5,661 research outputs found

    Use of a fishery independant index to predict recruitment and catches of the spiny lobster

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    This paper presents a review of recruitment and catch predictions based on an index of abundance of juveniles and pre-recruits (fishery independent index) in the Cuban lobster fisheries. This methodology can provide information based on fisheries data that can improve the management of the fishery.Coral reefs, Indicators, Fishery resources, Resource management, Ecosystem management

    Toward a New Regional Economic Order in Asia and the Pacific

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    This paper discusses the New International Economic Order in the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that harnessing national growth and regionalism can yield lasting benefits to developing countries and their people.economic growth

    World Checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida). Part 2: Laniatores – Samooidea, Zalmoxoidea and Grassatores incertae sedis

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    Including more than 6500 species, Opiliones is the third most diverse order of Arachnida, after the megadiverse Acari and Araneae. This database is part 2 of 12 of a project containing an intended worldwide checklist of species and subspecies of Opiliones, and it includes the members of the suborder Laniatores, infraorder Grassatores of the superfamilies Samooidea and Zalmoxoidea plus the genera currently not allocated to any family (i.e. Grassatores incertae sedis). In this Part 2, a total of 556 species and subspecies are listed.Fil: Kury, Adriano Brilhante. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; BrasilFil: Souza, Daniele R.. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; BrasilFil: Pérez González, Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; Argentin

    An approximation scheme for an Eikonal Equation with discontinuous coefficient

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    We consider the stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation where the dynamics can vanish at some points, the cost function is strictly positive and is allowed to be discontinuous. More precisely, we consider special class of discontinuities for which the notion of viscosity solution is well-suited. We propose a semi-Lagrangian scheme for the numerical approximation of the viscosity solution in the sense of Ishii and we study its properties. We also prove an a-priori error estimate for the scheme in an integral norm. The last section contains some applications to control and image processing problems

    Correlating the interstellar magnetic field with protostellar jets and its sources

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    This article combines new CCD polarimetric data with previous information about protostellar objects in a search for correlations involving the interstellar magnetic field. Specifically, we carried out an optical polarimetric study of a sample of 28 fields of 10 X 10 arcmin^2 located in the neighborhood of protostellar jets and randomly spread over the Galaxy. The polarimetry of a large number of field stars is used to estimate both the average and dispersion of the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) direction in each region. The results of the applied statistical tests are as follows. Concerning the alignment between the jet direction and the interstellar magnetic field, the whole sample does not show alignment. There is, however, a statistically significant alignment for objects of Classes 0 and I. Regarding the interstellar magnetic field dispersion, our sample presents values slightly larger for regions containing T Tauri objects than for those harboring younger protostars. Moreover the ISMF dispersion in regions containing high-mass objects tends to be larger than in those including only low-mass protostars. In our sample, the mean interstellar polarization as a function of the average interstellar extinction in a region reaches a maximum value around 3% for A(V) = 5, after which it decreases. Our data also show a clear correlation of the mean value of the interstellar polarization with the dispersion of the interstellar magnetic field: the larger the dispersion, the smaller the polarization. Based on a comparison of our and previous results, we suggest that the dispersion in regions forming stars is larger than in quiescent regions.Comment: ApJ accepte

    The Noncommutative Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts-Amorim Space

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    This work is an effort in order to compose a pedestrian review of the recently elaborated Doplicher, Fredenhagen, Roberts and Amorim (DFRA) noncommutative (NC) space which is a minimal extension of the DFR space. In this DRFA space, the object of noncommutativity (θμν\theta^{\mu\nu}) is a variable of the NC system and has a canonical conjugate momentum. The DFRA formalism is constructed in an extended space-time with independent degrees of freedom associated with the object of noncommutativity θμν\theta^{\mu\nu}. A consistent algebra involving the enlarged set of canonical operators is described, which permits one to construct theories that are dynamically invariant under the action of the rotation group. A consistent classical mechanics formulation is analyzed in such a way that, under quantization, it furnishes a NC quantum theory with interesting results. The Dirac formalism for constrained Hamiltonian systems is considered and the object of noncommutativity θij\theta^{ij} plays a fundamental role as an independent quantity. It is also explained about the generalized Dirac equation issue, that the fermionic field depends not only on the ordinary coordinates but on θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} as well. The dynamical symmetry content of such fermionic theory is discussed, and we show that its action is invariant under P{\cal P}'. In the last part of this work we analyze the complex scalar fields using this new framework. As said above, in a first quantized formalism, θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} and its canonical momentum πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} are seen as operators living in some Hilbert space. In a second quantized formalism perspective, we show an explicit form for the extended Poincar\'e generators and the same algebra is generated via generalized Heisenberg relations. We also consider a source term and construct the general solution for the complex scalar fields using the Green function technique

    Depression in autoimmune diseases

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    Up to 50% of patients with autoimmune diseases show an impairment of health-related quality of life and exhibit depression-like symptoms. The immune system not only leads to inflammation in affected organs, but also mediates behavior abnormalities including fatigue and depression-like symptoms. This review focuses on the different pathways involved in the communication of the immune system with the neuronal network and the body's timing system. The latter is built up by a hierarchically organized expression of clock genes. As discussed here, the activation of the immune system interferes with high amplitude expression of clock genes, an effect which may play a pivotal role in depression-like behavior in autoimmune diseases

    Site specific spin dynamics in BaFe2As2: tuning the ground state by orbital differentiation

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    The role of orbital differentiation on the emergence of superconductivity in the Fe-based superconductors remains an open question to the scientific community. In this investigation, we employ a suitable microscopic spin probe technique, namely Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), to investigate this issue on selected chemically substituted BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} single crystals. As the spin-density wave (SDW) phase is suppressed, we observe a clear increase of the Fe 3dd bands anisotropy along with their localization at the FeAs plane. Such an increase of the planar orbital content interestingly occurs independently on the chemical substitution responsible for suppressing the SDW phase. As a consequence, the magnetic fluctuations combined with the resultant particular symmetry of the Fe 3dd bands are propitious ingredients to the emergence of superconductivity in this class of materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Lobby index as a network centrality measure

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    We study the lobby index (l-index for short) as a local node centrality measure for complex networks. The l-inde is compared with degree (a local measure), betweenness and Eigenvector centralities (two global measures) in the case of biological network (Yeast interaction protein-protein network) and a linguistic network (Moby Thesaurus II). In both networks, the l-index has poor correlation with betweenness but correlates with degree and Eigenvector. Being a local measure, one can take advantage by using the l-index because it carries more information about its neighbors when compared with degree centrality, indeed it requires less time to compute when compared with Eigenvector centrality. Results suggests that l-index produces better results than degree and Eigenvector measures for ranking purposes, becoming suitable as a tool to perform this task.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1005.480