58 research outputs found

    Physical losses could partially explain modest carotenoid retention in dried food products from biofortified cassava

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    Gari, a fermented and dried semolina made from cassava, is one of the most common foods in West Africa. Recently introduced biofortified yellow cassava containing provitamin A carotenoids could help tackle vitamin A deficiency prevalent in those areas. However there are concerns because of the low retention of carotenoids during gari processing compared to other processes (e.g. boiling). The aim of the study was to assess the levels of true retention in trans–ÎČ-carotene during gari processing and investigate the causes of low retention. Influence of processing step, processor (3 commercial processors) and variety (TMS 01/ 1371; 01/1368 and 01/1412) were assessed. It was shown that low true retention (46% on average) during gari processing may be explained by not only chemical losses (i.e. due to roasting temperature) but also by physical losses (i.e. due to leaching of carotenoids in discarded liquids): true retention in the liquid lost from grating negatively correlated with true retention retained in the mash (R = -0.914). Moreover, true retention followed the same pattern as lost water at the different processing steps (i.e. for the commercial processors). Variety had a significant influence on true retention, carotenoid content, and trans-cis isomerisation but the processor type had little effect. It is the first time that the importance of physical carotenoid losses was demonstrated during processing of biofortified crops

    The feasibility of classical biological control of two major cowpea insect pests

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    Biological control, as a key component of biointensive IPM in cowpea, is evaluated for its practical feasibility. The case study of one of the major insect pests, the bean flower thrips Megalumthrips sjosredti (Trybom) (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), is used to indicate the most important criteria for this evaluation: the nature of the pest and the release habitat, the availability and effectiveness of biological control agents, and the current status of biocontrol against the target pest. Although laxonomic aspects need further consideration, present knowledge suggests a southeast Asian origin for M. sjostedlt. In the savannas of West Africa, cultivated and wild host plants are always available to sustain the feeding and reproduction of the pest throughout the year, while the locally present natural enemies are unable to control its population. A first exploration in search of M. sjostedti and efficient natural enemies, undertaken in Malaysia in November-December 1994, yielded an endophagous larval parasitoid, tentatively identified as Ceranisus menes Walker (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae). This parasitoid was able to parasitize up to 70% of the larvae of the closely related species, M. usilalus, found in flowers of Pueraria phaseoloides, a commonly grown cover crop. In a second, less detailed case study, the biocontrol feasibility for another key pest, the legume pod borer, Marnca vitrata Fabricius (previously M. testuUilis Geyer) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). is assessed, using the same criteria. These feasibility studies indicate that (1) both pests might be of foreign origin: (2) the alternative host plant habitat is conducive to the perennial presence of the pests; (3) the indigenous antagonists are not effective in controlling the pests; and (4) potential natural enemies of both pests have been identified in southeast Asia. Additional foreign explorations are needed to substantiate the results of these studies


