84 research outputs found

    Growth of Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L.) on Three Planting Patterns and Dose of Fertilizer on Sandy Beach Pangandaran, West Java

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    Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) is one of the new alternatives of biofuels materials in the world. Hitherto, the information on the cultivation and processing techniques is very limited. This study aims to find out the growth of nyamplung on some cropping patterns on sandy beach Pangandaran in 4 (four) years. The experimental design used in this study was split plot design. The main plots were cropping pattern: agroforestry nyamplung, nyamplung monoculture and nyamplung + pandanus, and the subplot were fertilizer doses: (1) no fertilizer (control), (2) 5 kg of organic fertilizer + 100 gr/plant NPK and (3) 10 kg of organic fertilizer + 200 gr/plant of NPK fertilizer. Each combination treatment consists of 25 plants that were repeated 3 times , so that the total number of plants observed were 675 plants. The growth parameters observed: survival rate, height, diameters and number of branches of plant until 4 years. The results of this study showed that the interaction of treatments were statistically not significant. The growth of the plants was significantly affected by cropping pattern and fertilization. The Agroforestry pattern produces the highest survival rate and growth that is 97.33% with an average height of 220 cm and an average diameter of 5.08 cm. Recommended fertilizer doses are 5 kg of organic fertilizer for base and 100 grams of advanced fertilizer NPK twice a year

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Nyamplung sampai umur 4 (empat) tahun pada tiga pola tanam dan dosis pupuk di lahan Pantai Berpasir Pangandaran, Jawa Barat

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    Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) is one of the new alternatives of biofuels materials in the world. Hitherto, the information on the cultivation and processing techniques is very limited. This study aims to find out the growth of nyamplung on some cropping patterns on sandy beach Pangandaran in 4 (four) years. The experimental design used in this study was split plot design. The main plots were cropping pattern: agroforestry nyamplung, nyamplung monoculture and nyamplung + pandanus, and the subplot were fertilizer doses: (1) no fertilizer (control), (2) 5 kg of organic fertilizer + 100 gr/plant NPK and (3) 10 kg of organic fertilizer + 200 gr/plant of NPK fertilizer. Each combination treatment consists of 25 plants that were repeated 3 times , so that the total number of plants observed were 675 plants. The growth parameters observed: survival rate, height, diameters and number of branches of plant until 4 years. The results of this study showed that the interaction of treatments were statistically not significant. The growth of the plants was significantly affected by cropping pattern and fertilization. The Agroforestry pattern produces the highest survival rate and growth that is 97.33% with an average height of 220 cm and an average diameter of 5.08 cm. Recommended fertilizer doses are 5 kg of organic fertilizer for base and 100 grams of advanced fertilizer NPK twice a year

    Dinamika Agroforestry Tegalan Di Perbukitan Menoreh, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Land management in agroforestry systems requires species selection and proper silviculture. Selection of species and silvicultural treatments aimed at maintaining competition in obtaining a light, water and nutrients. Farmers choose the species based on the economical factor. This study aims to determine the composition of plant species in dry land agroforestry in Menoreh Hill, Kulon Progo District. Research done by survey method. Plot observation was divided into three level of light intensity: : a) early agroforestry (light intensity >50%), b) middle agroforestry, (light intensity 30-50%), c) further agroforestry (light intensity <30%). Four planting plots were made as repetition, so that there were 12 plots observation. Observations and measurements of vegetation are done with census (100%). The Result show five important value index in early Agroforestry,: sengon (77.84), coconut (50.04), and cacao (25.47), tree density was 482 trees/hectare and basal area 5.48 m2/ha, in middle agroforestry were: sengon (88.15), mahogany (49.51), and clove (45.03), with tree density was 595 trees/ha, and basal area was 6.70 m2/ha, further agroforestry were: clove (72.37%), sengon (50.61), and coconut (37.02), tree density was 650 trees/ha, basal area was 6.78 m2/ha

    Pola Dan Evaluasi Penggunaan Lahan Di Sempadan Sungai Cinangka, Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai Cimanuk Hulu (Pattern and Evaluation of Land Use in Cinangka Buffer Zone, Upper Cimanuk Sub Watershed)

