساسانية، تجاهل المهندسون المعماريون عن وعي الطراز الساساني - باستثناء نماذج قليلة - وجعلوا العمارة والزخارف الأخمينية النموذج الرئيسي لعملهم. ثانيًا، على الرغم من الأهمية الكبيرة لبناء الهوية التاريخية لدى النظام البهلوي الأول، فإن المباني الحكومية التي تحمل هذا الطراز من العمارة تم بناءها في الغالب في العاصمة فقط، وتتواجد بقلة في الأجزاء الأخرى من البلاد. من خلال دراسة أفكار الشخصيات الجوهرية الأثري مثل فتح علي أخوند زاده وجلال الدين ميرزا قاجار وآغا خان كرماني، تم دراسة وتحليل المكونات الرئيسية لهذه الأفكار مثل الحاجة إلى الخروج على التقاليد، التنافس مع الغرب، إظهار القوة والنظر إلى التاريخ باعتباره كأداة، حيث اتضح أنه لا يمكن لأي طراز معماري أن يشمل جميع هذه المكونات سوى الطراز الأخميني. فيما يتعلق بالعوامل التي تحدد عدد الاعمال التي تحمل هذا الطراز، فقد أثيرت القضايا الاقتصادية والثقافية المتزايدة كعوامل رئيسية محددة لذلك. تخلى المعماريون الإيرانيون الداعون للحداثة عن طراز العمارة القديمة عند توليهم المشاريع الحكومية الكبيرة أواخر الثلاثينيات من القرن الماضي. يعتمد النهج النظري لهذه المقالة على نهج التاريخ الثقافي والطريقة التاريخية التحليلية. [En] Discussions among Qajar intellectuals on promoting modern Iranian national identity with an emphasis on pre–Islamic heritage became official state policy in the Reza Shah Pahlavi government. This was manifested in several «archaic» public buildings now seen as the lasting monuments of this period. This study explores two points on this architectural style: Firstly, despite the availability of Achaemenid and Sassanid models to inspire their indigenous archaic style, most architects consciously ignored the Sassanid style and modeled their works after Achaemenid architecture. Secondly, despite the profound importance of archaic identity in the Pahlavi government, most such buildings were built in the capital and only a few in other regions. The ideas of major figures such as Fath–Ali Akhundzadeh, Jalal–al–Din Mirza Qajar, and Aqa Khan Kermani were explored to study the main components of archaism, such as anti–traditionalism, confrontation with the West, manifestation of power, and historical instrumentalism. Only the neo–Achaemenid style could have provided all these components, and economic and cultural problems explain the limited number of works. Iranian archaic architecture was rooted in 19th-century AD European eclecticism with a similar end. Like the western modernist movement’s ability to put aside eclecticism in the early 20th century AD, modernist Iranian architects designed most state projects in the late 1940s and dropped archaism. This historical–cultural study is based on a historical–analytical methodology


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    This study aims to determine the effect of inflation and exchange rates on theprofitability of Islamic Commercial Banks listed at OJK in 2016-2020. The analyticalmethod used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. for hypothesis testingusing SPSS. The results of this study indicate that 1) the inflation variable has asignificant negative effect on profitability (Y). 2) the exchange rate variable has no effecton profitability (Y). while the inflation and exchange rate variables affect profitability

    Deep and Superficial Cervical Flexor Muscles Strength in Female Students with Forward Head Posture Compared to Normal Group Using Electromyography and Pressure Bio- Feedback Device

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    Abstract: Background & Aims: Forward head posture deformity is a disorder in head weight balance condition leading to some alterations in cervical muscles, strength. This research aimed to determine the strength of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles in female students with forward head posture compared to the normal group. Methods: From the total of 724 female students in Shahid Bahonar University taking physical education I course, 60 students were enrolled into the two equal groups of with and without forward head posture. For selecting subjects, Posture screen test, New York test and lateral photography in stand position were used. Pressure Biofeedback device was applied to investigate the strength of cervical muscles during two craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) and combination test. To ensure proper performance of tests, Surface Electromyography was used. Results: The two groups showed significant difference in deep cervical muscles strengths (P=0.002), while there was no significant difference between the two groups in superficial flexor muscles strength (P=0.803). Conclusion: Since activation of superficial cervical flexor muscles leads to deep cervical flexor muscles inactivity, designing training programs involving just deep flexor muscles seems to be essential in individuals with forward head posture deformity. Keywords: Neck muscles, Forward head posture, Craniovertebral angle, Electromyography, Pressure Bio-feedback devic

