41 research outputs found

    MNDA, a PYHIN factor involved in transcriptional regulation and apoptosis control in leukocytes

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    Inflammation control is critical during the innate immune response. Such response is triggered by the detection of molecules originating from pathogens or damaged host cells by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). PRRs subsequently initiate intra-cellular signalling through different pathways, resulting in i) the production of inflammatory cytokines, including type I interferon (IFN), and ii) the initiation of a cascade of events that promote both immediate host responses as well as adaptive immune responses. All human PYRIN and HIN-200 domains (PYHIN) protein family members were initially proposed to be PRRs, although this view has been challenged by reports that revealed their impact on other cellular mechanisms. Of relevance here, the human PYHIN factor myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) has recently been shown to directly control the transcription of genes encoding factors that regulate programmed cell death and inflammation. While MNDA is mainly found in the nucleus of leukocytes of both myeloid (neutrophils and monocytes) and lymphoid (B-cell) origin, its subcellular localization has been shown to be modulated in response to genotoxic agents that induce apoptosis and by bacterial constituents, mediators of inflammation. Prior studies have noted the importance of MNDA as a marker for certain forms of lymphoma, and as a clinical prognostic factor for hematopoietic diseases characterized by defective regulation of apoptosis. Abnormal expression of MNDA has also been associated with altered levels of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Refining our comprehension of the regulatory mechanisms governing the expression of MNDA and other PYHIN proteins, as well as enhancing our definition of their molecular functions, could significantly influence the management and treatment strategies of numerous human diseases. Here, we review the current state of knowledge regarding PYHIN proteins and their role in innate and adaptive immune responses. Emphasis will be placed on the regulation, function, and relevance of MNDA expression in the control of gene transcription and RNA stability during cell death and inflammation

    Par-4 Links Dopamine Signaling and Depression

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    SummaryProstate apoptosis response 4 (Par-4) is a leucine zipper containing protein that plays a role in apoptosis. Although Par-4 is expressed in neurons, its physiological role in the nervous system is unknown. Here we identify Par-4 as a regulatory component in dopamine signaling. Par-4 directly interacts with the dopamine D2 receptor (D2DR) via the calmodulin binding motif in the third cytoplasmic loop. Calmodulin can effectively compete with Par-4 binding in a Ca2+-dependent manner, providing a route for Ca2+-mediated downregulation of D2DR efficacy. To examine the importance of the Par-4/D2DR interaction in dopamine signaling in vivo, we used a mutant mouse lacking the D2DR interaction domain of Par-4, Par-4ΔLZ. Primary neurons from Par-4ΔLZ embryos exhibit an enhanced dopamine-cAMP-CREB signaling pathway, indicating an impairment in dopamine signaling in these cells. Remarkably, Par-4ΔLZ mice display significantly increased depression-like behaviors. Collectively, these results provide evidence that Par-4 constitutes a molecular link between impaired dopamine signaling and depression

    Persistence of Different Forms of Transient RNAi during Apoptosis in Mammalian Cells

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    Gene silencing by transient or stable RNA-interference (RNAi) is used for the study of apoptosis with an assumption that apoptotic events will not influence RNAi. However, we recently reported that stable RNAi, i.e., a permanent gene-knockdown mediated by shRNA-generating DNA vectors that are integrated in the genome, fails rapidly after induction of apoptosis due to caspase-3-mediated cleavage and inactivation of the endoribonuclease Dicer-1 that is required for conversion of shRNA to siRNA. Since apoptosis studies also increasingly employ transient RNAi models in which apoptosis is induced immediately after a gene is temporarily knocked down within a few days of transfection with RNAi-inducing agents, we examined the impact of apoptosis on various models of transient RNAi. We report here that unlike the stable RNAi, all forms of transient RNAi, whether Dicer-1-independent (by 21mer dsRNA) or Dicer-1-dependent (by 27mer dsRNA or shRNA-generating DNA vector), whether for an exogenous gene GFP or an endogenous gene poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1, do not fail for 2–3 days after onset of apoptosis. Our results reflect the differences in dynamics of achieving and maintaining RNAi during the early phase after transfection in the transient RNAi model and the late steady-state phase of gene-knockdown in stable RNAi model. Our results also sound a cautionary note that RNAi status should be frequently validated in the studies involving apoptosis and that while stable RNAi can be safely used for the study of early apoptotic events, transient RNAi is more suitable for the study of both early and late apoptotic events

    Targeting of AMSH to endosomes is required for epidermal growth factor receptor degradation

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    To reach the lysosomes, down-regulated receptors such as the epidermal growth factor receptor must first be sorted into internal vesicles of late endosomes (multivesicular bodies), a ubiquitin-dependent event that requires the coordinated function of the endosome sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) proteins. Here we report that CHMP3, an ESCRT-III complex component, and associated molecule of SH3 domain of STAM (AMSH), a deubiquitinating enzyme, interact with each other in cells. A dominant-negative version of CHMP3, which specifically prevents targeting of AMSH to endosomes, inhibits degradation but not internalization of EGFR, suggesting that endosomal AMSH is a functional component of the multivesicular body pathway

    PI 3 Kinase Related Kinases-Independent Proteolysis of BRCA1 Regulates Rad51 Recruitment during Genotoxic Stress in Human Cells

