8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Advertising on social media on Fashion Product Purchase Decision

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    Technology makes the fashion industry grow very rapidly and nowadays fashion has become a lifestyle for people to show social status. The many local and international brands that exist, trigger the desire to use fashion products. As if you don't want to be left behind with existing trends. In this modern era, social media is very helpful in everyday life, especially for producers and consumers. Social media has become a gathering place for various communities. In this modern era, product purchase decisions are strongly influenced by social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok. This study aims to determine the effect of advertising on social media on purchasing decisions for fashion products. This research uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Children's questionnaires were distributed to 100 people. Questionnaires will be distributed to students as case studies. The results showed that advertising in social media had an effect on purchasing decisions for fashion products. Humans are greatly facilitated by the existence of technology. Various media with different and complete features are very helpful for those of us who want to promote a business. The development of the fashion industry is very fast, supported by the development of existing technology, social media has evolved into an efficient and practical platform in marketing. This study concludes that advertising on social media is very influential, especially in the form of visuals in the form of promos and other information about the products being sold. This research is expected to help get more potential consumers by utilizing social media

    Rancang Bangun dan Analisis Akurasi Dinamometer Untuk Kajian Biomekanika Gaya Penari Bapang

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    Biomechanics is the study of internal and external forces acting on the body of living things and the effects of these forces. The study of the motion of living things is carried out by applying theories and laws of motion. The forces acting on the human body organ systems in biomechanics include gravitational force, body reaction force and muscle force. These forces can be measured using a dynamometer. This study aims to design a load cell sensor-based dynamometer which is used as a mass sensor, applied to the design, then analyzed its accuracy for the study of the biomechanics of Bapang dancers. The design is based on the availability of research funds but refers to the Mettler Toledo weighing principle, where the floor scale is designed as a measuring base for the dancers to perform their dances. The area of ​​this measuring base is predefined as 1.25 x 1.25 m. This has reduced the accuracy of the design results considering the ideal area for free dancing is 3 x 3 m. The design results have worked well and can record changes in the load during changes in dancer movements. The measured reading accuracy value reaches 98.36% but still includes measurement errors due to differences in the place and time of the calibration measurement, and differences in the clothes of the people who are the object of the load. The load reading display captures an average time delay of 0.468 seconds. It is recommended that the drawbacks of this design be corrected by designing a dancer's load measurement system using a load sensor that is shaped like a ballet shoe, but uses a wireless data transfer system so that the dancers can move freely. In addition, the shoe-shaped dynamometer design can definitively separate the load readings for the right and left feet

    Pelatihan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Sistem Pembelajaran Alamiah Otak (SiPAO) Untuk Guru Inklusif di Sekolah Dasar

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    Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi guru inklusif dalam pembelajaran dalam kelas inklusif antara lain guru kurang memahami karakteristik siswa terutama siswa ABK, guru masih sulit membuat rencana pembelajaran terintegrasi/inklusif dan program pembelajaran individual (PPI) bagi siswa, waktu pembelajaran sulit untuk diatur,  serta sulit mengembangkan metode pembelajaran yang efektif yang dapat melibatkan semua siswa. Salah satu cara agar dapat mengatasi masalah pembelajaran tersebut adalah mensosialisasikan hasil penelitian tentang strategi pembelajaran berbasis sistem pembelajaran alamiah otak (SiPAO)  melalui pelatihan kepada guru inklusif. Hasil pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan telah memberikan pemahaman tentang cara menjadi guru kreatif terutama dalam merancang pembelajaran kelas inklusif, peserta mendapatkan pengalaman langsung dalam merancang strategi pembelajaran berbasis SiPAO, dan mendemonstrasikan rancangan dengan lancar dan berurutan. Pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan diharapkan dapat memberikan alternatif kepada peserta untuk dapat merancang pembelajaran secara efektif dalam kelas inklusif. Agar strategi pembelajaran berbasis SiPAO ini dapat digunakan oleh seluruh guru inklusif di SD, maka harus ada kerjasama seluruh pihak, yaitu universitas, pemerintah, sekolah dan masyarakat agar dampak jangka panjang dapat memecahkan permasalahan dalam sekolah inklusi


