876 research outputs found

    Explaining Snapshots of Network Diffusions: Structural and Hardness Results

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    Much research has been done on studying the diffusion of ideas or technologies on social networks including the \textit{Influence Maximization} problem and many of its variations. Here, we investigate a type of inverse problem. Given a snapshot of the diffusion process, we seek to understand if the snapshot is feasible for a given dynamic, i.e., whether there is a limited number of nodes whose initial adoption can result in the snapshot in finite time. While similar questions have been considered for epidemic dynamics, here, we consider this problem for variations of the deterministic Linear Threshold Model, which is more appropriate for modeling strategic agents. Specifically, we consider both sequential and simultaneous dynamics when deactivations are allowed and when they are not. Even though we show hardness results for all variations we consider, we show that the case of sequential dynamics with deactivations allowed is significantly harder than all others. In contrast, sequential dynamics make the problem trivial on cliques even though it's complexity for simultaneous dynamics is unknown. We complement our hardness results with structural insights that can help better understand diffusions of social networks under various dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, solvabilitas dan komite audit terhadap audit delay. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan consumer goods industry yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2017-2019. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 45 perusahaan dengan periode pengamatan selama 3 tahun dengan kriteria pengambilan sampel. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan teknik analisis data statistic deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) ukuran perusahaan, solvabilitas dan komite audit berpengaruh terhadap audit delay ; (2) ukuran perusahaan, solvabilitas dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern ; (3) ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap audit delay ; (4) ukuran perusahaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern ; (5) solvabilitas berpengaruh terhadap audit delay ; (6) solvabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern (7) komite audit berpengaruh terhadap terhadap audit delay ; (8) komite audit berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern (9) ; audit delay tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern ;(10)ukuran perusahaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern melalui mediasi audit delay (11) solvabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern melalui mediasi audit delay (12) komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern melalui mediasi audit delay

    Studi Evaluatif Tentang Kinerja Sekolah Pada Sekolah Smk Rekayasa Denpasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tingkat efektivitas kinerja sekolah di SMK Rekayasa Denpasar dilihat dari aspek pengelolaan sekolah efektif versi Bank Dunia, 2000, antara lain: aspek dukungan, aspek kondisi-kondisi lain yang memungkinkan terwujudnya sekolah efektif, aspek iklim sekolah, dan aspek pembelajaran. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan ex post facto. Populasi dari penelitian ini diambil dari semua guru, pegawai, anggota komite sekolah dan OSIS di SMK Rekayasa Denpasar, sampelnya diterapkan secara purposive sejumlah 103 orang, yang kemudian menjadi sumber informasi. Instrumen yang dipakai dalam pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala likert, jumlah pernyataan sebanyak 120 butir. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan penilaian acuan patokan. Dalam pendekatan dengan acuan patokan, penentuan tingkatan didasarkan pada skor-skor yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya dalam bentuk presentasi. Misalnya untuk mendapatkan nilai Sangat efektif (SE) atau Efektif (EF). Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan seperti yang telah dipaparkan pada bagian-bagian sebelumnya, dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: (1) Responden guru, dengan skor persentil 88, (2) Responden OSIS, dengan skor persentil 82, (3) Responden komite, dengan skor persentil 86, (4) Responden pegawai dengan skor persentil 80, (5) Responden kepala sekolah, dengan skor persentil 96. Dengan rata-rata keseluruhan persentil adalah 86 termasuk dalam kategori Efektif (80 – 89).Kata Kunci : kinerja sekolah This study aimed at finding ot analyzing the school performance at SMK Rekayasa Denpasar against World Bank (2000) version of aspects of effective school management, which include supporting inputs, enabling condition, school climate, and teaching learning process. This study used a descriptive design using ex post facto approach. The population consisted of all teachers, administrative workers, member of the scool committee and OSIS at SMK Rekayasa Denpasar and one hundred three members of the population were selected purposively and made the sample who then provided information for the study. This study used a closed questionnaire with Likert scale which consisted of 120 items. This study to used PAP. Grade of score ready to constant before presentation. Example for have score very effectiveness or effective. The results showed that (1) when viewed from its teacher, the degree of effectiveness of the school performace was 88, (2) when viewed from the student was 82 (high), (3) when viewed from the comittee was 86, (4) when viewed from the worker was 80, and (5) when viewed from the headmaster was 96. Become thereby management of effective school according to World Bank version 2000 was 86. Become thereby management of effective school according to World Bank version 2000 can wear as predictor in management of effective education at SMK Rekayasa Denpasar

    Peran Komisi Informasi Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam Mendorong Tercapainya Keterbukaan Informasi Publik di Jawa Tengah