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    The function of BRCA1 in response to ionizing radiation, which directly generates DNA double strand breaks, has been extensively characterized. However previous investigations have produced conflicting data on mutagens that initially induce other classes of DNA adducts. Because of the fundamental and clinical importance of understanding BRCA1 function, we sought to rigorously evaluate the role of this tumor suppressor in response to diverse forms of genotoxic stress.We investigated BRCA1 stability and localization in various human cells treated with model mutagens that trigger different DNA damage signaling pathways. We established that, unlike ionizing radiation, either UVC or methylmethanesulfonate (MMS) (generating bulky DNA adducts or alkylated bases respectively) induces a transient downregulation of BRCA1 protein which is neither prevented nor enhanced by inhibition of PIKKs. Moreover, we found that the proteasome mediates early degradation of BRCA1, BARD1, BACH1, and Rad52 implying that critical components of the homologous recombination machinery need to be functionally abrogated as part of the early response to UV or MMS. Significantly, we found that inhibition of BRCA1/BARD1 downregulation is accompanied by the unscheduled recruitment of both proteins to chromatin along with Rad51. Consistently, treatment of cells with MMS engendered complete disassembly of Rad51 from pre-formed ionizing radiation-induced foci. Following the initial phase of BRCA1/BARD1 downregulation, we found that the recovery of these proteins in foci coincides with the formation of RPA and Rad51 foci. This indicates that homologous recombination is reactivated at later stage of the cellular response to MMS, most likely to repair DSBs generated by replication blocks.Taken together our results demonstrate that (i) the stabilities of BRCA1/BARD1 complexes are regulated in a mutagen-specific manner, and (ii) indicate the existence of mechanisms that may be required to prevent the simultaneous recruitment of conflicting signaling pathways to sites of DNA damage

    Electron transfer dissociation (ETD): The mass spectrometric breakthrough essential for O‐GlcNAc protein site assignments—a study of the O‐GlcNAcylated protein Host Cell Factor C1

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    The development of electron-based, unimolecular dissociation MS, i.e. electron capture and electron transfer dissociation (ECD and ETD, respectively), has greatly increased the speed and reliability of labile PTM site assignment. The field of intracellular O-GlcNAc (O-linked N-acetylglucosamine) signaling has especially advanced with the advent of ETD MS. Only within the last five years have proteomic-scale experiments utilizing ETD allowed the assignment of hundreds of O-GlcNAc sites within cells and subcellular structures. Our ability to identify and unambiguously assign the site of O-GlcNAc modifications using ETD is rapidly increasing our understanding of this regulatory glycosylation and its potential interaction with other PTMs. Here, we discuss the advantages of using ETD, complimented with collisional-activation MS, in a study of the extensively O-GlcNAcylated protein Host Cell Factor C1 (HCF-1). HCF-1 is a transcriptional coregulator that forms a stable complex with O-GlcNAc transferase and controls cell cycle progression. ETD, along with higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD) MS, was employed to assign the PTMs of the HCF-1 protein isolated from HEK293T cells. These include 19 sites of O-GlcNAcylation, two sites of phosphorylation, and two sites bearing dimethylarginine, and showcase the residue-specific, PTM complexity of this regulator of cell proliferation

    Ikaros and GATA-1 Combinatorial Effect Is Required for Silencing of Human γ-Globin Genes▿

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    During development and erythropoiesis, globin gene expression is finely modulated through an important network of transcription factors and chromatin modifying activities. In this report we provide in vivo evidence that endogenous Ikaros is recruited to the human β-globin locus and targets the histone deacetylase HDAC1 and the chromatin remodeling protein Mi-2 to the human γ-gene promoters, thereby contributing to γ-globin gene silencing at the time of the γ- to β-globin gene transcriptional switch. We show for the first time that Ikaros interacts with GATA-1 and enhances the binding of the latter to different regulatory regions across the locus. Consistent with these results, we show that the combinatorial effect of Ikaros and GATA-1 impairs close proximity between the locus control region and the human γ-globin genes. Since the absence of Ikaros also affects GATA-1 recruitment to GATA-2 promoter, we propose that the combinatorial effect of Ikaros and GATA-1 is not restricted to globin gene regulation

    Essential Dosage-Dependent Functions of the Transcription Factor Yin Yang 1 in Late Embryonic Development and Cell Cycle Progression

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    Constitutive ablation of the Yin Yang 1 (YY1) transcription factor in mice results in peri-implantation lethality. In this study, we used homologous recombination to generate knockout mice carrying yy1 alleles expressing various amounts of YY1. Phenotypic analysis of yy1 mutant embryos expressing ∼75%, ∼50%, and ∼25% of the normal complement of YY1 identified a dosage-dependent requirement for YY1 during late embryogenesis. Indeed, reduction of YY1 levels impairs embryonic growth and viability in a dose-dependent manner. Analysis of the corresponding mouse embryonic fibroblast cells also revealed a tight correlation between YY1 dosage and cell proliferation, with a complete ablation of YY1 inducing cytokinesis failure and cell cycle arrest. Consistently, RNA interference-mediated inhibition of YY1 in HeLa cells prevents cytokinesis, causes proliferative arrest, and increases cellular sensitivity to various apoptotic agents. Genome-wide expression profiling identified a plethora of YY1 target genes that have been implicated in cell growth, proliferation, cytokinesis, apoptosis, development, and differentiation, suggesting that YY1 coordinates multiple essential biological processes through a complex transcriptional network. These data not only shed new light on the molecular basis for YY1 developmental roles and cellular functions, but also provide insight into the general mechanisms controlling eukaryotic cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation