1,230 research outputs found

    The Rose and the Heart

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    Octonic Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we present eight-component values "octons", generating associative noncommutative algebra. It is shown that the electromagnetic field in a vacuum can be described by a generalized octonic equation, which leads both to the wave equations for potentials and fields and to the system of Maxwell's equations. The octonic algebra allows one to perform compact combined calculations simultaneously with scalars, vectors, pseudoscalars and pseudovectors. Examples of such calculations are demonstrated by deriving the relations for energy, momentum and Lorentz invariants of the electromagnetic field. The generalized octonic equation for electromagnetic field in a matter is formulated.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Sedeonic relativistic quantum mechanics

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    We represent sixteen-component values "sedeons", generating associative noncommutative space-time algebra. We demonstrate a generalization of relativistic quantum mechanics using sedeonic wave functions and sedeonic space-time operators. It is shown that the sedeonic second-order equation for the sedeonic wave function, obtained from the Einstein relation for energy and momentum, describes particles with spin 1/2. We show that for the special types of wave functions the sedeonic second-order equation can be reduced to the set of sedeonic first-order equations analogous to the Dirac equation. At the same time it is shown that these sedeonic equations differ in space-time properties and describe several types of massive and corresponding massless particles. In particular we proposed four different equations, which could describe four types of neutrinos.Comment: 22 pages, 3 table

    On the complexity of Existential Positive Queries

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    We systematically investigate the complexity of model checking the existential positive fragment of first-order logic. In particular, for a set of existential positive sentences, we consider model checking where the sentence is restricted to fall into the set; a natural question is then to classify which sentence sets are tractable and which are intractable. With respect to fixed-parameter tractability, we give a general theorem that reduces this classification question to the corresponding question for primitive positive logic, for a variety of representations of structures. This general theorem allows us to deduce that an existential positive sentence set having bounded arity is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if each sentence is equivalent to one in bounded-variable logic. We then use the lens of classical complexity to study these fixed-parameter tractable sentence sets. We show that such a set can be NP-complete, and consider the length needed by a translation from sentences in such a set to bounded-variable logic; we prove superpolynomial lower bounds on this length using the theory of compilability, obtaining an interesting type of formula size lower bound. Overall, the tools, concepts, and results of this article set the stage for the future consideration of the complexity of model checking on more expressive logics

    Machado de Assis, um Monumento: Homenagens e Silêncios

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    O inventário e a atualização dos traumas urbanos na literatura e na cena cultural brasileira

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    This article examines some tendencies in the way Brazilian contemporary literature focuses urban violence. It examines the esthetic resources employed in those works to analyse the sources and consequences of that problem or to actualize traumatic experiences in literature. Related to these discussions, the work presents different critical views on the efficacy of Sebastião Salgado’s photography to promote the change of social perspectives. A comparative study of some ficctional works of Brazilian writers which presents scenes of infantile seduction and other contusive themes, specially Fernando Bonassi”s romance Subúrbio (2006) and some Marcelino Freire’s short stories, leads to the discussion of this kind of literary production in Brazil. It is also discussed the destination of Marcelino Freire’s texts to performance, beyond its publication in books. Their floating literary gender of his short stories, exploring lyric and dramatic resources, seems related to this use. In the literature of this author as in that of other Brazilian contemporary writers as Marçal Aquino and Ferréz reveals the urgency to respond to the interest of the readers on the spreading of a culture intimately relatedto illegality. Manuel Castells observed, in urban societies, since the end of the millennium, the deepening of a cultural crisis due to the disbelief in public institutions and in some other pillars of social order. And that literary production shows the effects of this crisis in different sceneries and through different esthetic resources.O trabalho examina diferentes tendências na abordagem da violência urbana na literatura contemporânea. Investiga os recursos estéticos mobilizados para a análise do problema ou para tornar efetivo o efeito traumático junto aos receptores na literatura. Relacionada a essa discussão, apresenta avaliações divergentes quanto à eficácia da proposta da fotografia de Sebastião Salgado de promover a mobilização para mudanças de perspectivas sobre questões sociais. Discute o modo com que se explora um tema espinhoso, como a sedução infantil, no romance Subúrbio (2006) de Fernando Bonassi, em contraponto à exploração do mesmo tema e de outras situações contundentes em textos breves de Marcelino Freire. Também apresenta um exame dos recursos acionados por este autor para tornar eficaz o potencial da literatura como instrumento de performances, e que o levam a constituir, com seus contos, um gênero de obras híbridas: entre a lírica e o drama. Nesses textos, comotambém em obras de Ferréz e Marçal Aquino, revela-se a resposta a um interesse do público leitor em compreender a sociedade atual tendo em conta as influências na atualidade de uma cultura da ilegalidade. Aprofundou-se, desde o fim do milênio, uma crise de desconfiança das normas de comportamento e das instituições públicas e de outros pilares da ordem social, conforme observou Manuel Castells. Esta produção literária apresenta os impactos desta crise em diferentes cenários e com diferentes recursos