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    Study of the role of Central Java Information Commissions in encouragingdisclosure of information in Central Java, has purpose to explain the role ofCentral Java Information Commission in encouraging disclosure of informastionas on UU KIP and Additionally described obstacle and proponent factors KI rolein encouraging the achievement of a disclosure in central Java province.In the implementation of the study authors using agency theory, agencytheory which describes the relationship between the donor authority / principal(KI Prov Central Java) to those who run errands / agent (public board) bound bythe Nexus of Contract. This study used qualitative methods, with data collectiontechniques such as interviews as the primary data and documents as secondarydata. In determining the informants using purposive sampling technique, in whichmembers of KI Central Java Province as an informant.In carrying out its role KI Prov Central Java continue to emphasize to thepublic board that is to have a professional Official Information andDocumentation (PPID), where PPID is the people who are assigned specifically tobe PPID instead of an employee that already exist given the dual position intoPPID, found also the group that uses the public information for his own benefit sothat people can not get the necessary information, and also the elements PPIDconducting information asymmetry, where PPID is not doing a deal that is setexample is PPID non-reporting services annual information and does not provideinformation on people for no apparent reason.Finally, although in encouraging disclosure of information in Central JavaKI got a lot of obstacles, but KI continues to strive as much as possible, one ofthem by utilizing the existing civil society so that they continue to force publicbodies to be more transparent. As well as the support of the Governor of CentralJava in the form of operational funds and Governor Regulation on publicinformation services that make public bodies more transparent to the public

    Argo Parahyangan Train Service Quality Improvement

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    Argo Parahyangan train passenger volume declined since the opening of Highway Cipularang. This is due to the emergence of competing business that is passenger transport transportation travel point to point as well as inter-city buses. Due to continued losses, PT Kereta Api Indonesia combines two previously with Bandung-Jakarta route the Argo Gede and Parahyangan. It is intended to further save on maintenance costs and increases revenue. However, passenger trains continued to decrease in volume as the growth of business travel point to point.To find out what the cause of the increase in passenger volume reduction, is necessary to find the root cause of the problem first. Needs to be analyzed from all sides as the analysis of the company's external and internal analysis of the company. External analysis conducted by analyzing Framework PESTEL and Porter's Five Forces. Internal analysis conducted by analyzing corporate strategy, business strategy, Segmenting Targeting Positioning (STP), and the marketing mix (7P) PT Kereta Api Indonesia. Then do the retrieval questionnaires to passengers for the analysis of the quality of products, tariffs, and services using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Finding from this research in PT KAI is not the focus in the development of management because too many train set, education officials are still low, investments in railway development is still lacking, the promotion of a less. Objective of this research is to provide the proposed service quality implementation PT Kereta Api Indonesia and implementation of plans and programs to enhance customer satisfaction. With the suggestions given Argo Parahyangan passenger volume expected to be up front and get a high profit Keywords: PT Indonesian Railways, passenger volume, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA

    Argo Parahyangan Train Service Quality Improvement

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    Argo Parahyangan train passenger volume declined since the opening of Highway Cipularang. This is due to the emergence of competing business that is passenger transport transportation travel point to point as well as inter-city buses. Due to continued losses, PT Kereta Api Indonesia combines two previously with Bandung-Jakarta route the Argo Gede and Parahyangan. It is intended to further save on maintenance costs and increases revenue. However, passenger trains continued to decrease in volume as the growth of business travel point to point.To find out what the cause of the increase in passenger volume reduction, is necessary to find the root cause of the problem first. Needs to be analyzed from all sides as the analysis of the company's external and internal analysis of the company. External analysis conducted by analyzing Framework PESTEL and Porter's Five Forces. Internal analysis conducted by analyzing corporate strategy, business strategy, Segmenting Targeting Positioning (STP), and the marketing mix (7P) PT Kereta Api Indonesia. Then do the retrieval questionnaires to passengers for the analysis of the quality of products, tariffs, and services using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Finding from this research in PT KAI is not the focus in the development of management because too many train set, education officials are still low, investments in railway development is still lacking, the promotion of a less. Objective of this research is to provide the proposed service quality implementation PT Kereta Api Indonesia and implementation of plans and programs to enhance customer satisfaction. With the suggestions given Argo Parahyangan passenger volume expected to be up front and get a high profit Keywords: PT Indonesian Railways, passenger volume, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA

    Predicting Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations in Some Indian Tunnels: a Comparison of Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression Methods

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    The present study compares three different techniques (decision tree, artificial neural network and multivariate regression analysis) for predicting blast-induced ground vibrations in some Indian tunnelling projects. The performance of these models was also compared to site-specific conventional predictor equations. A database consisting of 137 vibration records was randomly divided into training and testing sets for model generation. Eight input parameters (total charge, tunnel cross-section, maximum charge per delay, number of holes, hole diameter, distance from blasting face, hole depth and charge per hole) were selected for model development using bivariate correlation analysis. Results indicated that the decision tree is best suited for predicting vibrations. The decision tree further suggested that the intensity of near-field ground vibrations is mainly affected by total charge fired in a round, whereas the intensity of far-field vibrations is governed by maximum charge per delay and charge per hole. Conventional ground vibration predictors and machine learning techniques such as neural networks do not depict the relationship between input and output parameters. However, the present study substantiates that the decision tree can be a good tool for precise prediction of ground vibrations. Further, the decision tree can classify and relate different blast design parametersfor refining blast designs to control ground vibrations on site
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