932 research outputs found

    Religiosity and spatial demographic differences in the Netherlands

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    This paper investigates whether current differences in religiosity between the Dutch regions are also manifested in spatial demographic patterns. We use cluster analysis to distinguish relatively homogeneous clusters of regions, specified by religious affiliation and the frequency of churchgoing among their populations. Although the regional demographic differences are relatively modest in the Netherlands, between-clusters contrasts are consistent with the expected influence of religiosity. The cluster including the most conservative region, the so-called Bible Belt, also displays the most traditional demographic patterns. In order to differentiate the impact of religiosity from the social and economic factors, we perform stepwise regression of selected indicators of fertility, union formation and living arrangements. The frequency of churchgoing rather than the fact of belonging to a certain denomination manifested the strongest impact on the regional demographic contrasts. In case of fertility of parity four and higher, marriage rate and the proportion of young women cohabiting, churchgoing turned out to be the most important predictor of regional differentiation


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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational climate and teachers' levels of organizational creativity and organizational cynicism. In the research, a relational screening model was used. The population of the study consists of 1974 teachers working in 65 secondary schools in Batman city centre during the 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 756 teachers working in 24 secondary schools selected via the cluster sampling method. In this research, the “Organizational Climate Scale”, “Organizational Creativity Scale”, and “Organizational Cynicism Scale” were used. It was determined that the perceptions of the teachers of organizational climate, organizational creativity, and organizational cynicism were statistically significant differences in some of the independent variables used in the research. As a result of the correlation analysis, supportive principal behaviors, intimate teacher behaviors and engaged teacher behaviors were found to be positive and moderate in terms of organizational creativity levels of organizational climate. There was a positive and low-level relationship between the behaviors of directive principals and organizational creativity of teachers, a negative and low-level relationship between careless teacher behaviors and organizational creativity levels of teachers. There was a negative and moderate relationship between supportive principal behaviors and organizational cynicism levels of teachers, a negative and low-level relationship between intimate teacher behaviors and engaged teacher behaviors and teachers' organizational cynicism levels; a positive and low-level relationship between directive principal behaviours and frustrated principals and organizational cynicism levels of teachers, and a positive and moderate relationship between careless teacher behaviors and teachers' organizational cynicism levels. There was a negative and moderate relationship between organizational creativity and organizational cynicism levels of teachers. As a result of the regression analysis, it was determined that perceived organizational climate is a significant predictor of teachers' organizational creativity and organizational cynicism levels. Article visualizations

    On the limit of non-standard q-Racah polynomials

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    The aim of this article is to study the limit transitions from non-standard q-Racah polynomials to big q-Jacobi, dual q-Hahn, and q-Hahn polynomials such that the orthogonality properties and the three-term recurrence relations remain valid.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadJunta de AndalucíaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalScientific and Technological Research Council of Turke

    Kışkırtıcı bir davranış: Kanuni Sultan Süleyman döneminde Osmanlı Sarayı'nda "gösteriş için tüketim" ve patronlar

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    Amerikalı sosyolog Veblen'in "gösteriş için tüketim" diye adlandırdığı malın mülkün halka sergilenmesi durumu, 16. yüzyıl Osmanlı sarayında statü ve gücü yansıtmanın önemli yollarından biri olmuştur. Bu durum aynı zamanda Osmanlı toplumunda yüksek bir pozisyona ulaşmak için de zorunlu bir hale gelmiştir. Osmanlı sarayında, sultan gibi, şehzadeler, valide sultanlar, vezirler ve hazinedarbaşları da birer patron (sanat hamisi) olmuşlardır. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman'ın saltanatı zamanında (1520-1566) sanatla ilgili işler, başvezir veya sarayda zanaatçı örgütünün (Ehl-i Hiref) başında olan hazinedarbaşı tarafından yürütülmüştür. Bundan dolayı, bu tür içiçe geçmiş ilişkiler, patronaj açısından karmaşık bir patron / müşteri ilişkisi yaratmıştır; bu ilişkiler içinde sultan her zaman üslup yaratıcı konumunda olmamıştır. Egemenliğin vazgeçilmez özelliklerin biri olan ihtişam fikrini öne çıkaran Başvezir İbrahim Paşa (1523-1536), Venedikli tüccar ve sanatçılarla olan yakın ilişkileri sayesinde Osmanlı sarayındaki gösteriş için tüketimi harekete geçiren en önemli ve güçlü patronlardan biri olarak öne çıkmıştır. Bu makalede, başvezirler gibi Osmanlı sarayında yüksek statüye sahip görevlilerin sultan için sanat üretimine nasıl katıldıkları açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca, bu görevlilerin, Osmanlı Devleti ve "dünya hükümdarı" olan sultanın evrensel egemenliklerini meşrulaştırmada kullandıkları etkili unsurlardan biri olan siyasal statüyü güçlendirmek amacıyla "gösteriş için tüketim"i nasıl harekete geçirdikleri de tartışılacaktır. The public display of wealth in the form of material possessions, what the American sociologist Veblen called "conspicuous consumption" has always been an important way of projecting royal status and power at the Ottoman Court of 16th century. At the same time, consumption in order to create pomposity was an inevitable fact to acquire a high position in the Ottoman society. In the Ottoman Court, princes, valide sultans, vizierate and chief treasurers were the patrons of art as well as the sultan. In Suleyman I's reign, artistic commissions of the sultan were usually conducted by the grand vizier or the chief treasurer who was at the head of the organization of royal artisans (Ehl-i Hiref). Hence, such interconnected relations created a complex network of patron/client relations for the patronage of art, in which the sultan was not always the chief tastemaker. Promoting the ideal of magnificence as an indispensable attribute of sovereignty, Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha (1523- 1536) was one of the most powerful and significant patron who instigated conspicuous consumption at the Ottoman Court in terms of his close relations with Venetian merchants and artisans. In this paper, it is intended to investigate the involvement of high rank officers, such as grand vizierate, with the art production for the sultan in and outside the Ottoman Court, and how they instigated the conspicuous consumption in order to reinforce their political status, as it was also a powerful fact for the legitimating of universal sovereignty of the Ottoman State and the sultan as the ruler of the world

