228 research outputs found

    Relativistic RPA plus phonon-coupling analysis of pygmy dipole resonances

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    The relativistic random-phase approximation (RRPA) plus phonon-coupling (PC) model is applied in the analysis of E1 strength distributions in 208^{208}Pb and 132^{132}Sn, for which data on pygmy dipole resonances (PDR) have recently been reported. The covariant response theory is fully consistent: the effective nuclear interaction NL3 is used both to determine the spectrum of single-nucleon Dirac states, and as the residual interaction which determines the collective phonon states in the relativistic RPA. It is shown that the picture of the PDR as a resonant oscillation of the neutron skin against the isospin saturated proton-neutron core, and with the corresponding RRPA state characterized by a coherent superposition of many neutron particle-hole configurations, remains essentially unchanged when particle-vibration coupling is included. The effect of two-phonon admixtures is a weak fragmentation and a small shift of PDR states to lower excitation energy. Even though the PDR calculated in the extended model space of ph⊗ph \otimesphonon configurations contains sizeable two-phonon admixtures, it basically retains a one-phonon character and its dynamics is not modified by the coupling to low-lying surface vibrations.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Excitation of Pygmy Dipole Resonance in neutron-rich nuclei via Coulomb and nuclear fields

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    We study the nature of the low-lying dipole strength in neutron-rich nuclei, often associated to the Pygmy Dipole Resonance. The states are described within the Hartree-Fock plus RPA formalism, using different parametrizations of the Skyrme interaction. We show how the information from combined reactions processes involving the Coulomb and different mixtures of isoscalar and isovector nuclear interactions can provide a clue to reveal the characteristic features of these states.Comment: 9 Pages, 8 figures, contribution to International Symposium On Nuclear Physics, December 8-12, 2009,Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Indi

    Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

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    The JET 2019-2020 scientific and technological programme exploited the results of years of concerted scientific and engineering work, including the ITER-like wall (ILW: Be wall and W divertor) installed in 2010, improved diagnostic capabilities now fully available, a major neutral beam injection upgrade providing record power in 2019-2020, and tested the technical and procedural preparation for safe operation with tritium. Research along three complementary axes yielded a wealth of new results. Firstly, the JET plasma programme delivered scenarios suitable for high fusion power and alpha particle (α) physics in the coming D-T campaign (DTE2), with record sustained neutron rates, as well as plasmas for clarifying the impact of isotope mass on plasma core, edge and plasma-wall interactions, and for ITER pre-fusion power operation. The efficacy of the newly installed shattered pellet injector for mitigating disruption forces and runaway electrons was demonstrated. Secondly, research on the consequences of long-term exposure to JET-ILW plasma was completed, with emphasis on wall damage and fuel retention, and with analyses of wall materials and dust particles that will help validate assumptions and codes for design and operation of ITER and DEMO. Thirdly, the nuclear technology programme aiming to deliver maximum technological return from operations in D, T and D-T benefited from the highest D-D neutron yield in years, securing results for validating radiation transport and activation codes, and nuclear data for ITER.EUROfusion Consortium 63305

