118 research outputs found

    Penerapan Kaidah al-Ghunm bi al-Ghurm dalam Pembiayaan Mushārakah pada Perbankan Syariah

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    This purpose of this research is to describe the theoretical study of the principle of al-ghunm bi al-ghurm in detail and its implementation in mushārakah  financing at Islamic banking. The type of research has been included in the library research category which is writing the data and information obtained from published sources. Therefore, this research was used literature research from journals, books and other sources related to the topic. This research used normative juridical approach, then in every analysis always refers main reference on primary sources, such as Umar Abdullah al-Kamil dissertation which entitled al-Qawa’id al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kubrā wa Atsaruhā fi al-Mu‘āmalat al-Māliyahand paper by Walid Rashid Ibn As-Sa'idan about Qawā‘id al-Buyu’ wa Farāid al-Furu’to identify the concept of al-ghunm bi al-ghurm in mushārakah  financing at Islamic banking.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan hasil temuan/pengamatan mengenai konsep al-ghunm bi al-ghurm dalam pembiayaan mushārakah  pada perbankan syariah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dimana pengumpulan data dan informasinya diperoleh dari sumber-sumber pustaka (bacaan) yang berasal dari buku, hasil penelitian, jurnal dan bahan-bahan bacaan lainnya yang masih ada relevansinya dengan topik ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, maka dalam setiap analisa selalu merujuk (rujukan utama) pada sumber primer yaitu disertasi Umar Abdullah al-Kamil yang berjudul al-Qawa’id al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kubrā wa Atharuhā fi al-Mu‘āmalat al-Māliyah dan paper karya Walid Ibnu Rasyid As-Sa’idan tentang Qawā‘id al-Buyu’ wa Farāiḍ al-Furu’ untuk mengidentifikasi konsep al-ghunm bi al-ghurm dalam pembiayaan mushārakah  pada perbankan syariah

    Progressive Education in Indonesia: Insight from Soedjatmoko Thought

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    Education is the investment of long-term to prepare human resources quality to face the challenges of the future. As explained by Soedjatmoko what kind of traits and abilities Indonesian human beings should have in the future. Of course, because some of the necessary features and abilities are obvious. First, we must be well informed. Second, the ability to be creative about new challenges, along with an ability to anticipate developments and innovate. Third, Indonesians must have self-esteem and self-belief, based on strong faith. Looking at the explanation, it seems clear that the purpose of actual education is a high sense of appreciation for the reality of humanity. Humanitarianism according to Soedjatmoko is a continuation of humanism and has a basic orientation towards human freedom and welfare. Soedjatmoko has considerable attention to the Indonesian people who from the beginning until now are in the process of educational development. To realize his thoughts, Soedjatmoko emphasized ethical principles; liberation, responsibility, consensus, empathy and tolerance, nonviolence, modernization, and religion. Soedjatmoko’s concerns and ideas are inspiring, not just for those who have interacted with him. That Soedjatmoko’s ideas and analysis as a whole his work is focused on the human aspect as the heart of civilization


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    This research aims to describe the problem of endorsement as a marketing strategy for Batik Kampus Online Shop Buaran Pekalongan from the perspective of Islamic business ethics. The approach used in this research is phenomenology. The research location is in Buaran Pekalongan precisely on Jl. Pelita II, No. 54, Jenggot Gang 4. Sources and data collection techniques in this study using semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Internal validity is done using triangulation, emic and member checking. Data analysis using reduction, display and drawing conclusions. The results of this study concluded that the endorsement marketing strategy carried out by Batik Kampus via Instagram and telegram contained two types of endosers, namely testimonials and celebrity appeal. Endorsement as a Kampus Batik marketing strategy in terms of Islamic Business Ethics as a whole on social media. The products that Batik Kampus promote are not exaggerating and in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles. Products that are traded include products that are polite and cover the body. The use of endorsement as a marketing strategy by Batik Kampus has had a significant positive impact as evidencing by the increased sales turnover and the increase in admins who help him in online business in the market place and proven by the assets owned by Moh. Abdul Ghoni. Kampus Batik services are very fast, friendly and accept dropshipping or packaging which can make it easier for buyers to buy and resell Batik Kampus products to consumers directly