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    RESUMO: O trabalho é desenvolvido a partir da hipótese de que as diversas atividades de Machado de Assis relacionadas ao teatro, como a crítica jornalística e a participação no Conservatório Dramático no controle da observância de padrões de qualidade e de respeito aos valores morais nos palcos cariocas, oferecem elementos para compreender as limitações da dramaturgia do autor. Com base nessas referências e à luz das tendências teatrais que lhe são contemporâneas, discutem-se algumas das peças do autor, em contraste com problemas enfrentados por José de Alencar diante dos valores patriarcais dominantes no Brasil do século XIX e dos mecanismos de controle da produção cênica inerentes a eles. Finalmente, analisa-se a hipótese de que Machado concretizou, em seus contos, concepções teatrais que não ousou transportar para os palcos devido à perspectiva de que nos palcos deveriam ser respeitados valores comprometidos com o discurso patriarcal. Palavras-Chave: Machado de Assis; Produção teatral; Patriarcalismo e Censura; Teatro Realista. ABSTRACT: The work is based on the hypothesis that Machado de Assis’ diverse activities related to theater, such as journalistic criticism and participation in the Dramatic Conservatory in controlling the observance of quality standards and respect for moral values in the carioca stages, offer elements to understand the limitations of the author’s dramaturgy. Based on these references and the contemporary theatrical tendencies, some of the author’s plays are discussed. A parallel is established with the problems faced by José de Alencar related to the patriarchal values prevailing in nineteenth-century Brazil and the mechanisms of control of the scenic production inherent in them. Finally, it is analyzed the hypothesis that Machado concretized, in his short stories, theatrical conceptions that he did not dare to transport to the stage because he considered it more prone to control of patriarcal discourse. Keywords: Machado de Assis; Theatrical Production; Patriarchalism and Censorship; Realistic Theater

    Desordem e destruição na casa patriarcal brasileira

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    A proposta de Lúcio Cardoso de que sua literatura exprimisse sua descrença no tempo em que vivia se concretiza no romance Crônica da Casa Assassinada que tem como eixo temático o processo de implosão da estrutura familiar dos Meneses. O presente trabalho discute o modo peculiar com que o romancista aborda os sinais de desordem que contrastam com o esforço de manutenção das tradições do patriarcado rural brasileiro. O estudo parte de um paralelo com os procedimentos adotados por Nelson Rodrigues e José Lins do Rego no enfoque de questões análogas concernentes à ordem familiar num momento crucial do processo de modernização da sociedade brasileira.Lúcio Cardoso's proposal that his literature expresses his disbelief at the time he lived is embodied in the novel Chronicle of the Murdered House, whose thematic axis is the implosion process of the Meneses’ family structure. The present work discusses the peculiar way in which the novelist addresses the signs of disorder that contrast with the effort to maintain the traditions of the Brazilian rural patriarchy. The study starts from a parallel with the procedures adopted by Nelson Rodrigues and José Lins do Rego in addressing similar issues concerning the family order at a crucial moment in the process of modernization of Brazilian society