    Shape and structure of N=Z 64Ge; Electromagnetic transition rates from the application of the Recoil Distance Method to knock-out reaction

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    Transition rate measurements are reported for the first and the second 2+ states in N=Z 64Ge. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with large-scale Shell Model calculations applying the recently developed GXPF1A interactions. Theoretical analysis suggests that 64Ge is a collective gamma-soft anharmonic vibrator. The measurement was done using the Recoil Distance Method (RDM) and a unique combination of state-of-the-art instruments at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL). States of interest were populated via an intermediate-energy single-neutron knock-out reaction. RDM studies of knock-out and fragmentation reaction products hold the promise of reaching far from stability and providing lifetime information for excited states in a wide range of nuclei

    Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

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    The JET 2019–2020 scientific and technological programme exploited the results of years of concerted scientific and engineering work, including the ITER-like wall (ILW: Be wall and W divertor) installed in 2010, improved diagnostic capabilities now fully available, a major neutral beam injection upgrade providing record power in 2019–2020, and tested the technical and procedural preparation for safe operation with tritium. Research along three complementary axes yielded a wealth of new results. Firstly, the JET plasma programme delivered scenarios suitable for high fusion power and alpha particle (a) physics in the coming D–T campaign (DTE2), with record sustained neutron rates, as well as plasmas for clarifying the impact of isotope mass on plasma core, edge and plasma-wall interactions, and for ITER pre-fusion power operation. The efficacy of the newly installed shattered pellet injector for mitigating disruption forces and runaway electrons was demonstrated. Secondly, research on the consequences of long-term exposure to JET-ILW plasma was completed, with emphasis on wall damage and fuel retention, and with analyses of wall materials and dust particles that will help validate assumptions and codes for design and operation of ITER and DEMO. Thirdly, the nuclear technology programme aiming to deliver maximum technological return from operations in D, T and D–T benefited from the highest D–D neutron yield in years, securing results for validating radiation transport and activation codes, and nuclear data for ITER.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 and 2019–2020 under Grant Agreement No. 633053.