4,041 research outputs found

    Weightless: Lossy Weight Encoding For Deep Neural Network Compression

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    The large memory requirements of deep neural networks limit their deployment and adoption on many devices. Model compression methods effectively reduce the memory requirements of these models, usually through applying transformations such as weight pruning or quantization. In this paper, we present a novel scheme for lossy weight encoding which complements conventional compression techniques. The encoding is based on the Bloomier filter, a probabilistic data structure that can save space at the cost of introducing random errors. Leveraging the ability of neural networks to tolerate these imperfections and by re-training around the errors, the proposed technique, Weightless, can compress DNN weights by up to 496x with the same model accuracy. This results in up to a 1.51x improvement over the state-of-the-art

    The Flux Ratio Method for Determining the Dust Attenuation of Starburst Galaxies

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    The presence of dust in starburst galaxies complicates the study of their stellar populations as the dust's effects are similar to those associated with changes in the galaxies' stellar age and metallicity. This degeneracy can be overcome for starburst galaxies if UV/optical/near-infrared observations are combined with far-infrared observations. We present the calibration of the flux ratio method for calculating the dust attenuation at a particular wavelength, Att(\lambda), based on the measurement of F(IR)/F(\lambda) flux ratio. Our calibration is based on spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from the PEGASE stellar evolutionary synthesis model and the effects of dust (absorption and scattering) as calculated from our Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. We tested the attenuations predicted from this method for the Balmer emission lines of a sample starburst galaxies against those calculated using radio observations and found good agreement. The UV attenuation curves for a handful of starburst galaxies were calculated using the flux ratio method, and they compare favorably with past work. The relationship between Att(\lambda) and F(IR)/F(\lambda) is almost completely independent of the assumed dust properties (grain type, distribution, and clumpiness). For the UV, the relationship is also independent of the assumed stellar properties (age, metallicity, etc) accept for the case of very old burst populations. However at longer wavelengths, the relationship is dependent on the assumed stellar properties.Comment: accepted by the ApJ, 18 pages, color figures, b/w version at http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/fr_method.htm

    Occupational Therapy Feeding and Eating Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Pervasive Developmental Disorders: A Systematic Review

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    Due to the limited evidence and lack of methodological rigor regarding feeding and issues in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), clinicians who treat children with these diagnoses rely on the limited amount of information and many are not aware of evidence-based interventions (Ahearn, Castine, Nault, & Green, 2001; Marshall, Hill, & Dodrill, 2013). The purpose of this scholarly project is to gather, critique, and determine efficacy of occupational therapy feeding and eating interventions for children with ASD and PDD. We systematically reviewed literature for higher-level evidence, as defined by Level III evidence or above, in regards to occupational therapy feeding and eating interventions for children with ASD and PDD in studies that were published between January 2000 and December 2015 and located in PubMed, OT Search, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT). Our search yielded a total of 7,189 titles and abstracts that were narrowed through the screening process to 27 articles for review. The secondary review resulted in 11 articles, which received a full-text review. A total of 9 articles were found to meet inclusion criteria and be appropriate for critical appraisal. The results of these articles were compiled in an evidence table and a systematic review manuscript was specifically written for the AJOT. Our scholarly project highlights the various discrepancies regarding research for occupational therapy feeding and eating interventions for children with ASD and PDD. Recommendations for future research and implications for occupational therapy practice include the need for higher-level evidence to support the practice of occupational therapy practitioners and the development of a specific protocol to standardize occupational therapy treatment for feeding and eating difficulties among children with ASD and PDD

    La Física mèdica

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    Pemberdayaan dan Kegiatan Petani Multikomoditi di Pedesaan Propinsi Maluku: suatu Kajian Ekonomi Rumahtangga

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    This study aim to evaluate succession implementing the multicommodity farmers empowering programand to analysis, the impact of external factors change toward farmer's decision. The farmer's activity analyzedwith simultaneous econometrics equation approach in the household economic model. Result of the studynamely implementing of the empowering program only success technically, but not success increase thefarmer's welfare. Utilize and allocation of the labor, agricultural product and farmers disposible income haveincreased caused by increase of the commodity prices, wages and non agricultural income. The farmers shouldincrease the activity motivation and to utilize the effort opportunity available. Program owner need toimprovement the performance in implemented theirs program, in order always orientation to autonomy thefarmers

    X-ray Halos and Large Grains in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium

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    Recent observations with dust detectors on board the interplanetary spacecraft Ulysses and Galileo have recorded a substantial flux of large interstellar grains with radii between 0.25 and 2.0 mu entering the solar system from the local interstellar cloud. The most commonly used interstellar grain size distribution is characterized by a a^-3.5 power law in grain radii a, and extends to a maximum grain radius of 0.25 mu. The extension of the interstellar grain size distribution to such large radii will have a major effect on the median grain size, and on the amount of mass needed to be tied up in dust for a given visual optical depth. It is therefore important to investigate whether this population of larger dust particles prevails in the general interstellar medium, or if it is merely a local phenomenon. The presence of large interstellar grains can be mainly inferred from their effect on the intensity and radial profiles of scattering halos around X-ray sources. In this paper we examine the grain size distribution that gives rise to the X-ray halo around Nova Cygni 1992. The results of our study confirm the need to extend the interstellar grain size distribution in the direction of this source to and possibly beyond 2.0 mu. The model that gives the best fit to the halo data is characterized by: (1) a grain size distribution that follows an a^-3.5 power law up to 0.50 mu, followed by an a^-4.0 extension from 0.50 mu to 2.0 mu; and (2) silicate and graphite (carbon) dust-to-gas mass ratios of 0.0044 and 0.0022, respectively, consistent with solar abundances constraints. Additional observations of X-ray halos probing other spatial directions are badly needed to test the general validity of this result.Comment: 17 pages, incl. 1 figure, accepted for publ. by ApJ Letter

    Dongeng Sebelum Tidur Menjadi Konon di Era Gawai? (Eksistensi Dongeng Sebagai Pendidikan Pada Anak Usia Dini)

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    Dongeng memiliki peran besar dalam pengembangan literasi anak dan karakter anak, khususnya pada usia dini. Namun, di era gawai saat ini, eksistensi dongeng sebagai pendidikan pada anak usia dini perlu dipertanyakan. Metode dalam penelitian adalah Kuantitatif dengan metode surve melalui kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 37 orangtua (ibu) yang memiliki anak berusia 4-6 tahun dan sudah masuk dalam Taman Kanak-kanak di Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 78% para orangtua jarang melakukan aktivitas mendongeng untuk anaknya, 65% memiliki sasaran dan tujuan utama dalam aktivitas mendongeng, 73% memberikan gawai sebagai pengganti aktivitas mendongeng sebelum tidur anaknya, dan anak-anak mereka responsive dan kritis ketika orangtuanya mendongeng pada kategori sering hanya berjumlah 8%. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa orangtua sudah jarang melakukan aktivitas mendongeng untuk anaknya karena kesibukan dan minimnya pengetahuan dan literature mereka pada dongeng