596 research outputs found

    Hare Today… Gone Tomorrow: A Methodology for Mapping White-Tailed Jackrabbit Distribution in Edmonton

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    The White-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii), is native to the open grasslands throughout the interior of North America, yet it has become a common sight in urban settings. Assessed every other year since 1992, data on the approximate locations of White-tailed Jackrabbits (WTJs) in the City of Edmonton have been collected and analysed by various students of The King’s University. This data was used to estimate population densities and study the synurbization of this species as the city expands into former agricultural lands. These data were collected in five land use categories: established residential neighbourhoods, parks, industrial, recent residential developments, and rural areas. A transect-based methodology developed for bird census has been tested to determine whether the distribution of WTJs are clustered or randomly distributed. This poster highlights the challenges associated with synthesising this valuable data set, and proposes a methodology utilizing ArcGIS to map the distribution of WTJs in the City of Edmonton. It provides a digital basis for adding future data and extending the ongoing spatial analysis. *Indicates faculty mentor

    Improving the cost-effectiveness of a healthcare system for depressive disorders by implementing telemedicine: a Health Economic Modeling Study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Depressive disorders are important causes of disease burden and are associated with substantial economic costs. Therefore, it is important to design a health care system that can effectively manage depression at sustainable costs. This paper computes the benefit-to-costs ratio of the current Dutch health care system for depression, and investigates whether offering more online preventive interventions improves the cost-effectiveness overall. METHODS: A health economic (Markov) model was used to synthesize clinical and economic evidence and to compute population-level costs and effects of interventions. The model compares a base-case scenario without preventive telemedicine and alternative scenarios with preventive telemedicine. The central outcome is the benefit-to-cost ratio, also known as return-on-investment (ROI). RESULTS: In terms of ROI, a health care system with preventive telemedicine for depressive disorders offers better value for money than a health care system without internet-based prevention. Overall, the ROI increases from €1.45 (1.72)inthebase−casescenarioto€1.76(1.72) in the base-case scenario to €1.76 (2.09) in the alternative scenario where preventive telemedicine is offered. In a scenario where the costs of offering preventive telemedicine are balanced by cutting back on the expenditure for curative interventions, ROI increases to €1.77 ($2.10), while keeping the health care budget constant. CONCLUSION: In order for a health care system for depressive disorders to remain economically sustainable, its cost-benefit ratio needs to be improved. Offering preventive telemedicine at a large scale is likely to introduce such an improvement

    Comparison between continuous grazing and rotational grazing on roller chopped rangeland in central-west of La Pampa province

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    El control de la vegetación leñosa y la planificación posterior del pastoreo contribuirían a aumentar la oferta forrajera y la producción ganadera en pastizales del centro-oeste de la Provincia de La Pampa. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar la dinámica de la vegetación y la respuesta animal en un pastizal rolado sometido a pastoreo continuo o pastoreo rotativo. La mitad de un área rolada de 200 ha se pastoreo en forma continua con terneros de recría, mientras que la restante mitad se pastoreo en forma rotativa mediante la subdivisión en cuatro parcelas de igual tamaño. Durante cuatro años consecutivos se realizaron mediciones sobre la vegetación (herbácea y leñosa) y sobre los animales. En el periodo de mediciones las lluvias fueron similares o superaron (hasta en un 33%) el promedio anual histórico. Los tratamientos de pastoreo (continuo y rotativo) no afectaron en forma diferencial la densidad de las gramíneas perennes palatables ni la cobertura de la vegetación leñosa, mientras que la disponibilidad de MS total promedio de las gramíneas perennes palatables fue mayor bajo pastoreo rotativo. La ganancia diaria de peso promedio de los animales en recría fue mayor bajo pastoreo continuo en tres de los cuatro años de medición. En el contexto del presente estudio no se expresó el potencial esperado del pastoreo rotativo, lo cual se interpreta en relación a las lluvias y a una potencial desmejora de la calidad del forraje consumido por los animales.Woody vegetation control and further grazing planning would contribute to increase forage availability and livestock production in rangelands of central-west La Pampa Province. The objective of present study was to compare vegetation dynamics and animal response in a roller chopped rangeland under continuous or rotational grazing. Half of a roller chopped area of 200 ha was continuously grazed with stocker cattle, whereas the other half was rotationally grazed through its subdivision in four parcels of equal size. Vegetation (herbaceous, woody) and animal responses were measured along a period of four consecutive years. During the study period rainfall was similar or above (up to 33%) the long-term annual average. Grazing treatments (continuous, rotational) did not differentially affect either density of palatable perennial grasses or woody vegetation cover, whereas total average DM availability of palatable perennial grasses was higher under rotational grazing. Average daily gain of stockers was higher under continuous grazing on three out of the four years of measurements. The expected potential of rotation grazing was not expressed under the context of present study, which is interpreted in relation to rainfall conditions and a potential deterioration in forage quality ingested by animals.Fil: Adema, E. O.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Butti, L. R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Babinec, Francisco José. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Distel, Roberto Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; Argentin

