908 research outputs found

    The female heart: sex differences in the dynamics of ECG in response to stress

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    Sex differences in the study of the human physiological response to mental stress are often erroneously ignored. To this end, we set out to show that our understanding of the stress response is fundamentally altered once sex differences are taken into account. This is achieved by comparing the heart rate variability (HRV) signals acquired during mental maths tests from ten females and ten males of similar maths ability; all females were in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle. For rigor, the HRV signals from this pilot study were analyzed using temporal, spectral and nonlinear signal processing techniques, which all revealed significant statistical differences between the sexes, with the stress-induced increases in the heart rates from the males being significantly larger than those from the females (p-value = 4.4 × 10−4). In addition, mental stress produced an overall increase in the power of the low frequency component of HRV in the males, but caused an overall decrease in the females. The stress-induced changes in the power of the high frequency component were even more profound; it greatly decreased in the males, but increased in the females. We also show that mental stress was followed by the expected decrease in sample entropy, a nonlinear measure of signal regularity, computed from the males' HRV signals, while overall, stress manifested in an increase in the sample entropy computed from the females' HRV signals. This finding is significant, since mental stress is commonly understood to be manifested in the decreased entropy of HRV signals. The significant difference (p-value = 2.1 × 10−9) between the changes in the entropies from the males and females highlights the pitfalls in ignoring sex in the formation of a physiological hypothesis. Furthermore, it has been argued that estrogen attenuates the effect of catecholamine stress hormones; the findings from this investigation suggest for the first time that the conventionally cited cardiac changes, attributed to the fight-or-flight stress response, are not universally applicable to females. Instead, this pilot study provides an alternative interpretation of cardiac responses to stress in females, which indicates a closer alignment to the evolutionary tend-and-befriend response

    Pentobarbitone-induced sleeping time and sub-acute toxicity studies of Trichilia monadelpha aqueous extract

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    Background: Trichilia monadelpha is used either alone or in combination with other plants to treat many diseases in West Africa. Earlier, the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-parasitic effects of the plant have been investigated to confirm its folkloric use. The current study is aimed at investigating the sub-acute toxicity profile as well as hypno-sedative effect of the Trichilia monadelpha aqueous extract (TAE).Methods: For the pentobarbitone-induced sleeping test, rats (150-200 g, n=5) were pre-treated with TAE (100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg, p.o.) or distilled water (control group) 30 minutes before they were challenged with Pentobarbitone Sodium (50 mg/kg body weight, i.p). Sleeping time of each animal was recorded and analysed. In the sub-acute toxicity test, rats were treated daily either TAE (30, 100 and 1000 mg/kg) or water (control group) for two weeks after which the animals were sacrificed. Blood samples were collected for haematological and biochemical analyses. Specific organs were then removed and weighed immediately.Results: The pentobarbitone-induced sleeping test resulted in a significant and dose-dependent increase in the duration of sleep of the rats. There were however no significant changes in the relative weight of vital organs of the control and TAE treated groups. Similarly, there were no significant differences in haematological and biochemical parameters between control and TAE treated groups.Conclusions: TAE significantly and dose-dependently increased the duration of pentobarbitone-induced sleeping time in rats. TAE showed no significant changes in the relative weight of the vital organs, haematological and biochemical parameters

    Complexity science for sleep stage classification from EEG

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    Automatic sleep stage classification is an important paradigm in computational intelligence and promises consider- able advantages to the health care. Most current automated methods require the multiple electroencephalogram (EEG) chan- nels and typically cannot distinguish the S1 sleep stage from EEG. The aim of this study is to revisit automatic sleep stage classification from EEGs using complexity science methods. The proposed method applies fuzzy entropy and permutation entropy as kernels of multi-scale entropy analysis. To account for sleep transition, the preceding and following 30 seconds of epoch data were used for analysis as well as the current epoch. Combining the entropy and spectral edge frequency features extracted from one EEG channel, a multi-class support vector machine (SVM) was able to classify 93.8% of 5 sleep stages for the SleepEDF database [expanded], with the sensitivity of S1 stage was 49.1%. Also, the Kappa’s coefficient yielded 0.90, which indicates almost perfect agreement

    Manure Management, Quality and Mineralization for Sustaining Smallholder Livelihoods in The Upper East Region of Ghana

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    A survey was conducted in the Upper East region of Ghana to seek information on the fertility status of the soils, manure production, its management options and nutrient concentration that could be associated with quality. Analysis of soils from farmers’ fields showed that the soils are coarse textured, with low exchange capacity and organic matter contents. Available P in particular was very low with most of the soils having values less than 6.00 ppm. Four main types of cattle rearing systems were encountered; the field, kraal, compound and intensive. Fresh manure samples from each of these systems were collected air dried and analysed in the laboratory using standard protocols. The N and P contents of the manure ranged from 0.52 % to 1.14 %, and 0.28 % to 0.76 % respectively, which were below the critical levels for net mineralization. Polyphenol contents on the other hand were lower than the critical value of 4 %. Decomposition and nutrient release of the manure showed immobilization of total N during the first four weeks, suggesting the need to improve the quality by composting or applying it in combination with mineral fertilizers.Keywords: Crop production, fertilizer value, nutrient release, soil fertility