    The demyelination and altered motor performance following electrolytic lesion in the ventrolateral white matter of spinal cord in male rats: Benefit of post-injury administration of estradiol

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    Introduction: Spinal cord injuries are accompanied with significant demyelination of axons and subsequent locomotor dysfunction. To identify the extent of damage following electrolytic lesion of ventrolateral white matter, essential area for initiation of locomotor activity, we assessed demyelination as well as alteration in motor performance. Moreover, the protective effect of estradiol as a candidate treatment for preservation of myelin and locomotor activity after injury was examined due to its antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory activities. Methods: A unilateral electrolytic lesion positioned in the right ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) was applied following laminectomy at T8-T9. In the estradiol-treated injury group, animals received a pharmacological single dose of estradiol valerate (4 mg/kg) at 30min post injury. Locomotor function was assessed using rotarod and open field tasks during 4 weeks after injury. Results: Obtained results showed significant demyelination at the site of injury and caudal areas following lesion as well as altered motor performance. Post-spinal cord injury administration of estradiol enhanced white matter maintenance at the site of lesion, restored the level of myelin basic protein (MBP), decreased TUNEL positive cells and improved functional recovery. Conclusion: Taken together, these results indicate that demyelination after lesion in VLF may be a contributing factor to limited motor performance, and suggest that pharmacological doses of estradiol may have an early protective effect through sparing of white matter. © 2016, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    Role of Microglia and Astrocyte in Central Pain Syndrome Following Electrolytic Lesion at the Spinothalamic Tract in Rats

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    Central pain syndrome (CPS) is a debilitating state and one of the consequences of spinal cord injury in patients. Many pathophysiological aspects of CPS are not well documented. Spinal glia activation has been identified as a key factor in the sensory component of chronic pain. In this study, the role of glial subtypes in the process of CPS induced by unilateral electrolytic lesion of spinothalamic tract (STT) is investigated. Male rats received a laminectomy at T8–T9 and then unilateral electrolytic lesion centered on the STT. Thermal and mechanical thresholds as well as locomotor function were measured on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 post-injuries by tail flick, von Frey filament, and open field tests, respectively. To investigate the spinal glial activation following denervation in STT-lesioned groups, Iba1 and GFAP were detected by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting at the same time points. Data showed that STT lesion significantly decreased thermal pain at day 3 in comparison with sham groups. Significant bilateral allodynia appeared in hind paws at day 14 after spinal cord injury and continued to day 28 (P<0.05). Additionally, electrolytic spinal lesion attenuated locomotor function of injured animals after 7 days (P<0.05). In both histological assessments and Western blotting, Iba1 increased at days 3 and 7 while increased GFAP occurred from day 14 to 28 after lesion. It appears that microglial activation is important in the early stages of pain development and astrocytic activation occurs later. These events may lead to behavioral outcomes especially central neuropathic pain

    The representation of legitimacy in Sassanian coins (Kavad I and Zamasp eras)

