439 research outputs found

    Electron injection in a nanotube with leads: finite frequency noise-correlations and anomalous charges

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    The non-equilibrium transport properties of a carbon nanotube which is connected to Fermi liquid leads, where electrons are injected in the bulk, are computed. A previous work which considered an infinite nanotube showed that the zero frequency noise correlations, measured at opposite ends of the nanotube, could be used to extract the anomalous charges of the chiral excitations which propagate in the nanotube. Here, the presence of the leads have the effect that such-noise cross-correlations vanish at zero frequency. Nevertheless, information concerning the anomalous charges can be recovered when considering the spectral density of noise correlations at finite frequencies, which is computed perturbatively in the tunneling amplitude. The spectrum of the noise cross-correlations is shown to depend crucially on the ratio of the time of flight of quasiparticles traveling in the nanotube to the ``voltage'' time which defines the width of the quasiparticle wave-packets injected when an electron tunnels. Potential applications toward the measurement of such anomalous charges in non-chiral Luttinger liquids (nanotubes or semiconductor quantum wires) are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    AC conductance and non-symmetrized noise at finite frequency in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes

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    We calculate the AC conductance and the finite-frequency non-symmetrized noise in interacting quantum wires and single-wall carbon nanotubes in the presence of an impurity. We observe a strong asymmetry in the frequency spectrum of the non-symmetrized excess noise, even in the presence of the metallic leads. We find that this asymmetry is proportional to the differential excess AC conductance of the system, defined as the difference between the AC differential conductances at finite and zero voltage, and thus disappears for a linear system. In the quantum regime, for temperatures much smaller than the frequency and the applied voltage, we find that the emission noise is exactly equal to the impurity partition noise. For the case of a weak impurity we expand our results for the AC conductance and the noise perturbatively. In particular, if the impurity is located in the middle of the wire or at one of the contacts, our calculations show that the noise exhibits oscillations with respect to frequency, whose period is directly related to the value of the interaction parameter gg

    Photo-assisted Andreev reflection as a probe of quantum noise

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    Andreev reflection, which corresponds to the tunneling of two electrons from a metallic lead to a superconductor lead as a Cooper pair (or vice versa), can be exploited to measure high frequency noise. A detector is proposed, which consists of a normal lead--superconductor circuit, which is capacitively coupled to a mesoscopic circuit where noise is to be measured. We discuss two detector circuits: a single normal metal -- superconductor tunnel junction and a normal metal separated from a superconductor by a quantum dot operating in the Coulomb blockade regime. A substantial DC current flows in the detector circuit when an appropriate photon is provided or absorbed by the mesoscopic circuit, which plays the role of an environment for the junction to which it couples. Results for the current can be cast in all cases in the form of a frequency integral of the excess noise of the environment weighted by a kernel which is specific to the transport process (quasiparticle tunneling, Andreev reflection,...) which is considered. We apply these ideas to the measurement of the excess noise of a quantum point contact and we provide numerical estimates of the detector current.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Online quality assessment of human movement from skeleton data

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    We propose a general method for online estimation of the quality of movement from Kinect skeleton data. A robust non-linear manifold learning technique is used to reduce the dimensionality of the noisy skeleton data. Then, a statistical model of normal movement is built from observations of healthy subjects, and the level of matching of new observations with this model is computed on a frame-by-frame basis following Markovian assumptions. The proposed method is validated on the assessment of gait on stairs

    Inactivation of Chibby affects function of motile airway cilia

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    Chibby (Cby) is a conserved component of the Wnt–ÎČ-catenin pathway. Cby physically interacts with ÎČ-catenin to repress its activation of transcription. To elucidate the function of Cby in vertebrates, we generated Cby−/− mice and found that after 2–3 d of weight loss, the majority of mice die before or around weaning. All Cby−/− mice develop rhinitis and sinusitis. When challenged with Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, Cby−/− mice are unable to clear the bacteria from the nasal cavity. Notably, Cby−/− mice exhibit a complete absence of mucociliary transport caused by a marked paucity of motile cilia in the nasal epithelium. Moreover, ultrastructural experiments reveal impaired basal body docking to the apical surface of multiciliated cells. In support of these phenotypes, endogenous Cby protein is localized at the base of cilia. As the phenotypes of Cby−/− mice bear striking similarities to primary ciliary dyskinesia, Cby−/− mice may prove to be a useful model for this condition

    Photo--assisted current and shot noise in the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    The effect of an AC perturbation on the shot noise of a fractional quantum Hall fluid is studied both in the weak and the strong backscattering regimes. It is known that the zero-frequency current is linear in the bias voltage, while the noise derivative exhibits steps as a function of bias. In contrast, at Laughlin fractions, the backscattering current and the backscattering noise both exhibit evenly spaced singularities, which are reminiscent of the tunneling density of states singularities for quasiparticles. The spacing is determined by the quasiparticle charge Μe\nu e and the ratio of the DC bias with respect to the drive frequency. Photo--assisted transport can thus be considered as a probe for effective charges at such filling factors, and could be used in the study of more complicated fractions of the Hall effect. A non-perturbative method for studying photo--assisted transport at Μ=1/2\nu=1/2 is developed, using a refermionization procedure.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Multiple human tracking in RGB-depth data: A survey

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    © The Institution of Engineering and Technology. Multiple human tracking (MHT) is a fundamental task in many computer vision applications. Appearance-based approaches, primarily formulated on RGB data, are constrained and affected by problems arising from occlusions and/or illumination variations. In recent years, the arrival of cheap RGB-depth devices has led to many new approaches to MHT, and many of these integrate colour and depth cues to improve each and every stage of the process. In this survey, the authors present the common processing pipeline of these methods and review their methodology based (a) on how they implement this pipeline and (b) on what role depth plays within each stage of it. They identify and introduce existing, publicly available, benchmark datasets and software resources that fuse colour and depth data for MHT. Finally, they present a brief comparative evaluation of the performance of those works that have applied their methods to these datasets

    Inactivation of Chibby affects function of motile airway cilia

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    Chibby (Cby) is a conserved component of the Wnt–ÎČ-catenin pathway. Cby physically interacts with ÎČ-catenin to repress its activation of transcription. To elucidate the function of Cby in vertebrates, we generated Cby−/− mice and found that after 2–3 d of weight loss, the majority of mice die before or around weaning. All Cby−/− mice develop rhinitis and sinusitis. When challenged with Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, Cby−/− mice are unable to clear the bacteria from the nasal cavity. Notably, Cby−/− mice exhibit a complete absence of mucociliary transport caused by a marked paucity of motile cilia in the nasal epithelium. Moreover, ultrastructural experiments reveal impaired basal body docking to the apical surface of multiciliated cells. In support of these phenotypes, endogenous Cby protein is localized at the base of cilia. As the phenotypes of Cby−/− mice bear striking similarities to primary ciliary dyskinesia, Cby−/− mice may prove to be a useful model for this condition
