242 research outputs found

    Supreme Court Watch: Recent Decisions And Upcoming Criminal Cases For The 2008-2009 Docket

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    Teknologi bercocok tanam di lahan sempit di Kecamatan Tempe Kabupaten Wajo

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    Mattirotappareng is one of the villages located in Tempe District, Wajo Regency. The progress of development in Wajo Regency is not in line with the progress of the knowledge of the people, especially the knowledge of innovation in agriculture. So that, the community is lacks new knowledge about crop cultivation to improve the level of community welfare. The problem faced is the limited land for farming. Planting needs to be accompanied by the latest accuracy and innovation in accordance with the development of technology and science. Verticultural technique is an opportunity as well as a challenge that can be used to improve agricultural yields in the area of Mattirotappareng Village, Tempe District. Verticulture system is the result of research conducted in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The research has been carried out and based on technology products should be downstream so that it can be utilized by the community. Dissemination of the results of this study can be done by socialization, counseling/training, and mentoring. With this program, it is expected that the limited land will no longer be a problem of farming for the people in Mattirotappareng Village

    Flexural behavior of CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams rubberized with finely minced rubber tire

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    Although using rubber to create reinforced concrete substrates has many benefits, using rubberized concrete substrates, such as beams, is still limited. Where concrete with rubber included in it starts to lose a percentage of its mechanical qualities, such as flexural strength. Conversely, a significant portion of structural uses for strengthening reinforced concrete beams using exterior carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets are for flexural strengthening. This study used externally bonded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets to compensate for the reduction in flexural strength when creating rubberized concrete beams. The reinforced concrete beams used in this study were divided into three groups, each with three beams. Waste tire rubber was replaced (5%) of the fine aggregate volume in the first group and replaced (10%) in the second group. The reference group consists of the third set of beams. The first concrete beam in any group was always devoid of external strengthening, the second beam had one layer and the third beam had two layers of (CFRP) sheet. The third layer of strengthening was numerically represented using ABAQUS, a finite element analysis program. The results indicate that for two-volume replacement rates of fine aggregate (5 and 10) %, a decrease in ductility will have been accompanied by an improvement in the flexural strength of the rubberized concrete beam when externally strengthening with one, two, and three layers of (CFRP) sheets

    Myocarditis mimicking acute coronary syndrome - the role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis

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    Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of myocardium with a wide range of clinical presentations. Myocarditis may mimic acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and adequate differential diagnosis is not possible by conventional tests. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has emerged as a leading imaging modality in the diagnosis of myocarditis in such patients. Here, we report three cases of myocarditis mimicking ACS with normal coronary arteries. CMR was used for confirming the diagnosis of myocarditis in all three patients presented here

    The relationship between H. pylori infection and lung cancer cross sectional study

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is a common disease and leads to many gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. It is suspected that one of these respiratory diseases is lung cancer. Methods: sixty patients with lung cancer and one hundred twenty control subjects have been included to this study. All enrolled subjects (lung cancer patients and controls) underwent a15 minute, lateral flow immunoassay for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies anti-H. Pylori in human serum (CTK Biotech, Inc USA) and a lateral immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of H. Pylori antigen in human fecal specimen (CTK Biotech,Inc USA) , A p value of <0.05 was considered as significant. The statistical data analysis was performed with SPSS 22. . Results: The H.pylori seropositivity was (41 /60) (68.3) %in patients with lung cancer but only (16/ 120) (13.3) %in controls and this difference in H.pylori seropositivity between cancers and controls was statistically significant P<0.016. The odds ratio for the association of H.pylori and lung cancer was 3.6 (95% CI =1.24 – 4.8), The H.pylori stool antigen was (22/60) (36.7) % in patients with lung cancer but only (14/120) (11.7) %there is statistically significant P<0.001. Conclusion increase the prevalence of H.pylori seropositivity was (68.3) %in patients with lung cancer more than  in normal controls (13.3) %

    Piecewise Monotone Approximation of Unbounded Functions In Weighted Space LP,w([-,])

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    In this paper, investigate the approximation of unbounded functions in weighted space, by using trigonometric polynomials considered. We introduced type of polynomials piecewise monotone  having same local monotonicity as unbounded functions without affecting the order of huge error have a finite number of max. and min. unbounded functions that amount. In addition, we established not included any of extreme points of this functions,  of and closed subset γ on closed intervals  then there exist class of polynomials such that the best of approximation has high or order of and such that for  sufficiently great of the polynomials and functions have the same monotonicity at each of γ