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    The representation of legitimacy in Sassanian coins (Kavad I and Zamasp eras)In each era, social, cultural and political aspects, and their changes have a prominent role on the creation of the Governmental artworks that tries to act as a public media to show their power and legitimacy trends. This study wishes to survey the symbols of Sassanian coins and the role of this visual media from the power and legitimacy point of view during Kavad I (r. 488-531 AD) and Zamasp (r. 496-499 AD) eras, as a challenging period of the Sassanid dynasty. We try to show how Sassanid kings used artworks, especially coins, because of their spreads to transfer their legitimacy messages, thus they used it as the most principal media to show the power and its changes to publics. The result shows the changes during the first reign of Kavad I and after his deposing by clergies due to supporting the Mazdakites doctrine, raise of Zamasp to the throne and the second reign of Kavad I that they used various icons and symbols rooted in Zoroastrian beliefs to show their power and legitimacy according to condition changes. The emphasis of Kavad I on astrologic signs as the symbol of charisma and, in contrast, the representation of Zamasp, the successor of Kavad I after deposing, in the form of receiving diadem as a sign of his superiority and power, and the reuse of traditional symbols of legitimacy by Kavad I in the combination of diadem as the representation of his legitimacy after his second reign are some documents of visual changes of this challenging period. Wizerunkowa legitymizacja władzy na monetach Sasanidów (za Kavada i za I Zamaspa)W każdej epoce zmienne czynniki społeczne, kulturowe i polityczne mają istotne znaczenie dla tworzenia dzieł sztuki, które w sferze publicznej mają się stać nośnikiem legitymizowania przez sprawujących rządy ich władzy politycznej. Celem niniejszego studium jest zbadanie symboli przedstawionych na monetach bitych przez władców z dynastii Sasanidów i ich roli jako medium wizualnego w legitymizowaniu władzy w trudnym dla Sasanidów okresie za panowania Kawada I (488-531) i Zamaspa (496-499). Chcemy pokazać, w jaki sposób obaj królowie sasanidzcy w przekazie społecznym wykorzystywali dzieła sztuki, przede wszystkim monety, jako podstawowe medium dla ugruntowania legitymizowanych zmian na tronie. W rezultacie podjętych badań ustalono, że wobec zmiany sytuacji w pierwszym okresie panowania Kawada I i po jego obaleniu przez kapłanów z powodu wspierania przez króla nauk Mazdaka, po osadzeniu na tronie Zamaspa i w czasie drugiego panowania Kawada I wykorzystywane były różne wizerunki i symbole, zakorzenione w zaratusztranizmie, po to by umocnić władców i legitymizować ich władzę, adekwatnie do zachodzących zmian. Podkreślenie przez Kawada I roli znaków astrologicznych jako symbolu charyzmy, z drugiej zaś strony przedstawienie wizerunku Zamaspa – następcy usuniętego z tronu Kawada – jako tego, który otrzymuje diadem na znak jego zwierzchności i władzy, jak też ponowne wykorzystanie przez Kawada I tradycyjnych symboli legitymizacji w powiązaniu z diademem wyobrażającym go jako prawowitego władcę w drugim okresie jego panowania – to niektóre ze świadectw dokumentujących przemiany wizerunkowe w okresie trudnych wyzwań

    Suggested Drugs for Human Strabismic Extraocular Muscle

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    Background: Misalignment of the eyes is called strabismus that is one of the most common disorders in ophthalmology. This disorder must be rapidly diagnosed because late diagnosis increases the probability for surgery. Genetic and environmental risk factors are involved in the prevalence of strabismus. This study aimed to investigate differentially expressed genes in patients with the extraocular muscles (EOMs) and heathy individuals, and also elucidating suggestive drugs for the treatment of the disease. Methods: The data were collected from Gene Expression Omnibus, comprising series of GSE38780. To detect hub genes with dysregulated expression, microarray data were used. Statistical methods extract differentially expressed genes and network analyses were used to detect potential biomarkers of EOMs. Then drugs were suggested based on potential biomarkers. Results: 2009 DEGs were identified by help of adjusted &nbsp;P value and log fold change. DEGs were mapped on PPI data obtained from STRING database and PPI network was extracted after considering interactions. Centrality of nodes in network was calculated and 10 nodes with highest centrality as marker genes were identified. Ten potential biomarker including CYCS, NDUFV1, COX5A, NDUFB9, SDHA, NDUFS2, UQCR10, UQCR11, MDH2 and UQCRC1 were identified and Six candidate drugs based on them were suggested including NV-128, ME-344, Metformin Hydrochloride, Famoxadone, Albumin Human and Cisplatin. Conclusion: This work was conducted to identify potential biomarker for strabismus and seeking the candidate drugs for it. The marker genes are the most important genes based on statistical and network analysis. By use of potential biomarkers, six drugs were suggested