11 research outputs found

    Combined effect of neolamarckia cadamba leaves and electroporation method on hela cell anti- proliferation process

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    This study suggests that natural sources may become an important tool in treating cancer. Neolamarckia cadamba (NC) leaves also well-known as “Anthocephalus Cadamba”, is a precious plant in Ayurvedic medicine. HeLa cells are one of the examples of eukaryotic cells type. It is derived from human cervical cancer cells. This experiment is conducted in different concentrations of NC Leaves (1μg/ml, 5μg/ml, 10μg/ml, 20μg/ml, 30μg/ml, 40μg/ml, 50μg/ml, 60μg/ml, 70μg/ml, 80μg/ml, 90μg/ml and 100μg/ml) for 48 hours. This experiment’s result proves that the anti-cancer properties of the extract of NC leaves are by increasing the concentration of extract, the numbers of cell viability will decrease. For contribution, the process of NC leaves extract will be combined with the electroporation process to investigate the effect on HeLa cell. Electroporation parameters used for this study were (voltage 600v/cm, pulse duration 5ms, single pulse)

    Development of high voltage pulse inducement method for biological cell

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    — Electroporation (EP) system is a process of controlling cell functions by using electromagnetic fields (EMF) to create pores through a cellular membrane that causes cell lysis and apoptosis. In this paper we present an experimental setup for fundamental studies on cell EP. An adjustable high voltage pulse generator (3kV/10μs – 600μs pulse length) system were connected to the EP chamber which subsequently allow real time observation of membrane permeability changes and cellular physiology. In order to initiate higher cell viability rate, high transfection efficiency, lower sample contamination and smaller Joule heating the modification of EP chamber need to be implemented. . Following that, HeLa cell culture has been projected as cell that will be used in this study. Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the future studies

    Analytical approach to unidirectional flow of non-Newtonian fluids of differential type

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    This thesis is regarding the development of mathematical models and analytical techniques for non-Newtonian fluids of differential types on a vertical plate, horizontal channel, vertical channel, capillary tube and horizontal cylinder. For a vertical plate, a mathematical model of the unsteady flow of second-grade fluid generated by an oscillating wall with transpiration, and the problem of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of third-grade fluid in a porous medium, have been developed. General solutions for the second-grade fluid are derived using Laplace transform, perturbation and variable separation techniques, while for the third-grade fluid are derived using symmetry reduction and new modified homotopy perturbation method (HPM). For a horizontal channel, a new analytical algorithm to solve transient flow of third-grade fluid generated by an oscillating upper wall has been proposed. A new approach of the optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM) have been proposed to solve steady mixed convection flows of fourth-grade fluid in a vertical channel. The accuracy of the approximate solution is achieved through the residual function. For a capillary tube, two flow problems of the second-grade fluid were developed. Firstly, oscillating flow and heat transfer driven by a sinusoidal pressure waveform, and secondly, free convection flow driven due to the reactive nature of the viscoelastic fluid. The solutions for the first problem were derived using Bessel transform technique while for the second problem by using a new modified homotopy perturbation transform method. For a horizontal cylinder, an unsteady third-grade fluid in a wire coating process inside a cylindrical die is developed. A special case of the problem is obtained for magnetohydrodynamic flow with heat transfer for second-grade fluid. Both of these two problems are solved using a new modified homotopy perturbation transform method. Data, graph and solutions obtained are shown and were found in good agreement with previous studies

    Study of effect of microsecond pulsed electric fields on threshold area of HeLa Cells

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    Microsecond pulse electric field (IlSPEF) application development substantially affected the development of research process including controlling cell functions by using pulses of electrical fields to create pores through a cellular membrane causes cell lysis and apoptosis commonly known as electroporation. Here we demonstrate the influence of the IlSPEF on the threshold area (TA) of human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) membrane. The electric field for IlSPEF is 3kV/cm while the pulse interval is lOOms. The pulse length and the number of pulses were fixed at lOllS and 5, respectively. While the cultured skin cells are placed in 9 mm-gap EP electrode chamber for allowing real time observation of membrane permeability changes and cellular physiology. In order to initiate higher cell viability rate, high transfection efficiency, lower sample contamination and smaller Joule heating effect the modification of EP chamber need to be done which can be controlled by pH scale, temperature and humidity. The experiment using high pulse electrical field with simply repetitive pulses shows the threshold area of cell membrane was decreasing gradually to 44.59Ilm, and is settled within hundreds of second. We found that the threshold area of cells membrane was affected when exposed to high voltage pulse electric field. The dependence of the threshold area on the HeLa cell membrane might be associated with the electrical impedance of the plasma membrane that begins to fluctuate after the application of a certain level of IlSPEF

