81 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Budaya Organisasi dan Komunikasi Interpersonal dengan Kinerja Karyawan Staff di Perusahaan Pelayaran PT. Buana Listya Tama

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that influence work discipline and self-leadership on the performance of employees at PT. Buana Listya Tama Tbk (Company), in encouraging the growing interest of all employees and leaders to carry it out in their respective fields of work, so that everyone in the company feels involved with the company's organizational culture. The research method used is a survey applying the type of correlational research. The results of the proposed research prove that the variables of leadership style (X1), work discipline (X2), both individually and collectively have a positive and significant relationship with employee performance (Y). In conclusion, the three independent variables of leadership style (X1) and work discipline (X2) are variables that need attention. In other words, that the three independent variables of leadership style (X1) and work discipline (X2) are quite effective variables for improving employee performance.  Keywords: Organizational Culture, Interpersonal, Communication, Performanc

    Application of Geophysical Borehole Logs For Aquifer Characterization in Coastal Environment of Lagos, Southwestern Nigeria

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    In order to understand the hydrogeological structure and orientation of the study area, an attempt was made to do well correlation and aquifer characterization. A total of nine composite logs comprising of Resistivity and Gamma Ray logs were used for the study. Three correlation panels trending in different directions were prepared. Each panel consists of series of well logs arranged horizontally in accordance with the spatial distribution of the wells on the field. This assisted in carrying out litho-stratification delineation that was used to identify fluid types obtainable in the area. Two parameters (aquifer potential and vulnerability) were used to characterize the delineated aquifer in the area. The aquifer thickness was used to produce the aquifer potential map for the area. The GALDIT-Index (GI) score was computed for each borehole and this was used to evaluate the aquifer vulnerability The formation stratification sequence comprises predominantly of sand and clay with intercalations of both occurring as clayey sand and sandy clay. Three distinct fluid types were delineated and these were: saline water, brackish water and fresh water with bulk resistivity respectively ranging from 0 - 80Ωm, 80 – 120 Ωm and 120 – 620 Ωm. The depth to saline/fresh water interface range from 123 – 167m. The study shows that 5.7% of the study area is of low potential, 45% is of intermediate potential while 49.3% is of high potential. The GI scores obtained for the area vary between 2.67 and 5.5 suggesting that two vulnerability classes (moderate and low vulnerability) were obtainable. The study established that the groundwater system within the region is under pressure and boreholes in the area are vulnerable to saline water contamination if left without necessary monitoring.Key words: Aquifer Characterization, Aquifer Vulnerability, Aquifer Potential, Formation Fluids and Stratification Sequenc