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 1223 autors/autores: J. Mailloux1, N. Abid1, K. Abraham1, P. Abreu2, O. Adabonyan1, P. Adrich3, V. Afanasev4, M. Afzal1, T. Ahlgren5, L. Aho-Mantila6, N. Aiba7, M. Airila6, M. Akhtar1, R. Albanese8, M. Alderson-Martin1, D. Alegre9, S. Aleiferis10, A. Aleksa1, A.G. Alekseev11, E. Alessi12, P. Aleynikov13, J. Algualcil14, M. Ali1, M. Allinson1, B. Alper1, E. Alves2, G. Ambrosino8, R. Ambrosino8, V. Amosov15, E.Andersson Sunden16, P. Andrew13, B.M. Angelini17, C. Angioni18, I. Antoniou1, L.C. Appel1, C. Appelbee1, S. Aria1, M. Ariola8, G. Artaserse17, W. Arter1, V. Artigues18, N. Asakura7, A. Ash1, N. Ashikawa19, V. Aslanyan20, M. Astrain21, O. Asztalos22, D. Auld1, F. Auriemma23, Y. Austin1, L. Avotina24, E. Aymerich25, A. Baciero9, F. Bairaktaris26, J. Balbin27, L. Balbinot23, I. Balboa1, M. Balden18, C. Balshaw1, N. Balshaw1, V.K. Bandaru18, J. Banks1, Yu.F. Baranov1, C. Barcellona28, A. Barnard1, M. Barnard1, R. Barnsley13, A. Barth1, M. Baruzzo17, S. Barwell1, M. Bassan13, A. Batista2, P. Batistoni17, L. Baumane24, B. Bauvir13, L. Baylor29, P.S. Beaumont1, D. Beckett1, A. Begolli1, M. Beidler29, N. Bekris30,31, M. Beldishevski1, E. Belli32, F. Belli17, É. Belonohy1, M. Ben Yaala33, J. Benayas1, J. Bentley1, H. BergsĂ„ker34, J. Bernardo2, M. Bernert18, M. Berry1, L. Bertalot13, H. Betar35, M. Beurskens36, S. Bickerton1, B. Bieg37, J. Bielecki38, A. Bierwage7, T. Biewer29, R. Bilato18, P. BĂ­lkovĂĄ39, G. Birkenmeier18, H. Bishop1, J.P.S. Bizarro2, J. Blackburn1, P. Blanchard40, P. Blatchford1, V. Bobkov18, A. Boboc1, P. Bohm39, T. Bohm41, I. Bolshakova42, T. Bolzonella23, N. Bonanomi18, D. Bonfiglio23, X. Bonnin13, P. Bonofiglo43, S. Boocock1, A. Booth1, J. Booth1, D. Borba2,30, D. Borodin44, I. Borodkina39,44, C. Boulbe45, C. Bourdelle27, M. Bowden1, K. Boyd1, I.Bozicevic Mihalic46, S.C. Bradnam1, V. Braic47, L. Brandt48, R. Bravanec49, B. Breizman50, A. Brett1, S. Brezinsek44, M. Brix1, K. Bromley1, B. Brown1, D. Brunetti1,12, R. Buckingham1, M. Buckley1, R. Budny, J. Buermans51, H. Bufferand27, P. Buratti17, A. Burgess1, A. Buscarino28, A. Busse1, D. Butcher1, E.de la Cal9, G. CalabrĂČ52, L. Calacci53, R. Calado2, Y. Camenen54, G. Canal55, B. Cannas25, M. Cappelli17, S. Carcangiu25, P. Card1, A. Cardinali17, P. Carman1, D. Carnevale53, M. Carr1, D. Carralero9, L. Carraro23, I.S. Carvalho2, P. Carvalho2, I. Casiraghi56, F.J. Casson1, C. Castaldo17, J.P. Catalan14, N. Catarino2, F. Causa12, M. Cavedon18, M. Cecconello16, C.D. Challis1, B. Chamberlain1, C.S. Chang43, A. Chankin18, B. Chapman1,57, M. Chernyshova58, A. Chiariello8, P. Chmielewski58, A. Chomiczewska58, L. Chone59, G. Ciraolo27, D. Ciric1, J. Citrin60, Ɓ. Ciupinski61, M. Clark1, R. Clarkson1, C. Clements1, M. Cleverly1, J.P. Coad1, P. Coates1, A. Cobalt1, V. Coccorese8, R. Coelho2, J.W. Coenen44, I.H. Coffey62, A. Colangeli17, L. Colas27, C. Collins29, J. Collins1, S. Collins1, D. Conka24, S. Conroy16, B. Conway1, N.J. Conway1, D. Coombs1, P. Cooper1, S. Cooper1, C. Corradino28, G. Corrigan1, D. Coster18, P. Cox1, T. Craciunescu63, S. Cramp1, C. Crapper1, D. Craven1, R. Craven1, M.Crialesi Esposito48, G. Croci56, D. Croft1, A. Croitoru63, K. Crombe51,64, T. Cronin1, N. Cruz2, C. Crystal32, G. Cseh22, A. Cufar65, A. Cullen1, M. Curuia66, T. Czarski58, H. Dabirikhah1, A.Dal Molin56, E. Dale1, P. Dalgliesh1, S. Dalley1, J. Dankowski38, P. David18, A. Davies1, S. Davies1, G. Davis1, K. Dawson1, S. Dawson1, I.E. Day1, M. De Bock13, G. De Temmerman13, G. De Tommasi8, K. Deakin1, J. Deane1, R. Dejarnac39, D. Del Sarto35, E. Delabie29, D. Del-Castillo-Negrete29, A. Dempsey67, R.O. Dendy1,57, P. Devynck27, A. Di Siena18, C. Di Troia17, T. Dickson1, P. Dinca63, T. Dittmar44, J. Dobrashian1, R.P. Doerner68, A.J.H. DonneÂŽ69, S. Dorling1, S. Dormido-Canto70, D. Douai27, S. Dowson1, R. Doyle67, M. Dreval71, P. Drewelow36, P. Drews44, G. Drummond1, Ph. Duckworth13, H. Dudding1,72, R. Dumont27, P. Dumortier51, D. Dunai22, T. Dunatov46, M. Dunne18, I. Duran39, F. Durodie51, R. Dux18, A. Dvornova27, R. Eastham1, J. Edwards1, Th. Eich18, A. Eichorn1, N. Eidietis32, A. Eksaeva44, H. El