71 research outputs found

    Evaluar el efecto de la fibra sobre la respuesta ovárica estimulada con hormona foliculoestimulante en vaquillas Holstein mestizas alimentadas con forraje de diferente edad fenológica

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    El estudio se ejecutó en la hacienda Juticaray, situada en el sector de Surampalti, cantón Déleg, provincia del Cañar a una altura de 3230 metros sobre el nivel del mar. El trabajo valoró el efecto de la administración de 125 Unidades Internacionales (UI) de hormona Folículo-estimulante (FSH) vía epidural en ocho vaquillas Holstein mestizas que fueron alimentadas con forrajes de 28 y 42 días de edad fenológica, sobre la respuesta ovárica, cuantificando el número de folículos antrales (FA) observados el día de la aspiración ecoguiada (OPU), el número y la calidad de complejos cúmulo ovocitos (COC´s) recuperados. En el experimento se establecieron 4 tratamientos: T0 = pradera de 28 días; T1 = pradera de 28 días + 125 UI de FSH; T 2= pradera de 42 días; T3 = pradera de 42 días + 125 UI de FSH. La pradera contenía un 80,1% 7,4% y 6,4% de gramíneas, leguminosas y malezas, respectivamente. El análisis químico determino que la fibra bruta en las praderas de 28 y 42 días fue similar (P>0,05), por tal motivo a estas edades fenológicas la fibra no ejerce algún efecto sobre la respuesta ovárica; sin embargo, el forraje de 28 días tuvo mayores porcentajes de humedad(88,3±0,70) y proteína(21,3±0,81) comparada con el forraje de 42 días(84,9±0,55 y 17,6±0,86 respectivamente) (P<0,05), esto contribuyó directamente en el desarrollo folicular del tratamiento 3, donde presento un mayor número de folículos entre 4-8mm(116 (74,4%)). El promedio de folículos visualizados fue de 19,9 ± 6,68 folículos, de estos se aspiró un 76,9% (15,3 ± 7,11 folículos aspirados), obteniendo un porcentaje de recuperación del 59,2% de COC´s (11,8 ±7,53 COC´s), de estos el 54,2% fueron clasificados como aptos y el 45,7% no aptos. El T3 tuvo un 19,1% más de recuperación que el tratamiento 2 y un 22,1% con respecto al T1. Adicionalmente, T3 proporcionó 3 veces más COC´s considerados aptos comparados con los obtenidos en T2. En conclusión, aplicar 125 UI influyó en el número de folículos que llegan a ser aspirados, el número y la calidad de COC´s recuperados, sin importar la edad fenológica de la pastura con la que fueron alimentadas las vaconas.The study was carried out on the Juticaray farm, located in the Surampalti sector, Déleg canton, Cañar province at an altitude of 3230 meters above sea level. The work evaluated the effect of the administration of 125 International Units (IU) of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) epidurally in eight crossbred Holstein heifers that were fed with pastures of 28 and 42 days of phenological age, on the ovarian response, quantifying the number of antral follicles (AF) observed on the day of the ultrasound-guided aspiration (OPU), the number and quality of cumulus oocyte complexes (COC's) recovered. In the experiment, 4 treatments were established: T0=28-day meadow; T1=28-day pasture + 125 IU of FSH; T2=42-day meadow; T3=42-day meadow + 125 IU of FSH. The meadow contained 80.1% grasses, 7.4% legumes and 6.4% weeds. The chemical analysis determined that the crude fiber in the 28- and 42-day pastures was similar (P>0.005); However, the 28-day pasture had higher percentages of moisture (88.3±0.70) and protein (21.3±0.81) compared to the 42-day pasture (84.9±0.55 and 17.6±0.86 respectively) (P<0.05), this contributed directly to the follicular development of treatment 3, which presented a greater number of follicles between 4-8 mm (116 (74.4%)). The average number of follicles visualized was 19.9 ± 6.68 follicles, of which 76.9% were aspirated (15.3 ± 7.11 follicles aspirated), obtaining a recovery percentage of 59.2% of COC's (11.8 ±7.53 COC's), of which 54.2% were classified as suitable and 45.7% as unsuitable. T3 had 19.1% more recovery than treatment 2 and 22.1% over T1. Additionally, T3 provided 3 times more COC's considered fit compared to those obtained in T2. In conclusion, applying 125 IU influenced the number of follicles that were aspirated, the number and quality of COC's recovered, regardless of the phenological age of the pasture with which the cows were fed.0000-0002-8741-902

    Biomass residues improve soil chemical and biological properties reestablishing native species in an exposed subsoil in Brazilian Cerrado

