28 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menunjukan hubungan antara kontrol diri dengan empati pada siswa SMP Global Islamic School. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat keterkaitan antara kontrol diri dengan empati. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non experimental, menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional dengan teknik pengambilan data yaitu non-probability sampling. Instrumen yang dIgunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, Brief Self Control Scale sebagai alat ukur kontrol diri dengan nilai koefisien reliabilitas α = 0.790 yang diadaptasi dari Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone (2004) dan telah dimodifikasi oleh peneliti. Untuk mengukur empati digunakan alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari Davis (2014) dan telah dimodifikasi oleh peneliti dengan nilai koefisien reliabilitas α = 0.793. Dari hasil uji korelasi data dapat disimpulkan bahwa, adanya hubungan antara kontrol diri dengan empati dengan arah korelasi negatif

    Relationship between premolar extraction on the dimension of upper airway and tongue posture in skeletal class II malocclusion

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    Correction of skeletal Class II malocclusion with camouflage orthodontic treatment generally requires the extraction of the maxillary first premolars to provide space for retraction of the maxillary incisors. Retraction of incisors changes the position of the incisors and the dimensions of the dental arch, which can cause changes in tongue posture and affect the upper airway. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between premolar extraction on the dimensions of upper airway and tongue posture in skeletal Class II malocclusion. This study was designed as a retrospective cohort using lateral cephalometric radiographs before and after orthodontic treatment. The samples in this study consisted of 44 samples of adult patients (n = 44) aged 18-40 years, who were divided into 2 groups: 22 subjects treated without premolar extraction and 22 subjects treated with premolar extraction. Lateral cephalometric radiographic analysis were used to measure the dimensions of the upper airway by analyzing superior posterior airway space (SPAS), middle airway space (MAS), inferior airway space (IAS), vertical airway length (VAL), and tongue posture (tongue length and height tongue) using imageJ software. No Statistically significant different changes were observed as seen from the following results: SPAS (p = 0.709), MAS (p = 0.365), IAS (p = 0.562), (p = 0.401), tongue length (p = 0.578), tongue height (p = 0.086) in the sample group without extraction premolar. No significant alterations in the upper airway and tongue posture measurement were observed in the sample group with extraction premolar. Premolar extraction with retraction on upper incisors did not affect upper airway dimensions and toung posture in skeletal Class II malocclusion.


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    This study analyzes the Effect of Sales Growth Rate and Accounts Receivable Turnover on Liquidity at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, that simultaneously the Sales Growth Rate and Accounts Receivable Turnover have a significant effect on Liquidity with the result of the Coefficient of Determination of 89.9% and the remaining 11.1% are other variables that also affect Liquidity but are not examined. As for the partial sales growth rate does not have a significant effect on liquidity, this is evidenced by the results of the t test where tcount is smaller than ttable. Then Accounts Receivable Turnover partially has a significant effect on Liquidity, this is evidenced by the results of the t test where tcount is greater than ttabl

    Assets Inventory Information System Using Fifo Method in PT Brightfoods International's Web-Based Formulation

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    AbstractAs time goes by, the world of technology is getting more sophisticated. We can easily get all the information we want to get. Internet access is getting faster and the world of software is progressing very rapidly. This progress must be based on a balanced advance in science and technology. One of them is PT Brightfoods International, a food manufacturing company located in the Sentul Industrial Area, Bogor, which produces food to be enjoyed throughout Indonesia. Currently, the storage of goods delivery data only uses general ledgers, raw material data forms and Microsoft Excel. So there are still frequent loss of stock of goods and not according to the order of the expiration date. This research designs and builds a web-based (offline) inventory system by applying the FIFO method. This record supports the company's business process activities and helps the data storage and processing process with FIFO calculations to avoid expired materials. The web-based inventory information system application using the FIFO method produces information to make a decision desired by the user. Therefore, an application is made that can assist the owner and his employees in processing data, as well as the number of items available. The information system used is based on web and using Sublime Text Tools and Database management Using the MySQL System.Keywords:Information Systems;FIFO;Inventory;WEB;Database Abstract As time goes by, the world of technology is getting more sophisticated. We can easily get all the information we want to get. Internet access is getting faster and the world of software is progressing very rapidly. This progress must be based on a balanced advance in science and technology. One of them is PT Brightfoods International, a food manufacturing company located in the Sentul Industrial Area, Bogor, which produces food to be enjoyed throughout Indonesia. Currently, the storage of goods delivery data only uses general ledgers, raw material data forms and Microsoft Excel. So there are still frequent loss of stock of goods and not according to the order of the expiration date. This research designs and builds a web-based (offline) inventory system by applying the FIFO method. This record supports the company's business process activities and helps the data storage and processing process with FIFO calculations to avoid expired materials. The web-based inventory information system application using the FIFO method produces information to make a decision desired by the user. Therefore, an application is made that can assist the owner and his employees in processing data, as well as the number of items available. The information system used is based on web and using Sublime Text Tools and Database management Using the MySQL System. Keywords: Information Systems; FIFO; Inventory;WEB; Databas

