24 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Usaha Konservasi Air Tanah pada Kelurahan Bekasi Jaya Kecamatan Bekasi Timur

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    The objective of this survey is to identify types of water conservation methods applied by the local government and the society at the Bekasi Jaya District (Kelurahan Bekasi Jaya), of the East Bekasi Region. Surveys were conducted at nine groups of households (Rukun Wilayah) that had history of flood during the rainy season and/or drought during the dry season. Questionnaires were used to collect information from 214 respondents. Additional data were collected through in-depth interviews with local authorities and few residents who were familiar with the water conservation activities in the region. This survey revealed that there is no proper conservation method applied in all studied areas. Lack of conservation efforts include both minimum activity of extension by the local authority on the important of water conservation, as well as applied conservation programs in the field. Only three households have some kind of water conservation method in place i.e. by making water collecting wells and ponds. However, these wells and ponds were not structurally up to the standard and need much improvement. As much as 46% of the respondents had flood experience. We identified several contributing factors to these water issue, among others : 1) High rate of population growth in this area; 2) Lack of water absorption areas (vegetative-covered areas); 3) River shallowness due to household wastes that were thrown into the river; and 4) The presence of building around the river banks. Active role of government to conserve water in this region and to develop this area with the principle of sustainable is absolutely required as should be done as soon as possible

    Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Wilayah Tawang Sari Dan Tawang Mas Semarang Barat

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    Tawang Sari dan Tawang Mas merupakan kawasan pesisir pantai utara di kecamatan Semarang Barat Kota Semarang. Permasalahan banjir dan rob menyebabkan aktivitas masyarakat di kawasan tersebut terganggu. Sistem drainase dianggap sebagai alternatif yang efektif dan efisien untuk menanggulangi permasalahan banjir dan rob. Perencanaan sistem drainase ini meliputi perencanaan long storage, rumah pompa, tanggul dan pintu air. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana menggunakan pemodelan EPA SWMM versi 5.1 untuk periode ulang 10 tahun dan dicek menggunakan HEC-RAS. Dari hasil pemodelan diperoleh debit banjir rencana sebesar 21,63 m3/s pada long storage Semarang Indah, 9,01 m3/s pada long storage Madukoro dan 15,78 pada long storage Tawang Sari. Dengan hasil debit banjir rencana, long storage Semarang Indah didesain menggunakan 5 pompa berkapasitas 3 m3/s dan 2 buah pompa eksisting berkapasitas 0,6 m3/s , long storage Madukoro menggunakan 3 pompa berkapasitas 1,2 m3/s dan 2 pompa eksisting berkapasitas 0,6 m3/s, serta long storage Tawang Sari menggunakan 4 pompa berkapasitas 1,5 m3/s. Untuk perencanaan long storage, dimensi disesuaikan dengan kondisi eksisting yaitu 12 m pada Semarang Indah, 5 m pada Madukoro dan 12 m pada Tawang Sari dengan kedalaman 3 m dan ketinggian air dijaga pada kedalaman 2 meter dari dasar kolam. Sedangkan, untuk perencanaan elevasi tanggul dihitung berdasarkan tinggi pasang surut, wave set up, wind set up, sea level rise, dan penurunan tanah di Wilayah Tawang Sari dan Tawang Mas. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tanggul Banjir Kanal Barat berada pada elevasi +3,62 m. Pintu air dibuat untuk menutup aliran storage Tawang Sari menuju kali Siangker dan sebaliknya agar terbebas dari pengaruh banjir maupun pasang surut Kali Siangker

    Depression among secondary school students: a comparison between urban and rural populations