    Resolving ambiguities in the LF/HF Ratio: LF-HF scatter plots for the categorization of mental and physical stress from HRV

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    It is generally accepted that the activities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which consists of the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous systems (PNS), are reflected in the low- (LF) and high-frequency (HF) bands in heart rate variability (HRV)—while, not without some controversy, the ratio of the powers in those frequency bands, the so called LF-HF ratio (LF/HF), has been used to quantify the degree of sympathovagal balance. Indeed, recent studies demonstrate that, in general: (i) sympathovagal balance cannot be accurately measured via the ratio of the LF- and HF- power bands; and (ii) the correspondence between the LF/HF ratio and the psychological and physiological state of a person is not unique. Since the standard LF/HF ratio provides only a single degree of freedom for the analysis of this 2D phenomenon, we propose a joint treatment of the LF and HF powers in HRV within a two-dimensional representation framework, thus providing the required degrees of freedom. By virtue of the proposed 2D representation, the restrictive assumption of the linear dependence between the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the LF-HF frequency band powers is demonstrated to become unnecessary. The proposed analysis framework also opens up completely new possibilities for a more comprehensive and rigorous examination of HRV in relation to physical and mental states of an individual, and makes possible the categorization of different stress states based on HRV. In addition, based on instantaneous amplitudes of Hilbert-transformed LF- and HF-bands, a novel approach to estimate the markers of stress in HRV is proposed and is shown to improve the robustness to artifacts and irregularities, critical issues in real-world recordings. The proposed approach for resolving the ambiguities in the standard LF/HF-ratio analyses is verified over a number of real-world stress-invoking scenarios

    Improving Soil Productivity and Increasing Lowland Rice Yields through the Integration of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers in the Savannah and Forest Agro-ecological Zones of La Cote d’Ívoire

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    Sole mineral fertilizers use by poorly resourced farmers for rice production in the lowlands is usually low and unsustainable. Field experiments were therefore conducted within two contrasting environments (Forest and Savannah), using two common organic amendments (Poultry manure and Cattle manure) to establish an effective and integrated soil nutrient management system for improved lowland soil productivity and increased rice yields. The study was also partly intended to encourage and promote the effective and sustainable use of locally available organic amendments for nutrient management in lowland rice production. Results showed that organic amendments {cattle manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM)} contributed significantly to grain yield increases and total productivity with PM having a significantly greater and positive effect on grain yield than CM. In addition, the application of organic amendments in combination with mineral fertilizer significantly contributed to increased grain yield over the application of sole mineral fertilizer. Within the savannah agro- cological zone, there was a 130% (CM) and 203% (PM) grain yield increase over the control due to the application of organic amendments . When organic amendments were applied in combination with mineral fertilizer (MF), grain yield increased by 21% and 43% over sole MF for CM and PM respectively. However, sole CM contributed 12% increase in grain yield over the control while PM gave a 35% increase within the forest agro- cological zone. The combined application of MF and CM resulted in an 11% increase in grain yield while MF and PM combinations produced a 30% yield increase within the ecology. The non-addition of N, P, K as mineral fertilizer resulted in a yield reduction of about 84% at both sites. Resource poor farmers within the West African sub-region should therefore be encouraged to use organic amendments, which are not only available locally but also affordable. Proper storage and handling of these organic materials is very important to minimize nutrient losses.&nbsp

    Pain prediction from ECG in vascular surgery

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    Varicose vein surgeries are routine outpatient procedures, which are often performed under local anaesthesia. The use of local anaesthesia both minimises the risk to patients and is cost effective, however, a number of patients still experience pain during surgery. Surgical teams must therefore decide to administer either a general or local anaesthetic based on their subjective qualitative assessment of patient anxiety and sensitivity to pain, without any means to objectively validate their decision. To this end, we develop a 3-D polynomial surface fit, of physiological metrics and numerical pain ratings from patients, in order to model the link between the modulation of cardiovascular responses and pain in varicose vein surgeries. Spectral and structural complexity features found in heart rate variability signals, recorded immediately prior to 17 varicose vein surgeries, are used as pain metrics. The so obtained pain prediction model is validated through a leave-one-out validation, and achieved a Kappa coefficient of 0.72 (substantial agreement) and an area below a receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.97 (almost perfect accuracy). This proof-of-concept study conclusively demonstrates the feasibility of the accurate classification of pain sensitivity, and introduces a mathematical model to aid clinicians in the objective administration of the safest and most cost-effective anaesthetic to individual patients

    “In small places, close to home”: urban environmental impacts on child rights across four global cities

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    Urban environments influence child behaviours, exposures and experiences and may affect health, development, achievement and realization of fundamental human rights. We examined the status of eleven UN Convention on the Rights of the Child articles, in a multi-case study across four global cities. Within all study cities, children experienced unequal exposure to urban environmental risks and amenities. Many violations of child rights are related to car-based transportation systems and further challenged by pressures on urban systems from rapid population increases in the context of climate change. A child rights framework provides principles for a collective, multi-sectoral re-imagination of urban environments that support the human rights of all citizens