    Analisis Pengaruh Parsial Kemasan, Warna, Rasa dan Pengetahuan Gizi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Makanan pada Siswa SD

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    Pada era ini, industri makanan berlomba – lomba mengadakan inovasi untuk menciptakan produk makanan baru dengan target konsumen yaitu anak – anak sekolah. Usia Sekolah Dasar (SD) merupakan usia yang mudah untuk dipengaruhi, sehingga perusahaan melakukan berbagai cara untuk menarik perhatian mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh kemasan, warna, rasa dan pengetahuan gizi terhadap keputusan pembelian produk makanan bagi siswa SD. sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD sebanyak 50 orang yang berusia 8 – 9 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuisioner tertutup dengan 5 skala Likert. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS ver 18, uji yang dilakukan adalah uji validitas, reliabilitas dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa uji validitas dan reliabilitas diperoleh bahwa instrumen yang digunakan adalah valid (r hitung > r tabel) dan reliabel, yang dilihat dari nilai Cronbach’s Alpha 0,751. Dari uji t diperoleh bahwa, kemasan (t hitung>t tabel, 2,286>1,679) dan pengetahuan gizi (t hitung>t tabel, 22,421>1,679) berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, pada taraf signifikan 5%. Selanjutnya, rasa dan warna tidak berpengaruh pada keputusan pembelian. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai sumber informasi pengusaha produk makanan dalam melakukan promosi untuk menarik pasar siswa SD

    Optimasi Formula Tablet Dispersible Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji dengan Kombinasi Bahan Penghancur Croscarmellose Sodium dan Sodium Starch Glycolate

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    Khasiat dan keamanan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) sebagai antidiare telah diuji secara praklinik dan klinik. Bentuk sediaan yang ada saat ini kebanyakan susah ditelan, waktu disintegrasinya lama serta memiliki rasa dan bau yang kurang enak, sehingga perlu diformulasikan sediaan yang lebih akseptabel bagi anak-anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi formula tablet dispersible ekstrak air daun jambu biji menggunakan variasi bahan penghancur croscarmellose sodium (CCS) dan sodium starch glycolate (SSG) dengan metode simplex lattice design (SLD). Tablet dispersible dibuat 5 formula dengan metode granulasi kering yaitu formula I (100% CCS), II (75% CCS : 25% SSG), III (50% CCS : 50% SSG), IV (25% CCS : 75% SSG) dan V (100% SSG). Standarisasi ekstrak yang dilakukan meliputi uji organoleptik, susut pengeringan dan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Tablet dispersible yang diperoleh, diuji sifat fisik keseragaman bobot, kerapuhan, kekerasan, waktu disintegrasi, waktu dispersi, waktu pembasahan serta KLT. Data dianalisis menggunakan software Design Expert® versi untuk mendapatkan formula optimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi bahan penghancur CCS-SSG mempengaruhi sifat fisik tablet. Semakin besar jumlah SSG maka semakin besar kekerasan, waktu disintegrasi, waktu dispersi dan waktu pembasahan tablet. Formula optimum yang diperoleh adalah formula dengan kombinasi 71% CCS dan 29% SSG

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan dan Motivasi terhadap Minat Untuk Berwirausaha Mahasiswa IKIP PGRI Jember

