14 research outputs found

    Community Language Learning Method: Enhancing Secondary School Students' English Vocabulary At SMP Negeri 4 Kota Ternate

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    Vocabulary is a fundamental unit in learning a language. Vocabulary drives us in learning and understanding English skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). Without vocabulary, a reader, listener, speaker, or writer does nothing. This study attempted to carry out Community Language Learning Method to enhance secondary school students' English vocabulary. Its hypotheses are (1) Community Language Learning Method cannot enhance secondary school students' English vocabulary (H0) and (2) Community Language Learning Method enhance secondary school students' English vocabulary (H1). This study used quantitative study by applying experimental design of one group pretest-posttest. The population was secondary school students at SMP Negri 4 Kota Ternate. The number of the population were 337 students. The sample was 35 students from the secondary school. They classified into two sexes namely; 15 male students and 20 female students. Simple random sampling technique used in taking the sample. The instrument applied in this study was a multiple choice test. It consisted of 30 items. The data were collected by applying pretest, treatment, and posttest. The data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula from SPSS 16 version. Data findings and analysis on score mean and standard deviation indicated that pretest score mean was lower then posttest = (15.625), than for the posttest score mean was higher than pretest = (72.69). And, it compared standard deviation of pretest and posttest, standard deviation score of pretest and posttest showed difference each other. Standard deviation score of pretest = (15.625) and posttest = (10.707). it means that the independent variable had an effect on the total score of the subject (dependent variable). Moreover, t-test results showed that the average score in posttest x2 = 40.163. is greater than pretest x1 = 15.037. by applying the level of significance of 0.5. Therefore, its conclusion that the Community Language Learning Method is effective in teaching English vocabulary to the secondary school students. The alternative hypothesis stating that the Community Language Learning Method enhance students' English vocabulary was accepted (H1)and null hypothesis stating that the Community Language Learning Method cannot enhance students' English vocabulary was rejected (H0)

    The Influence of Background Knowledge on Students’ Translation Results: An Interlingual Translation

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    This research aims to identify whether students’ background knowledge influenced the translated texts from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). This research employs descriptive qualitative method design throught the use of semi-structured interviews and observation in one of the state universities in east Indonesia. The participants in this research included 30 students. The documents as students' target texts were used as primary data and the transcripts of semi-structured interviews were used as supporting data. To Analyse the data, the researchers used qualitative ways. Data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification were used to reveal students’ background knowledge of translation. The data showed that most of the students need background knowledge in the translation of source language into the target language. These reasons confirm that there is a close relationship between background knowledge and translation. It means that in an interlingual translation, even if translators are bilinguals and master the grammar of a language, background knowledge of a text should also be dominated. Moreover, background knowledge is not a single problem for translators, there are also other problems that were found in students’ translation namely new words, complex sentences, reading comprehension, and expression in the target language

    PIDIW: Picturing by Describing Words as an Innovative Method Development in English Learning for Foreign and Second Learner

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    The ultimate goal of learning English is that students can easily grasp every material being taught. Especially in learning vocabularies, teachers are always looking for the best method to be applied in learning. By offering this PIDIW method, it is expected that it can encourage, arouse students' enthusiasm in learning English, and can create a fun and satisfying quality of learning between teachers and students in class. Seeing how important it is for students to understand and enjoy learning English in class, the authors conducted a study by developing a learning method that is expected to be used in learning English. This research aims to produce an innovative method called "Picturing by Describing Words". This research seeks to formulate the development of the Picturing By Describing Words learning method or abbreviated as PIDIW which includes: Definition, and Steps for Its Application in learning English. This research is limited only to the following stages: 1. Definition stages. 2. Stages of Formulation and Design. The stages of implementation will be carried out as the next research. Picturing by describing words or abbreviated as PIDIW is a planning learning method that can be used by teachers in learning English. This learning method will encourage students' ability to catch words in English. So that the teacher/instructor can find out the development or the number of English vocabulary owned by each student/learner. This method is also expected to be able to improve students' quick and critical thinking skills to analyze descriptive words and transfer them into a final understanding. This understanding can be in the form of writing or directly conveyed orally (orally). The creation of fun English learning between teachers and students

    Building Students' Communication Skills in Learning English through Lesson Study at Senior High School