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    Introduction: Childhood depression is a debilitating psychiatric illness and has frequently been under-diagnosed. It is crucial to identify the condition early, as undetected cases may lead to detrimental psychosocial consequences in adulthood. Objective: The prevalence of depression among school children in Selangor and to compare it between urban and rural schools. Also to identify factors associated with depression in secondary school children. Method: 2 urban and 3 rural secondary schools were selected by 2-staged stratified random sampling to represent the population of secondary school children in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 2,048 school children were enrolled and the level of depression was measured by a self-rated scale, the Children’s Depression Inventory. Results: This study found that the prevalence of possible depressive students in Selangor was 10.3%. There was no difference in the prevalence of depression between rural and urban population. Factors associated with depression were being female, Chinese, parents with low educational level, and high number of siblings, smoking and alcohol abuse. Depression contributed significantly to suicidal tendencies. Conclusions: A sizable proportion of the secondary school children in this population potentially suffer from depression. Psychological interventions are needed to ease this psychological burden and ensure their well being. Key words: Depression, secondary school students, factors associated

    Pilot study on depression among secondary school students in Selangor

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    A cross sectional descriptive study of 2048 subjects was conducted to determine the prevalence of depression and factors influencing depression among students in secondary school from urban and rural areas in the state of Selangor. Malaysia. The children's depression inventory (COl) developed by Maria Kovacs was used in this study. Students who participated in this study come from two urban schools and three rural schools. It was found that in the yield for scores for five factors were 9.2% have negative mood. 5% have interpersonal problems. 8.3% have ineffectiveness. 9.8% have anhedonia and 10.6% have negative self esteem. Following the interpretive guidelines for the T-scores. it was found that 10.3% of the students were much above average in the depression scale. This study also found that: 1% of students were smoking. 1.6% of students were gum sniffling. 0.9% took drugs. 4.1 % took alcohol and 9.9% took things from other people. Females were more depressed than males. The Chinese students were more depressed compared to Indian students. Students whose parents had no formal education or had only primary education were more depressed than students whose parents had secondary. college or university education. Depression increased with increasing number of siblings. Depression contributed to the habit of drug abuse. gum sniffing and stealing but not to smoking and alcohol abuse. Suicidal tendencies were more likely among the depressed students. It is imperative that not only caregivers but also teachers have to be equipped with the knowledge. attitude and skills to assist secondary school children cope with their emotions. handle conflicts and manage stress early so that a more productive society will develop in the future

    Detection of abnormal urine findings among asymptomatic pre-clinical medical students in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

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    Introduction: Renal disease may be an incidental finding during urinalysis. A dipstick urinalysis was conducted to estimate the prevalence of abnormal urine findings among asymptomatic pre-clinical medical students in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study involving 286 students was carried out from November 2018 to August 2019. First morning midstream urine samples were obtained from students and were tested by dipstick method. Students with abnormal urine findings were retested after 15 days. Results: Thirty-three (11.5%) students had urinary abnormalities at the first screening; 54.5% of them still had abnormal results at the second screening. Ketonuria was the most common abnormality found with a prevalence of 2.4%, followed by glycosuria (1.4%), leucocyturia (1.4%), haematuria (0.7%) and nitriuria (0.3%). In microscopic examination, leukocyturia was the most common abnormality detected in four students (1.4%) followed by isolated haematuria in two of them. Among students with leucocyturia, two were diagnosed to be due to urinary tract infection. There was statistically significant association between glycosuria and males. The prevalence of ketonuria was higher in females; however, no significant difference was observed between male and female students. Proteinuria was not present in any participant. Discussion: Urinary abnormalities were detected among asymptomatic preclinical medical students on dipstick and microscopic analyses. Further investigations are needed to elucidate the underlying aetiology of these abnormal findings

    The elite's collective subjectivities of the history of ethnic politics in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is one of the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious countries in Southeast Asia. Due to the pluralistic nature of Malaysia, it has a political structure based on ethnic politics. The ethnic preferential policies affected most domains of this country. The objective of this article is to examine the origin and background of ethnic politics in Malaysia. Findings of this study indicate that, ethnic politics originated during the British colonial period, it became a tool used by the Barisan Nasional for the legitimacy of regime. Moreover, ethnic politics in Malaysia today is intertwined with religion. Besides, there is the dilemma of the choice between the interest of certain ethnic group and national interests. However, with the opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan won the election in 9th May, UMNO-led BN lost power and interrupted its 61 years control, which leaves us an interesting topic to think about the future of Malaysian ethnic politics

