2,761 research outputs found

    Newcomb-Benford Law in Neuromuscular Transmission: Validation at Hyperkalemic Conditions

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    Recently, we demonstrated the validity of anomalous numbers law, known as Newcomb-Benford's law, at the mammalian neuromuscular transmission, considering different extracellular calcium concentrations arXiv:2002.01986. The present work continues to examine how alterations in extracellular solution modulate the first digit law in the context of the spontaneous release of acetylcholine from the neuromuscular junction. We investigated if the intervals of miniature potentials collected at the neuromuscular junction obey the law in a hyperkalemic environment. The analysis showed that the interval between the miniature potentials at high potassium concentrations follows Newcomb-Benford's law. Also, our data allowed us to uncover a conformity fluctuation as a function of the number of intervals of the miniature potentials. Finally, we discuss the biophysical implications of the present findings.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    A presença universal do Espírito de Deus e a Criação: elementos para o diálogo inter-religioso na teologia pentecostal

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    A presença universal do Espírito de Deus em cada ser vivente, tal como apresentada no texto, constitui um convite fundamental ao ser humano, para que este se comprometa com o cuidado ao mundo, obra-prima do Deus Espírito. Os dois elementos ora apresentados, a saber, a presença universal do Espírito de Deus e o cuidado com a criação, são elementos constitutivos da pneumatologia pentecostal e que, portanto, podem ser fundamentos para o diálogo inter-religioso no pentecostalismo brasileiro. Com o objetivo de apresentar a presença universal do Espírito de Deus e o cuidado com o meio ambiente como fundamentos para o diálogo inter-religioso no pentecostalismo brasileiro, o texto busca referências bibliográficas em teólogos pentecostais, como David Mesquiati, reformados, como Jürgen Moltmann, e católicos, como Yves Congar e Leonardo Boff. O autor conclui que a presença do Espírito está em todo ser que vive e essa é a uma razão interna de a fé pentecostal se comprometer com o diálogo inter-religioso


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    The aim of this study was to identify elements that show the influence of the age and sex variables in the metacognitive level of professionals. Survey participants were 851 professionals registered in Bahia's Regional Administration Council who own their own businesses. Two validated psychometric instruments were used: Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and the Metacognitive Activities Inventory (MCA-I). The hypothesis held that the respondent's age and sex influence their Metacognitive Profile. From the Structural Equation Modeling, the results indicate that the sex variable showed no significant relationship to the Metacognitive Profile. The implications of this study provide empirical conclusions that can aid entrepreneurs, companies, higher education institutions to understand the metacognitive aspects that influence the entrepreneurs behavior more systematically. Empirically, these results contribute so that the participating drivers of this study, as they develop metacognitive aspects, acquire a competitive advantage in their entrepreneurial performance.


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    Os estudos recentes sobre mobilidade internacional acadêmica descortinam preocupações que não são contempladas nas abordagens monodisciplinares. As pesquisas interdisciplinares que discutem as relações entre os mecanismos de reprodução de assimetrias observadas nos crescentes fluxos de estudantes em circulação internacional, parecem mais conseqüentes. Nessa trilha, propõe-se uma reflexão acerca dos elementos que compõem a construção da alteridade em situações de mobilidade acadêmica internacional, objetivando iluminar as práticas pedagógicas exploradas pelos professores. Em situações como a da cidade de Coimbra, na qual a sociabilidade urbana sofre influência histórica da presença da Universidade, o conceito de cultura acadêmica merece ser compreendido em sua complexidade. As tradições estudantis, atualizadas e reafirmadas, fortalecem a reposição de hierarquias e pertencimentos que transbordam para os espaços da cidade. Nesse contexto, fazem-se necessárias reflexões sobre componentes político-culturais das práticas pedagógicas exploradas. A pesquisa está alinhada à abordagem qualitativa na medida em que está orientada por procedimentos típicos do método etnográfico. Seu corpus é composto por estudantes luso-falantes, de distintas nacionalidades, que no primeiro semestre de 2011 cursavam pós-graduação na Universidade de Coimbra


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    Length–weight relationships (LWRs) informations are very important in fishery science and management. The aim of this study was to estimate LWRs for 15 fish species from the Cujubim Lake, localized on the Madeira River, using conventional methods and Baysian analysis. In total, 639 individuals were captured distributed in four orders and nine families, the most diverse being Characiformes and Pimelodidae, respectively. Of the species collected, only Megaleporinus trifasciatus was not studied in the Madeira River, and for Pimelodus tetramerus we present a new weight and length data. In addition, a new maximum length has been recorded for Reoboides affinis. All condition factor values were above or equal to 1,000, except P. tetramerus, therefore, may be indicative of better nutritional status for fish in Lake Cujubim.Keywords: allometry; bayesian analysis; freshwater fish; somatic growth; Western Amazon.As informações sobre relações peso-comprimento (RPC) são muito importantes na ciência e gestão pesqueira. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar RPC para 15 espécies de peixes no Lago Cujubim, localizado no rio Madeira, com o uso de métodos convencionais e análises baysianas. No total foram capturados 639 indivíduos pertencentes a quatro ordens e nove famílias, sendo mais diversos Characiformes e Pimelodidae, respectivamente. Das espécies coletadas, apenas Megaleporinus trifasciatus não foi estudada no rio Madeira, e para a espécie Pimelodus tetramerus, apresentamos novos dados de peso e comprimento. Além disso, um novo comprimento máximo foi registrado para Reoboides affinis. Todos os valores dos fatores de condição foram superiores ou iguais a 1.000, exceto para P. tetramerus, portanto, os valores podem ser indicativos de um melhor estado nutricional para os peixes no Lago Cujubim.Palavras-chave: alometria, análise bayesiana, peixe de água doce, crescimento somático, Amazônia Ocidental

