153 research outputs found

    Stalk formation as a function of lipid composition studied by X-ray reflectivity

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    AbstractWe have investigated the structure and interaction of solid-supported multilamellar phospholipid bilayers in view of stalk formation as model systems for membrane fusion. The multi-component bilayers were composed of ternary and quaternary mixtures, containing phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, sphingomyelin, cholesterol, diacylglycerol, and phosphatidylinositol. Analysis of the obtained electron density profiles and the pressure–distance curves reveals systematic changes in structure and hydration repulsion. The osmotic pressure needed to induce stalk formation at the transition from the fluid lamellar to the rhombohedral phase indicates how membrane fusion properties are modified by bilayer composition

    Understanding the Interaction of Pluronics L61 and L64 with a DOPC Lipid Bilayer: An Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Study

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    We investigate the interactions of Pluronics L61 and L64 with a dioleylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) lipid bilayer by atomistic molecular dynamics simulations using the all-atom OPLS force field. Our results show that the initial configuration of the polymer with respect to the bilayer determines its final conformation within the bilayer. When the polymer is initially placed at the lipid/water interface, we observe partial insertion of the polymer in a U-shaped conformation. On the other hand, when the polymer is centered at the bilayer, it stabilizes to a transmembrane state, which facilitates water transport across the bilayer. We show that membrane thickness decreases while its fluidity increases in the presence of Pluronics. When the polymer concentration inside the bilayer is high, pore formation is initiated with L64. Our results show good agreement with existing experimental data and reveal that the hydrophilic/lipophilic balance of the polymer plays a critical role in the interaction mechanisms as well as in the dynamics of Pluronics with and within the bilayer

    Double-Stranded RNA Attenuates the Barrier Function of Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells

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    Circulating RNA may result from excessive cell damage or acute viral infection and can interact with vascular endothelial cells. Despite the obvious clinical implications associated with the presence of circulating RNA, its pathological effects on endothelial cells and the governing molecular mechanisms are still not fully elucidated. We analyzed the effects of double stranded RNA on primary human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (hPAECs). The effect of natural and synthetic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) on hPAECs was investigated using trans-endothelial electric resistance, molecule trafficking, calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis, gene expression and proliferation studies. Furthermore, the morphology and mechanical changes of the cells caused by synthetic dsRNA was followed by in-situ atomic force microscopy, by vascular-endothelial cadherin and F-actin staining. Our results indicated that exposure of hPAECs to synthetic dsRNA led to functional deficits. This was reflected by morphological and mechanical changes and an increase in the permeability of the endothelial monolayer. hPAECs treated with synthetic dsRNA accumulated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Additionally, the proliferation rate of the cells in the presence of synthetic dsRNA was significantly decreased. Furthermore, we found that natural and synthetic dsRNA modulated Ca2+ signaling in hPAECs by inhibiting the sarco-endoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) which is involved in the regulation of the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and thus cell growth. Even upon synthetic dsRNA stimulation silencing of SERCA3 preserved the endothelial monolayer integrity. Our data identify novel mechanisms by which dsRNA can disrupt endothelial barrier function and these may be relevant in inflammatory processes

    Real-time intermembrane force measurements and imaging of lipid domain morphology during hemifusion

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    Membrane fusion is the core process in membrane trafficking and is essential for cellular transport of proteins and other biomacromolecules. During protein-mediated membrane fusion, membrane proteins are often excluded from the membrane-membrane contact, indicating that local structural transformations in lipid domains play a major role. However, the rearrangements of lipid domains during fusion have not been thoroughly examined. Here using a newly developed Fluorescence Surface Forces Apparatus (FL-SFA), migration of liquid-disordered clusters and depletion of liquid-ordered domains at the membrane-membrane contact are imaged in real time during hemifusion of model lipid membranes, together with simultaneous force-distance and lipid membrane thickness measurements. The load and contact time-dependent hemifusion results show that the domain rearrangements decrease the energy barrier to fusion, illustrating the significance of dynamic domain transformations in membrane fusion processes. Importantly, the FL-SFA can unambiguously correlate interaction forces and in situ imaging in many dynamic interfacial systems.open0