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    In general, watershed problems are caused by two factors namely natural factors such as rainfall, slopes and soil types and human factors such as policy and socio-economic factors. This study aims to evaluate the existing land use compared to Regional Spatial Planning of Garut in the buffer zone of Cinangka River, which is part of the Upper Cimanuk sub watershed. This research is expected to contribute to the watershed management knowledge and offer an alternative model for watershed management based on dynamic socio-economic conditions.Primary data collection was conducted through field surveys and interviews to the selected farmers whose land were in the selected areas. The interviews were to find out the reasons for planting the chosen crops. An observation plot of 50 meters for each river boundary as long as 1 km, were made to evaluate the land use. Therefore, total area of observation was 100.000 m2 or 10 hectare (ha). The study area is dominated by monoculture farming, which is 62% of the total area. Other land uses include bare land and shrubs (13.2%), agroforestry (12.3%), forest trees (trees & MPTS) (11.6%), and other types of land use (1%). The use of monoculture agriculture in this area is not accordance to the Regional Spatial Plans (RTRW) of Garut Regency in 2011-2031, which allocates the area of Cinangka sub watershed as community forest cultivation


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    Efforts to improve peatland can be carried out through restoration activities. This study evaluates the growth of four types of plants used in revegetation activities on deep peatland in Kubu Raya District. The study of the combination pattern of woody species and non-timber producers on peatland was compiled using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) consisting of 12 plant plots, four replications, each plot consisting of 100 plants with a spacing of 4 m x 3 m. Plant seeds come from cabutan (pulled out seed), kept and maintained in the community's seedlings in Central Kalimantan Province. The planting hole is made with 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, then given 3 kg of manure/hole and 200 gr of agricultural lime per planting hole. The parameters measured were plant height and diameter. Measurement data were analyzed using a diversity test (ANOVA) if there were significant differences and then continued with Duncan's post-test. The results of the study showed that: (1) The jelutong plant is the most suitable species to be developed on deep peatlands because it has the fastest growth, and (2) Growth of jengkol and petai still needs to be improved by improving the physical and chemical properties of peat soil

    Peningkatan Kualitas Bibit Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L) Dan Malapari (Pongamia Pinnata L) Dengan Aplikasi Mikoriza Dan Trichoderma Spp.

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    Nyamplung and Malapari a potential bioenergy crops on marginal land to be developed on the coastal land. The constraints of the coastal land is the less of water and soil nutrient. Input technology is needed in order to suceed the crop planting such as using bio fertilizer. Mycorrhizae plays an essential role in helping plants to absorb phosphate and increase the resistance to drought. Trichoderma spp involves in producing beneficial hormones for metabolism and helps break down organic matter. Utilization of biofertilizer is still rarely used as treatment in bioenergy plant seedlings. This study aimed to determine the quality of nyamplung and malapari seedlings after mycorrhizal and Trichoderma spp application in the nursery. Experiments were arranged in a complete randomized block design (RCBD). The treatment of media: soil as control (T), soil+organic fertilizer with ratio of 3:1(TK), soil+organic fertilizer+mycorhizae 10 g (TKM), soil+organic fertilizer+Trichoderma spp 10 g (TKT), soil+organic fertilizer+mycorrhizal 10 g+Trichoderma 10 g (TC). Application was done when the seedlings reached 1 (one) month old. Biofertilizer was sown around seedling roots. Each treatment consisted of 50 samples and 3 replications so the total seedlings were 750 seedlings. The results showed that after 6 and 12 months treatment malapari with organic fertilizer + mikoriza + Tricoderma spp (TC) gained 67.5% taller and 427% larger on dry weight of leaf than the control, whereas in nyamplung seedlings, TC treatment resulted better growth with diameter 8% larger, root length 78.56% longer, and total dry weight 7.88% heavier compared to control (T)

    Produktivitas Talas (Colocasia esculenta L. Shott) di Bawah Tiga Jenis Tegakan dengan Sistem Agroforestri di Lahan Hutan Rakyat