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    Bagi kebanyakan orang yang mempelajari bahasa Jerman, menguasai keterampilan berbicara (Sprechen) merupakan tujuan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa ini. Agar memiliki kemampuan berbicara yang memadai untuk interaksi formal maupun informal, dibutuhkan latihan-latihan yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara pemelajar. Meskipun di dalam buku ajar sudah terdapat latihan-latihan untuk melatih kemampuan berbicara, pada kenyataannya dalam proses pembelajaran, penerapan latihan berbicara cenderung masih kurang efektif. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh terbatasnya alokasi waktu yang tersedia untuk mengajarkan bahasa Jerman, terutama untuk mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengenali Sprechübungen yang terdapat pada buku ajar yang digunakan. Buku ajar yang dijadikan sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah buku ajar Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Jenis Sprechübungen yang terdapat dalam buku ajar Netzwerk A1. 2) Kesesuaian Sprechübungen yang terdapat dalam buku ajar Netzwerk A1 dengan Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Jenis Sprechübungen dianalisis berdasarkan teori Schatz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Jenis latihan vorbereiten ditemukan sebanyak 145 buah dan terdapat pada seluruh Kapitel dan Platform 1-3. Latihan berjenis aufbauen und strukturieren ditemukan sebanyak 61 buah dan ditemukan pada setiap Kapitel. Latihan jenis simulieren ditemukan sebanyak 6 buah, yaitu pada Kapitel 5, 7, 9 dan 12 dan pada Platform 4. 2) Sprechübungen yang terdapat dalam buku ajar Netzwerk A1 sesuai dengan GER dikarenakan pada setiap Kapitel dalam buku ajar Netzwerk A1- Kursbuch ditemukan latihan-latihan yang memenuhi indikator Qualitative Aspekte des mündlichen Sprachgebrauchs (Aspek Kualitatif Penggunaan Bahasa Lisan) dari GER, yaitu: Spektrum, Korrekheit, Flüssigkeit, Interaktion dan Kohärenz. Latihan berbicara dalam buku ajar ini belum berfokus dalam melatih spontanitas dalam berbicara. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan spontanitas dalam berbicara, disarankan bagi pemelajar untuk melakukan latihan percakapan di luar kelas. For most people who are learning German, mastering the speaking skill is the primary goal of learning the language. It takes exercises to develop the learner's speaking ability in order to have the adequate skills that can be used in formal and informal interactions. Even though in a textbook there are exercises to practice speaking skill, in reality, the application of speaking exercises tends to be ineffective. This could be due to the limited time allocated for teaching German, especially for teaching speaking skill. One thing that can be done is to “get acquainted” with the speaking exercises contained in the textbook used. In this case, by analyzing the speaking exercises contained in the textbook. The textbook used as the data source for this study is the Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch textbook. The purposes of this study were to determine: 1) The types of speaking exercises contained in the Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch textbook. 2) The compatibility of the speaking exercises contained in the Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch textbook with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The types of speaking exercises were analyzed based on the theory from Schatz. The following results were obtained in this study: 1) There were 145 types of preparation (vorbereiten) exercises found in all chapters and in Plattforms 1-3. Building and structuring (Aufbauen und strukturieren) type exercises were found as many as 61 and were found in each chapter. 6 simulating (simulieren) exercises were found, in chapter 5, 7, 9 and 12 and in Plattform 4. 2) Speaking exercises contained in the Netzwerk A1 textbook is in accordance with the CEFR because each chapter contains exercises that meet the Qualitative Aspekte des mündlichen Sprachgebrauchs indicator from CEFR. The speaking exercises in this textbook have not focused on practicing spontaneity in speaking. Thus, in order to optimize the spontaneity, it is advisable for learners to also do conversation exercises outside the classroom

    Penerapan Metode Webqual 4.0 Untuk Pengukuran Kualitas Website Bprs Al Salaam Amal Salman

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    Website BPRS Al-Salaam Amal Salman (Bank Pembangunan Rakyat Syariah Al-Salaam Amal Salman) merupakan website berupa berbagai informasi BPRS. Informasi yang disampaikan harus sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat. Pengukuran kualitas informasi pada website BPRS Al-Salaam Amal Salman bertujuan untuk mengukur kualitas informasi yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan metode webqual yaitu untuk mengetahui nilai variabel dari dimensi-dimensi terhadap website BPRS Al-Salaam Amal Salman. Nilai yang didapatkan dari setiap dimensi adalah nilai dimensi penggunaan (USAbility) memperoleh nilai 126 dan masuk ke dalam kategori diterima, nilai dimensi informasi (information quality) memperoleh adalah 123 masuk ke dalam kategori diterima, nilai dimensi interaksi (interaction quality) memperoleh adalah 117 masuk ke dalam kategori diterima, dan nilai dimensi keseluruhan kualitas website (overall impression) memperoleh adalah 123 masuk ke dalam kategori diterima. Dimensi penggunaan (USAbility) memberikan kontribusi nilai sebesar 0,317 dengan tingkat hubungan rendah, dimensi kualitas informasi (information quality) memberikan kontribusi nilai sebesar 0,460 dengan tingkat hubungan sedang, dan dimensi kualitas interaksi (interaction quality) memberikan kontribusi nilai sebesar 0,561 dengan tingkat hubungan sedang

    Application of geoelectrical and chemical methods for groundwater assessment in Isheri-North, Ogun state, Nigeria