    Long Term Impact of Financial System on Import Demand for Turkey

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    Çalışmada finansal sistemin uzun dönemde ithalat talebi üzerindeki etkisini görmek amacıyla, finansal sistem bileşenleri ithalat talebi fonksiyonu içerisine yerleştirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte eleştiriler doğrultusunda ithalat talep fonksiyonu içerisinde gayri safi yurt içi hasıla yerine ulusal nakit akışı değişkeni kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada finansal sisteme ait bir değişkenin uzun dönemde ithalat talebi üzerindeki etkilerini görmek amacıyla uzun dönem yapısal VAR metodolojisi kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan veriler "Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı"nın uygulanmaya başladığı tarihten itibaren günümüze sekiz yıllık dönemi kapsamaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda ulusal nakit akışının ithalat talebi üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin bulunduğu, göreceli fiyatların ise ithalat talebini beklendiği gibi uzun dönemde pozitif etkilediği görülmüştür. Finansal sisteme ait değişkenlerden bazılarının ise ithalat talebi üzerinde anlamlı etkilerinin olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar politika yapıcılarının politika kararlarında bu etkileşimi dikkate almaları gerektiğini göstermektedir.In this study, we aim to analyze whether a shock in a component of the financial system affect import demand on the long run. In this regard, we include components of financial system into the import demand function and employ long run SVAR method. We analyze the eight period from the beginning of “Transition Program for Strengthening the Turkish Economy”. We conclude that import demand responses affect positively a national cash flow shock. Relative prices shock affects import demand positively, as expected. There is a number of variables belonging to a financial system which induces import demand. According to results, the financial system influences the import demand and policymakers have to take into account the interaction between import demand and financial system in the policy-making process

    Patient-specific factors in the proximity of the inferior alveolar nerve to the tooth apex

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    Objectives: To evaluate whether age and gender differences are predictive factors for inferior alveolar nerve position with respect to mandibular first molar roots. Study Design: Cone-beam computed tomography scans [0.2-mm 3 voxel size; n = 200 (100 males, 100 females)] of patients aged 15-65 years showing mandibular first and second molars were included in this study. Patients with pathoses that might affect inferior alveolar nerve position, including second molar and/or first premolar extraction, were excluded. Fourteen measurements (mm) were taken from the inferior alveolar nerve to the mesial and distal root apices. Subjects were grouped by age and gender. Data were analysed using two-way analyses of variance with post hoc Bonferroni corrections. Results: The distance from the inferior alveolar nerve to the root apices was smaller in females than males, regardless of age (p < 0.01). Distal roots were closer to the nerve than mesial roots in both genders (p < 0.05). Total buccolingual mandibular length (at 3-mm apical level) was shorter in females than males (p < 0.01) but mean buccolingual mandibular width at the level of the inferior alveolar canal did not differ. Nerve¿root apex distances were significantly shorter in males and females aged 16-25 and 56-65 years than in other age groups (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The distance between inferior alveolar nerve and mandibular first molar roots depends upon the age and gender: it is shorter in females than in males and in subjects aged 16-25 years and >55 years than in other age groups

    Hippocrates is alive and weaning in Brazil

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    In a group of postoperative patients, Taniguchi and coworkers compared the effect of a computerized system for weaning against 'manual care'. The computerized system involved automatic adjustments to the level of pressure support to achieve a target respiratory rate. Manual care involved adjustments to the level of pressure support to keep the ratio of respiratory frequency to tidal volume below 80. The duration of ventilator weaning was equivalent with the two approaches. The level of pressure support, however, was lower with manual care than with computerized ventilation. The study adds support to the notion that ventilator duration is shortened when weaning is contemplated at the earliest possible time. The findings also emphasize the importance of the Hippocratic dictum that patient outcome is improved when care is individualized rather than delivered according to a protocol

    Attitudes Towards The Foreign Products From Animosity, Boycott And Ethnocentrism Perspectives: The Case Of Turkish Students

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    The purposes of this study are to determine Turkish students’ attitudes towards products imported from countries that Turkey has political and economic crisis, and understand their buying behavior from animosity, boycott and ethnocentrism perspectives. Analyzing these concepts and determining their attitudes towards foreign products will provide useful information about Turkish students markets and help international/global marketing manager to develop their marketing mix, especially for promotion mix strategies. The survey was conducted at Pamukkale University, Denizli- Turkey with 394 students. The relationship between attitudes towards importing foreign products and purchase intention are high, and Turkish student animosity and ethnocentrism are considered to have an influence on the perception of foreign products. Crisis and ethnocentrism are found as the most two important determinants to buy international products imported from countries that Turkey has politic/economic problems. Foreign companies that export their products or manufactured in Turkey should use adaptation strategies in order to decrease Turkish students’ ethnocentrism