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    Tanaman talas (Colocasia esculenta L. Shott ) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang merupakan jenis tanaman pangan fungsional. Tanaman talas menurut Permenhut P.35/2007 tentang Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu termasuk dalam kelompok tanaman pati-patian. Berdasarkan pengetahuan lokal yang masyarakat miliki, agrofrestri talas telah diaplikasikan di lahan-lahan kering hutan rakyat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas talas di bawah beberapa jenis tegakan hutan rakyat dengan sistem agroforestri. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dan obsevasi lapangan. Jenis agroforestri yang diteliti adalah agroforestri sengon+talas, jabon+talas, manglid+talas serta monokultur talas sebagai kontrol. Pengukuran pertumbuhan dan produksi dilakukan terhadap sampel tanaman talas. Pengukuran pertumbuhan meliputi pertumbuhan tinggi, jumlah daun,berat basah batang dan daun, berat kering batang dan daun. Parameter produktivitas talas adalah berat basah umbi dan berat kering umbi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis tegakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman bawah talas dalam sistem agrofrestri. Jenis tegakan jabon memberikan hasil biomassa tanaman talas (366,57 g/tanaman) paling baik dibanding pada tegakan sengon (266,15 g/tanaman), manglid (175,64 g kg/tanaman) dan monokultur (182,98 g/tanaman). Intensitas cahaya di bawah tegakan jabon dalam sistem agroforestri adalah 41,17%. Jenis tegakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman bawah talas dalam sistem agrofrestri. Jenis tegakan jabon memberikan hasil produksi berupa berat basah dan berat kering umbi talas (2.333,0 g/tanaman/ 884,3 g/tanaman) paling baik dibanding di bawah tegakan sengon (1.597,0 g/tanaman/ 535,7 g/tanaman), manglid (607,6 g/tanaman/ 213,6 g/tanaman) dan monokultur talas (739,4 g/tanaman/ 256,3 g/tanaman).Kata kunci: agroforestri, hutan rakyat, produktivitas, tegakan, talas hutan.Productivity of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Shott) under three species stands using  agroforestry system in community forest siteAbstractTaro (Colocasia esculenta L. Shott ) is a functional food plant. Based on Permenhut P.35/2007 with regard to Non Wood Forest Product, taro is categorized as a starch plant. According to the knowledge of local people, the agroforestry of taro has been applied on dry land of private forest. The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth and productivity of taro under three tree species of the private forest using agroforestry system. Survey and field observation were conducted in this research. Agroforestry systems were observed on sengon+taro, jabon+taro, manglid+taro, and monoculture of taro as a control. Growth and production of taro plants were measured, including height growth, number of leaves, wet and dry weight of leaves and stems. Wet and dry weight of tuber were recorded to calculate the taro production. Tree species showed significant effects on growth and production of taro plant in agroforestry system. The highest biomass of taro (366.57 g/plant) was found under jabon species, followed by sengon (266.15 g/plant), manglid (175.64 g/plant), and taro monoculture (182.98 g/plant), respectively. The light intensity under jabon tree in agroforestry system was 41.17%. The highest production of wet and dry weight of taro tuber were 2,333.0 g/plant and 884.3 g/plant, which was resulted under jabon stands, followed by under sengon stands (1,597.0 g/plant and 535.7 g/plant), under manglid stands (607.6 g/plant and 213.6 g/plant) and monoculture (739.4 g/plant and 256.3 g/plant), respectively.

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Semusim dan Manglid (Magnolia champaca) pada Pola Agroforestry

