149 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to examine the concept of da’wah authority in the context of the relationship between religion and new media. The presence of new media has an impact on the development of Islamic da'wah especially regarding the issue of da'wah authority. By using a qualitative method based on library research, this paper concludes that first, the da’wah authority has shifted from the sender authority to the recipient authority, who is free and active in interpreting da'wah messages. Second, in the realm of new media, there is no clear boundary between the sender and da’wah messages recipient so that someone can be both the sender and the recipient of da'wah at the same time. Third, new media allows the opening of space for dialogue between religions. Fourth, feedback from da'wah recipients requires that the message conveyed must be valid, argumentative, and convincing. Fifth, da'wah in new media can no longer be forced to be accepted by the recipient except based on certain considerations from the recipient.Makalah ini bertujuan mengkaji konsep otoritas dakwah dalam konteks hubungan antara agama dan media baru (new media). kehadiran media baru berdampak pada perkembangan dakwah Islam khususnya terkait dengan otoritas dakwah. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan studi pustaka (library research), makalah ini menyimpulkan bahwa pertama, otoritas dakwah telah bergeser dari otoritas pengirim menjadi otoritas penerima yang bebas dan aktif dalam menafsirkan pesan dakwah. Kedua, dalam ranah new media tidak ada batasan yang jelas antara pengirim dan penerima pesan dakwah sehingga seseorang dapat menjadi pengirim sekaligus penerima dakwah. Ketiga, media baru memungkinkan terbukanya ruang dialog antar agama. Keempat, umpan balik dari penerima dakwah mengharuskan pesan yang disampaikan harus valid, argumentatif, dan meyakinkan. Kelima, dakwah di media baru tidak bisa lagi dipaksa untuk diterima oleh penerima kecuali berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu dari penerima.

    New Media, Pandemic, and Discourse on Religious Moderation: A Study of Nu and Muhammadiyah Websites

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    The websites of NU and Muhammadiyah effectively reconcile religious beliefs with the practicalities of government policies during the pandemic. These organizations have crafted legal frameworks that streamline religious rituals amidst COVID-19 restrictions and containment measures. This study explores how their discourse promotes a harmonious fusion of religious and state values, particularly within organizations known for their moderate approach to religious matters. Utilizing discursive practice and discourse analysis, the study reveals that both NU and Muhammadiyah establish pandemic-specific worship guidelines aligned with government policies. While NU's approach relies on classical Fiqh arguments, Muhammadiyah adopts a more pragmatic and progressive stance. Nevertheless, both organizations share the common goal of ensuring ease and accessibility for the public to practice their faith during these challenging times. This facilitation, grounded in sound reasoning, incorporates adaptations to state policies when selecting thematic approaches. This alignment highlights that NU and Muhammadiyah's moderation concept not only considers the applicability of religious texts to local circumstances but also supports government initiatives aimed at public welfare and addressing the COVID-19 crisis

    Reconceptualising the Elements of Islamic Propagation: Religious Response and Adaptation to New Media

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    This paper aims to examine the fundamental concepts of da'wah in response to new media culture. Using a qualitative research for conceptual design, this study has found that the proliferation of cyber religious proselytizing leads the elements of da'wah have become ever-widening concepts. The concept of da’i, for instance, has experienced the reconceptualisation that not only refers to person who conveys Islamic teachings through religious sermon (khutbah), but also denotes to a creative content provider for da’wah purposes in the internet. Additionally, the power of preaching in the new media lies in the quality of message, that is, good, comprehensive and argumentative. Similarly, redefinition of the concepts ma'du, feedback, and other da'wah elements occur as response to digital media culture


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    This article aims to analyze the da'wah of the Salafi Cileungsi of Bogor in fighting terrorism by looking at two things: their understanding of jihad and their socio-cultural action involvement. The theoretical concept used is the traditionalist Salafi (purist) concept which is different from the political Salafi and jihadi Salafi. The study uses a qualitative method, in which data are collected by interviewing, observing, and reading the community's official website. This study shows that the traditionalist Salafis of Cileungsi understand jihad in a contextual sense in which violence in the name of jihad and religion (Islam) is not justified and is inconsistent with Islamic shari'a. In addition, they display socio-cultural actions by establishing schoolhouses/educational institutions and providing moral and material assistance to people in need. They also offer jobs for the surrounding society. Contextual understanding of jihad and involvement in social action shows the humanization of Islamic teachings by Salafis. Social care is oriented towards development and peace, while terrorism is oriented towards violence and destruction. Thus, it can be said that the traditionalist Salafi of Cileungsi emphasized moderate and humanist religious ways in their preaching (da'wah).Keywords: Tradisionalist-Salafis, Cileungsi, Jihad, Social-Cultural Action, Terorrism


