1,079 research outputs found

    Assessment of Study Space Usage in the Kenneth Dike Library

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    This paper explore the actual use of the physical space in Kenneth Dike Library by the students\u27 population, the role these spaces are playing for learning and for related services in the university of Ibadan academic environment. It looked at the suitability of available spaces and suggestions for improvement. Survey method was adopted for the study with 94.5% response rate. It found that quite study is what attract majority respondents to Kenneth Dike Library. What emerged was that academic pursuits remain the most common activity in the library space

    Administrators’ Perspectives on Strategies for Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in Nigeria

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    The quality of education being provided in Nigeria is a source of concern to many stakeholders. This is particularly true of the higher education sub-sector of the country’s education system. Thus, there is need for suggestions on ways through which these concerns may be addressed. This paper attempts to respond to this need by giving administrators’ perspectives on strategies for enhancing the quality of education in the country. Starting with elucidation of the concept of quality in education, the paper propounds a tripartite model of quality in education. Using the model as an analytical point of departure, it discusses the gaps in quality assurance in Nigerian education and makes recommendations for improvement.Keywords: Quality assurance; Education administration; Nigeri

    Disparities in public and private pre-primary and primary schools’ enrolments, classrooms and teachers in Nigeria: Implications for access and educational management

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    School enrolment figures, number of classrooms and teachers are important statistical data essential for educational planning; their disparities in public and private pre-primary and primary schools should be equally reflected in the plan. Moreover, experience of educational sector and operational planning just concluded in Bauchi, Jigawa and Niger states of Nigeria with 2005/2006 as baseline academic year gave impetus to the study. Three research questions guided the study. A pool of secondary source data from the Federal Ministry of Education (FME) was organized and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Among other things, the private sector contributed 7.71% of total enrolments for pre-primary and primary  schools; gender disparity in enrolments between public and private schools was not so pronounced at both levels; pupil class ratio (pcr) was 112.50 for public schools and 43.27 for private schools; there was not much disparity between number of male and female teachers in public schools (52.20% male and 47.80 female); but there was wide disparity between number of male and female teachers in private schools (35. 19% male and 64.81% female) . It was recommended that the private sector be encouraged to establish more schools to increase access to education; more incentives to be provided for school age girls especially in the North to increase their enrolments; more classroom blocks should be built -247- in public schools to reduce the high pcr, and male teachers to be encouraged to take up teaching as a career especially in the private schools where they constitute only 35. 19% of the teaching force.Keywords: Public, Private, Schools, Disparities, Enrolment, Teachers

    Nitrogen and weed management in transplanted tomato in the Nigerian forest-savanna transition zone

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    Weed infestation and inherent low soil fertility are among primary reasons for low yields of tomato in Nigeria. Field trials were carried out during the wet season of 2015 and 2016 to evaluate yield response of tomato to nitrogen (N) application and weed control methods in the forest-savanna transition zone of Abeokuta, Nigeria. Positive relationship exists between growth of weed species and increase in N application. Across the years of study, increase in N up to 90 kg/ha increased weed density by 11–25%, however, the increased N gave the transplanted tomato competitive advantage and thus enhanced weed smothering. Pre-transplant application of butachlor (50% w/v) or probaben® (metolachlor 20% w/v+prometryn 20% w/v) each at 2.0 kg a.i/ha followed by supplementary hoe weeding at 6 weeks after transplanting (WAT) significantly reduced weed density by at least 15% and increased fruit yield of tomato by at least 32%, compared to use of the pre-transplant herbicides alone, across both years of study. The greatest tomato fruit yield of 12.2 t/ha was obtained with pre-transplant application of butachlor at 2.0 kg a.i/ha followed by supplementary hoe weeding at 6 WAT, averaged for both years. In general, this study suggests that increased application of N up to 90 kg/ha, and complementary weed control by pre-transplant herbicide and hoe weeding at 6 WAT would improve yield of tomato in the forestsavanna transition zone of Nigeria

    Improving Domestic Ergonomics: A Fuzzy-Based Model Approach

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    In this study a fuzzy logic model was adopted to assess the degree of Domestic Ergonomic Hazards (DEH) among women in the Southwest Nigeria. Three risk factors of weight (Kg), height of load (cm) and the handlers’ arm reach (cm) were used. The leading objective was to provide an improved assessment ergonomics tool to Risk Assessment Filter (RAF). The algorithm of the fuzzy inference engine applied sets of 64 linguistic rules to generate the output variable in lifting/lowering risk. The Spearman’s rank correlation value of 0.85 at the confidence level of 0.01, indicated no significant difference between the human predictions of DEH with the use of RAF tool and the model’s predictions. The risk values and interpretations generated by the model were confirmed not just similar to, but with better information than, using RAF. The study proposed a fuzzy-based model for an enhanced domestic ergonomics among women than using RAF device. It is simple and can find its usefulness in household chores