    Purinergic signalling links mechanical breath profile and alveolar mechanics with the pro-inflammatory innate immune response causing ventilation-induced lung injury

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    Severe pulmonary infection or vigorous cyclic deformation of the alveolar epithelial type I (AT I) cells by mechanical ventilation leads to massive extracellular ATP release. High levels of extracellular ATP saturate the ATP hydrolysis enzymes CD39 and CD73 resulting in persistent high ATP levels despite the conversion to adenosine. Above a certain level, extracellular ATP molecules act as danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and activate the pro-inflammatory response of the innate immunity through purinergic receptors on the surface of the immune cells. This results in lung tissue inflammation, capillary leakage, interstitial and alveolar oedema and lung injury reducing the production of surfactant by the damaged AT II cells and deactivating the surfactant function by the concomitant extravasated serum proteins through capillary leakage followed by a substantial increase in alveolar surface tension and alveolar collapse. The resulting inhomogeneous ventilation of the lungs is an important mechanism in the development of ventilation-induced lung injury. The high levels of extracellular ATP and the upregulation of ecto-enzymes and soluble enzymes that hydrolyse ATP to adenosine (CD39 and CD73) increase the extracellular adenosine levels that inhibit the innate and adaptive immune responses rendering the host susceptible to infection by invading microorganisms. Moreover, high levels of extracellular adenosine increase the expression, the production and the activation of pro-fibrotic proteins (such as TGF-ÎČ, α-SMA, etc.) followed by the establishment of lung fibrosis

    Histopathology and levels of proteins in plasma associate with survival after colorectal cancer diagnosis

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    Funding Information: The authors thank the subjects who have donated their time and their samples that were used in this research. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Background: The TNM system is used to assess prognosis after colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis. Other prognostic factors reported include histopathological assessments of the tumour, tumour mutations and proteins in the blood. As some of these factors are strongly correlated, it is important to evaluate the independent effects they may have on survival. Methods: Tumour samples from 2162 CRC patients were visually assessed for amount of tumour stroma, severity of lymphocytic infiltrate at the tumour margins and the presence of lymphoid follicles. Somatic mutations in the tumour were assessed for 2134 individuals. Pre-surgical levels of 4963 plasma proteins were measured in 128 individuals. The associations between these features and prognosis were inspected by a Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CPH). Results: Levels of stroma, lymphocytic infiltration and presence of lymphoid follicles all associate with prognosis, along with high tumour mutation burden, high microsatellite instability and TP53 and BRAF mutations. The somatic mutations are correlated with the histopathology and none of the somatic mutations associate with survival in a multivariate analysis. Amount of stroma and lymphocytic infiltration associate with local invasion of tumours. Elevated levels of two plasma proteins, CA-125 and PPP1R1A, associate with a worse prognosis. Conclusions: Tumour stroma and lymphocytic infiltration variables are strongly associated with prognosis of CRC and capture the prognostic effects of tumour mutation status. CA-125 and PPP1R1A may be useful prognostic biomarkers in CRC.Peer reviewe

    Purinergic signalling and immune cells

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    This review article provides a historical perspective on the role of purinergic signalling in the regulation of various subsets of immune cells from early discoveries to current understanding. It is now recognised that adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and other nucleotides are released from cells following stress or injury. They can act on virtually all subsets of immune cells through a spectrum of P2X ligand-gated ion channels and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors. Furthermore, ATP is rapidly degraded into adenosine by ectonucleotidases such as CD39 and CD73, and adenosine exerts additional regulatory effects through its own receptors. The resulting effect ranges from stimulation to tolerance depending on the amount and time courses of nucleotides released, and the balance between ATP and adenosine. This review identifies the various receptors involved in the different subsets of immune cells and their effects on the function of these cells