    Kearifan Lokal di Pedesaan: Kajian Praktik Budaya Religi Di Desa Nyatnyono

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    One element of culture in Javanese society is belief or religion. Religion has two meanings: First, religion is a religion related to God, its teachings are revealed through prophets and revelations. The truth is absolutely inviolable based on the beliefs of the adherents. Second, religion are part of culture, to fulfill collective awareness and identity. Therefore, every society has a certain way and is different from one region to another in carrying out their beliefs. Nyatnyono village, for example, they have a firm belief held in the form of a ritual carried out on certain days inherited from their ancestors. In the context of this research, religion is not only a religion but also as a cultural phenomenon as well as local wisdom which is full of values practiced by its people. Based on this explanation, this study aims to describe religious culture as a form of local wisdom in the village of Nyatnyono in Semarang Regency. This research is a descriptive qualitative type of research. The results of this study indicate that there are many religious cultures that have been adopted into local wisdom for the people of Nyatnyono Village such as the iriban tradition, merti dusun, yasinan, nyadran (ruwahan), pengajian nuzul al-Qur’ān, syuronan, tirakatan, and so on. However, the tradition or habit that dominates in the village of Nyatnyono is the ziyarah of the tomb of Mbah Ḥasan Munadi and Mbah Ḥasan Dipuro and Mandi at Sendang Kalimah Ṭayyibah  and Sendang Amanah, where it has been a hereditary culture for the Nyatnyono Village and those cultures that deliver Nyatnyono Village as one of the religious tourism icons in Semarang Regency with visitors from various regions so as to create jobs for the local community and be able to increase the Regional Revenue of Semarang Regenc

    Kearifan Lokal di Pedesaan: Kajian Praktik Budaya Religi Di Desa Nyatnyono

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    One element of culture in Javanese society is belief or religion. Religion has two meanings: First, religion is a religion related to God, its teachings are revealed through prophets and revelations. The truth is absolutely inviolable based on the beliefs of the adherents. Second, religion are part of culture, to fulfill collective awareness and identity. Therefore, every society has a certain way and is different from one region to another in carrying out their beliefs. Nyatnyono village, for example, they have a firm belief held in the form of a ritual carried out on certain days inherited from their ancestors. In the context of this research, religion is not only a religion but also as a cultural phenomenon as well as local wisdom which is full of values practiced by its people. Based on this explanation, this study aims to describe religious culture as a form of local wisdom in the village of Nyatnyono in Semarang Regency. This research is a descriptive qualitative type of research. The results of this study indicate that there are many religious cultures that have been adopted into local wisdom for the people of Nyatnyono Village such as the iriban tradition, merti dusun, yasinan, nyadran (ruwahan), pengajian nuzul al-Qur’ān, syuronan, tirakatan, and so on. However, the tradition or habit that dominates in the village of Nyatnyono is the ziyarah of the tomb of Mbah Ḥasan Munadi and Mbah Ḥasan Dipuro and Mandi at Sendang Kalimah Ṭayyibah  and Sendang Amanah, where it has been a hereditary culture for the Nyatnyono Village and those cultures that deliver Nyatnyono Village as one of the religious tourism icons in Semarang Regency with visitors from various regions so as to create jobs for the local community and be able to increase the Regional Revenue of Semarang Regenc

    Reaktualisasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia (Analisis Terhadap Teori Hudūd Muhammad Syahrur)

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    The purpose of this study is to describe contemporary Islamic legal thought of Muhammad Syahrur with the limit theory (hudūd) in re-actualizing Islamic law and then correlated with the development of Islamic law in Indonesia. This research method used a literature approach that was still relevant to the reform of Islamic law in Indonesia based on Syahrur’s perspective. The result of literature study already showed that the re-actualizing of Islamic law with Syahrur’s linguistic approach in studying the Qur’an has been highly dependent on the socio-cultural context. Syahrur considered the need for reinterpretation of the Qur’anic texts in synchronizing the texts with the reality of society whenever and wherever. The limit theory of Syahrur has been an interpretation’s result of language and mathematical integration analysis in understanding the verses of the law, through the theory of this limit, Syahrur tried to apply the muhkamat texts into the reality of life with its limitations. The laws in the Qur’an according to him were elastic that be able to drawn and adapted into the context of place and age. Contextualization of Syahrur’s limit theory as the basis for legal reform in Indonesia can be proved in the matter of inheritance, the concept of determining zakat, the constraints of aurat, polygamy, and Islamic criminal law