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    The present study analysed the influence of the ICT use and socio-economic characteristics of agricultural households on the adaptation of smallholder farmers to climate change in Benin. A multinomial choice model, suitable to data from a quantitative survey on 121 cotton producers selected from 6 villages of central Benin has been used in this study. Twenty-three adaptation strategies from cross-sectional studies and refined in the study area through a qualitative study phase were subjected to analysis. Results indicate that ‘late sowings’, and ‘repeated sowing’ are the most effective strategies developed by cotton producers to adapt to climate variability. Collective practices are also developed as preventive and curative strategies to situations of delay, scarcity, abundance of rain and pockets of drought. It’s about strategies highly worship and based on ‘Sacrifices to the gods’, ‘collective prayers’ and ‘village meetings to raise awareness for the respect of social taboos’. Several variables influence the adoption of different adaptation strategies. These include the producer’s level of education, his age and correlatively his experience in cotton production, the area of residence, the way of accessing to land, the area of land used for cotton cultivation and the number of ICT parks used. All actions whose purpose is to improve the resilience of African agriculture to climate change must dwell primarily on strategies for updating sowing dates and new agricultural calendar based on the disruption of crop seasons. Government policies and international adaptation programs should focus on education, facilitating farmers’ access to ICT. Different interventions should be done according to centered approaches on actors and production systems.La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a analysĂ© l’influence de l’usage des NTIC et des caractĂ©ristiques socio Ă©conomiques des mĂ©nages agricoles sur l’adaptation des petits agriculteurs bĂ©ninois face aux changements climatiques. Elle a utilisĂ© un modĂšle de choix multinomial adaptĂ© aux donnĂ©es issues d’une enquĂȘte quantitative sur 121 producteurs de coton rĂ©partis dans 6 villages du Centre-BĂ©nin. Vingt trois stratĂ©gies d’adaptation issues d’études transversales et affinĂ©es dans la zone d’étude par une phase d’étude qualitative ont fait objet d’analyse. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que ‘les semis tardifs’ et respectivement les ‘semis rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s’ sont les stratĂ©gies les plus dĂ©veloppĂ©es par les producteurs de coton pour s’adapter Ă  la variabilitĂ© climatique. Aussi des pratiques collectives sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es en guise de stratĂ©gies prĂ©ventives et curatives aux situations de retard, de raretĂ©, d’abondance des pluies, et de poches de sĂ©cheresses. Il s’agit de stratĂ©gies fortement cultuelles basĂ©es sur les ‘Sacrifices aux divinitĂ©s’, ‘les priĂšres collectives’ et‘ les assemblĂ©es villageoises de sensibilisation pour le respect des interdits sociaux’. Plusieurs variables influencent l’adoption des diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies d’adaptation. Il s’agit notamment du niveau d’instruction du producteur, son Ăąge et corrĂ©lativement son expĂ©rience dans la production de coton, sa zone de rĂ©sidence, son mode d’accĂšs au foncier, la superficie de coton qu’il cultive et le nombre de parc NTIC dont il fait usage. Toutes actions ayant pour finalitĂ© d’amĂ©liorer la rĂ©silience de l’agriculture africaine aux changements climatiques doit s’appesantir en premier lieu sur les stratĂ©gies d’actualisation des dates de semis et du nouveau calendrier agricole en fonction de la perturbation des saisons de cultures. Les politiques gouvernementales et programmes internationaux d’adaptation doivent se focaliser sur l’éducation, la facilitation de l’accĂšs des producteurs aux TIC. Les diffĂ©rentes interventions devront se faire suivant des approches centrĂ©es sur les acteurs et sur les systĂšmes de production


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    The present study analysed the influence of the ICT use and socio-economic characteristics of agricultural households on the adaptation of smallholder farmers to climate change in Benin. A multinomial choice model, suitable to data from a quantitative survey on 121 cotton producers selected from 6 villages of central Benin has been used in this study. Twenty-three adaptation strategies from cross-sectional studies and refined in the study area through a qualitative study phase were subjected to analysis. Results indicate that \u2018late sowings\u2019, and \u2018repeated sowing\u2019 are the most effective strategies developed by cotton producers to adapt to climate variability. Collective practices are also developed as preventive and curative strategies to situations of delay, scarcity, abundance of rain and pockets of drought. It\u2019s about strategies highly worship and based on \u2018Sacrifices to the gods\u2019, \u2018collective prayers\u2019 and \u2018village meetings to raise awareness for the respect of social taboos\u2019. Several variables influence the adoption of different adaptation strategies. These include the producer\u2019s level of education, his age and correlatively his experience in cotton production, the area of residence, the way of accessing to land, the area of land used for cotton cultivation and the number of ICT parks used. All actions whose purpose is to improve the resilience of African agriculture to climate change must dwell primarily on strategies for updating sowing dates and new agricultural calendar based on the disruption of crop seasons. Government policies and international adaptation programs should focus on education, facilitating farmers\u2019 access to ICT. Different interventions should be done according to centered approaches on actors and production systems.La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude a analys\ue9 l\u2019influence de l\u2019usage des NTIC et des caract\ue9ristiques socio \ue9conomiques des m\ue9nages agricoles sur l\u2019adaptation des petits agriculteurs b\ue9ninois face aux changements climatiques. Elle a utilis\ue9 un mod\ue8le de choix multinomial adapt\ue9 aux donn\ue9es issues d\u2019une enqu\ueate quantitative sur 121 producteurs de coton r\ue9partis dans 6 villages du Centre-B\ue9nin. Vingt trois strat\ue9gies d\u2019adaptation issues d\u2019\ue9tudes transversales et affin\ue9es dans la zone d\u2019\ue9tude par une phase d\u2019\ue9tude qualitative ont fait objet d\u2019analyse. Les r\ue9sultats indiquent que \u2018les semis tardifs\u2019 et respectivement les \u2018semis r\ue9p\ue9t\ue9s\u2019 sont les strat\ue9gies les plus d\ue9velopp\ue9es par les producteurs de coton pour s\u2019adapter \ue0 la variabilit\ue9 climatique. Aussi des pratiques collectives sont d\ue9velopp\ue9es en guise de strat\ue9gies pr\ue9ventives et curatives aux situations de retard, de raret\ue9, d\u2019abondance des pluies, et de poches de s\ue9cheresses. Il s\u2019agit de strat\ue9gies fortement cultuelles bas\ue9es sur les \u2018Sacrifices aux divinit\ue9s\u2019, \u2018les pri\ue8res collectives\u2019 et\u2018 les assembl\ue9es villageoises de sensibilisation pour le respect des interdits sociaux\u2019. Plusieurs variables influencent l\u2019adoption des diff\ue9rentes strat\ue9gies d\u2019adaptation. Il s\u2019agit notamment du niveau d\u2019instruction du producteur, son \ue2ge et corr\ue9lativement son exp\ue9rience dans la production de coton, sa zone de r\ue9sidence, son mode d\u2019acc\ue8s au foncier, la superficie de coton qu\u2019il cultive et le nombre de parc NTIC dont il fait usage. Toutes actions ayant pour finalit\ue9 d\u2019am\ue9liorer la r\ue9silience de l\u2019agriculture africaine aux changements climatiques doit s\u2019appesantir en premier lieu sur les strat\ue9gies d\u2019actualisation des dates de semis et du nouveau calendrier agricole en fonction de la perturbation des saisons de cultures. Les politiques gouvernementales et programmes internationaux d\u2019adaptation doivent se focaliser sur l\u2019\ue9ducation, la facilitation de l\u2019acc\ue8s des producteurs aux TIC. Les diff\ue9rentes interventions devront se faire suivant des approches centr\ue9es sur les acteurs et sur les syst\ue8mes de production