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    Geoelectrical investigation and chemical analyses were carried out at Isheri North area of Ogun State in order to assess the groundwater quality at shallow depth and its deep potential zone for groundwater development. The study area has been selected for investigation due to infiltration of the polluted Ogun River. Forty-three (43) Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) and chemical analyses of water samples from one hand dug well and two shallow boreholes in the study area were carried out. Four to five geoelectric layers which correspond to top soil, clayey sand, sandy clay, clay and sand were delineated. The longitudinal conductance values (0.02 - 0.106mhos) of the topsoil in the area reveal its poor to weak protective capacity, thus exposing the underlying clayey sand to contamination as reflected from its resistivity values ranging from 4.8-15.1m. This low resistivity zone at shallow depth (3 – 26m), occasioned by infiltration, was further ascertained by high values of conductivity, turbidity, total hardness, TDS, Cl, Fe, and Mn ions in the analyzed water samples taken at depth ranges from 9 – 16m. The results of the analyzed water samples from this shallow zone are beyond international standards for drinking water. The underlying clay resistivity values ranged between 1.9 - 6.1m and thickness varied from 50.8 - 100.5m. This acts as the seal for the underlying aquifer (sand layer). The resistivity of the sand layer varied from 91.7-159m with a depth interval of 101.7-109.4m and 73.4-82.3m in VES 1 and VES 14 respectively. This constitutes the deep aquifer units in the study area. The longitudinal conductance values of the overburden above the profound aquifer units varied between 10.5-33.0 mhos and are indicative of very good to excellent protective capacity rating. Thus, the underlying deep aquifer units are well protected from being contaminated.Keywords: Electrical Resistivity, Groundwater, Aquifer, Geoelectric Sectio

    Number Counting among Students with Mild Intellectual Disability in Penang: A Case Study

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    AbstractThis study examined number counting among students with mild intellectual disability. This study also investigates their skills as well as the difficulty they are facing on number counting. This is a quantitative research and had involved thirty participants as respondents. All respondents were selected through purposive sampling technique. Results of this study showed that students with mild intellectual disability have understanding of number counting using counting instructional models. Results of this study also showed that female students with mild intellectual disability have the higher mean scores compared to male students on number counting using n+1>n rule counting instructional model. On the other hand, male students with mild intellectual disability have higher mean score achievement on number counting using enumeration instructional model than female. It is shown from the result of the study that there is no significant difference in the skills of n + 1 > n rule counting instructional model among male and female students with mild intellectual disability. Also there is no significant difference among male and female in the skills of enumeration counting instructional model

    Estudio de viabilidad para un centro de carga a base de generación eólica para zonas de difícil acceso en la región atlántica de Nicaragua.

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    Presenta un estudio de viabilidad para un centro de carga en el orden de los Kwatts a base de energía eólica que permita satisfacer la demanda energética en la ciudad de Bilwi Puerto Cabezas, Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte

    Geophysical and Hydrochemical Investigation of a Municipal Dumpsite in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria

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    Geophysical and hydrochemical investigations have been undertaken within a reclaimed site of municipal dumpsite in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria with a view of assessing the impact of effluent from the ancient dumpsite on the soil and groundwater sytem. The study area is underlain by precambrian Basement Complex rocks mainly granite gneiss. The geophysical investigation involved electrical resistivity methods using dipole-dipole profiling and Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), while the hydrochemical investigation involved physical, chemical and microbial analyses of water samples within the reclaimed land and active dumpsite. A total of 175 sampling points were occupied using dipole-dipole profiling, while 29 Schlumberger electrical soundings were carried out. In addition, water samples from available nine wells in the area whose static water levels range between 1.2 m and 7.4 m were analysed. The results from electrical surveys show that the study area is underlain by a maximum of four subsurface layers namely the topsoil, the weathered layer, the partly weathered/fractured basement and the fresh basement whose resistivities values range from 41-495 ohm-m, 13-643 ohm-m, 86-720 ohm-m and 2800 ohm-m and above. Their thickness of the overburden units varies from 0.7- 49.5 m. The partly weathered/fractured basement constitute the main aquifer. The resistivity distribution of the topsoil and weathered layer indicates that parts of these layers have been infiltrated by plumes from the reclaimed land and active dumpsite, especially in areas characterised by low resistivity (<30 Ohm-m). In most cases, the suspected leachates are held within the clayey overburden and are prevented from infiltrating the aquifer by local barriers. There are indications that the leachate migration is topographically controlled. The hydrochemical analysis of samples from the wells show that the concentration of the analysed anions (Cl-, S042- and N03-) and cations (Na+,  Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe+) are within the World Health Organisation (2004) and Standard Organisation of Nigeria (2007) permissible limits. This indicates that the aquifer system in the area might be free from contamination. However, there is possiblity of future impacts on wells in the area from downwards  migration of the effluents from active dumpsite and other anthropogenic activities relating to human impacts on existing geo-environmental systems. Keywords: effluent, contaminantion, hydrochemical analysis, leachate, aquifer
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