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    Lahan kering yang kritis dapat direhabilitasi dengan menerapkan pola agroforestri. Lahan kering mempunyai masalah dengan kesuburan yang rendah serta rentan erosi. Agroforestri dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan penanaman sekaligus mendukung upaya swasembada pangan. Pemilihan jenis tanaman akan meningkatkan keberhasilan penanaman sekaligus memperoleh hasil antara bagi petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas masing-masing jenis tanaman penyusun pada sistem agroforestri manglid. Pengamatan menggunakan eksperimental design dengan membuat plot percobaan penanaman manglid dan tanaman semusim jenis kedelai dan jagung. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan percobaan acak lengkap kelompok (RCBD) yang terdiri dari perlakuan jarak tanam manglid yaitu: 3 mx3 m (J1), 3 mx 4 m (J2), 3 mx 5 m (13), 3 mx 6 m (J4). Setiap perlakuan, terdiri dari 42 tanaman (7x6) serta 3 ulangan, sehingga total tanaman manglid sebanyak 504 tanaman. Tanaman kedelai ditanam selang-seling dengan jagung. Kedelai ditanam dilarikan manglid sedangkan jagung ditanam di antara tanaman manglid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan jarak tanam manglid belum memberikan perbedaan pertumbuhan sampai umur 9 bulan. Tanaman kedelai yang ditanam dalam larikan tanaman pokok masih mampu memberikan produktivitas 0,190-0,529 ton/ha, jagung yang ditanam di antara tanaman manglid mampu memberikan produktivitas tertinggi sebesar 1,224 ton/ha. Pola agroforestri yang memberikan pendapatan tertinggi bagi petani diperoleh pada pola tanam manglid+jagung manis+kedelai dengan jarak tanam 3m x 6m.Plant Growth of Crop and Manglid Species (Magnolia champaca) on the Agroforestry PatternAbstractCritical dry land can be rehabilitated by applying agroforestry patterns. Dry land has problems with low fertility and susceptible to erosion. Agroforestry can increase the success of planting as well as support food self-sufficiency efforts. Selection of crops will increase the success of planting as well as to obtain intermediate results for farmers. This study aimed to determine the productivity of each plant species on the manglid agroforestry system. The observations used experimental design by making experimental plots of manglid planting and crops of soybean and maize species. The study used a complete Randomized Block Design (RCBD) consisting of treatment of manglid spacing:3 mx3 m (J1), 3 mx 4 m (J2), 3 mx 5 m (53), 3 mx 6 m (14). Each treatment consisted of 42 plants (7x6) and 3 replications, yielding a total of 504 manglid plants. Soybean crops was planted alternately with corn. Soybeans were grown in manglid while corn was planted among manglid plants. The results showed that treatment of manglid plant spacing did not show a difference growth until the age of 9 months. Soybean crops grown in the staple of staple crops were still able to provide productivity of 0.190-0.529 ton/ha, maize grown among manglid crops was able to provide the highest productivity of 1,224 ton/ha. Agroforestry pattern that gives the highest income for farmers was obtained on the pattern of planting manglid + sweet corn+soybean with plant spacing of 3m x 6m

    Pertumbuhan Awal Tanaman Penyusun Agroforestri Sengon (Falcataria mollucana)+Manglid (Magnolia champaca)-Rumput Pakan Ternak pada Umur Sembilan Bulan

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    Vegetative soil and water conservation can be done by planting annual plants (timber) and crops. On sloping areas, terraces function to prevent erosion and to maintain the soil fertility. One effort to protect the terrace is to plant animal-feed plants. The combination of woody plants and grasses can increase the value of conservation and provide results for landowners, namely wood and forage. The research was designed to evaluate the growth of manglid (Magnolia champaca), sengon (Falcataria mollucana), and elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) planted in agroforestry. The study used a split plot design group with wood plant species, namely 4 spacing (3 x 3; 3 x 4; 3 x 5; and 3 x 6 m) each of three replications. The number of staple plants per treatment of 49 plants (7 x 7) by means of the type of sengon and manglid was planted by alternating hose. Elephant grass was planted along the terrace with a spacing of 1 x 1 m. The results showed that the spacing of the main plants 3 x 5 m with a distance between 5 m lines gave the best tree growth (diameter 24.5 mm and height 129.41 cm). The number of shoots per elephant grass clump ranged between 44-134 shoots with a wet weight per sample range of 83.6-278/g/shoot, while the productivity per area of 4 m2 ranged between 0.8-13.25 kg wet weight and 0.32-5.26 kg dry weight

    Impact of Bamboo-Based Agroforestry Demonstration Plots Based on Farmers’ Perceptions

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    One of the efforts to develop bamboo is to apply agroforestry patterns, including the establishment bamboo-based agroforestry demonstration plots (BAF demplots). This study aims to determine the impact of BAF demplots based on farmers’ perceptions. The research was conducted in Sukaharja Village, Rajadesa District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. The respondents in this study were 46 farmers who worked on BAF demplots and 31 farmers who did not work on BAF demplots, so the total number of respondents was 77. Primary data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation. The data obtained were then processed and analyzed descriptively. Important Performance Analysis was used to analyse the impact of the BAF demplots based on the farmers’ perceptions. The results showed that the BAF demplot had a positive impact on farmers involved in and outside the demplots, in term of social and ecological impacts. However, the economic impact of the BAF demplots is considered to be below farmers’ expectations. Therefore, for the demplot to provide more economic benefits, it is necessary to develop potential bamboo-based businesses as part of the demplot development by involving various related stakeholders
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