    Recovery Rate of intestinal parasites using conventional methods in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Five different techniques were used to diagnose all the 232 stool specimens that came into the Parasitology Department of University College Hospital, Ibadan for a period of six months. A prevalence of 25.0% was obtained in the study. Brine flotation recovered the highest number of parasites; 40 (69.0%), followed by formol ether concentration; 32 (55.2%), Katokatz recovered a total of 28 (48.3%) parasites, but could not recover any protozoan parasite, stoll technique recovered 22 (37.9%) parasites and wet preparation detected the least number of parasites; 12 (20.7%). There was a significant statistical difference among the techniques (&#9672 = 13. 63, P = 0.008). None of the methods could detect all the cases observed in the study alone, thus no single technique was satisfactory as none was equally applicable for trophozoites and cysts of protozoa, eggs or larvae of helminths. Brine flotation technique should be added to the routine diagnostic method (wet preparation), since it significantly detects both helminths and protozoa more than any of the other techniques.Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences Vol. 7 (1) 2008 pp. 42-4

    Etude des possibilites de contamination des aliments de rues au Benin : Cas de la ville de Cotonou

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    Foods poisoning due to microbial toxins are widespread throughout the world. These foods poisoning are prevalent in African countries were street alimentation enable 80% of urban populations to feedthemselves easily and at lower price. The street foods constitute a major public health problem because of the multiplicity and the diversity of bacteria they can transport. So, the aim of our study was to assess the microbial quality of some street foods collected among the vendors in Cotonou city. The investigations on the selling sites and the analysis showed that there is perpetual risk of food contamination. Themajority of the vendors (84%) are women, and 78.67 % are illiterates. The microbiological analysis revealed that 77% of pathogenic bacteria were found among the ambulant vendors, 33% among semistationaryvendors and 26 among stationary vendors. All the concerned meals had a high charge of microbes indicating faecal pollution, of staphylococcal, salmonella and some yeast and mildew. However, considering the role of this kind of alimentation in African national economies, it is importantto find strategies leading a sanitary security, by epidemiologic surveillance of diseases transmitted by street foods. Les intoxications alimentaires dues Ă  l’ingestion de toxines microbiennes sont rĂ©pandues Ă  travers le monde. Ces intoxications alimentaires sont trĂšs frĂ©quentes dans les pays africains oĂč l’alimentation de rue permet Ă  plus de 80% des populations urbaines de s’alimenter facilement et Ă  moindre coĂ»t. Les aliments vendus aux abords des rues de nos villes constituent donc un problĂšme de majeure de santĂ© publique de par la multiplicitĂ© et la diversitĂ© de la flore microbienne qu’ils vĂ©hiculent. Ainsi, notre Ă©tude a eu pour butd’étudier les possibilitĂ©s de contamination de quelques aliments de rue prĂ©levĂ©s chez des vendeurs dans la ville de Cotonou au BĂ©nin. Les investigations sur les lieux de vente et les rĂ©sultats d’analysemicrobiologique ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence d’un risque perpĂ©tuel de contamination selon les types de distributeurs. La majoritĂ© (84%) des vendeurs Ă©tait des femmes et 78,67% Ă©taient illettrĂ©s. Les analysesmicrobiologiques ont montrĂ© que les aliments qui ne nĂ©cessitent pas de cuisson lors de la prĂ©paration avaient les plus fortes charges microbiennes. Soixante dix sept pour cent (77%) des germes pathogĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©s dans les aliments prĂ©levĂ©s chez les vendeurs ambulants, 33% chez les semi-fixes et 26% chez les Fixes. Tous les plats incriminĂ©s ont des charges microbiennes en flore aĂ©robie mĂ©sophile, indicateurs de pollution fĂ©cale, de staphylocoques et quelques levures et moisissures. Toutefois vu le rĂŽle que joue cette alimentation dans les Ă©conomies nationales de nos pays africains il est important de mettre en place plusieurs stratĂ©gies visant Ă  une sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire par une surveillance Ă©pidĂ©miologique des maladies transmises par les aliments de rue

