23 research outputs found


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    An up-to-date review on human paragonimiasis in Africa was carried out to determine the current geographical distribution of human cases and analyze the animal reservoir, snails and crustaceans which intervene in the local life cycle of Paragonimus species. Two countries, i.e., Cameroon and Nigeria, were mainly affected by this disease, while the distribution of human cases in the other eight states of the intertropical zone was scattered. Infected patients were currently few in number and two Paragonimus species: P. africanus and P. uterobilateralis, were found. The animal reservoir is mainly constituted by crab-eating mammals. The identity of the host snail remains doubtful and was either a prosobranch, or a land snail. Seven crab species belonging to Callinectes, Liberonautes and Sudanonautes genera are able to harbour paragonimid metacercariae. Due to the current low prevalence of human paragonimiasis recorded in Africa and the high cost of wide-scale screenings for this disease, training of technicians in anti-tuberculosis centers would be the most realistic attitude to detect mycobacteria and/or Paragonimus eggs during the same sputum examinatio

    Human Paragonimiasis in Africa

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    An up-to-date review on human paragonimiasis in Africa was carried out to determine the current geographical distribution of human cases and analyze the animal reservoir, snails and crustaceans which intervene in the local life cycle of Paragonimus species. Two countries, i.e., Cameroon and Nigeria, were mainly affected by this disease, while the distribution of human cases in the other eight states of the intertropical zone was scattered. Infected patients were currently few in number and two Paragonimus species: P. africanus and P. uterobilateralis , were found. The animal reservoir is mainly constituted by crab-eating mammals. The identity of the host snail remains doubtful and was either a prosobranch, or a land snail. Seven crab species belonging to Callinectes, Liberonautes and Sudanonautes genera are able to harbour paragonimid metacercariae. Due to the current low prevalence of human paragonimiasis recorded in Africa and the high cost of wide-scale screenings for this disease, training of technicians in anti-tuberculosis centers would be the most realistic attitude to detect mycobacteria and/or Paragonimus eggs during the same sputum examination.Une revue sur la paragonimose en Afrique a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e pour d\ue9terminer la distribution g\ue9ographique actuelle des cas humains et analyser le r\ue9servoir animal, les mollusques et les crustac\ue9s qui interviennent dans le cycle local des esp\ue8ces de Paragonimus . Deux pays, \ue0 savoir le Cameroun et le Nigeria, sont principalement affect\ue9s par cette maladie tandis que la r\ue9partition des cas humains dans les huit autres \ue9tats de la zone intertropicale est dispers\ue9e. Les patients parasit\ue9s sont actuellement peu nombreux et deux esp\ue8ces de Paragonimus: P. africanus et P. uterobilateralis , ont \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9es. Le r\ue9servoir animal est principalement constitu\ue9 par des mammif\ue8res mangeurs de crabes. L\u2019identit\ue9 du mollusque h\uf4te reste douteuse et se rapporte \ue0 un prosobranche ou \ue0 un mollusque terrestre. Sept esp\ue8ces de crabes appartenant aux genres Callinectes, Liberonautes et Sudanonautes sont capables d\u2019h\ue9berger des m\ue9tacercaires de Paragonimus. En raison de la faible pr\ue9valence actuelle de la paragonimose humaine en Afrique et du co\ufbt \ue9lev\ue9 du d\ue9pistage \ue0 grande \ue9chelle pour cette maladie, la formation des techniciens dans les centres anti-tuberculeux serait l\u2019attitude la plus r\ue9aliste pour d\ue9tecter simultan\ue9ment les mycobact\ue9ries ou les \u153ufs de Paragonimus, lors de l\u2019examen du m\ueame crachat

    Efficacy and Safety of Mefloquine, Artesunate, Mefloquine-Artesunate, and Praziquantel against Schistosoma haematobium: Randomized, Exploratory Open-Label Trial