Haroun1, G. Ellwood13, C. Elsmore1, O. Embreus73, S. Emery1, G. Ericsson16, B. Eriksson16, F. Eriksson74, J. Eriksson16, L.G. Eriksson75, S. Ertmer44, S. Esquembri21, A.L. Esquisabel76, T. Estrada9, G. Evans1, S. Evans1, E. Fable18, D. Fagan1, M. Faitsch18, M. Falessi17, A. Fanni25, A. Farahani1, I. Farquhar1, A. Fasoli40, B. Faugeras45, S. Fazinic46, F. Felici40, R. Felton1, A. Fernandes2, H. Fernandes2, J. Ferrand1, D.R. Ferreira2, J. Ferreira2, G. FerrĂČ53, J. Fessey1, O. Ficker39, A.R. Field1, A. Figueiredo2, J. Figueiredo2,30, A. Fil1, N. Fil1,20, P. Finburg1, D. Fiorucci23, U. Fischer31, G. Fishpool1, L. Fittill1, M. Fitzgerald1, D. Flammini17, J. Flanagan1, K. Flinders1, S. Foley1, N. Fonnesu17, M. Fontana40, J.M. Fontdecaba9, S. Forbes1, A. Formisano8, T. Fornal58, L. Fortuna28, E. Fortuna-Zalesna61, M. Fortune1, C. Fowler1, E. Fransson74, L. Frassinetti34, M. Freisinger44, R. Fresa8, R. Fridström34, D. Frigione53, T. FĂŒlöp73, M. Furseman1, V. Fusco24, S. Futatani17, D. Gadariya77, K. GĂĄl69, D. Galassi40, K. GaƂazka58, S. Galeani53, D. Gallart78, R. Galvao55, Y. Gao44, J. Garcia27, M. GarcĂ­a-Muñoz79, M. Gardener1, L. Garzotti1, J. Gaspar80, R. Gatto81, P. Gaudio53, D. Gear1, T. Gebhart29, S. Gee1, M. Gelfusa53, R. George1, S.N. Gerasimov1, G. Gervasini12, M. Gethins1, Z. Ghani1, M. Gherendi63, F. Ghezzi12, J.C. Giacalone27, L. Giacomelli12, G. Giacometti54, C. Gibson1, K.J. Gibson72, L. Gil2, A. Gillgren74, D. Gin4, E. Giovannozzi17, C. Giroud1, R. Glen1, S. Glöggler18, J. Goff1, P. Gohil32, V. Goloborodko82, R. Gomes2, B. Gonçalves2, M. Goniche27, A. Goodyear1, S. Gore1, G. Gorini56, T. Görler18, N. Gotts1, R. Goulding43, E. Gow1, B. Graham1, J.P. Graves40, H. Greuner18, B. Grierson43, J. Griffiths1, S. Griph1, D. Grist1, W. Gromelski58, M. Groth59, R. Grove29, M. Gruca58, D. Guard1, N. Gupta1, C. Gurl1, A. Gusarov83, L. Hackett1, S. Hacquin27,30, R. Hager43, L. HĂ€gg16, A. Hakola6, M. Halitovs24, S. Hall1, S.A. Hall1, S. Hallworth-Cook1, C.J. Ham1, D. Hamaguchi7, M. Hamed27, C. Hamlyn-Harris1, K. Hammond1, E. Harford1, J.R. Harrison1, D. Harting1, Y. Hatano84, D.R. Hatch50, T. Haupt1, J. Hawes1, N.C. Hawkes1, J. Hawkins1, T. Hayashi7, S. Hazael1, S. Hazel1, P. Heesterman1, B. Heidbrink85, W. Helou13, O. Hemming1, S.S. Henderson1, R.B. Henriques2, D. Hepple1, J. Herfindal29, G. Hermon1, J. Hill1, J.C. Hillesheim1, K. Hizanidis26, A. Hjalmarsson16, A. Ho60, J. Hobirk18, O. Hoenen13, C. Hogben1, A. Hollingsworth1, S. Hollis1, E. Hollmann68, M. Hölzl18, B. Homan45, M. Hook1, D. Hopley1, J. HorĂĄcek39, D. Horsley1, N. Horsten59, A. Horton1, L.D. Horton30,40, L. Horvath1,72, S. Hotchin1, R. Howell1, Z. Hu56, A. Huber44, V. Huber44, T. Huddleston1, G.T.A. Huijsmans13, P. Huynh27, A. Hynes1, M. Iliasova4, D. Imrie1, M. ImrĂ­sek39, J. Ingleby1, P. Innocente23, K. Insulander Björk73, N. Isernia8, I. Ivanova-Stanik58, E. Ivings1, S. Jablonski58, S. Jachmich13,30,51, T. Jackson1, P. Jacquet1, H. JĂ€rleblad86, F. Jaulmes39, J.Jenaro Rodriguez1, I. Jepu63, E. Joffrin27, R. Johnson1, T. Johnson34, J. Johnston1, C. Jones1, G. Jones1, L. Jones1, N. Jones1, T. Jones1, A. Joyce1, R. Juarez14, M. Juvonen1, P. Kalninž a24, T. Kaltiaisenaho6, J. Kaniewski1, A. Kantor1, A. Kappatou18, J. Karhunen5, D. Karkinsky1, Yu Kashchuk87, M. Kaufman29, G. Kaveney1, Ye.O. Kazakov51, V. Kazantzidis26, D.L. Keeling1, R. Kelly1, M. Kempenaars13, C. Kennedy1, D. Kennedy1, J. Kent1, K. Khan1, E. Khilkevich4, C. Kiefer18, J. KilpelĂ€inen59, C. Kim32, Hyun-Tae