107 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research was to determine the available iron (Fe) content of the soils of Edirne Province and the most suitable chemical extraction method. Eight chemical extraction methods (0.005 M DTPA + 0.01 M CaCl2 + 0.1 M TEA; 0.05 M HCl + 0.012 M H2SO4; 1 M NH4OAc (pH: 4.8); 0.01 M EDTA + 1 M NH4OAc; 1 M MgCl2; 0.01 M EDTA + 1 M (NH4)2CO3; 0.005 M DTPA + 1 M NH4HCO3 and 0.001 M EDDHA methods) and six biological indices (dry matter yield, Fe concentration, Fe uptake, relative dry matter yield, relative Fe concentration, relative Fe uptake) were compared. Biological indices were determined with Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown under greenhouse conditions. At the end of the experiment, the highest correlation coefficients (r) were determined to be between the 0.005 M DTPA + 0.01 M CaCl2 + 0.1 M TEA method and the biological indices and between the 0.005 M DTPA + 1 M NH4HCO3 method and the biological indices. The correlation coefficients (r) for the 0.005 M DTPA + 0.01 M CaCl2 +0.1 M TEA method were r=0.621**; r=0.823**; r=0.810**; r=0.433**; r=0.558** and r=0.640** and for the 0.005 M DTPA + 1 M NH4HCO3 method r=0.618** ; r=0.520**; r=0.679**; r=0.521**; r=0.492** and r=0.641**, (**:p<0.01) respectively. These extraction methods, among all the methods tested were suggested for the determination of available Fe content of Edirne Province soils

    A Multicriterion Decision Support Methodology For Audit Opinions: The Case Of Audit Reports Of Distressed Firms In Turkey

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    The audit report represents the most important part of the audit process and it is the sole communication medium between the auditor and the users of the financial statements. After accounting scandals, auditors’ responsibility for assessing the appropriateness of audit opinions has become the subject of much debate in the auditing profession and considerable research by academics. This increased attention is due to the fact that auditors appear to be reluctant to disclose audit opinions other than unqualified. Indeed, many companies in the year prior to bankruptcy receive an audit report in which going concern uncertainty is not disclosed. The research of this paper is designed to examine the relationship between the type of audit reports and firm failure. Logistic regression analysis is applied to test the model of audit opinion decision with a sample of financially distressed firms operating in manufacturing sector in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) between the period of 1998-2006. The results reveal that the audit opinions of distressed firms indicate the auditors fail to issue appropriate audit opinions one year prior to failure

    The Relationship Between The Financial Ratios And Transparency Levels Of Financial Information Disclosures Within The Scope Of Corporate Governance: Evidence From Turkey

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    Even though several years have passed since the large corporate scandals of 2001 and 2002, corporate governance continues to remain an area of concern and focus in the global economy, and especially in the emerging markets. Corporate governance refers to the quality, transparency, and dependability of the relationships between the shareholders, board of directors, management, and employees that define the authority and responsibility of each in delivering sustainable value to all the stakeholders. The importance of the issue has been growing at an international level and the quality of corporate governance practices, which is deemed to be as important as financial performance in investment decisions, has become a subject of more serious consideration. In recent years the issue of corporate governance and their impacts on corporate performance have continued to gain widespread prominence in the capital market economy. Higher compliance with the corporate governance standards means more accountable and transparent companies for investors. In this framework, firstly, the transparency levels of financial information disclosures in corporate governance reports and annual reports are calculated by establishing a transparency checklist for the year 2010. MANOVA analysis is conducted to examine the relationship between the calculated transparency levels and financial ratios. The results reveal that transparency level has statistical differences among the group means of return on asset, total debt / total assets, long-term debt / total assets and corporate governance index variables

    One of the Greatest Fraud Case in the World:The Imar Bank Case from Turkey

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    Turkey, a bridge between two continents, has experienced severe bouts of financial instability and came across into a severe financial crisis in 2001.  During the 1998-2001 period 20 banks were transferred to the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) due to the erosion of their equity. These banks, the half of the 40 commercial banks of Turkey which are operating at that time, were also audited. Except for one or two of these banks all had judicial process because of their improper loans, etc. operations. In 2002, after triple auditing (two independent auditing companies and a sworn bank auditor)  robust banks continued their activities. Imar Bank which was the one of these banks also was transferred to the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund in 2003. Imar Bank produced false financial statements to the creditors of the banks, including its depositors, and misleading reports to the supervisory authorities over a prolonged period. Fraudulent reporting of the bank showed that the management was able to misappropriate funds not reported in the financial statements by failing to account for a substantial volume of deposits. The examination revealed that there were discrepancies between the official deposit balances and actual balances. Total deposits of the bank amounted approximately 1,1 billion dollars according to the audited balance sheet prepared by the bank. However, based on the examination, the real amount was much higher than the reported. The actual amount was 6,1 billion dollars and 5 billion dollars  was unregistered. Deposits were paid to depositors by the government.  Unfortunately, it was the one of the greatest fraud case in banking sector in the world. During this crisis period it is indicated that there was a defect in the banking sector with regard to transparency. In this paper it is briefly discussed the underlying reasons behind this fraudulent reporting of Imar Bank and the failure of banking regulation and supervision functions in the country. Keywords: Fraud, fraudulent reporting, Imar Bank, Turke