    Digital twins for land-based aquaculture: A case study for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The virtual, digital counterpart of a physical object, referred as digital twin, derives from the Internet of Things (IoT), and involves real-time acquisition and processing of large data sets. A fully implemented system ultimately enables real-time and remote management, as well as the reproduction of real and forecasted scenarios. Under the emerging framework of Precision Fish Farming, which brings control-engineering principles to fish production, we set up digital twin prototypes for land-based finfish farms. The digital twin is aimed at supporting producers in optimizing feeding practices, oxygen supply and fish population management with respect to 1) fish growth performances; 2) fish welfare, and 3) environmental loads. It relies on integrated mathematical models which are fed with data from in-situ sensors and from external sources, and simulate several dynamic processes, allowing the estimation of key parameters describing the ambient environment and the fishes. A conceptual application targeted at rearing cycles of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in an operational in-land aquafarm in Italy is presented. The digital twin takes into account the disparate levels of automation and control that are found within this farm, and considerations are made on preferential directions for future developments. In spite of its potential, and not only in the aquaculture sector, the development of digital twins is still at its early stage. Furthermore, Precision Fish Farming applications in land-based systems as well as targeted at rainbow trout are novel developments


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    In this paper one analyses the image of the Portuguese nation delineated by Camilo Castelo Branco in A queda dum anjo, novel published in 1865. In order to do so, one discusses theoreticians of the nation (Hobsbawm, Bhabha, for instance) and bases oneself on historical information about the context of 19th century reflected by the Camilian narrative.Neste artigo, analisamos a imagem da nação portuguesa que Camilo Castelo Brancodelineou em  A queda dum anjo, novela publicada em 1865. Para tal, discutimos teóricos danação (Hobsbawm, Bhabha, por exemplo) e nos baseamos em informações históricas sobre ocontexto de meados do século XIX, refletido pela narrativa camiliana

    Detection of small bowel tumors in endoscopic capsule images by modeling non-gaussianity of texture descriptors

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    This paper presents an approach to the automatic detection of small bowel tumors by processing endoscopic capsule images. The most significant texture information is selected by using wavelet processing and captured in the image domain from an appropriate synthesized image. Co-occurrence matrices are used to derive texture descriptors by modeling second order statistics of color image levels. These descriptors are then modeled by using third and fourth order moments in order to cope with distributions that tend to become non-Gaussian especially in some pathological cases. The proposed approach is supported by a classifier based on radial basis functions procedure for the characterization of the image regions along the video frames. The whole methodology has been applied on real data and shows that higher order moments can be effective in modeling capsule endoscopic images regarding tumor detection.Centre Algoritm

    Os peixes da família Sternoptychidae (Teleostei, Stomiiformes) do talude e plataforma continental brasileira entre 11ºS e 23ºS

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    There are very few mesopelagical samples accomplished in Brazilian waters. most of it are limited exclusively at south and southeast regions. As a consequence of it, the knowledge of the Brazilian Stemoptychidae is very limited, based on the material obtained by a few oceanographic cruises that took place in this area, of these the most important are the French RIV Marion Dufresne on the Trindade-Vitória ridge and the Brazilian R/V Atlantico Sul at southem Brazil. More recently, the most representative collection of Stemoptychidae known from the Southwest Atlantic was obtained. It was obtained, by four deep sea trawl cruises (pelagic and bottom) over the Brazilian continental shelf, slope and sea mounts between lIaS and 23°S (Babia 1 e lI; Oceanprof 1 e 11). These samples produced 12.710 specimens of Stemoptychidae, which were analyzed in the present work. Based on this collection, the following nine species were identified: Argyripnus atlanticus, Argyropelecus aculeatus. A. hemigymnus, A. sladeni. Maurolicus stehmanni, Sternoptyx diaphana, S. pseudodiaphana, S. pseudobscura e Polyipnus laternatus. Ofthese, Argyripnus atlanticus, Polyipnus laternatus e Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana are new records for Brazilian waters. Were also new the occurrence of the genera Argyripnus at South Atlantic and Polyipnus at Southwet Atlantic.São poucas as amostragens do ambiente mesopelágico realizadas em águas brasileiras, tendo as efetuadas se limitado quase que exclusivamente às regiões sul e sudeste. Em consequência. o conhecimento sobre os Sternotychidae que ocorrem no Brasil é muito limitado, restringindo-se ao material obtido em poucas campanhas oceanográficas, dentre as quais destacam-se as do N/O francês Marion Dufresne na cadeia Trindade-Vitória e do brasileiro N/O Atlântico Sul na região sul do Brasil. Mais recentemente, foi obtida a maior representação conhecida de Stemoptychidae do sul da Atlântico Ocidental por quatro campanhas com arrastos de profundidade (pelágico e demersal) sobre a plataforma continental, talude e bancos submarinos entre 11 oS e 23°S (Bahia I e 11; OceanProf I e 11). Estas amostragens renderam 12.710 exemplares de Stemoptychidae, material este analisado no presente estudo. Com base nesta coleção, foram identificadas as seguintes espécies de Stemoptychidae: Argyripnus atlanticus, Argyropelecus aculeatus, A. hemigymnus, A. sladeni, Maurolicus stehmanni, Sternoptyx diaphana, Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana, S. pseudobscura e Polyipnus laternatus. Destas, representam novas ocorrências para o Brasil Argyripnus atlanticus, Polyipnus laternatus, e Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana. São também novas ocorrências os gêneros Argyripnus (para o sul do Oceano Atlântico) e Polyipnus (para o sul do Atlântico Ocidental)