    Data protection based neural cryptography and deoxyribonucleic acid

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    The need to a robust and effective methods for secure data transferring makes the more credible. Two disciplines for data encryption presented in this paper: machine learning and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to achieve the above goal and following common goals: prevent unauthorized access and eavesdropper. They used as powerful tool in cryptography. This paper grounded first on a two modified Hebbian neural network (MHNN) as a machine learning tool for message encryption in an unsupervised method. These two modified Hebbian neural nets classified as a: learning neural net (LNN) for generating optimal key ciphering and ciphering neural net CNN) for coding the plaintext using the LNN keys. The second granulation using DNA nucleated to increase data confusion and compression. Exploiting the DNA computing operations to upgrade data transmission security over the open nets. The results approved that the method is effective in protect the transferring data in a secure manner in less tim

    A Anatomical Study of Fruits for Some Genera of Fabaceae Family Grown in Makhoul Mountain–Salah Al-Din – Iraq

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    تمت دراسة ثمار ستة انواع تعود لأربعة اجناس من العائلة البقولية Fabaceae  , جمعت الانواع البرية من ذوات الفلقتين التي تنمو في منطقة الدارسة وي سفوح جبل  مكحول في محافظة صلاح الدين, تم دراسة مقاطع مستعرضة لثمار الانواع  المدروسة  حيث أظهرت نتائج الدراسة التشريحية تغايرات واضحة في سمك الغلاف الثمري بينها , وشكل الخلايا المكونة لكل طبقة , كانت جميع الثمار تتكون من ثلاث طبقات ,طبقة الخارجيةExocarp  , و طبقة وسطى Mesocarp, و طبقة داخلية Endocarp . كانت سمك كل طبقة مختلف في جميع الانواع,  فوجد ان الغلاف الثمري  يكون اكثر سمكا في النوع Medicago  polymorpha L اذ يصل متوسط سمك الغلاف الى (342)  مايكرومتر, وأقل سمك(146.9) مايكرومتر سجل في النوع M. monspeliaca . أما بالنسبة لاشكال الخلايا و انواعها فسجلت تغايرات ملحوظة , حيث كان لها عدة أشكال (بيضوي , كروي , إهليجي , شبه بيضوي , متطاول) و هذا يجعلها ذات أهمية تصنيفية حتى بين الانواع المتقاربة من الناحية المظهرية, وهو ما اكدت علي الدراسة الحالية, بالإضافة الى قلة الدراسات التشريحية  للثمار للانواع البرية في العراق.The fruits of six species belonging to four genera of the Fabaceae family were studied. Wild species of dicotyledons that grow in the study area and in the foothills of Makhoul Mountain in Salah al-Din governorate were studied.  The fruiting layer between them, and the shape of the cells that made up each layer, all fruits consisted of three layers, the exocarp, the mesocarp, and the endocarp.  The thickness of each layer was different in all species. It was found that the fruiting envelope is thicker in the type Medicago polymorpha L, as the average thickness of the coat reaches (342) micrometers, and the thickness of (146.9) micrometers was recorded in the type M. monspeliaca.  As for the shapes of cells and their types, remarkable variations were recorded, as they had several shapes (oval, spherical, elliptical, semi-oval, elongated) and this makes them of taxonomic significance even between the phenotypically close types, which confirmed the current study, in addition to  Lack of anatomical studies of the fruits of wild species in Iraq

    Validating Technology-Organization Environment (TOE) framework in web 2.0 adoption in supply chain management

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    The second stage of Internet revolution has started with Web 2.0, which allows users to generate and develop the content without code. Web 2.0 not only change the way individual use internet but also tremendously transformed business activities. The primary aims of this study are (a) to validate the TOE framework in understanding Web 2.0 adoption in an organizational context, and (b) measuring the importance of each variable from the different industry perspective. This study developed a conceptual model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework. A Webbased structured questionnaire was developed to collect primary data. With three months effort, this study managed to get 205 respondents from Malaysian manufacturing and service industry. Multiple regression and Dominance analysis were applied to understand the effect of the TOE framework on Web 2.0 adoption and predicting the importance of each factor form different industries perspective respectively. Multiple regression results confirmed that all the factors are important for Web 2.0 adoption, however, the technological characteristic is the most important determinant for Web 2.0 adoption. Moreover, dominance analysis showed very interesting results that relative advantage is not important for the service industry but top management support is the utmost importance. Similarly, results also indicated that top management support plays important role in Web 2.0 adoption for the fewer experience companies pertaining to internet usage. This study is one of the very few that provides insightful information regarding the effect of the TOE on Web 2.0 adoption in the supply chain management system. This study would be the guideline for the managers of both the manufacturing and service industry in order to implement the Web 2.0 in their supply chain system