
Deep and Superficial Cervical Flexor Muscles Strength in Female Students with Forward Head Posture Compared to Normal Group Using Electromyography and Pressure Bio- Feedback Device


Abstract: Background & Aims: Forward head posture deformity is a disorder in head weight balance condition leading to some alterations in cervical muscles, strength. This research aimed to determine the strength of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles in female students with forward head posture compared to the normal group. Methods: From the total of 724 female students in Shahid Bahonar University taking physical education I course, 60 students were enrolled into the two equal groups of with and without forward head posture. For selecting subjects, Posture screen test, New York test and lateral photography in stand position were used. Pressure Biofeedback device was applied to investigate the strength of cervical muscles during two craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) and combination test. To ensure proper performance of tests, Surface Electromyography was used. Results: The two groups showed significant difference in deep cervical muscles strengths (P=0.002), while there was no significant difference between the two groups in superficial flexor muscles strength (P=0.803). Conclusion: Since activation of superficial cervical flexor muscles leads to deep cervical flexor muscles inactivity, designing training programs involving just deep flexor muscles seems to be essential in individuals with forward head posture deformity. Keywords: Neck muscles, Forward head posture, Craniovertebral angle, Electromyography, Pressure Bio-feedback devic

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