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    This article aims to study the urgency of applying journalistic ethics in online Islamic media activities. The study focuses on analyzing the seven standards of Islamic Media Literacy from Indonesian Ministry of Religion, namely (1) principles of online news production, (2) news distribution ethics, (3) accuracy and anti hoax, (4) the spirit of amar ma'ruf nahyi munkar, (5) principle of wisdom in da'wah, (6) principles in digital interaction, and 7) principle of press freedom. By using the qualitative method of library research, we argue that these seven principles could be said as journalistic ethics that must be applied in Islamic media reporting activities. These values are extremely important for Islamic media activities because the credibility of journalists and media institutions is related to public assessment which is quite determining the continuity of media life. The news in online Islamic media has different characteristics from other media. Online Islamic media cannot avoid how a text or symbol is presented in the category of fundamentalism-radicalism or moderate Islamic ideology. Problems arise when the radical Islamic ideology is more dominant than moderate Islamic ideology so that it is not uncommon for the Islamic media to get caught up in provocative actions which in some limits create disharmony for people's lives. If that is the case, the application of peaceful journalistic values becomes important to display Islamic da'wah of rahmatan li alamin


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    This article aims to study the urgency of applying journalistic ethics in online Islamic media activities. The study focuses on analyzing the seven standards of Islamic Media Literacy from Indonesian Ministry of Religion, namely (1) principles of online news production, (2) news distribution ethics, (3) accuracy and anti hoax, (4) the spirit of amar ma'ruf nahyi munkar, (5) principle of wisdom in da'wah, (6) principles in digital interaction, and 7) principle of press freedom. By using the qualitative method of library research, we argue that these seven principles could be said as journalistic ethics that must be applied in Islamic media reporting activities. These values are extremely important for Islamic media activities because the credibility of journalists and media institutions is related to public assessment which is quite determining the continuity of media life. The news in online Islamic media has different characteristics from other media. Online Islamic media cannot avoid how a text or symbol is presented in the category of fundamentalism-radicalism or moderate Islamic ideology. Problems arise when the radical Islamic ideology is more dominant than moderate Islamic ideology so that it is not uncommon for the Islamic media to get caught up in provocative actions which in some limits create disharmony for people's lives. If that is the case, the application of peaceful journalistic values becomes important to display Islamic da'wah of rahmatan li alamin

    Jokowi dan Kekuatan Pencitraan Diri Serta Relasinya Dengan Umat Islam

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    AbstractThis article aims to discuss the image formation carried out by Jokowi in his political communication. Jokowi is a politician who was elected president for two terms. This paper uses the impression formation and impression management perspectives to analyze Jokowi's self-image construction. Using qualitative methods, this article proves that Jokowi succeeded in building his image as a humble, modest and modest leader figure. On the other hand Jokowi's image is reinforced by the impression of his closeness to Muslims. This he did in the context of himself which is often imaged as anti-Islamic. Keywords: Impression Formation, Impression Managament, Jokowi.  AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan membahas tentang pembentukan citra diri yang dilakukan oleh Jokowi dalam komunikasi politiknya. Jokowi merupakan seorang politisi yang terpilih menjadi presiden selama dua periode. Makalah ini menggunakan perspektif impression formation dan impression management untuk menganalisis konstruksi citra diri oleh Jokowi. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, artikel ini membuktikan bahwa Jokowi berhasil membangun citra dirinya sebagai figur pemimpin yang rendah hati, sederhana dan tidak berlebihan. Di sisi lain citra Jokowi diperkuat dengan kesan kedekatannya dengan umat Islam. Hal ini ia lakukan dalam konteks dirinya yang sering dicitrakan sebagai anti-Islam. Kata Kunci: Impression Formation, Impression Managament, Jokowi

    Bridging Faith and Tradition: A Discourse on Moderate Islamic Path in Jambi Malay Seloko

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    Islam-based local wisdom is unique because it represents a moderate religious path. This article analyzes how the moderate path works in the Jambi Malay traditional seloko. The Jambi Malay people have customs that guide their lives. By using a qualitative method based on content analysis, where data was collected by (1) reading Jambi Malay traditional seloko documents and (2) interviews with Jambi Malay traditional leaders, this study proves that Jambi Malay traditional seloko displays a harmonious dialogue between Islam and the locality. In the case of the seloko adat regarding washing the village (cuci kampung), for example, as a punishment for committing adultery, the discipline of stoning (rajm) or flogging (jild) as per Islamic law is not applied, even though it is said that the Jambi custom is a custom that originates from Islamic Law. In this case, the people of Jambi use a substitute punishment for stoning and flogging, which is marrying the two adulterers. The Islamic law based on the Qur’an and hadith textually is not applied as the Indonesian state is not based on sharia. It is a form of dialogue between Islam and Jambi local wisdom according to the concept of the moderate Islamic path. Apart from that, there are several other values, such as tolerance, democracy, and nationality. The findings of this study can strengthen the study of Islamic moderation in the context of local wisdom amidst various damaging accusations against local Islam as impure Islam

