21,892 research outputs found

    A self-report risk index to predict occurrence of dementia in three independent cohorts of older adults: The ANU-ADRI

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    Background and Aims: The Australian National University AD Risk Index (ANU-ADRI, http://anuadri.anu.edu.au) is a self-report risk index developed using an evidence-based medicine approach to measure risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We aimed to evaluate the extent to which the ANU-ADRI can predict the risk of AD in older adults and to compare the ANU-ADRI to the dementia risk index developed from the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia (CAIDE) study for middle-aged cohorts. Methods: This study included three validation cohorts, i.e., the Rush Memory and Aging Study (MAP) (n = 903, age ≥53 years), the Kungsholmen Project (KP) (n = 905, age ≥75 years), and the Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study (CVHS) (n = 2496, age ≥65 years) that were each followed for dementia. Baseline data were collected on exposure to the 15 risk factors included in the ANU-ADRI of which MAP had 10, KP had 8 and CVHS had 9. Risk scores and C-statistics were computed for individual participants for the ANU-ADRI and the CAIDE index. Results: For the ANU-ADRI using available data, the MAP study c-statistic was 0.637 (95% CI 0.596-0.678), for the KP study it was 0.740 (0.712-0.768) and for the CVHS it was 0.733 (0.691-0.776) for predicting AD. When a common set of risk and protective factors were used c-statistics were 0.689 (95% CI 0.650-0.727), 0.666 (0.628-0.704) and 0.734 (0.707-0.761) for MAP, KP and CVHS respectively. Results for CAIDE ranged from c-statistics of 0.488 (0.427-0.554) to 0.595 (0.565-0.625). Conclusion: A composite risk score derived from the ANU-ADRI weights including 8-10 risk or protective factors is a valid, self-report tool to identify those at risk of AD and dementia. The accuracy can be further improved in studies including more risk factors and younger cohorts with long-term follow-up. © 2014 Anstey et al

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    Expanding solitons to the Hermitian curvature flow on complex Lie groups

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    We investigate the algebraic structure of complex Lie groups equipped with left-invariant metrics which are expanding semi-algebraic solitons to the Hermitian curvature flow (HCF). We show that the Lie algebras of such Lie groups decompose in the semidirect product of a reductive Lie subalgebra with their nilradicals. Furthermore, we give a structural result concerning expanding semi-algebraic solitons on complex Lie groups. It turns out that the restriction of the soliton metric to the nilradical is also an expanding algebraic soliton and we explain how to construct expanding solitons on complex Lie groups starting from expanding solitons on their nilradicals.Comment: 14 pages; section 4 extended; last version, to appear in Differential Geometry and its Application


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    Pulvar.id Online Store focuses on instant beverage powder which is suitable for various types of drinks. Shopee and Pulvar.id online shop match because Shopee E-Commerce is here to connect buyers and sellers, besides that there are many benefits for sellers and buyers. The benefits provided by Shopee make a forum for sellers such as the MSME coaching program, the Export Program and assistance to sellers in conducting store operations. Many sales categories on Shopee make Pulvar.id develop and have customers because of the large variety of products sold. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the role of customer loyalty, service quality and customer satisfaction of Pulvar.id Online Shop. This type of research is a quantitative method sampling technique determined by probability sampling by distributing questionnaires as many as 140 respondents to Pulvar.id Online Store customers. The analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of the SPSS application. The results in this study indicate that (1) Service quality has a positive and insignificant effect on customer loyalty, (2) Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, (3) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, (4) there is a significant influence between service quality on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction

    Role of ADRI model in teaching and assessing novice programmers

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    In this research, an ADRI approach was introduced in the teaching and learning process of an introductory programming course. The result shows that the ADRI approach impacted positively on the students learning outcomes. The ADRI approach not only reduced the failure rate but also improved student’s retention in the course


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    Abstract: This research analyses the manuscript of Bima Swarga and its context based on two versions : a published transcription of lontar (palm-leaf) Bima Swarga number 318,posses by Department of Literature, Udayana University, and transcription of lontar (palm -leaf) Bima Swarga number III/b.375/17, Gedong Kirtya’s Collection, published by the office of Bali Cultural Council.There are similarities and differences between the two manuscripts. Seen from poetic perspective, both manuscripts bserve pupuh poetry, describing story of Bima goes to hell to rescue the souls of his father, Pandu , and his step mother , Madri , being tortured by the god of hell. Finally, both of these Pandawa’s parent achieve ultimate freedom, heaven. The difference between those two manuscripts is that the manuscripts number 318 use two poetries: Puh Adri and Puh Pucung. It consists of 328 cantos, while the manuscripts number III/b.375/17 only employees one poetry, pupuh Adri, consisting of 157 cantos. From the literary perspective, text of Bima Swarga constitutes poetic work that illustrates or imitates the situation (mimetik). Its describes people behavior that believes in morality as a cogent guidance ( panca srada) . The heave and hell reflex the idea of goodness and badness as a super objective in socio- cultural context(pragmatik). The text of Bima Swarga fearture Bima as the leading character (sentral pigur) because his role is very important in the entire story. Bima represents an honest character, stait forward, plain,un- fastidious, resilience, tireless, spontaneous, and never avoid challenges so that he deserves many title of highest appreciations as a perfect hero