Kim1,30, S.H. Kim13, D.B. King1, R. King1, D. Kinna1, V.G. Kiptily1, A. Kirjasuo6, K.K. Kirov1, A. Kirschner44, T. kiviniemi59, G. Kizane24, M. Klas88, C. Klepper29, A. Klix31, G. Kneale1, M. Knight1, P. Knight1, R. Knights1, S. Knipe1, M. Knolker32, S. Knott89, M. Kocan13, F. Köchl1, I. Kodeli65, Y. Kolesnichenko82, Y. Kominis26, M. Kong1, V. Korovin71, B. Kos65, D. Kos1, H.R. Koslowski44, M. Kotschenreuther50, M. Koubiti54, E. Kowalska-Strzeciwilk ˛ 58, K. Koziol3, A. Krasilnikov87, V. Krasilnikov13,15, M. Kresina1,27, K. Krieger18, N. Krishnan1, A. Krivska51, U. Kruezi13, I. Ksia˛zek ˙ 90, A.B. Kukushkin11, H. Kumpulainen59, T. Kurki-Suonio59, H. Kurotaki7, S. Kwak36, O.J. Kwon91, L. Laguardia12, E. Lagzdina24, A. Lahtinen5, A. Laing1, N. Lam1, H.T. Lambertz44, B. Lane1, C. Lane1, E.Lascas Neto40, E. Ɓaszynska58, K.D. Lawson1, A. Lazaros26, E. Lazzaro12, G. Learoyd1, Chanyoung Lee92, S.E. Lee84, S. Leerink59, T. Leeson1, X. Lefebvre1, H.J. Leggate67, J. Lehmann1, M. Lehnen13, D. Leichtle31,93, F. Leipold13, I. Lengar65, M. Lennholm1,75, E. Leon Gutierrez9, B. Lepiavko82, J. LeppĂ€nen6, E. Lerche51, A. Lescinskis24, J. Lewis1, W. Leysen83, L. Li44, Y. Li44, J. Likonen6, Ch. Linsmeier44, B. Lipschultz72, X. Litaudon27,30, E. Litherland-Smith1, F. Liu27,30, T. Loarer27, A. Loarte13, R. Lobel1, B. Lomanowski29, P.J. Lomas1, J.M. Lopez21, R. Lorenzini23, S. Loreti17, U. Losada9, V.P. Loschiavo8, M. Loughlin13, Z. Louka1, J. Lovell29, T. Lowe1, C. Lowry1,75, S. Lubbad1, T. Luce13, R. Lucock1, A. Lukin94, C. Luna95, E.de la Luna9, M. Lungaroni53, C.P. Lungu63, T. Lunt18, V. Lutsenko82, B. Lyons32, A. Lyssoivan51, M. Machielsen40, E. Macusova39, R. MĂ€enpÀÀ59, C.F. Maggi1, R. Maggiora96, M. Magness1, S. Mahesan1, H. Maier18, R. Maingi43, K. Malinowski58, P. Manas18,54, P. Mantica12, M.J. Mantsinen97, J. Manyer78, A. Manzanares98, Ph. Maquet13, G. Marceca40, N. Marcenko87, C. Marchetto99, O. Marchuk44, A. Mariani12, G. Mariano17, M. Marin60, M. Marinelli53, T. Markovicˇ39, D. Marocco17, L. Marot33, S. Marsden1, J. Marsh1, R. Marshall1, L. Martellucci53, A. Martin1, A.J. Martin1, R. Martone8, S. Maruyama13, M. Maslov1, S. Masuzaki19, S. Matejcik88, M. Mattei8, G.F. Matthews1, D. Matveev44, E. Matveeva39, A. Mauriya2, F. Maviglia8, M. Mayer18, M.-L. Mayoral1,69, S. Mazzi54, C. Mazzotta17, R. McAdams1, P.J. McCarthy89 K.G. McClements1, J. McClenaghan32, P. McCullen1, D.C. McDonald1, D. McGuckin1, D. McHugh1, G. McIntyre1, R. McKean1, J. McKehon1, B. McMillan57, L. McNamee1, A. McShee1, A. Meakins1, S. Medley1, C.J. Meekes60,100, K. Meghani1, A.G. Meigs1, G. Meisl18, S. Meitner29, S. Menmuir1, K. Mergia10, S. Merriman1, Ph. Mertens44, S. Meshchaninov15, A. Messiaen51, R. Michling57, P. Middleton1, D. Middleton-Gear1, J. Mietelski38, D. Milanesio96, E. Milani53, F. Militello1, A.Militello Asp1, J. Milnes1, A. Milocco56, G. Miloshevsky101, C. Minghao1, S. Minucci52, I. Miron63, M. Miyamoto102, J. MlynĂĄr39,103, V. Moiseenko71, P. Monaghan1, I. Monakhov1, T. Moody1, S. Moon34, R. Mooney1, S. Moradi51, J. Morales27, R.B. Morales1, S. Mordijck104, L. Moreira1, L. Morgan1, F. Moro17, J. Morris1, K.