    The Nigerian national blindness and visual impairment survey: Rationale, objectives and detailed methodology.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite having the largest population in Africa, Nigeria has no accurate population based data to plan and evaluate eye care services. A national survey was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and determine the major causes of blindness and low vision. This paper presents the detailed methodology used during the survey. METHODS: A nationally representative sample of persons aged 40 years and above was selected. Children aged 10-15 years and individuals aged <10 or 16-39 years with visual impairment were also included if they lived in households with an eligible adult. All participants had their height, weight, and blood pressure measured followed by assessment of presenting visual acuity, refractokeratomery, A-scan ultrasonography, visual fields and best corrected visual acuity. Anterior and posterior segments of each eye were examined with a torch and direct ophthalmoscope. Participants with visual acuity of < = 6/12 in one or both eyes underwent detailed examination including applanation tonometry, dilated slit lamp biomicroscopy, lens grading and fundus photography. All those who had undergone cataract surgery were refracted and best corrected vision recorded. Causes of visual impairment by eye and for the individual were determined using a clinical algorithm recommended by the World Health Organization. In addition, 1 in 7 adults also underwent a complete work up as described for those with vision < = 6/12 for constructing a normative data base for Nigerians. DISCUSSION: The field work for the study was completed in 30 months over the period 2005-2007 and covered 305 clusters across the entire country. Concurrently persons 40+ years were examined to form a normative data base. Analysis of the data is currently underway. CONCLUSION: The methodology used was robust and adequate to provide estimates on the prevalence and causes of blindness in Nigeria. The survey would also provide information on barriers to accessing services, quality of life of visually impaired individuals and also provide normative data for Nigerian eyes

    Experimental huts trial of the efficacy of pyrethroids/piperonyl butoxide (PBO) net treatments for controlling multi-resistant populations of Anopheles funestus s.s. in KpomĂš, Southern Benin

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 13 June 2018Background: Insecticides resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes limits Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) used for malaria control in Africa, especially Benin. This study aimed to evaluate the bio-efficacy of current LLINs in an area where An. funestus s.l. and An. gambiae have developed multi-resistance to insecticides, and to assess in experimental huts the performance of a mixed combination of pyrethroids and piperonyl butoxide (PBO) treated nets on these resistant mosquitoes. Methods: The study was conducted at KpomÚ, Southern Benin. The bio-efficacy of LLINs against An. funestus and An. gambiae was assessed using the World Health Organization (WHO) cone and tunnel tests. A released/recapture experiment following WHO procedures was conducted to compare the efficacy of conventional LLINs treated with pyrethroids only and LLINs with combinations of pyrethroids and PBO. Prior to huts trials, we confirmed the level of insecticide and PBO residues in tested nets using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results: Conventional LLINs (Type 2 and Type 4) have the lowest effect against local multi-resistant An. funestus s.s. and An. coluzzii populations from KpomÚ. Conversely, when LLINs containing mixtures of pyrethroids and PBO (Type 1 and Type 3) were introduced in trial huts, we recorded a greater effect against the two mosquito populations (P < 0.0001). Tunnel test with An. funestus s.s. revealed mortalities of over 80% with this new generation of LLINs (Type 1 and Type 3),while conventional LLINs produced 65.53 ± 8.33% mortalities for Type 2 and 71.25 ±7.92% mortalities for Type 4. Similarly, mortalities ranging from 77 to 87% were recorded with the local populations of An. coluzzii. Conclusion: This study suggests the reduced efficacy of conventional LLINs (Pyrethroids alone) currently distributed in Benin communities where Anopheles populations have developed multi-insecticide resistance. The new generation nets (pyrethroids+PBO) proved to be more effective on multi-resistant populations of mosquitoes