    (R1497) On the Invariant Subspaces of the Fractional Integral Operator

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    In operator theory, there is an important problem called the invariant subspace problem. This important problem of mathematics has been clear for more than half a century. However the solution seems to be nowhere in sight. With this motivation, we investigate the invariant subspaces of the fractional integral operator in the Banach space with certain conditions in this paper. Also by using the Duhamel product method, unicellularity of the fractional integral operator on some space is obtained and the description of the invariant subspaces is given

    Income Statement vs. Comprehensive Income Statement

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    The objective of general purpose financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance, and cash flows of a company that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. In June 1997, the FASB issued FAS130 on how to report comprehensive income, so second type of income statement is came up. Under the traditional income concept-income statement, extraordinary and nonrecurring gains and losses are excluded from income. Under the all-inclusive income concept- comprehensive income statement, all revenues, expenses, gains, and losses recognized during the period are included in income, regardless of whether they are considered to be operations of the period. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) also introduced this issue in 2009. According to the standard a business entity using IFRS must also include a statement of comprehensive income. The aim of this study is to discuss the necessity and need for presentation of two performance statements- income comprehensive income- especially from the perspective from investors while these items are stated in equity section of the balance sheets. Effects of this dual reporting of income statements which leads confusion are also discussed by examining cases from different countries and survey is conducted to BIST (Borsa Istanbul) 30 companies from Turkey. Keywords: Income statement, comprehensive income statement, net income, dual reporting case, Turkey Jel Code: M 41 DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-35-05 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Muhasebe Eğitiminde Vak’a Kullanımı Geliştirme ve Uygulama Sorunları

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    Dünyada yüz yıllık geçmişi olan ve çok çeşitli ülkelerde kabul gören işletmecilikte vak’alara dayalı eğitim modeli ülkemizde ise yaklaşık altmış yıl önce ilk olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. İngilizce “case” kelimesinin karşılığı olan “vak’a”, karşılaşılmış gerçek bir durumu anlatır. İşletmecilik alanındaki vak’alar da mutlaka gerçek hayattan alınmış olmalı, katılımcılara bir karar alma sorusu yöneltmelidir. Vak’ada doğru veya yanlış değil, en iyi karara ulaşmak esastır. Böylelikle katılımcıların ilgili işletmecilik konularını çok geniş perspektiften bakmaları sağlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, eğitimde kullanılacak iyi bir vak’anın temel özelliklerini açıklamak ve vak’a geliştirme ve uygulama sorunlarını ele almak hedeflenmiştir. Tüm bunlara ek olarak, bu çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da üniversitelerden bağımsız olarak kurulacak bir “vak’a geliştirme merkezi” ihtiyacına dikkat çekmektir

    Using full-rank spatial covariance models for noise-robust ASR

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    International audienceWe present a joint spatial and spectral denoising front-end for Track 1 of the 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge based on the Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox (FASST). We represent the sources by nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and full-rank spatial covariances, which are known to be appropriate for the modeling of small source movements. We then learn acoustic models for automatic speech recognition (ASR) on the enhanced training data. We obtain 40% average error rate reduction due to speech separation compared to multicondition training alone

    A new method for ecoacoustics? Toward the extraction and evaluation of ecologically-meaningful soundscape components using sparse coding methods

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    Passive acoustic monitoring is emerging as a promising non-invasive proxy for ecological complexity with potential as a tool for remote assessment and monitoring (Sueur and Farina, 2015). Rather than attempting to recognise species-specific calls, either manually or automatically, there is a growing interest in evaluating the global acoustic environment. Positioned within the conceptual framework of ecoacoustics, a growing number of indices have been proposed which aim to capture community-level dynamics by (e.g. Pieretti et al., 2011; Farina, 2014; Sueur et al., 2008b) by providing statistical summaries of the frequency or time domain signal. Although promising, the ecological relevance and efficacy as a monitoring tool of these indices is still unclear. In this paper we suggest that by virtue of operating in the time or frequency domain, existing indices are limited in their ability to access key structural information in the spectro-temporal domain. Alternative methods in which time-frequency dynamics are preserved are considered. Sparse-coding and source separation algorithms (specifically, shift-invariant probabilistic latent component analysis in 2D) are proposed as a means to access and summarise time- frequency dynamics which may be more ecologically-meaningful

    Composing first species counterpoint with a variable neighbourhood search algorithm

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    In this article, a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) algorithm is developed that can generate musical fragments consisting of a melody for the cantus firmus and the first species counterpoint. The objective function of the algorithm is based on a quantification of existing rules for counterpoint. The VNS algorithm developed in this article is a local search algorithm that starts from a randomly generated melody and improves it by changing one or two notes at a time. A thorough parametric analysis of the VNS reveals the significance of the algorithm's parameters on the quality of the composed fragment, as well as their optimal settings. A comparison of the VNS algorithm with a developed genetic algorithm shows that the VNS is more efficient. The VNS algorithm has been implemented in a user-friendly software environment for composition, called Optimuse. Optimuse allows a user to specify a number of characteristics such as length, key and mode. Based on this information, Optimuse 'composes' both cantus firmus and first species counterpoint. Alternatively, the user may specify a cantus firmus, and let Optimuse compose the accompanying first species counterpoint. © 2012 Taylor & Francis