    Combining old and new media for Islamic da’wa activity: The Case of Indonesian Nursi movement

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study was to analyze the combination of old and new media use in Nursi movement da’wah in Indonesia.Method– This study used a qualitative method by an approach of combining old and new media in da’wah. The data were collected by interviewing Indonesian figures, observing the Nursi’s da’wah activities, and reading the Risale-I Nur.Result - The results showed that the Nursi movement emphasized a combination of old and new media in doing da’wah. Old media used the Risale-I Nur as a writing media and the radio as an electronic media. The old one was used for disseminating da’wah messages related to theological (aqidah) and Islam law content suitable to the controlling character of old media. New media such as blog-website, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram were used for conveying da’wah in the form of good words, spiritual advice, and avoiding the issues of khilafiyah (Islamic thoughts differences). It is relevant to the democratic character of new media.Implication –This study suggested that the use of old and new media in da’wah should be combined. It is to contribute to disseminating a comprehensive da’wah. Originality – The study was the first work in the da’wah field that emphasizes the urgency of combining old and new media use in da’wah activities.***Tujuan - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kombinasi penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam dakwah gerakan Nursi di Indonesia.Metode– Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan menggabungkan media lama dan media baru dalam dakwah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh Nursi Indonesia, mengamati kegiatan dakwah Nursi, dan membaca Risale-I Nur.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gerakan Nursi menekankan kombinasi media lama dan media baru dalam berdakwah. Media lama yang digunakan adalah Risale-I Nur sendiri sebagai media tulis dan radio sebagai media elektronik. Media lama digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan pesan-pesan dakwah terkait muatan teologis (aqidah) dan syariat Islam yang sesuai dengan karakter pengendali media lama. Media baru seperti blog-website, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, dan Instagram digunakan untuk menyampaikan dakwah dalam bentuk kata-kata yang baik, nasihat spiritual, dan menghindari isu-isu khilafiyah (perbedaan pemikiran Islam). Hal ini relevan dengan karakter demokratis media baru.Implikasi – Penelitian ini menyarankan agar penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam dakwah harus dikombinasikan. Hal ini untuk berkontribusi dalam menyebarluaskan dakwah yang komprehensif.Orisinalitas – Kajian ini merupakan karya pertama dalam bidang dakwah yang menekankan urgensi menggabungkan penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam kegiatan dakwah

    Combining old and new media for Islamic da’wa activity: The Case of Indonesian Nursi movement

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study was to analyze the combination of old and new media use in Nursi movement da’wah in Indonesia.Method– This study used a qualitative method by an approach of combining old and new media in da’wah. The data were collected by interviewing Indonesian figures, observing the Nursi’s da’wah activities, and reading the Risale-I Nur.Result - The results showed that the Nursi movement emphasized a combination of old and new media in doing da’wah. Old media used the Risale-I Nur as a writing media and the radio as an electronic media. The old one was used for disseminating da’wah messages related to theological (aqidah) and Islam law content suitable to the controlling character of old media. New media such as blog-website, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram were used for conveying da’wah in the form of good words, spiritual advice, and avoiding the issues of khilafiyah (Islamic thoughts differences). It is relevant to the democratic character of new media.Implication –This study suggested that the use of old and new media in da’wah should be combined. It is to contribute to disseminating a comprehensive da’wah. Originality – The study was the first work in the da’wah field that emphasizes the urgency of combining old and new media use in da’wah activities.***Tujuan - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kombinasi penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam dakwah gerakan Nursi di Indonesia.Metode– Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan menggabungkan media lama dan media baru dalam dakwah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh Nursi Indonesia, mengamati kegiatan dakwah Nursi, dan membaca Risale-I Nur.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gerakan Nursi menekankan kombinasi media lama dan media baru dalam berdakwah. Media lama yang digunakan adalah Risale-I Nur sendiri sebagai media tulis dan radio sebagai media elektronik. Media lama digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan pesan-pesan dakwah terkait muatan teologis (aqidah) dan syariat Islam yang sesuai dengan karakter pengendali media lama. Media baru seperti blog-website, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, dan Instagram digunakan untuk menyampaikan dakwah dalam bentuk kata-kata yang baik, nasihat spiritual, dan menghindari isu-isu khilafiyah (perbedaan pemikiran Islam). Hal ini relevan dengan karakter demokratis media baru.Implikasi – Penelitian ini menyarankan agar penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam dakwah harus dikombinasikan. Hal ini untuk berkontribusi dalam menyebarluaskan dakwah yang komprehensif.Orisinalitas – Kajian ini merupakan karya pertama dalam bidang dakwah yang menekankan urgensi menggabungkan penggunaan media lama dan baru dalam kegiatan dakwah
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