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    Xylidine plant from nitroxylene and hydrogen with capacity 10,000 tons/year is designed to meet the demand of domestic xylidine and also international demand especially in Southeast Asia. The needs of xylidine in 2018 will be around 1,300 ton/year,and it will getting higher each year, and reach about 2,602.85 tons/year in 2028. The plant will be operated for 330 days/year. Xylidine product is in liquid phase and its purity is 99%. The raw materials used are 14,175.3942 tons/year nitroxylene and 744.5898 tons/year hydrogen. Based on the operating conditions, the selection of raw materials used, and the type of product produced, the plant is classified as medium-risk plants. The process of making xylidine from nitroxylene and hydrogen consists of three main processes, the first is the preparation of raw materials, the second is synthesis process, and the third is purification process of reaction products. In the first process, the raw materials operating condition is adjusted at temperature 60�C and pressure 10 bar. In the synthesis process, the reaction between nitroxylene and hydrogen is very exothermal using continuous stirred tank reactor with sparger and cooling coil. This reaction needs palladium on charcoal as a catalyst for 176.93 kg/year. The enthalpy of reaction is -488 kJoule/mol of nitroxylene reacted. The resulting products are xylidine and water. In purification process, water will be separated from other organic compounds using decanter and it will flow to waste water treatment unit. The last purification process is purifying the main product, xylidine, using distillation column. The yield on distillation such as xylidine 10,000 tons/year with 99% purities. The plant will be located in Tuban, East Java with a land area of 4,5 hectares because in Tuban, there are PT. Petrokimia Tuban and PT. Samator Tuban as a supplier of hydrogen, and also the plant is located near the port to make export and import activities easier. The plant will employ 231 employees. To support this process, the utility takes steam as much as 25,924.24 kg/hour, cooling water 28,986.32 kg/hour, 533.80 kVA electrical needs, and compressed air as much as 100 m 3 /hour. Fixed capital required amounted to US7,622,910.39+Rp64,083,702,722.89andworkingcapitalUS 7,622,910.39 + Rp 64,083,702,722.89 and working capital US 19,852,753.46 + Rp 11,173,132,807.53. Profit before tax is Rp 40,831,662,478.21 and profit after tax is Rp 20,415,831,239.11. From the results of calculations, the Return on Investment (ROI) before taxes is 29.44%, and 14.72% after tax. Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes is 2.54 years, 4.05 years after tax. Break Even Point is 56.65% capacity, Shut Down Point is 37.45% and Discounted Cash Flow Rate Of Return is 19.7821%. From the results of the feasibility study plants through economic evaluations that have been done on xylidine from nitroxylene and hydrogen with a production capacity of 10,000 tons / year, it can be concluded that the plant deserves to be studied further

    Sistem Pemesanan Lapangan Futsal dengan Fitur Top Up

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    Telaga Futsal 3 merupakan salah satu tempat futsal yang ada di Yogayakarta. Proses pemesanan lapangan masih menggunakan cara konvensional, selain itu pelanggan kesulitan untuk mengetahui jadwal lapangan futsal. Untuk meningkatkan mutu serta kemudahan bagi pelanggan dalam mengetahui informasi tentang ketersediaan lapangan dan pemesanan lapangan, maka dibuat sebuah sistem berbasis web untuk mempermudah pelanggan. Sistem yang berbasis web ini dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, framework CodeIgniter dan basis data MySQL. Sistem yang dibangun dapat memberikan fasilitas kepada pelanggan, sehingga pelanggan tidak perlu datang langsung untuk mengetahui tentang ketersediaan lapangan dan pemesanan lapangan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dengan adanya fitur top up. Selain itu mempermudah pegawai dalam mengelola data pemesanan, penjadwalan


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    Tanaman okra adalah tanaman sayuran yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan berfungsi sebagai obat. Upaya meningkatkan hasil  produksi okra dapat dilakukan  dengan budidaya okra menggunakan media tanam organik dan pemberian dosis biochar. Tujuan penelitian adalah:  menganalisis respon parameter pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman okra terhadap media tanam organik  dan dosis biochar. Penelitian dilaksanakan  pada Maret 2021 Desa Sekarpuro Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial terdiri dari 2 faktor, yaitu: Faktor I : Media Tanam organik, Faktor II : dosis biochar,. Parameter pengamatan meliputi 1) Tinggi tanaman (cm); 2) Jumlah daun (helai); 3) Jumlah buah pertanaman (buah); 4) Berat buah per tanaman (gram); 5) Diameter buah (cm); 6) Panjang buah (cm); 7) Berat batang (gram). Analisis ragam menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) dan uji perbedaan dengan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan media tanam pupuk kandang 7,5 ton/ha dan biochar sabut kelapa, dosis biochar  10 ton/ha memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman okra. Demikian juga untuk jumlah buah, berat batang, berbeda nyata terhadap kombinasi perlakuan media tanam dan biochar. Kesimpulan hasil tanaman okra karena kombinasi perlakuan media tanam organik  dan dosis biochar berpengaruh nyata terhadap respon pertumbuhan tanama