7 research outputs found

    Heritabilität und Korrelationen von Morphologischen Eigenschaften bei Winterweizen-Sorten unter Bio-Bedingungen

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    Die untersuchten morphologischen Merkmale weisen insgesamt eine niedrigere Heritabilität und eine geringe Korrelation mit Kornertrag auf. Dies weist darauf hin, dass sich diese Merkmale nur bedingt als Selektionsmerkmal und zur Sortenbeschreibung eignen. Aber auch wenn nur ein geringer positiver Zusammenhang mit dem Kornertrag erkennbar ist, kann sich z.B. ein höherer Bodenbedeckungsgrad auf lange Frist die Menge der Unkrautsamen im Boden verringern. Der positive Zusammenhang von Pflanzenhöhe und Ertrag ist teilweise durch eine bessere Gesundheit hoher Pflanzen zu erklären

    Comparison of bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under organic and low input management

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    The aims of the study were to compare 37 bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under conventional and organic farming conditions in Hungary and Austria for three years and to identify traits highly sensitive to management systems that could be separated according to their suggested selecting environments. According to the results, heading date, sensitivity to leaf rust and powdery mildew had high heritability, thus, for economic reasons, it is reasonable to select for these traits in conventional fields even if the selection target is organic agriculture. On the contrary, selection for grain yield, test weight, leaf-inclination and vigorous growth should be done later in the target environment. It was concluded that the selecting environment has measurable effects on the performance of bread wheat varieties. Our results could help organic breeders in their selection work, especially in the continental climatic zone of Europe

    Organic rapeseed

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    The demand for cold-pressed organic rapeseed oil is increasing. However, the organic rape cultivation is challenging, especially various pests can cause problems. This leaflet provides some general information about the cultivation of rape. Different topics about rape varieties and their needs, the right crop rotation and weed management are covered. Additionally, the main part covers the various pests and provides strategies to control them. It is shown how the pests can be detected, and which preventive and direct are proven and permitted. Finally, there is also some information about economic aspects. This leaflet was made for farmers want to begin cultivating organic rape, but it might also be of use to conventional farmers. The information about economic aspects is specific to Switzerland