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    This Research was conducted to analyze and know whether there is an effect of the enter reneurship learning and enterpreneurial motivation on the enter reneurial interest of IKIP PGRI Jember students partially and simulta. This type of research was quantitative research. Primary data was collected thought questionnaires distributedto the students of IKIP PGRI Jember Economic education department at 2016 and 2017 academic year. The population of this research was 121 students. The sample of thisresearch was 40 respondents of the economic education department at 2016 and 2017 academic year. Hypothesis test used multiple linier regression analysis. Based on the results of the data analysis used t-test or partially that is between enterpreneurship learning obtained tcount (2,482) > ttable (2,021) with a significance of 0,018 so that there is an influence on student enterpreneurship interest. t-test data analysis or partially that is between enterpreneurial motivation obtained tcount (2,093) < ttable (2,021) with a significance of 2,093 so that there is an influence on student enterpreneurship interest. from the data analysis used f-test of simultareonly that is between enterpreneurship learning and enterpreneurial motivation

    Pelatih Kebersyukuran untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Guru Sekolah Inklusi

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    The purpose of this study is to improve inclusion teacher's quality of life by delivering gratitude training. There were 16 teacherswho teach at inclusion's elementary school in Yogyakarta, participated inthis study. They had moderate and low score on quality of life's scale. Data were collected with observation, interview, and quality of life's scale. The result showed that there was a significant difference between subjects who received gratitude training and subjects who did not receive gratitude training(F = 8.082, p = 0.002; p < 0.05). Gratitude training was effective to improved inclusion teacher's quality of life.   Key words: quality of life, gratitude, inclusion teacher


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    Sirih merupakan tanaman herbal yang dapat mengobati berbagai penyakit. Sirih Merah adalah jenis sirih yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia namun kurang diminati oleh masyarakat karena rasa getir dan aroma pahitnya. Tanaman ini mengandung fitokimia seperti flavonoid, phenolik, vitamin C dan antioksidan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh teknik ekstraksi terhadap kandungan fitokimia dan sensoris pada minuman sirih Merah (Piper crocatum). Parameter yang diamati adalah kandungan vitamin C, phenolik, flavonoid, antioksidan dan penilaian sensoris. Analisis sensoris dilakukan dengan menggunakan 7 skala Hedonik (sangat tidak suka – sangat suka) dengan 35 orang panelis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu ekstraksi mempengaruhi kandungan vitamin C, antioksidan pada sampel minuman sirih (72,89 – 98,78 ppm vitamin C), phenolik pada sampel sirih merah (160,56 ppm asam galat/ ml – 244,63 ppm asam galat/ ml). Penambahan asam gelugur pada minuman sirih dapat meningkatkan kandungan flavonoid sebesar 54.87 ppm catechin/ ml. Penambahan asam gelugur dapat meningkatkan penerimaan sensoris. Teknik ekstraksi mempengaruhi kandungan fitokimia dan penerimaan sensoris minuman sirih merah

    Histological analyses of orthodontic force in Cavia porcellus: Comparison between immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin-eosin.

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    Context: Histological quantification of osteoclasts and osteoblasts can evaluate biological responses to orthodontic tooth movement. Histological analysis of bone samples can be technically challenging. Aims: To evaluate the differences between hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in quantifying osteoblast and osteoclast cells following the application of static orthodontic force. Methods: Orthodontic force was applied using a rubber separator around the maxilla incisor of Cavia porcellus. Tooth samples were taken at 0, 4, 8, 14, 21, and 28 days after applying orthodontic force. HE and IHC staining quantify osteoblast and osteoclast cells in the alveolar bone. IHC staining, i.e., Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining, was used to identify osteoclasts, and osteocalcin (OCN) staining was used to identify osteoblasts. Results: Significantly higher numbers of osteoclasts and osteoblasts were observed with IHC compared to HE staining (p<0.05). Significant positive linear correlations in the numbers of osteoclasts (r = 0.757) and osteoblasts (r = 0.622) identified were observed between IHC and HE staining. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate HE staining may represent an acceptable alternative method of quantifying osteoclasts and osteoblasts in the preliminary research of orthodontic tooth movement (OTM)