    Islamic microfinancing

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    Apart from the fact that chemical based (synthetic) repellents have been discovered to have unfavourable effects on man and livestock, they are expensive, non-biodegradable and no longer efficient due to adaptation of mosquitoes to them. With these shortcomings, an eco-friendly plant based insecticide as an alternative is urgently needed. This study was based on using the oil extracts from local leaves namely: Hyptis Sauveolens, Mentha spicata, and Cymbopogon citratus leaves as mosquito repellent. The leaves’ oil extracts were screened for the presence of phytochemicals (secondary metabolites only). The phytochemical screening result showed that leaves’ oil extracts contained flavonoids, tannins, phenols, steroids, terpenoids, saponins, glycosides and anthraquinones. Different concentrations of the oil extracts were incorporated into the formulated body lotion/body cream. The lotion with the highest concentration of the oil extract (0.6 ml) had the highest repellence time lasting up to about eight (8) hours. The leaves’ oil extract was analysed using Gas chromatography- Mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) to identify the chemical composition, and only major chemical components were reported in this work

    Implementation of 4kUHD HEVC-content transmission

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    The Internet of things (IoT) has received a great deal of attention in recent years, and is still being approached with a wide range of views. At the same time, video data now accounts for over half of the internet traffic. With the current availability of beyond high definition, it is worth understanding the performance effects, especially for real-time applications. High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) aims to provide reduction in bandwidth utilisation while maintaining perceived video quality in comparison with its predecessor codecs. Its adoption aims to provide for areas such as television broadcast, multimedia streaming/storage, and mobile communications with significant improvements. Although there have been attempts at HEVC streaming, the literature/implementations offered do not take into consideration changes in the HEVC specifications. Beyond this point, it seems little research exists on real-time HEVC coded content live streaming. Our contribution fills this current gap in enabling compliant and real-time networked HEVC visual applications. This is done implementing a technique for real-time HEVC encapsulation in MPEG-2 Transmission Stream (MPEG-2 TS) and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), thereby removing the need for multi-platform clients to receive and decode HEVC streams. It is taken further by evaluating the transmission of 4k UHDTV HEVC-coded content in a typical wireless environment using both computers and mobile devices, while considering well-known factors such as obstruction, interference and other unseen factors that affect the network performance and video quality. Our results suggest that 4kUHD can be streamed at 13.5 Mb/s, and can be delivered to multiple devices without loss in perceived quality

    Analiza produkcji opartej na odnawialnych źródłach energii w Afryce Zachodniej – studium przypadku Nigerii

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    The limited supply of fossil fuels, constant rise in the demand of energy and the importance of reducing greenhouse emissions has brought about the adoption of renewable energy sources for generation of electrical power. In this paper, the impact of renewable energy generation in Nigeria is explored. A review of renewable deposits in Nigeria with a focus on Solar, Biomass, Hydropower, Pumped Storage Hydro and Ocean energy is detailed. The impact of renewable energy-based generation is assessed from three different dimensions: Economic Impact, Social Impact and Environmental Impact. In accessing economic impact; the conditions are employment and job creation, gross domestic product (GDP) growth and increase in local research and development. To analyze the social impact; renewable energy education, renewable energy businesses, ministries and institutes, renewable energy projects and investments as well as specific solar and wind projects across Nigeria were considered. Also, environmental issues were discussed. Similarly, policy imperatives for renewable energy generation in Nigeria was provided. This paper would be useful in accessing the successes Nigeria has experienced so far in the area of sustainable development and the next steps to achieving universal energy for all in Nigeria in 2030.Ograniczona podaż paliw kopalnych, stały wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię oraz konieczność ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych pociągnęły za sobą konieczność stosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej. W artykule zbadano wpływ wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Szczegółowy przegląd zasobów energii odnawialnej w Nigerii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem energii słonecznej, biomasy, energii wodnej i elektrowni szczytowo-pompowych i energii oceanicznej. Produkcja energii ze źródeł odnawialnych została przeanalizowana w trzech różnych wymiarach: wpływ na gospodarkę, wpływ na społeczeństwo i wpływ na środowisko. W aspekcie wpływu na gospodarkę wzięto pod uwagę: zatrudnienie i tworzenie miejsc pracy, wzrost produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) oraz wzrost lokalnych badań i rozwój. Analiza wpływu społecznego objęła: edukację w zakresie energii odnawialnej, przedsiębiorstwa, ministerstwa i instytuty zajmujące się energią odnawialną, projekty i inwestycje w zakresie energii odnawialnej, a także konkretne projekty dotyczące energii słonecznej i wiatrowej w całej Nigerii. Omówiono również kwestie środowiskowe. W podobny sposób przedstawiono imperatywy polityczne dotyczące wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Ten artykuł wskazuje na istotny dla Nigerii cel zrównoważonego rozwoju, jakim jest odnawialna energia dla wszystkich.  Celem jest  osiągnięcie w tym kraju powszechnej odnawialnej energii dla wszystkich w 2030 r

    Large Scale Foreign Land Deals and Agricultural Trade in Africa

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    This study investigates the implications of foreign land deals in Africa especially with regard to agricultural trade. It is motivated essentially by large scale foreign land deals in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. The empirical model adopted is based on institutional development theory and estimated using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The study found that large scale foreign land deals (LSFLDs) impact negatively on agricultural export in selected countries and the indexes of institutional framework used were found to be significant. Likewise, agricultural land becomes highly significant with relatively larger magnitude when interacted with institutional indexes. This therefore implies that as more agricultural land is acquired, agricultural export tends to dwindle and incidences of food insecurity are heightened. The evidence from empirical investigation suggests the need for controlling the issue of massive foreign land deals through viable institutional framework, which can be engendered by building sound legal and procedural measures that will protect local rights and take into account the aspirations of local farmers and the welfare of citizenr