-M. Morrison1, L. Msero13,33, D. Moulton1, T. Mrowetz1, T. Mundy1, M. Muraglia54, A. Murari23,30, A. Muraro12, N. Muthusonai1, B. N’Konga45, Yong-Su Na92, F. Nabais2, M. Naden1, J. Naish1, R. Naish1, F. Napoli17, E. Nardon27, V. Naulin86, M.F.F. Nave2, I. Nedzelskiy3, G. Nemtsev15, V. Nesenevich4, I. Nestoras1, R. Neu18, V.S. Neverov11, S. Ng1, M. Nicassio1, A.H. Nielsen86, D. Nina2, D. Nishijima105, C. Noble1, C.R. Nobs1, M. Nocente56, D. Nodwell1, K. Nordlund5, H. Nordman13, R. Normanton1, J.M. Noterdaeme18, S. Nowak12, E. Nunn1, H. Nyström34, M. Oberparleiter74, B. Obryk38, J. O’Callaghan1, T. Odupitan1, H.J.C. Oliver1,50, R. Olney1, M. O’Mullane106, J. Ongena51, E. Organ1, F. Orsitto8, J. Orszagh88, T. Osborne32, R. Otin1, T. Otsuka107, A. Owen1, Y. Oya108, M. Oyaizu7, R. Paccagnella23, N. Pace1, L.W. Packer1, S. Paige1, E. Pajuste24, D. Palade63, S.J.P. Pamela1, N. Panadero9, E. Panontin56, A. Papadopoulos26, G. Papp18, P. Papp88, V.V. Parail1, C. Pardanaud54, J. Parisi1,109, F.Parra Diaz109, A. Parsloe1, M. Parsons29, N. Parsons1, M. Passeri53, A. Patel1, A. Pau40, G. Pautasso18, R. Pavlichenko71, A. Pavone36, E. Pawelec90, C.Paz Soldan110, A. Peacock1,75, M. Pearce1, E. Peluso53, C. Penot13, K. Pepperell1, R. Pereira2, T. Pereira2, E.Perelli Cippo12, P. Pereslavtsev107, C. Perez von Thun58, V. Pericoli58, D. Perry1, M. Peterka39, P. Petersson34, G. Petravich22, N. Petrella1, M. Peyman1, M. Pillon17, S. Pinches13, G. Pintsuk44, W. Pires de SĂĄ55, A. Pires dos Reis55, C. Piron17, L. Pionr23,111, A. Pironti8, R. Pitts13, K.L. van de Plassche60, N. Platt1, V. Plyusnin2, M. Podesta43, G. Pokol22, F.M. Poli43, O.G. Pompilian63, S. Popovichev1, M. Poradzinski58, M.T. Porfiri17, M. Porkolab20, C. Porosnicu63, M. Porton1, G. Poulipoulis112, I. Predebon23, G. Prestopino53, C. Price1, D. Price1, M. Price1, D. Primetzhofer16, P. Prior1, G. Provatas46, G. Pucella17, P. Puglia40, K. Purahoo1, I. Pusztai73, O. Putignano56, T. PĂŒtterich18, A. Quercia8, E. Rachlew73, G. Radulescu29, V. Radulovic65, M. Rainford1, P. Raj31, G. Ralph1, G. Ramogida17, D. Rasmussen29, J.J. Rasmussen86, G. RattĂĄ9, S. Ratynskaia113, M. Rebai12, D. Refy22, R. Reichle13, M. Reinke29, D. Reiser44, C. Reux27, S. Reynolds1, M.L. Richiusa1, S. Richyal1, D. Rigamonti12, F.G. Rimini1, J. Risner29, M. Riva17, J. Rivero-Rodriguez79, C.M. Roach1, R. Robins1, S. Robinson1, D. Robson1, R. Rodionov87, P. Rodrigues2, M.Rodriguez Ramos109, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez3, F. Romanelli74, M. Romanelli1, S. Romanelli1, J. Romazanov44, R. Rossi53, S. Rowe1, D. Rowlands1,30, M. Rubel34, G. Rubinacci8, G. Rubino52, L. Ruchko55, M. Ruiz21, J.Ruiz Ruiz109, C. Ruset63, J. Rzadkiewicz3, S. Saarelma1, E. Safi5, A. Sahlberg16, M. Salewski86, A. Salmi6, R. Salmon1, F. Salzedas2,114, I. Sanders1, D. Sandiford1, B. Santos2, A. Santucci17, K. SĂ€rkimĂ€ki73, R. Sarwar1, I. Sarychev1, O. Sauter40, P. Sauwan14, N. Scapin48, F. Schluck44, K. Schmid18, S. Schmuck12, M. Schneider13, P.A. Schneider18, D. Schwörer67, G. Scott1, M. Scott1, D. Scraggs1, S. Scully1, M. Segato1, Jaemin Seo92, G. Sergienko44, M. Sertoli1, S.E. Sharapov1, A. Shaw1, H. Sheikh1, U. Sheikh40, A. Shepherd1, A. Shevelev4, P. Shigin13, K. Shinohara115, S. Shiraiwa43, D. Shiraki29, M. Short1, G. Sias25, S.A. Silburn1, A. Silva2, C. Silva2, J. Silva1, D. Silvagni18, D. Simfukwe1, J. Simpson1,59, D. Sinclair1, S.K. SipilĂ€59, A.C.C. Sips75, P. Siren5, A. Sirinelli13, H. Sjöstrand16, N. Skinner1, J. Slater1, N. Smith1, P. Smith1, J. Snell1, G. Snoep60, L. Snoj65, P. Snyder32, S. Soare63, E.R. Solano9, V. Solokha59, A. Somers67, C. Sommariva40, K. Soni33, E. Sorokovoy71, M. Sos39, J. Sousa2, C. Sozzi12, S. Spagnolo23, T. Spelzini1, F. Spineanu63, D. Spong29, D. Sprada1, S. Sridhar27, C. Srinivasan1, G. Stables1, G. Staebler32, I. Stamatelatos10, Z. Stancar65, P. Staniec1, G. Stankunas116, M. Stead1, E. Stefanikova34, A. Stephen1, J. Stephens1, P. Stevenson1, M. Stojanov1, P. Strand74, H.R. Strauss117, S. Strikwerda1, P. Ström34, C.I. Stuart1, W. Studholme1, M. Subramani1, E. Suchkov88, S. Sumida7, H