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    Revegetation of exposed sub-soil, while a desirable strategy in the recovery processes, often fails due to extreme soil chemical properties, such as low organic matter and pH levels inhospitable to biological activities such as nutrients cycling and plant establishment. This is the case for approximately 800 ha of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, where erecting the embankment of a hydroelectric dam in the 1960’s stripped vegetation, soil, and subsoil layers thereby distorting the soil properties. This work evaluates the effectiveness of restoration management (RM) treatments, to restore the soil quality, including biological activity and chemical attributes. In a factorial scheme, RM treatments include the addition of organic residue from aquatic macrophytes (AM) at 3 rates (0, 16 and 32 t ha-1), combined with ash from sugar cane bagasse of agroindustrial origin (BA) at 4 rates (0, 15, 30 and 45 t ha-1). RM samples contrasted samples collected from undisturbed Cerrado (CER) as well as a degraded area without intervention (DAWI). The mechanized RM plots received amendments and reforestation of 10 Cerrado native tree species. After 5 years, vegetation covered up to 60% of the surface in RM treatments receiving AM32 + BA45. AM and BA residues promoted height increases in the introduced plants. All RM treatments promoted lower levels of Al3+ than DAWI and CER. The combination of AM32 over the rates of incorporated ash increased soil pH and K values similarly to CER. Microbial-related variables, such as microbial biomass-C was the largest in CER, followed by the RM treatments, and the lowest in DAWI. The microbial quotient was no different between CER and RM treatments. The addition of residues such as AM and BA increased the vegetation covered, improved chemical and microbiological indicators. Thus, the residues used aided the recovery process of intensely degraded soils in the Cerrado area

    Identifying factors contributing to reduced breast tumor size: A longitudinal study

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    AbstractAimThis study examines the trends and outcomes of breast cancer patients who have undergone surgical procedures at the Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. It also identifies the factors that contributed to the reduction of the breast tumor size over a 13-year period at a tertiary referral center.MethodsAll breast cancer operations performed at the Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, from January 1992 to June 2005 were examined and data from their surgical pathology reports were also analyzed, using a prospective database. A longitudinal study was performed to compare and analyze the pathological data during three consecutive time periods. The periods were from 1992 to 1996, 1997 to 1999, and 2000 to 2005. Surgical and pathological outcomes included age of the patient at the time of the diagnosis, partial breast resections, mastectomies, axillary lymphadenectomies, tumor size, histological type and stage, and lymph node status.ResultsThe study group was comprised of 3050 patients who underwent breast resection between 1992 and 2005. Quadrantectomy was the preferred surgical approach in 1759 patients (58%). Throughout the longitudinal study, the tumors measuring less than 1cm increased from 13.4% to 15.4%; the number of tumors diagnosed at stage I increased from 44.1% to 56.8%; the most frequent histological type was ductal carcinoma; the number of ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS) increased from 4% to 6%; and the incidence of lymphadenectomies decreased from 71.6% to 52.5%. Perioperative factors that correlated with the decreased size of the tumor over time were: screening, improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and the increased operative use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB).ConclusionsThere has been an evolving refinement in surgical technique and perioperative management of breast cancer patients undergoing surgical resection at the Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, during the past decades. The present longitudinal study on 3050 surgical breast cancer patients confirmed the progressive reduction of tumor size at the time of the diagnosis. Perioperative factors that correlated with the decreased tumor size over time were mammography screening, improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and the use of SLNB. Furthermore, the study showed that the progressive reduced number of useless axillary lymphadenectomies was mainly due to the increased intraoperative use of axillary SLNB

    Elaboração e validação de checklist para administração de medicamentos para pacientes em protocolos de pesquisa

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    Objetivo: Descrever a elaboração e validação de um checklist como estratégia deadministração segura de medicamentos.Método: Estudo de validação por consenso de especialistas conduzido de janeiro a junho de2018 em um Centro de Pesquisa Clínica de um hospital universitário. O checklist foi validadopor três enfermeiros assistenciais, dois técnicos de enfermagem, um farmacêutico, doisenfermeiros professores e um médico professor, todos com ampla experiência naadministração de medicamentos e em pesquisa clínica. Para a lista final foi consideradoconsenso de 100% entre os especialistas.Resultados: Elaborou-se um guia composto por seis itens a serem checados pela equipeassistencial antes, durante e após a administração de medicamentos de Pesquisa Clínica.Conclusão: A validação do checklist forneceu elementos norteadores para a prevenção decomportamentos que podem levar ao risco de eventos adversos e também permitiu que asequipes assistenciais buscassem estratégias seguras de cuidado na administração demedicamentos.Palavras-chave: Lista de checagem. Avaliação em enfermagem. Estudos de validação

    Toxicity study in blood and tumor cells of laser produced medicines for application in fabrics

