31 research outputs found


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    Olahraga bola voli sejak zaman nenek moyang hingga saat ini selalu populer dikalangan masyarakat. Semua orang dari kalangan bawah hingga atas menikmati olahraga ini sebagai sarana rekreasi, kompetisi, mencari nafkah maupun prestasi. Namun kebanyakan dari lembaga-lembaga pendidikan disekolah ataupun perguruan tinggi memanfaatkan olahraga ini sebagai sistem pengajaran atau sistem pembelajaran menggunakan media apapun dengan tujuan membangun bangsa yang sehat dan bugar. Dengan adanya sistem pembelajaran ini tentunya sangat bermanfaat bagi para pelajar terutama yang belum mengetahui teknik dasar gerak bola voli sehingga dalam mengaplikasikannya memiliki teknik yang benar dan tepat, serta terhindar dari cedera yang tidak diinginkan. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini penulis menggunakan metode milik Sutopo dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Media Interaktif Dengan Flash” tahun 2003. Menurut (Sutopo, 2003) metodologi pengembangan multimedia dibagi dalam 6 tahap yaitu: concept, dsinge, materialcollecting, assembly, testing dan distribution. Selain itu metode ini dapat digunakan untuk mendesain database sehingga bisa mendukung dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini. Sedangkan bahasa pemrograman yang di gunakan dalam membangung aplikasi ini adalah PHP dan MySql, Blender 3D digunakan untuk membangun animasi 3D dan adobe photoshop sebagai software untuk editing gambar. Aplikasi Multimedia Untuk Teknik Permainan Bola Voli Berbasis Web adalah aplikasi online yang dapat diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja, sehingga mudah dipelajari dan diaplikasikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan pengajaran oleh semua orang. Program ini menjelaskan tentang teknik dasar bermain bola voli, peraturan-peraturan yang digunakan dalam permainan bola voli, perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan dalam permainan bola voli serta latihan soal

    Structural Analysis of Cradle Construction

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    This present paper gives the analytical overview ofstress and fatigue behaviors for cradle construction. The mainobjective of this research is to analyze the static and fatiguecharacteristics of cradle constrcution under designed maximumworking load. The static characteristics studied here areequivalent stress and total deformation, while the fatiguecharacteristics are safety factor and estimated stuctural life. Thefinite element method is used to analyze both characteritics. Thecradle construction is modeled as solid beam element. Themaximum working load used is modeled as two concentratedloads and the support type used is cylindirical type. Results showthat all characteristics comply with the standard requirements,especially for yield requirement and deformation. However, dueto small value difference of safety factor, it is advisable to reducethe maximum working load

    Hypoxia-Mesenchymal Stem Cells Inhibit Intra-Peritoneal Adhesions Formation by Upregulation of the IL-10 Expression

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    BACKGROUND: Intra-peritoneal adhesions (IPAs) common occurre in post abdominal surgical. Athough many methods have been developed for controlling IPAs, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) application, however, there is none completely preventing in due to the mesothelial structure may promote the prolonged inflammations leading. Nevertheless hypoxia-MSCs (H-MSCs) have more potent in controlling the inflammation than normoxia-MSCs (N-MSCs) by releasing several anti-inflamation particularly IL-10, however the H-MSCs application to inhibit IPAs remain unclear. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of H-MSCs in preventing the AIPs event by releasing IL-10 on the ileum abrasion sutured omental patch as the animal model of peritoneal adhesion. METHODS: Using 24 IPAs animal model were randomly divided into 4 groups: Sham (Sh), Control (C), H-MSCs at high dose (T1) and H-MSCs at low dose (T2). H-MSCs were incubated under hypoxic conditions (5% O2), 37°C and 5% CO2 for 24 hours. The expression level of IL-10 was performed using RT-PCR analysis. The macroscopic appearance of IPAs was evaluated using Nair’s scale base on the absence/presence of adhesion, whereas the microscopic by Zuhlke’s scale at Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. RESULTS: This study showed a significanly increase in IL-10 expression (p < 0.05) at all T groups. In line with this, we also found a significant difference in IPAs between T groups and Control as well as a Sham (p < 0.05) either in the macroscopic or microscopic analysis. CONCLUSION: H-MSCs has a robust ability in inhibiting severe IPAs characterized by the decreased of adhesion formation and the enhanced expression of IL-10

    Pengelolaan Anggaran UMKM Menghadapi Tatanan Kehidupan Baru Covid 19 Desa Banjasari Kecamatan Cerme Kabupaten Gresik