    Preparation of Dense Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Ceramics using Eggshell Derived Nanopowders

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    Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) nanopowders were synthesized via hydrothermal method using eggshell as the calcium source. The obtained BCP nanopowders were then compacted at various pressure into circular disc shape and sintered pressureless in air at various sintering temperatures. X-ray diffraction analysis of nanopowders revealed the existences of hydroxyapatite (HA) as the main phase, with β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) as the second phases. Scanning electron microscopy was done to examine the morphology of dense BCP bodies. The effects of sintering temperature and compaction condition on mechanical properties of dense bodies were investigated in terms of compressive strength and Vickers hardness

    Analisis Faktor Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Surabaya Berdasarkan Perspektif Tata Ruang melalui Pemodelan Spasial

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    Kecelakaan lalu lintas merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi. Menurut data Statistik Transportasi Darat, Provinsi Jawa Timur menyumbang angka kecelakaan lalu lintas paling tinggi di Indonesia pada tahun 2018. Surabaya yang merupakan ibu kota dari Provinsi Jawa Timur memiliki angka kecelakaan lalu lintas yang selalu meningkat dari tahun 2014-2017. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu, angka kecelakaan lalu lintas yang melibatkan sepeda motor lebih tinggi dibanding moda transportasi lainnya. Faktor penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas di Surabaya dari perspektif tata ruang belum banyak dibahas sebelumnya. Studi untuk mengurangi kecelakaan lalu lintas di Surabaya perlu dilakukan, salah satu caranya yaitu dengan pemodelan spasial kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan bantuan perhitungan statistik dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS). Data kecelakaan lalu lintas dihimpun dari Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur (Ditlantas Polda Jatim), kemudian dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik kecelakaan lalu lintas Surabaya. Setelah itu dilakukan pemodelan spasial menggunakan analisis hot spot untuk memetakan daerah rawan kecelakaan di Surabaya dan Count Incident by Line of Communication untuk memetakan frekuensi kecelakaan di setiap ruas jalan. Berikutnya, dilakukan analisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kecelakaan, menggunakan chi-kuadrat, koefisien kontingensi, dan uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa faktor penggunaan lahan, tipe jalan, jumlah arah, jumlah lajur, dan keberadaan median memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas di Surabaya. Informasi ini berguna bagi pembuat kebijakan di bidang tata ruang dan transportasi untuk merumuskan strategi yang dapat mengurangi angka kecelakaan lalu lintas Surabaya

    Integrated supply chain management: a comparison of experiences amongst Australian and Malaysian companies

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    This paper presents the findings from the first phase of a two-phase project that examines integrated supply chain management (ISCM) in Australian and Malaysian businesses. Phase 1 in Australia involved detailed in-company research to document, in the form of case studies, how suppliers have adopted the supply chain management strategy and practices, the specific benefits achieved and the problems/challenges faced. In Malaysia, Phase 1 took the form of a focus group discussion session involving representatives from five organisations. Phase 2 of the project will involve a large questionnaire survey of organisations in both countries. This paper presents the key findings from Phase 1 of the project. For the Australian suppliers, the cases indicate that there are significant benefits derived when implementation has been strategic rather than reactive. These include 1) lead time and inventory reductions, 2) improved data accuracy and customer service, 3) better demand forecasting and revenue increases coupled with cost reductions. Limitations recorded included 1) an increased level of complication in despatching processes, 2) problems with system compatibility, 3) some added complications in marketing practices and 4) greater vulnerability to sudden changes in demand (ie through operating more streamlined systems. The Malaysian focus group discussion results identified Malaysian retailers to be lagging behind their Australian counterparts in the adoption of ISCM. Many MNCs operating in Malaysia are well ahead of their local counterparts in the implementation of the elements of ISCM. The current approach taken by Malaysian companies appears to be "Reactive" or "Tactical" with barcoding and some EDI being the main technologies being adopted. However, companies interviewed showed interest and enthusiasm to apply this technology in the future