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    Phenothiazine derivatives are non-antibiotics with antimicrobial, fungistatic and fungicidal effects. We exposed to a high energy UV laser beam phenothiazines solutions in water at 20mg/mL concentration to increase antibacterial activity of resulting mixtures. Compared to previous results obtained on bacteria, more research is needed about UV laser irradiated phenothiazines applications on cancer cell cultures to evidence possible anticancerous properties. Evaluation of the safety of the newly obtained photoproducts in view of use on humans is also needed. Due to expensive animal testing in toxicology and pressure from general public and governments to develop alternatives to in vivo testing, in vitro cell-based models are attractive for preliminary testing of new materials. Cytotoxicity screening reported here shows that laser irradiated (4h exposure time length) chlorpromazine and promazine are more efficient against some cell cultures. Interaction of laser irradiated phenothiazines with fabrics show that promethazine and chlorpromazine have improved wetting properties. Correlation of these two groups of properties shows that chlorpromazine appears to be more recommended for applications on tissues using fabrics as transport vectors. The reported results concern stability study of phenothiazines water solutions to know the time limits within which they are stable and may be used. Keywords: Culture cells; Fabrics; Hemolysis; In vitro cytotoxicity; Laser; Phenothiazines

    Elaboración y validación de checklist para la administración de medicamentos para pacientes en protocolos de investigación

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    Objetivo: Descrever a elaboração e validação de um checklist como estratégia de administração segura de medicamentos. Método: Estudo de validação por consenso de especialistas conduzido de janeiro a junho de 2018 em um Centro de Pesquisa Clínica de um hospital universitário. O checklist foi validado por três enfermeiros assistenciais, dois técnicos de enfermagem, um farmacêutico, dois enfermeiros professores e um médico professor, todos com ampla experiência na administração de medicamentos e em pesquisa clínica. Para a lista final foi considerado consenso de 100% entre os especialistas. Resultados: Elaborou-se um guia composto por seis itens a serem checados pela equipe assistencial antes, durante e após a administração de medicamentos de Pesquisa Clínica. Conclusão: A validação do checklist forneceu elementos norteadores para a prevenção de comportamentos que podem levar ao risco de eventos adversos e também permitiu que as equipes assistenciais buscassem estratégias seguras de cuidado na administração de medicamentos.Objective: To describe the elaboration and validation of a checklist as a strategy for safe drug administration. Method: It is a Validation study by consensus of experts conducted from January to June 2018, in a Clinical Research Center of a university hospital. The checklist was validated by three nurses, two nursing technicians, a pharmacist, two nurse teachers and one medical teacher, all with extensive experience in drug administration and in clinical research. For the final version of the checklist, a consensus of 100% was considered. Results: A guide was prepared consisting of six items to be checked by the care team before, during and after administration of Clinical Research drugs. Conclusion: The validation of the checklist provided guiding elements for the prevention of behaviors that could lead to the risk of adverse events and also allowed the care teams to seek safe strategies of care in drug administration.Objetivo: Describir la elaboración y validación de un checklist como estrategia de administración segura de medicamentos. Método: Estudio de validación por consenso de especialistas conducido de enero a junio/2018 en Centro de Investigación Clínica de un hospital universitario. El checklist fue validado por tres enfermeros asistenciales, dos técnicos de enfermería, un farmacéutico, dos enfermeros profesores y un médico profesor todos con amplia experiencia en administración y supervisión de medicamentos y investigación clínica. Para la lista final se consideró consenso del 100% entre los expertos. Resultados: Elaboró un guía compuesto por seis ítems a ser chequeados por el equipo asistencial antes, durante y después de la administración de medicamentos de Investigación Clínica. Conclusión: La validación del checklist proporcionó elementos orientadores para la prevención de comportamientos que pueden llevar al riesgo de eventos adversos y también permitió a los equipos asistenciales buscar estrategias seguras de cuidado en la administración de medicamentos

    TiO2 nanoparticles influence on rhodamine 6G droplet emission

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    This work aims to investigate the effect of TiO 2 nanoparticles addition on the fluorescence emission of solutions of Rhodamine 6G excited in micro-volumetric droplets. In this paper are presented the similarities and the differences of the emission spectra by modifying parameters such as TiO 2 concentration, solutions pH and laser fluence. The pumping laser source used was the second harmonic beam emitted by a pulsed ns Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. Lasing emission is observed and it is favorised by the solution acidity and laser beam intensity. © 2018, Editura Academiei Romane. All rights reserved

    TiO2 nanoparticles influence on rhodamine 6G droplet emission

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    This work aims to investigate the effect of TiO 2 nanoparticles addition on the fluorescence emission of solutions of Rhodamine 6G excited in micro-volumetric droplets. In this paper are presented the similarities and the differences of the emission spectra by modifying parameters such as TiO 2 concentration, solutions pH and laser fluence. The pumping laser source used was the second harmonic beam emitted by a pulsed ns Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. Lasing emission is observed and it is favorised by the solution acidity and laser beam intensity. © 2018, Editura Academiei Romane. All rights reserved