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    One of the 21st century learning skills needed is communication skills. Communication skills have crucial roles to help students in facing global competitive and digital era nowadays. However, most of learnings at the middle and senior high schools ignore it but teachers still apply conventional learning methods to achieve it.  Due to the problems, this study aims to build students' communication skills, and to find out the implementation of lesson study on students’ communication skills in learning English at senior high school through lesson study. It is a descriptive qualitative study conducted at Senior High School of 10 Kota Ternate. 100 students were selected through purposive sampling as the research samples. Data were collected by applying lesson study activities in 4 cycles through direct observation in learning process using communication skills instruments developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Communication skill indicators focus on 6 indicators. Data were analysed using a Likert scale of 5-1. Based on the result of analysis, the study showed that students’ communication skills are improved and developed gradually. In addition, lesson study has given a positive impact toward students ‘communication skills in learning English. It was proven that students’ communication skill develops significantly and linearly from cycle I (43.33) into cycle II (63, 33). Thus, the students’ communicative skills were improved as well from cycle III (76, 66) into cycle IV (93,33).  Therefore, this study can be concluded lesson study activities in learning English are alternative solution to build students' communication skills, learning English through the implementation of lesson study has a positive impact on the development of communication skills, and students' communication skills through lesson study develop gradually and linearly and convey significant development

    Analisis Model-Model Pembelajaran Dosen Bahasa Inggris di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Ingrris Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara Ternate

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    ABSTRAK ADI F. MAHMUD. Analisis Model-Model Pembelajaran Dosen Bahasa Inggris di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Ingrris Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara Ternate (dibimbing oleh A. Qashas Rahman dan Murni Mahmud) Tujuan penilitian ini adalah (i) untuk menemukan model-model pembelajaran apa saja yang diterapakan oleh dosen Bahasa Inggris dalam mengajar di kelas, (ii) untuk mengetahui alasan-alasan dosen dalam menerapkan model-model pembelajaran tersebut di kelas, dan (iii) untuk menggambarkan presepsi mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris terhadap model-model pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif qualitatif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah lima orang dosen dan lima mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara Ternate. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari peneliti sebagai instrumen utama, lembaran observasi, daftar pertanyaan, alat perekam, dan kamera. Dalam pengumpulan data, penelitian ini menerapakan teknik observasi kelas dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Peneliti mengikuti tiga langka dalam menganalisis data yaitu: Membaca/Memo Menggambarakan, dan Mengklasifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (i) hampir semua responden dalam penelitian ini tidak menerapakan model-model pembelajaran inovasi dalam proses belajar mengajar. Kebanyakan model-model pembelajaran yang diterapakan oleh responden bersifat konvensional. Walaupun, ada beberapa responden menerapkan model diskusi kelompok dan presentasi, tetapi langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang diterapkan tidak menunjukan sebuah model pembelajaran inovasi, (ii) responden 4 menerapkan model pembelajaran inovasi dua kali selama dua pertemuan, namun, responden 4 juga menerapakan model- model pembelajaran konvesional. Kemudian, semua model-model pembelajaran responden tidak termasuk model atau metode yang baru dalam interakasi pembelajaran di kelas, (iii) ceramah merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang dominan digunakan oleh semua responden dalam mengajar di kelas, (iv) ada beberapa alasan yang menyokong semua responden dalam memilih sebuah model untuk diterapakan dalam kelas. Alasan-alasan tersebut meliputi kemampuan mahasiswa, materi ajar, pemahaman mahasiswa, mudah, sederhana, dan tujuan pembelajaran. Selanjutnya, semua responden beranggapan bahwa model-model pembelajaran tersebut tepat dan efektif untuk diterapakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas, dan (v) tidak semua alasan-alasan responden sejalan dengan lima presepsi dari mahasiswa. Semua presepsi mahasiswa menunjukan bahwa ada beberapa model pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh responden membosankan dan tidak menarik. ABSTRACT ADI F. MAHMUD. The Analysis of English Lecturers’ Teaching Models at English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku Ternate (supervised by A. Qashas Rahman and Murni Mahmud) The objectives of the research are (i) to find out the English lecturers’ teaching models applied in teaching in the classroom, (ii) to know the English lecturers’ reasons for applying those teaching models in the classroom, and (iii) to describe the English students’ perceptions of the English lecturers’ teaching models applied. The researcher employed descriptive qualitative method. The data sources of the research were five English lecturers and five English students of English Department of the Muhammadiyah Ternate. The instruments of the research consisted of the researcher as the main instrument, observation sheet, and list of questions, recorder, and camera. In the data collection, the research carried out classroom observation and semi-structured interview. The researcher followed three steps in analyzing data: Reading/Memoing, Describing, and Classifying. The results of this research showed that (i) Most of the respondents in this research did not apply innovative teaching models in teaching and learning activities. Most of the teaching models which applied by respondents still conventionally. Although there were some respondents applied group discussions and presentation, but the sequences of teaching that were applied did not characterize an innovative teaching model, (ii) The respondent 4 applied innovative teaching models twice in two meetings. However, he also applied conventional teaching models. Then, all respondents’ teaching models did not involve a new teaching model or method in teaching interaction in the classroom, (iii) Lecturing is one of the dominances teaching models used by all respondents in teaching in the classroom, (iv) There were some reasons underpinning all respondents in choosing a teaching model to be applied in the classroom. The reasons included the students’ proficiency, the instructional material, understanding, the easiness, simple, and teaching goals. Further, all respondents considered that those teaching models were appropriate and effective to be applied in teaching and learning activities in the classroom, and (v) Not all respondents’ reasons in line with the five students’ perceptions. All students’ perceptions showed that there were some teaching models that were used by respondents were boring and not interesting