    Combined effect of Neolamarckia cdamba leaves and electroporation method on HeLa cell anti- proliferation process

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    This study suggests that natural sources may become an important tool in treating cancer. Neolamarckia cadamba (NC) leaves also well-known as “Anthocephalus Cadamba”, is a precious plant in Ayurvedic medicine. HeLa cells are one of the examples of eukaryotic cells type. It is derived from human cervical cancer cells. This experiment is conducted in different concentrations of NC Leaves (1μg/ml, 5μg/ml, 10μg/ml, 20μg/ml, 30μg/ml, 40μg/ml, 50μg/ml, 60μg/ml, 70μg/ml, 80μg/ml, 90μg/ml and 100μg/ml) for 48 hours. This experiment's result proves that the anti-cancer properties of the extract of NC leaves are by increasing the concentration of extract, the numbers of cell viability will decrease. For contribution, the process of NC leaves extract will be combined with the electroporation process to investigate the effect on HeLa cell. Electroporation parameters used for this study were (voltage 600v/cm, pulse duration 5ms, single pulse)

    Microdosimetry modeling technique for spherical cell

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    Electroporation is a process of the bio-physical effect on cells exposed to an external electrical field is gaining applications in medical treatments, especially to create pores through a cell membrane and allow uptake of DNA into a cell. The efficacy of this treatment depends on the magnitude and the distribution of electric field applied, in addition to the physiological parameters, such as the conductivities and relative permittivities of the cell membranes and cytoplasm. In addition, physical parameters, such as the thickness and size of the cell also influence the efficiency of the electroporation technique. In this research, the electric field distributions of spherical cells were studied using Finite Integration Techniques (FIT), to explicate the difference in responses of the analytical and numerical cells for a given input voltage. For this purpose, quasistatic approach based on CST EM STUDIO® software was used. A comparison of the induced transmembrane potential of the analytical against numerical technique shows that not more than 2% was observed in the spherical cell for an applied field of 1V/m to 10nm thick cell membranes

    Development of high voltage pulse inducement method for biological cell

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    Electroporation (EP) system is a process of controlling cell functions by using electromagnetic fields (EMF) to create pores through a cellular membrane that causes cell lysis and apoptosis. In this paper we present an experimental setup for fundamental studies on cell EP. An adjustable high voltage pulse generator (3kV/10s-600s pulse length) system were connected to the EP chamber which subsequently allow real time observation of membrane permeability changes and cellular physiology. In order to initiate higher cell viability rate, high transfection efficiency, lower sample contamination and smaller Joule heating the modification of EP chamber need to be implemented Following that, HeLa cell culture has been projected as cell that will be used in this study. Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the future studies

    Local honey (tualang & kelulut) effect on breast cancer cell (MCF-7)

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    Based on the findings of this study, natural sources may become an integral part of cancer treatment. Honey is a well-known natural substance that has been utilised in traditional medicine for centuries. MCF-7 cells are a sample of eukaryotic cells. It is comprised of breast cancer cells. This experiment is conducted for 24 hrs with Tualang (wild bee) and Kelulut (stingless bee) honey of varying concentrations (100, 75, 50, 25, and 10 percent). This experiment revealed that Tualang extract has anti-cancer capabilities; increasing the concentration of the extract reduces the viability of cancer cells. In contrast, Kelulut displays the opposite. Kelulut outperformed Tualang in terms of wound closure time during the scratch test. It is highly possible that this recent finding will have impact on biomedical research which cannot be understated

    Study of effect of microsecond pulsed electric fields on threshold area of HeLa cells

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    Microsecond pulse electric field (IlSPEF) application development substantially affected the development of research process including controlling cell functions by using pulses of electrical fields to create pores through a cellular membrane causes cell lysis and apoptosis commonly known as electroporation. Here we demonstrate the influence of the IlSPEF on the threshold area (TA) of human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) membrane. The electric field for IlSPEF is 3kV/cm while the pulse interval is lOOms. The pulse length and the number of pulses were fixed at lOllS and 5, respectively. While the cultured skin cells are placed in 9 mm-gap EP electrode chamber for allowing real time observation of membrane permeability changes and cellular physiology. In order to initiate higher cell viability rate, high transfection efficiency, lower sample contamination and smaller Joule heating effect the modification of EP chamber need to be done which can be controlled by pH scale, temperature and humidity. The experiment using high pulse electrical field with simply repetitive pulses shows the threshold area of cell membrane was decreasing gradually to 44.59Ilm, and is settled within hundreds of second. We found that the threshold area of cells membrane was affected when exposed to high voltage pulse electric field. The dependence of the threshold area on the HeLa cell membrane might be associated with the electrical impedance of the plasma membrane that begins to fluctuate after the application of a certain level of IlSPEF