1,101 research outputs found

    A new elasmobranch fauna from the early Miocene of Sharbithat (Sultanate of Oman) reveals the teeth of an ancient fantail stingray

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    Here we describe a new elasmobranch assemblage consisting of isolated dental material from the Aquitanian near-shore marine deposits of the Shuwayr and Warak formations at Sharbithat, in eastern Sultanate of Oman. The faunal composition clearly indicates affinities to other early Miocene elasmobranch-bearing localities worldwide. This assemblage is predominantly composed of large and common pelagic sharks as well as teeth attributable to a new species of fantail stingray, Taeniurops tosii, as old as the oldest undisputable fossil records of Taeniurops. The study of this fossil assemblage presented here improves the knowledge of the ancient elasmobranchs that frequented the eastern Arabian coasts during the closure of the Neotethys and the birth of the Arabian Sea. DOI: 10.1344/GeologicaActa2022.20.

    Influence of mechanical strains on electromagnetic signals of a microstrip antenna. FEM/BIM model

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    A hybrid numerical technique is proposed for a characterization of the radar cross section of a microstrip patch antenna residing in a dielectric filled cavity which is loaded by a sinusoidal mechanical pressure. A new 3D hexahedral finite element is developed in order to take into account the deformed shape of the antenna within the electromagnetic computations. The numerical tool combines the finite element and boundary integral methods to formulate a system for the solution of the fields at the aperture and those inside the cavity. In this work, numerical examples are presented for demonstrating the ability and the validity of the hexahedral element

    Complémentarité des filières sorgho sucré et canne à sucre en Haïti : évaluation des conditions de développement sectoriel d'une innovation

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    Nous analysons comment l'introduction du sorgho sucré en Haïti pourrait se traduire en une innovation réussie. L'hypothèse est que le caractère multifonctionnel du sorgho sucré permet de combiner différentes utilisations : alimentaire (graines, fourrages), énergétique (production de bioéthanol ou de gel pour la cuisson et cogénération) et production d'alcool de bouche, dont certaines sont complémentaires de la filière canne. Nous mobilisons un référentiel analytique de filière pour évaluer in itinere les conditions de développement sectoriel d'une introduction variétale. Les données proviennent d'enquêtes à dire d'experts. Les résultats montrent en quoi le fonctionnement de la filière canne à sucre détermine des contraintes spécifiques qui conditionnent le choix des variétés de sorgho. Ils montrent aussi une complémentarité entre la valorisation alimentaire du sorgho sucré sous forme de grain et la production d'alcool. Ils interrogent les conditions de valorisation des grains et des coproduits du sorgho sucré pour l'alimentation animale. Ils invalident enfin son usage énergétique pour la production de bioéthanol. (Résumé d'auteur

    A new elasmobranch fauna from the early Miocene of Sharbithat (Sultanate of Oman) reveals the teeth of an ancient fantail stingray

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    Acknowledgement. We gratefully thank Jorge Carrillo-Briceño and Gloria Arratia for their constructive criticism and comments on the manuscript. We also wish to thank the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism of the Sultanate of Oman for granting us permission to carry out fieldwork along the Omani Arabian sea shores, with specific reference to H.E. Salim Mohammed Al Mahruqi, Minister; Mr. Sultan Said Al-Bakri, Director General for Archaeology; Mr. Khamis Al Asmi, Director of the Department of Excavations and Archaeological Studies; M. Ali Al Mashani of the Salalah department. We would like to thank the Consultative Commission for Excavations Abroad of the French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche with the NeoArabia Program (ANR-16-CE03-0007, CNRS, Inrap, MNHN) for funding the archaeological Mission «Archaeology of the Arabian Sheashores»Here we describe a new elasmobranch assemblage consisting of isolated dental material from the Aquitanian near-shore marine deposits of the Shuwayr and Warak formations at Sharbithat, in eastern Sultanate of Oman. The faunal composition clearly indicates affinities to other early Miocene elasmobranch-bearing localities worldwide. This assemblage is predominantly composed of large and common pelagic sharks as well as teeth attributable to a new species of fantail stingray, Taeniurops tosii, as old as the oldest undisputable fossil records of Taeniurops. The study of this fossil assemblage presented here improves the knowledge of the ancient elasmobranchs that frequented the eastern Arabian coasts during the closure of the Neotethys and the birth of the Arabian Sea