.J. Sun1, T.E. Susts24, J. Svensson36, J. Svoboda39, R. Sweeney20, D. Sytnykov71, T. Szabolics22, G. Szepesi1, B. Tabia1, T. TadicÂŽ46, B. TĂĄl18, T. Tala6, A. Tallargio1, P. Tamain27, H. Tan1, K. Tanaka19, W. Tang43, M. Tardocchi12, D. Taylor1, A.S. Teimane24, G. Telesca58, N. Teplova4, A. Teplukhina43, D. Terentyev83, A. Terra44, D. Terranova23, N. Terranova17, D. Testa40, E. Tholerus1,34, J. Thomas1, E. Thoren113, A. Thorman1, W. Tierens18, R.A. Tinguely20, A. Tipton1, H. Todd1, M. Tokitani19, P. Tolias113, M. Tomes39, A. Tookey1, Y. Torikai118, U. von Toussaint18, P. Tsavalas10, D. Tskhakaya39,119, I. Turner1, M. Turner1, M.M. Turner67, M. Turnyanskiy1,69, G. Tvalashvili1, S. Tyrrell1, M. Tyshchenko82, A. Uccello12, V. Udintsev13, G. Urbanczyk27, A. Vadgama1, D. Valcarcel1, M. Valisa23, P.Vallejos Olivares34, O. Vallhagen73, M. Valovicˇ1, D. Van Eester51, J. Varje59, S. Vartanian27, T. Vasilopoulou10, G. Vayakis13, M. Vecsei22, J. Vega9, S. Ventre8, G. Verdoolaege64, C. Verona53, G.Verona Rinati53, E. Veshchev13, N. Vianello23, E. Viezzer79, L. Vignitchouk113, R. Vila9, R. Villari17, F. Villone8, P. Vincenzi23, I. Vinyar94, B. Viola17, A.J. Virtanen59, A. Vitins24, Z. Vizvary1, G. Vlad17, M. Vlad63, P. VondrĂĄcek39, P.de Vries13, B. Wakeling1, N.R. Walkden1, M. Walker1, R. Walker1, M. Walsh13, E. Wang44, N. Wang1, S. Warder1, R. Warren1, J. Waterhouse1, C. Watts13, T. Wauters51, A. Weckmann34, H.Wedderburn Maxwell1, M. Weiland18, H. Weisen40, M. Weiszflog16, P. Welch1, N. Wendler58, A. West1, M. Wheatley1, S. Wheeler1, A. Whitehead1, D. Whittaker1, A. Widdowson1, S. Wiesen44, J. Wilkinson1, J.C. Williams1, D. Willoughby1, I. Wilson1, J. Wilson1, T. Wilson1, M. Wischmeier18, P. Wise1, G. Withenshaw1, A. Withycombe1, D. Witts1, A. Wojcik-Gargula38, E. Wolfrum18, R. Wood1, C. Woodley1, R. Woodley1, B. Woods1, J. Wright1, J.C. Wright20, T. Xu1, D. Yadikin74, M. Yajima19, Y. Yakovenko82, Y. Yang13, W. Yanling44, V. Yanovskiy39, I. Young1, R. Young1, R.J. Zabolockis24, J. Zacks1, R. Zagorski3, F.S. Zaitsev88, L. Zakharov5, A. Zarins24, D. Zarzoso Fernandez54, K.-D. Zastrow1, Y. Zayachuk1, M. Zerbini17, W. Zhang18, Y. Zhou34, M. Zlobinski44, A. Zocco36, A. Zohar65, V. Zoita63, S. Zoletnik22, V.K. Zotta81, I. Zoulias1, W. Zwingmann2 and I. Zychor3 // 1 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2 Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal 3 National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), 05-400 Otwock-Swierk, Poland 4 Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 26 Politekhnicheskaya, St Petersburg 194021, Russia 5 University of Helsinki, PO Box 43, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland 6 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, PO Box 1000, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland 7 National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan 8 Consorzio CREATE, Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy 9 Laboratorio Nacional de FusiĂłn, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain 10 NCSR ‘Demokritos’ 153 10, Agia Paraskevi Attikis, Greece 11 NRC Kurchatov Institute, 1 Kurchatov Square, Moscow 123182, Russia 12 Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, CNR, via R. Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy 13 ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 Saint Paul Lez Durance Cedex, France 14 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Dept Ingn Energet, Calle Juan del Rosal 12, E-28040 Madrid, Spain 15 Troitsk Insitute of Innovating and Thermonuclear Research (TRINITI), Troitsk 142190, Moscow Region, Russia 16 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden 17 Dip.to Fusione e Tecnologie per la Sicurezza Nucleare, ENEA C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (Roma), Italy 18 Max-Planck-Institut fĂŒr Plasmaphysik, D-85748 Garching, Germany 19 National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan 20 MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States of America 21 Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid, Grupo I2A2, Madrid, Spain 22 Centre for Energy Research, POB 49, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary 23 Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy 24 University of Latvia, 19 Raina Blvd., Riga, LV 1586, Latvia 25 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Piazza d’Armi 09123 Cagliari, Italy 26 National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Politechniou 9, 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece 27 CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance, France 28 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy 29 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, TN, United States of America 30 EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Culham Science Centre, Culham, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 31 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, PO Box 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany 32 General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608, United States of America 33 Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland 34 Fusion Plasma Physics, EECS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden 35 Institut Jean Lamour, U

    Low-lying dipole response in the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking Approximation and its influence on neutron capture cross sections

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    We have computed dipole strength distributions for nickel and tin isotopes within the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking approximation (RQTBA). These calculations provide a good description of data, including the neutron-rich tin isotopes 130,132^{130,132}Sn. The resulting dipole strengths have been implemented in Hauser-Feshbach calculations of astrophysical neutron capture rates relevant for r-process nucleosynthesis studies. The RQTBA calculations show the presence of enhanced dipole strength at energies around the neutron threshold for neutron rich nuclei. The computed neutron capture rates are sensitive to the fine structure of the low lying dipole strength, which emphasizes the importance of a reliable knowledge of this excitation mode.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Coulomb excitation of exotic nuclei at the R3B-LAND setup

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    Exotic Ni isotopes have been measured at the R3B-LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt, using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at beam energies around 500 MeV/u. As the experimental setup allows kinematically complete measurements, the excitation energy was reconstructed using the invariant mass method. The GDR and additional low-lying strength have been observed in 68Ni, the latter exhausting 4.1(1.9)% of the E1 energy-weighted sum rule. Also, the branching ratio for the non-statistical decay of the excited 68Ni nuclei was measured and amounts to 24(4)%.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Invited Talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS