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    Background. Morbidity control of schistosomiasis relies on a single drug, praziquantel. The antimalarial drug mefloquine possesses interesting antischistosomal properties, yet no clinical studies have been performed. Methods. We conducted a randomized, exploratory open-label trial to assess the efficacy and safety of mefloquine (25 mg/kg), artesunate (3 doses of 4 mg/kg), mefloquine-artesunate (3 doses of 100 mg artesunate plus 250 mg mefloquine), and praziquantel (40 mg/kg) against Schistosoma haematobium. The effects on Schistosoma mansoni, malaria parasitemia, soil-transmitted helminths, and intestinal protozoa were also determined. Results. A total of 83 S. haematobium-infected schoolchildren were included in the study. Cure rates of mefloquine, artesunate, mefloquine-artesunate, and praziquantel against S. haematobium at day 26 after treatment were 21%, 25%, 61%, and 88%, respectively. Both mefloquine-artesunate and praziquantel resulted in egg reduction rates >95%. Significantly lower egg reduction rates were seen in the artesunate (85%) and mefloquine groups (74%). In children coinfected with S. mansoni, praziquantel and mefloquine-artesunate, but not mefloquine and artesunate alone, resulted in high cure rates and egg reduction rates. Mefloquine, artesunate, and mefloquine-artesunate completely cured infections due to Plasmodium falciparum. No effects were found against soil-transmitted helminths and intestinal protozoa. Abdominal pain was the most frequent adverse event, with a higher incidence among children treated with mefloquine (89%), mefloquine-artesunate (83%), and artesunate (60%) than among children treated with praziquantel (46%). Conclusions. The high efficacy of mefloquine-artesunate against S. haematobium warrants further investigation. Individuals coinfected with Plasmodium and Schistosoma who were treated with a mefloquine-artesunate combination against malaria might have a dual benefit: clearance of malaria parasitemia and reduction of schistosomiasisrelated morbidity. Clinical trials registration. Current Controlled Trials identifier: ISRCTN0649876

    Efficacy and safety of mefloquine, artesunate, mefloquine-artesunate, and praziquantel against Schistosoma haematobium: randomized, exploratory open-label trial

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    BACKGROUND: Morbidity control of schistosomiasis relies on a single drug, praziquantel. The antimalarial drug mefloquine possesses interesting antischistosomal properties, yet no clinical studies have been performed. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, exploratory open-label trial to assess the efficacy and safety of mefloquine (25 mg/kg), artesunate (3 doses of 4 mg/kg), mefloquine-artesunate (3 doses of 100 mg artesunate plus 250 mg mefloquine), and praziquantel (40 mg/kg) against Schistosoma haematobium. The effects on Schistosoma mansoni, malaria parasitemia, soil-transmitted helminths, and intestinal protozoa were also determined. RESULTS: A total of 83 S. haematobium-infected schoolchildren were included in the study. Cure rates of mefloquine, artesunate, mefloquine-artesunate, and praziquantel against S. haematobium at day 26 after treatment were 21%, 25%, 61%, and 88%, respectively. Both mefloquine-artesunate and praziquantel resulted in egg reduction rates >95%. Significantly lower egg reduction rates were seen in the artesunate (85%) and mefloquine groups (74%). In children coinfected with S. mansoni, praziquantel and mefloquine-artesunate, but not mefloquine and artesunate alone, resulted in high cure rates and egg reduction rates. Mefloquine, artesunate, and mefloquine-artesunate completely cured infections due to Plasmodium falciparum. No effects were found against soil-transmitted helminths and intestinal protozoa. Abdominal pain was the most frequent adverse event, with a higher incidence among children treated with mefloquine (89%), mefloquine-artesunate (83%), and artesunate (60%) than among children treated with praziquantel (46%). CONCLUSIONS: The high efficacy of mefloquine-artesunate against S. haematobium warrants further investigation. Individuals coinfected with Plasmodium and Schistosoma who were treated with a mefloquine-artesunate combination against malaria might have a dual benefit: clearance of malaria parasitemia and reduction of schistosomiasis-related morbidity. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials identifier: ISRCTN06498763

    Human Paragonimiasis in Africa

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    An up-to-date review on human paragonimiasis in Africa was carried out to determine the current geographical distribution of human cases and analyze the animal reservoir, snails and crustaceans which intervene in the local life cycle of Paragonimus species. Two countries, i.e., Cameroon and Nigeria, were mainly affected by this disease, while the distribution of human cases in the other eight states of the intertropical zone was scattered. Infected patients were currently few in number and two Paragonimus species: P. africanus and P. uterobilateralis , were found. The animal reservoir is mainly constituted by crab-eating mammals. The identity of the host snail remains doubtful and was either a prosobranch, or a land snail. Seven crab species belonging to Callinectes, Liberonautes and Sudanonautes genera are able to harbour paragonimid metacercariae. Due to the current low prevalence of human paragonimiasis recorded in Africa and the high cost of wide-scale screenings for this disease, training of technicians in anti-tuberculosis centers would be the most realistic attitude to detect mycobacteria and/or Paragonimus eggs during the same sputum examination.Une revue sur la paragonimose en Afrique a été réalisée pour déterminer la distribution géographique actuelle des cas humains et analyser le réservoir animal, les mollusques et les crustacés qui interviennent dans le cycle local des espèces de Paragonimus . Deux pays, à savoir le Cameroun et le Nigeria, sont principalement affectés par cette maladie tandis que la répartition des cas humains dans les huit autres états de la zone intertropicale est dispersée. Les patients parasités sont actuellement peu nombreux et deux espèces de Paragonimus: P. africanus et P. uterobilateralis , ont été identifiées. Le réservoir animal est principalement constitué par des mammifères mangeurs de crabes. L’identité du mollusque hôte reste douteuse et se rapporte à un prosobranche ou à un mollusque terrestre. Sept espèces de crabes appartenant aux genres Callinectes, Liberonautes et Sudanonautes sont capables d’héberger des métacercaires de Paragonimus. En raison de la faible prévalence actuelle de la paragonimose humaine en Afrique et du coût élevé du dépistage à grande échelle pour cette maladie, la formation des techniciens dans les centres anti-tuberculeux serait l’attitude la plus réaliste pour détecter simultanément les mycobactéries ou les œufs de Paragonimus, lors de l’examen du même crachat

    No Paragonimus in high-risk groups in Cote d'Ivoire, but considerable prevalence of helminths and intestinal protozoon infections

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    BACKGROUND: Paragonimiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by an infection with lung flukes that is transmitted through the consumption of undercooked crabs. The disease is often confused with tuberculosis. Paragonimiasis is thought to be endemic in south-western Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: Two cross-sectional surveys were carried out in the first half of 2009 in patients attending two tuberculosis centres of Abidjan. A third cross-sectional survey was conducted in May 2010 in children of two primary schools in Dabou, where crabs are frequently consumed. Patients with chronic cough provided three sputum samples plus one stool sample. Sputum samples were examined for tuberculosis with an auramine staining technique and for Paragonimus eggs using a concentration technique. Stool samples were subjected to the Ritchie technique. Schoolchildren provided a single stool sample, and samples were subjected to the Kato-Katz and an ether-concentration technique. A pre-tested questionnaire was administered to patients and schoolchildren to investigate food consumption habits. Additionally, between June 2009 and August 2010, shellfish were purchased from markets in Abidjan and Dabou and examined for metacercariae. RESULTS: No human case of paragonimiasis was diagnosed. However, trematode infections were seen in 32 of the 272 shellfish examined (11.8%). Questionnaire results revealed that crab and pig meat is well cooked before consumption. Among the 278 patients with complete data records, 62 had tuberculosis, with a higher prevalence in males than females (28.8% vs. 13.9%, chi2 = 8.79, p = 0.003). The prevalence of helminths and intestinal protozoa was 4.6% and 16.9%, respectively. In the school survey, among 166 children with complete data records, the prevalence of helminths and intestinal protozoa was 22.3% and 48.8%, respectively. Boys had significantly higher prevalences of helminths and intestinal protozoa than girls. Hookworm was the predominant helmi species and Entamoeba coli was the most common intestinal protozoon species (13.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Not a single case of Paragonimus was found in two high-risk groups of Cote d'Ivoire, most likely explained by food consumption habits. However, other helminth and intestinal protozoon infections were commo

    [A new focus of human paragonimosis discovered in CĂ´te d'Ivoire (West Africa): the case of the Lauzoua Island]

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    International audienceFifteen cases of human paragonimosis were detected in Ivory Coast from 1974 to 1999. Since no further cases have been reported, an epidemiological survey was carried out in local health centers. The purpose of this paper is to described a new focus of paragonimosis discovered on Lauzoua Island. Clinical and parasitological examinations were performed on 17 patients presenting chronic cough, haemoptysis and/or epilepsy. Stools belonging to cats, dogs and pigs as well as river crustaceans were also examined to identify parasite eggs and metacercariae respectively. Paragonimus eggs were found in stools and/or sputum of five patients. Measurements of these eggs after fixation in formalin allowed division into three groups. Stools from cats, dogs and pigs were negative. Small Paragonimus metacercariae (mean: 277 to 323 microm) were found in three Callinectes marginatus crabs (out of 15 caught near the island). No metacercariae were found in local prawns. The presence of these three Paragonimus egg groups as well as of infected crabs near the island will require further study to identify the species and determine the prevalence of each in human infection