    In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Adrian Bernard Lapian Tegal, 1 September 1929 – Jakarta, 19 July 2011

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    Kontestasi Politik Identitas dalam Fenomena Illegal Logging di Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia Studi di Kecamatan Badau dan Lanjak, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    Pada banyak kejadian illegal logging di Indonesia, berbagai penyebab memiliki bukti-bukti yang kuat. Namun aktivitas illegal logging menjadi unik jika menengoknya di daerah Badau dan Lanjak yang berbatasan dengan Serawak – Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini ingin mengungkap bagaimana identitas warganegara Indonesia dari etnis Iban di Badau dan Lanjak dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai pihak dalam menjalankan praktik illegal logging. Identitas dalam penelitian ini utamanya mengacu pada keibanan, namun kedayakan, keindonesiaan, kemalaysiaan dan kekatolikan mereka tidak bisa dihindari dalam pembahasannya. Semua digunakan secara bergantian, cair dan cerdik dalam berbagai relasi kepentingan, tergantung situasi dan konteks dari relasi tersebut. Sedangkan illegal logging mengacu pada praktik ekstraksi sumber daya hutan yang menurut definisi negara melanggar peraturan Perundangan. Di Perbatasan, negara sebagai the art of governing ini lemah kehadirannya yang tercermin dari keberadaannya dalam bentuk basic services menyangkut kesejahteraan warganegaranya. Keindonesiaan menjadi lemah posisinya dalam kehidupan Orang Iban di perbatasan. Kekosongan ini yang kemudian ditingkahi oleh kehadiran Malaysia melalui relasi ekonomi dasar, relasi sejarah etnisitas, dan cukong kayu. Pertautan kepentingan ini yang dimanfaatkan dengan cerdik dan sangat strategis oleh cukong kayu untuk menjalankan dan melanggengkan praktik illegal logging di Badau dan Lanjak

    Analisis Kelayakan Perubahan Teknologi Kedelai Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Suatu teknologi akan diadopsi oleh petani apabila teknologi tersebut memberikan keuntungan bagi petani, termasuk untuk usahatani kedelai lahan pasang surut yang pada umumnya ditanami kedelai sekali dalam setahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan perubahan teknologi rekomendasi kedelai yang diintroduksikan pada lahan pasang surut. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Rantau Makmur, Kecamatan Rantau Rasau, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Provinsi Jambi dari  bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2020. Metode penelitian on-farm pada lahan petani yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Bambu Runcing. Hasil penelitian menunjunkan bahwa teknologi rekomendasi layak untuk diintroduksikan. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil analisis Marginal B/C sebesar 2,1 dengan tambahan keuntungan Rp 2.860.000,-/musim/ha. Kenaikan produksi minimum yang harus dicapai adalah 533,4 kg/ha. dengan kata lain, produksi minimum kedelai yang harus dicapai dari penerapan teknologi rekomendasi yang diintroduksikan adalah ( 1150 kg + 533,4 kg )  = 1.683,4 kg/ha. Titik Impas Harga (TIH)  adalah Rp 2.424,8 /kg. ini berarti bahwa penerapan teknologi rekomendasi layak kalau turunnya harga kedelai tidak dibawah Rp 2.424,8 / kg. dengan kata lain, selama harga kedelai per kg Rp 2.424,8 atau lebih, maka teknologi rekomendasi ini masih layak untuk diintroduksikan.&nbsp

    Analisis Usahatani Dan Keunggulan VUB Inpara 3

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    Analisis Usahatani dan Keunggulan VUB Inpara 3. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Rawa Medang, Kecamatan Batang Asam, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat , Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus - September  2020, dengan tujuan mengetahui kelayakan usahatani dan keunggulan Inpara 3. Metode penelitian survey terhadap 10 orang petani yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Karya Mukti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani responden berada pada usia produktif yaitu 35-53 tahun. Tingkat pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (SD) 40 % dan SLTP 60 %. Rata-rata kepemilikan lahan seluas 1,2 ha. Jumlah tanggungan anggota keluarga 3-5 orang. Rata-rata hasil yang diperoleh 5.750 kg/ha GKP dengan harga jual Rp 4.300/kg. Alokasi input produksi untuk pembayaran gaji upah (71,64%),  jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan untuk pembelian bahan (28,36%). Total penerimaan dari usahatani padi Rp. 24.725.000,-/ha/musim tanam (MT) dengan pendapatan Rp.16.347.000,-/ha/MT. Nisbah penerimaan dengan biaya (R/C) 2,95 Titik Impas Produksi (TIP) 1948,4 kg/ha dan Ttitik Impas Harga (TIH) Rp.1457,0 /kg.  &nbsp