116 research outputs found


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    Pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Bangka pada beberapa kurun waktu terakhir menunjukkan produktivitas yang semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengelolaan ruang laut yang tidak hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan, tetapi juga sebagai wilayah eksploitasi penambangan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder; analisis bioekonomi digunakan pada ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) dengan memisahkan sumberdaya ikan pelagis dan demersal untuk melihat status pemanfaatan perikanan pada masing-masing zona. Ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan didasarkan pada kondisi eksisting menurut RZWP3K Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, yaitu: Zona A (DPI dengan IUP), Zona A1 (DPI dengan IUP tanpa kegiatan), dan Zona B (DPI tanpa IUP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perikanan pelagis Zona A cenderung economical overfishing; sedangkan perikanan demersal sudah menunjukkan kondisi economical overfishing; Zona A1 berada pada kondisi underfishing; serta Zona B berada pada kondisi underfishing. Pemanfaatan perikanan Zona A dan A1 tidak mencapai 50% TAC; sedangkan pada Zona B hanya 15% TAC. Agar pemanfaatan perikanan baik pelagis ataupun demersal dapat berkelanjutan baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi, pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka perlu dilakukan pengelolaan input pada upaya tangkap yang berbeda-beda pada tiap zona serta pengelolaan ekologi dan ekosistem.Title: Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in The Coastal Waters of Bangka Regency with Bioeconomic ApproachManagement of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency has recently shown decreased productivity. This is caused by the management of marine area which is not only used as a fishing ground, but also as an area of exploitation for off-shore mining. Based on these conditions, this study aims to determine the level of utilization of small-scale fisheries in the waters of Bangka Regency. This research uses primary and secondary data; bio-economic analysis was carried out in the three fishing ground zones by separating pelagic and demersal fish resources to see the utilization status of each zone. The three fishing ground zones are based on the existing fishing ground conditions according to RZWP3K Bangka Belitung Islands Province, namely: Zone A (fishing ground with IUP), Zone A1 (fishing ground with IUP without activities), and Zone B (fishing ground without IUP). The results showed that Pelagic Zone A fisheries tend to be economical, whereas demersal fisheries have shown economical overfishing; Zone A1 is under fishing; Zone B is under fishing. The utilization of fisheries in Zone A and A1 does not reach 50% TAC, while in Zone B it is only 15% TAC. For the utilization of pelagic and demersal fisheries to be sustainable both ecologically and economically, the management of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency waters needs to carry out input management for different fishing efforts in each zone as well as ecological and ecosystem management

    Analysis of Potential Spatial Conflicts at Coastal and Marine Zones : Integration of the Spatial Planning of Land and Coastal Water

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    ABSTRACTAnalysis of potential conflict mapping that will be studied and discussed is part of one of the analyzes performed in the study of Spatial Planning Model Coastal Area With Spatial Approach Connectivity.The purpose of this study is the mapping of potential conflicts between activities in the coastal zone Bontang City’s. Identification of potential conflicts is very necessary in preparing coastal spatial planning. Management and control of the conflict will facilitate allocation of space by considering the interests of various partiesKeyword: conflic, zoning, spatial planning, zone, coastalABSTRAKAnalisis potensi konflik yang akan dikaji dan dibahas ini merupakan bagian dari salah satu analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian mengenai Model Perencanaan Tata Ruang Kawasan Pesisir dengan pendekatan keterkaitan spasial (Spatial Connectivity). Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah memetakan potensi konflik antar kegiatan di kawasan pesisir Kota Bontang.Identifikasi potensi konflik sangat diperlukan dalam menyusun recana tata ruang pesisii. Pengelolaan dan pengendalian konflik akan memudahkan pengambilan keputusan dalam memutuskan alokasi ruang yang mempertimbangkan kepentingan antar pihak.Kata kunci: konflik, zonasi, tata ruang, kegiatan, Pesisi

    Integration of the Spatial Planning of Land and Sea: Case Study on Coastal Bontang

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    Coastal management approach with a territorial approach is important for the sustainability of coastal management because at that level there is an incorporation of highly complex interaction of ecological, social and economic phenomena. Sustainable coastal utilization must look at two aspects of territoriality, namely the spatial aspects of land (terrestrial) and the spatial aspects of the Sea (coastal waters).  This study attempts to build a model of the zoning plan for Bontang City’s coastal areas by integrating the issues and potentials—ecological, social, and economic—on the land and in the coastal waters. The analytical tool used in this research is Geographic Information System (GIS) and a decision support tool of Marxan with Zone. Several previous studies had used Marxan with Zone, but their planning units covered only a maximum of three allocation zones of uses. This study is an effort to develop a planning unit of more than three planning zones. In addition, in this research, the input data used to run Marxan with Zone is based on the perspectives of stakeholders