    The Implementation of Ice-Breaking Activities in English Classroom

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    This study attempts to identify and explore high school students' perceptions of using ice-breaking activities in the English classroom. A qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative design. The study was done at SMA Al-Irsad Kota Ternate Jl. Perumnas South Ternate District and it involved second-grade students as subjects. They totaled 16 students, which consisted of 9 males and 7 females. Questionnaire and an unstructured interview were used to collect the data. A questionnaire was distributed to students in the classroom, and they filled it out in 60 minutes. The questions consisted of 10 statements. After the Questionnaire distribution, the students were interviewed based on the interview guidelines provided by the researchers. The interview was done with students who had already filled out the questionnaire. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed with a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; and 5 = strongly agree) to measure students' perceptions of ice-breaking activities in the English classroom. A 5-point Likert scale was counted with a frequency and percentage formula. During the interview, the data is analyzed through four steps: (1) data reduction, (2) coding, (3) data display, and (4) concluding. Results of the study showed that (1) 16 students have the same perception of the implementation of ice-breaking activities in English class; (2) all students' perceptions of ice-breaking activities are very positive; (3) ice-breaking activities are necessary and very needed for application in English class; and (4) students' perceptions of ice-breaking activities include helping students join the learning process, eliminating saturation, creating a positive learning atmosphere in the class, improving students’ interest and motivation, and increasing students' learning achievement

    The Impact of Snake and Ladder Game the Second Grade Students' English Speaking Skill at SMAN 1 Kota Tidore

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    The study aims to obtain empirical data on the effectiveness of using the Snake and Ladder game in teaching English to second-grade students at SMAN 1 Kota Tidore. The study was conducted in experimental and control classes. There were 60 participants. The study was administered over three treatments. During the treatments, classes were taught English with the same content in different ways; the experimental class was taught using the Snake and Ladder game, while the control class was taught using the conventional method. The instrument used in this study was an oral test with a speaking rubric. The result stated that the post-test mean score of the experimental class was 80.43, while the post-test mean score of the control class was 70.73. The result of statistical hypothesis testing by using an independent sample t-test found that at the degree of significance of 5% (α = 0.05), the t-value was 2.247 while the t-table was 2.001, or t-value > t-table. Therefore, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Furthermore, Cohen's formulation was used for the effect size of the Snake and Ladder, and the result was 0.24. Therefore, it is concluded that teaching English using the Snake and Ladder game is effective in teaching English


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    The study focuses on the usefulness and the use of language as an instrument to associate a group of people in the society, both in the large and in the small groups to fulfill their everyday needs. They were described in the form of ideas and arguments that were investigated in the form of activities of library research design. The data were collected from many references both primary and secondary ones in terms of the topic. The primary data dealt with the roles and functions of language in terms of the usefulness and the usage of language in society. The findings of the study showed that language is used as an important instrument to connect people in many aspects of human life consisting of language in the world of education, language in the world of science and technology, language in economic and business contexts, language in the social and political contexts, language in the aspects of national defense and security, language and international relation