34 research outputs found

    MORFOLOGI KELENJAR LUDAH KAMBING, KUCING DAN BABI: DENGAN TINJAUAN KHUSUS PADA DISTRIBUSI DAN KANDUNGAN KARBOHIDRAT (The Morphology of Salivary Glands of Goat, Cat, and Pig: With Special Reference to The Distribution and Carbohydrate Content)

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    This research aimed to compare the morphology and carbohydrate content of parotid andmandibular glands of goat, cat and pig (herbivore, carnivore and omnivore). The microscopic observationwas done using histochemical method with hematoksilin eosin (HE), alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 andperiodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining methods.The results showed that the parotid and mandibular glandsconsist of acinar cells and ducts. The parotid gland of goat and pig were serous while mixed in the cat.The mandibular gland of goat, cat and pig were mixed type. The acinar of mandibular gland is composedof serous and mucous cells in which the mucous cell predominates. The AB and PAS stain showed weakto high concentration of acid and neutral carbohydrates found in the mucous cells of mandibular gland.However, these carbohydrates were not found in the serous cells of both glands, while acid carbohydratewas found in the parotid gland of cat. The present result suggested that the carbohydrates in the salivaof the goat, cat and pig might be produced mainly by the mucous cells.Keywords: parotid gland, mandibular gland, PAS, AB pH 2.

    Ah-33 The Effects of Ethanol Mahogany (Sweitenia mahagoni Jacq.) Seeds Extract on Antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase in the Liver Tissues of Diabetic Experimental Rats

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    The Effects of Ethanol Mahogany (Sweitenia mahagoni Jacq.) Seeds Extract on Antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase in the Liver Tissues of Diabetic Experimental Rat


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    The aim of this research was to analyze the anti-oxidant activities of ethanol extract of mahogany seeds on the liver tissues of diabetic experimental rats to overcome oxidative stress condition. This study used male Rattus norvegicus strain Sprague Dawley which were divided into 5 groups: (i) negative control group (K-), (ii) positive control group/diabetes mellitus (DM) (K+), (iii) DM group treated with 500 mg/kg BW ethanol extract of mahogany seeds (EM), (iv) DM group treated with acarbose (KO), and (v) non-DM group treated with 500 mg/kg BW ethanol extract of mahogany seed (KE). Alloxan with dose of 110 mg/kg BW was used to induce diabetes in rats. The treatments were conducted for 28 days. At the end of treatment, the liver tissues were collected and analyzed for malondialdehyde (MDA) content using thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) method and anti-oxidant cooper zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) content using immunohistochemical technique. The result showed that level of MDA were significantly different (P0.05) in K-; K+; EM; KO; and KE with values were 0.81±0.17; 1.19±0.26; 1.10±0.04; 0.95±0.13; and 0.92±0.0 µmol/gram, respectively. The anti-oxidant content (Cu, Zn-SOD) of rat liver tissue in K+ lower than in K-, while anti-oxidant content in EM and KE were higher compared to K+. The study concluded that ethanol mahogany seeds extract decreased blood glucose levels and increased the anti-oxidant status in the liver tissues of diabetic rats

    AH-19 The Heavy Metal Deposit Visualization on Organ Tissues after Slaughtering on Beef Production

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    The Heavy Metal Deposit Visualization on Organ Tissues after Slaughtering on Beef Productio

    Morfologi Kelenjar Anal Musang Luak Jantan (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi kelenjar anal musang luak jantan secara makroskopis maupun mikroskopis.Organ kelenjar anal dari satu ekor musang luak  (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) jantan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Musang luak jantan memiliki sepasang kelenjar anal yang berbentuk bulat terletak di bagian ventrolateral anus. Masing-masing kelenjar anal memiliki saluran eksretorius sekretori yang terletak dorsolateral di bagian zona kutaneus anal kanal. Pengamatan mikroskopis tampak kelenjar sebaceous dan kelenjar keringat apokrin di dinding kantung anal.  Hasil sekreta kelenjar anal terkumpul dalam sebuah kantung anal yang akan bermuara di anal kanal

    Teknik Memanen Makrokonidia dari Dermatofita Microsporum gypseum dan Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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    Dermatofitosis adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh kapang dermatofita. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan teknik yang sesuai untuk memanen makrokonidia dan waktu fase eksponensial Microsporum gypseum dan Tricophyton mentagrophytes. Media 1 dan 2 digunakan untuk pembiakan isolat Microsporum gypseum dan Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Media 1 mengandung pepton, dekstrosa, dan kloramfenikol dan pada media 2 memiliki komposisi yang sama dengan media 1 dengan tambahan sikloheksamida. Teknik penggoresan pada permukaan koloni dan penggoyangan tabung dengan vortex digunakan untuk memanen makrokonidia. Makrokonidia dipanen pada hari ke 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, dan 20. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan jumlah rata-rata makrokonidia kapang yang dipanen dengan penggoresan pada permukaan koloni lebih tinggi daripada penggoyangan tabung menggunakan vortex selama masa pertumbuhan hingga hari ke-20. Hasil yang didapatkan juga menunjukkan fase eksponensial telah dimulai pada hari ke-14

    AH-41 Morphology of Mandibularis and Lingualis Glands of Laughting Chicken (Ayam Gaga) with Special Refferences of Distribution and Content of Carbohydrate

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    Morphology of Mandibularis and Lingualis Glands of Laughting Chicken (Ayam Gaga) with Special Refferences of Distribution and Content of Carbohydrat


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    The common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is one of the mammalian in Indonesia which have anal gland in female and fefemale that located in the lower tail. This research was aimed to describe the morphology of anal gland of common palm civet female. One female of common palm civet was used in this research which observed macroscopic and microscopic.The result showed that common palm civet have a pair of anal gland which hasshaped like ball and located in the anal sacs wall’s in the ventrolateral of anus.Each anal gland has a ostium of anal canal dorsolaterally in the cutaneous zone of anal canal . Microscopic observation  showed a well developed sebaceous gland and apocrine sweat gland in the wall of anal sac. Sebaceous and apocrine glands were excreted their product into main ductus to the anal canal

    Characterization of Collagen from Swim Bladder Waste of Yellow-pike (Muraenesox talabon) by Acid and Hydrothermal Extraction

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    AbstractIndonesian capture fisheries production reached ± 6.4 million tons in 2014. This number was predictedresulted a huge fishery waste, one of them was swim bladder that potentially contain collagen, so it needs tobe developed. This aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the swim bladder (proportionand chemical content) and collagen characteristics (yield and physicochemical properties) extracted fromthe swim bladder cunang (Muraenesox talabon). Swim bladder waste had proportion 0.57 to 0.67% of wholeyellow-piked conger body weight and 24.74% protein/100 g wet weight (equivalent to 93.39% of protein/100gram dry). The waste had a potency of collagen, which is characterized by the high proportion of theamino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and alain. Acid extraction and hydrothermal process resultedcollagen extracts, identified from a spectrum of amide I, amide II and amide III functional groups. Collagenextracted with acid process contained a higher glycine than hydrothermal one, but instead hydrothermalprocess produced extract with a higher proline, hydroxyproline and alanine composition

    AH-38 Lectin Histochemistry of the Parotid and Mandibular Glands of Barking Deer, Muntiacus muntjak

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    Lectin Histochemistry of the Parotid and Mandibular Glands of  Barking Deer, Muntiacus muntja