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    ABSTRACT: There is a big number of modern market in Indonesia. Based on the data, market share of Superindo, Hero, Griya and Micro Supermaarket have declined. Nevertheless, MICRO market share has declined the smallest and the lowest ranking. Based on this phenomenon, indicated there are problems which feasible to be analyzed. The object of this research is Micro Supermaarket Semarang. Many factors can influence purchasing decisions in Micro Supermarket Semarang, such as location, physical evidence, store atmosphere and the variety of merchandise. This study aims to analyze the influence of location, physical evidence, store atmosphere and the variety of merchandise on purchasing decision. The data population is consumers who make purchases at the Micro Supermarket Semarang and the samples taken 100 respondents. The type of data used primary data. Sampling technique used non-random type of purposive sampling. The methods of data collection using questionnaires and analysis techniques used multiple regression. The results show that location, physical evidence, store atmosphere and the variety of merchandise proved a positive and significant influence on purchasing decision


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    Islam has been set up with the norms and values ​​in each discipline of knowledge. Including Islamic economics, Islamic economics as a social science and theology are not only derived from the Qur'an and as-Sunnah, but also stems from empirical phenomena and economic problems in the field. Epistemologically, Islamic economics is divided into two disciplines: First, normative Islamic economics, which is the study of Islamic sharia laws relating to property affairs and treasures. Second, positive Islamic economics, which is the study of Islamic concepts relating to property affairs and treasures, especially with regard to the production of goods and services. Norms and values is created ​​in Islamic economics aims to provide moral and ethical order in the economy itself, because it is basically the purpose of Islamic economics in the world is reaching the livelihoods and happiness in the Hereafter (hayatun thoyyibah and falah both in this world and in the hereafter)


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan ekonomi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari pergantian peristiwa dan kemajuan produk. Selanjutnya, sebagai negara Muslim yang berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim, tentunya sangat penting untuk memperhatikan dan mengetahui konsep kehalalan suatu barang, terlebih dengan kemajuan mekanis yang dapat mendukung pembentukan produk baru. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan populasi mahasiwa IAIN Pekalongan dan sampel 34 yaitu mahasiswa Fakultas FEBI. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka, kuesioner dan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh logo halal terhadap perilaku konsumen terhadap makanan dan minuman kemasan, mengetahui kesadaran dari konsumen terhadap kehalalan dan mengetahui keputusan yang akan dibeli konsumen terhadap produk yang akan dibeli maupun sudah di beli. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa logo halal dan kesadaran halal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan minat beli ulang produk makanan dan minuman kemasan pada mahasiswa Fakultas FEBI Iain Pekalongan. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi bagi para konsumen yang ingin membeli suatu produk makanan dan minuman kemasan agar lebih memperhatikan label halal di kemasannya terutama bagi konsumen yang Muslim. Kata Kunci: Logo halal, kesadaran hala, pengaruh logo halal, keputusan minat beli.   Abstract: Economic activity cannot be separated from the turn of events and the progress of products. Furthermore, as a Muslim country with a Muslim majority population, it is crucial to pay attention to and know the halalness of an item, especially with mechanical advances that can support the formation of new products. This research method is quantitative using a non-probability sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis with a population of IAIN Pekalongan students and a sample of 34 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Islam (FEBI). Instruments in this study use literature studies, questionnaires, and others. This study aimed to determine the effect of the halal logo on consumer behavior towards packaged food and beverages, consumer awareness of halalness, and the decisions that consumers will buy on products to be purchased or already purchased. The results of this study are that the halal logo and halal awareness significantly affect the decision to repurchase packaged food and beverage products in FEBI students, Iain Pekalongan. This research can be used as an evaluation material for consumers who want to buy a packaged food and beverage product to pay more attention to the halal label on the packaging, especially for Muslim consumers. Keywords: Halal logo, halal awareness, influence of halal logo, decision to buy interes