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    Terdapat pandangan secara global mengenai status sebagai nelayan yang diidentikkan dengan kemiskinan, suatu pandangan yang sejalan dengan beberapa hasil penelitian di Indonesia. Produksi perikanan tangkap laut di Provinsi Jawa Barat relatif besar secara nasional. Produksi perikanan demersal berkontribusi sebesar 34,52% dari total produksi pada tahun 2017. Hasil produksi ini diperoleh dari aktivitas nelayan Provinsi Jawa Barat yang berada di WPP-712 dan di WPP-573. Tujuan pengelolaan perikanan, baik dari sisi ekonomi maupun dari sisi pemerintahan adalah untuk menyejahterakan pelaku usahanya. Indikator yang saat ini digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan nelayan adalah Nilai Tukar Nelayan (NTN). Nilai tersebut untuk Provinsi Jawa Barat adalah 105,06 pada tahun 2014, dan 113,02 pada tahun 2017. Besaran tersebut menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan nelayan di Provinsi Jawa Barat adalah sejahtera. Di sisi lain, konsep NTN tidak menunjukkan bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan adalah biaya korbanan (opportunity cost), dan tidak mengakomodir konsep time value of money. Melihat kondisi ini maka pertanyaan yang ditimbulkan adalah apakah nelayan di Provinsi Jawa Barat masih sejahtera apabila dilihat melalui indikator lain selain NTN. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesejahteraan nelayan perikanan demersal di Provinsi Jawa Barat menggunakan Surplus Produsen sebagai alat ukurnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara rata – rata, Surplus Produsen terbesar yang dialami nelayan yang berada di Laut Jawa adalah sebesar Rp3.897.109.483.225,20 pada discount rate 10%, dan nelayan di Samudra Hindia sebesar Rp104.452.115.805,11 pada discount rate 20%. Besaran discount rate tidak seiring dengan peningkatan Surplus Produsen. Perbandingan besaran Surplus Produsen dengan Angka Kemiskinan menunjukkan bahwa nelayan di Laut Jawa tidak dapat dikategorikan sebagai miskin, namun mereka yang berada di Samudra Hindia masih berada tepat di atas garis kemiskinan. Hal ini suatu hasil yang sedikit berbeda dibandingkan dengan angka NTN. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penggunaan variabel Surplus Produsen sebagai komplemen bagi Nilai Tukar Nelayan sebagai ukuran kesejahteraan nelayan.Title:  Producer Surplus Of Demersal Fisheries in West Java Province With Various Discount Rate ValuesThere is a global view of status as a fishers who is identified with poverty, a view that is in line with several research results in Indonesia. Marine capture fisheries production in West Java Province is nationally relatively large. Demersal fisheries production contributed 34.52% of total production in 2017. This production result was obtained from the activities of fishers in West Java Province of WPP-712 and in WPP-573. The purpose of fisheries management, both from an economic perspective and from a government perspective, is the welfare of business actors. The indicator currently used to measure fishers’s welfare is in terms of fishers term of trade index (NTN). The value for West Java Province was 105.06 in 2014, and 113.02 in 2017. This figure shows that overall fishers in West Java Province are prosperous. On the other hand, the NTN concept does not indicate that the costs incurred are opportunity costs, and does not accommodate the time value of money concept. Seeing this condition, the question raised is whether fishers in West Java Province are still prosperous when viewed through other indicators other than NTN. The purpose of this study was to analyze the welfare of demersal fishers in West Java Province using Producer Surplus as a measuring tool. Results show that on average, the largest producer surplus experienced by fishers in the Java Sea is Rp. 3,897,109,483,225.20 at a discount rate of 10%, and fishers in the Indian Ocean are Rp. 104,452.115,805.11 at a discount. 20% rate. The discount rate is not in line with the increase in Producer Surplus. Comparison of the Producer Surplus with the Poverty Figure shows that fishers in the Java Sea cannot be categorized as poor, but those in the Indian Ocean are still just above the poverty line. This is a slightly different result compared to the NTN figure. This study recommends the use of the Producer Surplus variable as a complement to the Fishers Exchange Rate as a measure of fishers’s welfare


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    The arrangement of coastal ecological space in the coastal city area aims to ensure the sustainability of the system, the availability of local natural resources, environmental health and the presence of the coastal ecosystems. The lack of discipline in the supervision and implementation of spatial regulations resulted in inconsistencies between urban spatial planning and land use facts. This study aims to see the inconsistency between spatial planning of the city with the real conditions in the field so it can be used as an evaluation material to optimize the planning of the urban space in the future. This study used satellite image interpretation, spatial analysis, and projection analysis using markov cellular automata, as well as consistency evaluation for spatial planning policy. The results show that there has been a significant increase of open spaces during 2001-2015 and physical development was relatively spreading irregularly and indicated the urban sprawl phenomenon. There has been an open area deficits for the green open space in 2015-2031, such as integrated maritime, ports, and warehousing zones. Several islands in Makassar City are predicted to have their built-up areas decreased, especially in Lanjukang Island, Langkai Island, Kodingareng Lompo Island, Bone Tambung Island, Kodingareng Keke Island and Samalona Island. Meanwhile, the increase of the built up area is predicted to occur in Lumu Island, Barrang Caddi Island, Barrang Lompo Island, Lae-lae Island, and Kayangan Island. The land cover is caused by the human activities. Many land conversions do not comply with the provision of percentage of green open space allocation in the integrated strategic areas, established in the spatial plan. Thus, have the potential of conflict in the spatial plan of marine and small islands in Makassar City
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