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    Pandemi Covid 19 yang telah melanda berbagai negara mengakibatkan beberapa dampak permasalahan keuangan khususnya bagi pelaku usaha. Pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya agar pelaku usaha kecil menengah tetap bertahan menghadapi tatanan kehidupan baru covid 19, salah satunya dengan memmberikan relaksasi pajak dan kredit. Pelaku usaha memiliki tantangan besar dalam menghadapi tatanan kehidupan baru covid 19. Hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha yaitu dengan melakukan evaluasi mengenai kinerja usahanya melalui analisis laporan keuangan. Laporan arus kas ini merupakan laporan yang memberikan informasi mengenai arus kas masuk dan arus kas keluar dari sebuah usaha dalam periode tertentu. Laporan arus kas dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kemampuan usaha dalam menghasilkan kas dari kegiatan operasi, mempertahankan serta meningkatkan kapasitas operasi dan kemampuan memeuhi kewajiban keuangan. Laporan arus kas ini bermanfaat bagi pelaku UMKM untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan oeprasi selama periode tertentu dan membantu pemilik usaha untuk membuat perencanaan aktivitas pendanaan dan investasi di masa mendatang. Berdasarkan pada permasalahan tersebut maka tim melalui kemitraan antara akademisi dan pelaku UMKM melakukan penyulukan mengenai pengetahuan pengelolaan anggaran (manajemen keuangan) melalui penyusunan laporan arus kas. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan harapan pelaku UMKM dapat bertahan di tatanan kehidupan baru Covid-19. Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan anggaran, Laporan Keuangan, Pengambilan Keputusa

    Covered Conductor Burn-Down Phenomena in Indonesia without Protection Relay Operation

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    All Aluminium Alloy Conductor-Shielded (AAAC-S) which is covered conductor is widely used as the temporary solution to mitigate the earth fault problem during application of bare conductor in Indonesia distribution system. However, the burn-down phenomenon of AAAC-S is often found in some cases and the protection schemes that have been installed on the distribution line is unable to detect any fault during the phenomenon. Due to no tripping order from protection relay, this phenomenon will lead some part of the conductor remain hanging in the air and still in energized condition. This condition may cause a potential hazard to the surrounding environment. Therefore, this study was performed to determine the cause of AAAC-S burn-down and the reason of protection equipment cannot work properly. Field investigation, modelling and simulation, and laboratory testing has been performed in this study to represent the condition in the field. The results show that the burn-down phenomenon of AAAC-S occurred due to many sequences of events. It started with insulation material breakdown that create pinhole, then during overvoltage phenomenon there will be earth fault condition through the pinhole. Finally, if the short circuit energy at a certain mechanical tensile exceeds the critical energy of AAAC-S, then the burn-down phenomenon occurred. In this condition, the protection relay is unable to detect the fault due to the working time of protection relay is greater than the critical burn-down time of AAAC-S, where it is being influenced by the location of earth fault, cross-sectional area of AAAC-S, and grounding resistance of the pole

    Pentingnya Penerapan Pola Pikir Entrepreneurship Pada Masyarakat Guna Menghadapi Kehidupan Normal Baru

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    Fase Pemulihan setelah pandemi terjadi di berbagai sektor dan seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk memperbaiki keadaaan terutama perekonomian dan mengkaji apa solusi yang tepat untuk preventif terkait pandemi. Salah satunya adalah peningkatan kegiatan wirausaha di masyarakat yang berakar di area keluarga. Untuk itu diperlukan penanaman pola pikir terkait wirausaha yang dapat dikelola sendiri oleh keluarga. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan terbaru terkait wirausaha yang mudah dan mampu mempertahankan perekonomian rumah tangga di saat kondisi lingkungan yang tidak stabil. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat memiliki keinginan dan ide usaha yang dikembangkan sebagai produk home industri

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Tablet Fe dengan Kejadian Anemia (Hb) pada Remaja Putri Di SMP Negeri 1 Tapen Kabupaten Bondowoso

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    Anemia often occurs in young women because in adolescence there has been rapid growth into the age of puberty including red blood cells will increase. In addition, in young women, menstrual cycles begin to occur that will release blood from the body with a considerable amount. One effort that can be done is to consume Fe tablets.The research design is a quantitative method in the form of Cross Sectional Design. The study was conducted on Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen - Tapen, Bondowoso in May 2019 with a sample of 33 respondents. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire sheet which then carried out the Spearman Rho analysis test with a significance level of p≤ 0.05. The results obtained p-value 0.007 (P≤ 0.05). So Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted, so there was a correlation between the Compliance of consumption Fe tablets with the incidence of Anemia in Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen, Tapen, Bondowoso. There is a need for counseling on the importance of consumption of Fe tablets and collaboration with teachers regarding the consumption of Fe tablets. Keywords: Fe Tablet Consumption, Compliance, Incidence of Anemi

    Isolation and enzyme bioprospection of bacteria associated to Bruguiera cylindrica, a mangrove plant of North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsMangrove-associated bacteria are of industrial interest due to their diverse and versatile enzyme properties. This study investigates the culturable bacteria from a wide range of habitat in a Bruguiera cylindrica mangrove ecosystem in North Sumatra. Screening of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes showed multiple potential traits in amylase, cellulase, chitinase, phosphatase, protease, and urease production by bacterial isolates. Molecular identification based on 16S rDNA region of a potential strain, Vibrio alginolyticus Jme3−20 is then reported as a newly proteolytic agent. The strain also showed a stable growth under salinity (NaCl) stress with considerable phosphate solubilization activities. Protease activity was enhanced by optimizing the 0.5 % (w/v) sucrose and soy peptone in the fermentation medium. SDS-PAGE and zymogram analysis showed the presence of a 35-kDa MW protease. Hence, our study revealed important insights into the bacterial diversity and activity in mangrove ecosystems, evidencing the importance of microbial exploration in this ecosystem.Peer reviewe