    Quantum Critical Behavior in Disordered Itinerant Ferromagnets: Instability of the Ferromagnetic Phase

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    An effective field theory is derived that describes the quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets as the transition is approached from the ferromagnetic phase. This complements a recent study of the critical behavior on the paramagnetic side of the phase transition, and investigates the role of the ferromagnetic Goldstone modes near criticality. We find that the Goldstone modes have no direct impact on the critical behavior, and that the critical exponents are the same as determined by combining results from the paramagnetic phase with scaling arguments.Comment: 11 pp., revtex4, no fig

    Comparison of the Conceptual Map and Traditional Lecture Methods on Students’ Learning Based on the VARK Learning Style Model: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Developing skills and knowledge in nursing education remains a considerable challenge. Nurse instructors need to be aware of students' learning styles so as to meet students' individual learning preferences and optimize knowledge and understanding. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the conceptual map and the traditional lecture methods on students' learning based on the VARK learning styles model. In this randomized controlled trial, 160 students from nursing, nurse anesthetics, and midwifery disciplines with four different learning styles of visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic were selected using the convenience sampling method. Participants were randomly assigned to the intervention (conceptual map method) or control (traditional lecture method) groups. A medical-surgical nursing course was taught to the students in both groups over 6 weeks. Data collection tools consisted of the VARK questionnaire and pre-and postassessments. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics via the SPSS software. Teaching using the conceptual map method had different effects on the students' learning outcomes based on their learning styles. The conceptual map method had a statistically significant impact on the students' learning in the intervention group compared with the control group in the students with a visual learning style (p ¼ .036). No statistically significant differences were reported between the groups in other three learning styles. Nurse instructors should assess students' learning styles based on the VARK model before the application of a particular teaching method to improve the quality of nursing education and facilitate deeper learning

    Identifying Player Types to Tailor Game-Based Learning Design to Learners:Cross-sectional Survey using Q Methodology

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    BACKGROUND: Game-based learning appears to be a promising instructional method because of its engaging properties and positive effects on motivation and learning. There are numerous options to design game-based learning; however, there is little data-informed knowledge to guide the choice of the most effective game-based learning design for a given educational context. The effectiveness of game-based learning appears to be dependent on the degree to which players like the game. Hence, individual differences in game preferences should be taken into account when selecting a specific game-based learning design. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify patterns in students' perceptions of play and games-player types and their most important characteristics. METHODS: We used Q methodology to identify patterns in opinions on game preferences. We recruited undergraduate medical and dental students to participate in our study and asked participants to sort and rank 49 statements on game preferences. These statements were derived from a prior focus group study and literature on game preferences. We used by-person factor analysis and varimax rotation to identify common viewpoints. Both factors and participants' comments were used to interpret and describe patterns in game preferences. RESULTS: From participants' (n=102) responses, we identified 5 distinct patterns in game preferences: the social achiever, the explorer, the socializer, the competitor, and the troll. These patterns revolved around 2 salient themes: sociability and achievement. The 5 patterns differed regarding cheating, playing alone, story-telling, and the complexity of winning. CONCLUSIONS: The patterns were clearly interpretable, distinct, and showed that medical and dental students ranged widely in how they perceive play. Such patterns may suggest that it is important to take students' game preferences into account when designing game-based learning and demonstrate that not every game-based learning-strategy fits all students. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to use a scientifically sound approach to identify player types. This can help future researchers and educators select effective game-based learning game elements purposefully and in a student-centered way

    A conducive learning environment in international higher education:A systematic review of research on students’ perspectives

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    Higher education institutions (HEIs) strive to meet international students' needs and expectations regarding their learning environments. Current literature covers a wide range of needs, expectations, and HEIs' responses. However, there doesn't seem to be a consensus about the needs and expectations to be addressed. A coherent theoretical framework may help HEIs identify areas of need and provide additional resources and comprehensive services. We performed a systematic review to obtain an overview of international students' needs, expectations, and experiences regarding their learning environments as described in the literature. We categorized students' perspectives into dimensions. Subsequently, we investigated whether these dimensions related to the three key domains outlined in the theoretical framework and the coverage of these key domains by HEIs. Sixty-three studies were eligible for inclusion. We identified 18 dimensions of international students' needs, expectations, and experiences that could be mapped onto the framework. Based on these results, the content of the three domains could be summarized as goal direction, relationships, and supporting services. Thirteen studies covered one domain, 14 covered two domains, and 36 covered three domains. To provide optimal support, HEIs should cover all three domains. Our study may help to better understand and optimize learning environments for international students

    Genome sequences of human coronavirus OC43 and NL63, associated with respiratory infections in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Coding-complete genomes of two human coronavirus OC43 strains and one NL63 strain were obtained by metagenomic sequencing of clinical samples collected in 2017 and 2018 in Kilifi, Kenya. Maximum likelihood phylogenies showed that the OC43 strains were genetically dissimilar and that the NL63 strain was closely related to NL63 genotype B viruses. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2019 Kamau et al.
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