9 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penulisan makalah ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengertian semantik, beberapa teori dan pendekatan. Data dikumpulkan dari pendapat beberapa ahli linguistik. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode kepustakaan yaitu menulusuri pengertian semantik, teori dan pendekatan semantik dari beberapa buku-buku linguistik. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan ada beberapa pendapat tentang semantik behavioris, semantik generatif, semantik struktural, semantik deskriptif, semantik leksikal, semantik logika, semantik gramatikal, dan semantik historis


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    This study describes the various types and the function of phrase in Karo language. Based on the form, phrase can be distinguished into coordinative phrase, modifier phrase, and exocentric phrase. Based on the function, phrase can be distinguished into (1) noun phrase which function as a subject or an object, (2) verb phrase as a predicate, (3) adjective phrase as a noun modifier, (4) adverb phrase or prepositional phrase as a verb modifie

    Pemodelan Pasang Surut dengan Menggunakan Metode Flexible Mesh untuk Mengetahui Genangan Rob di Pesisir Karawang

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    ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan naik turunnya muka air laut. Gerakan tersebut disebabkan oleh pengaruh gaya tarik menarik antara bumi, bulan dan matahari. Data pasang surut dapat memberikan gambaran hidrodinamika di daerah pesisir dan dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan pembangunan dan mitigasi bencana di wilayah pesisir. Untuk mengetahui pasang surut dapat dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung di lapangan atau dapat dilakukan dengan pemodelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemodelan pasang surut pantai Karawang dan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui genangan rob yang sering terjadi di pesisir Karawang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemodelan pasang surut ini adalah Metode Flexible Mesh Simulasi yang terdapat pada Software Mike 2 dengan mengunakan data batimetri, garis pantai dan topografi. Hasil pemodelan pasang surut di perairan Karawang diketahui tipe pasang surut adalah tipe campuran condong harian tunggal dengan nilai Fomzhal adalah 2.854. Pasang tertinggi terjadi pada 8 Maret 2021 dengan interval waktu selama 2 jam dan elevasi berkisar 0.20-0.42m. Prediksi genangan banjir rob tertingi terjadi pada pada 13 Maret 2021 dengan interval waktu selama 3 jam dan nilai elevasi berkisar 0.11-0.15 m berada pada pesisir Kecamatan Pedes dengan dengan luasan genangan 38,69 km2.ABSTRACTThe tides are one of the natural phenomena that appear in the sea, namely the movement of rising and falling sea levels. The movement is caused by the influence of the attractive forces between the earth, moon and sun. Tidal data can provide an overview of hydrodynamics in coastal areas and can be used for development planning and disaster mitigation in coastal areas. To find out the tides can be done by direct measurements in the field or can be done by modeling. This study aims to model the tides of the Karawang coast and is used to determine the tidal inundation that often occurs on the coast of Karawang. The method used in this tidal modeling is the Flexible Mesh Simulation Method found in Mike 2 Software using bathymetry, coastline and topography data. From the results of tidal modeling in the Karawang Waters, it is known that the tidal type is a mixed type with a single daily slope and the Fomzhal value is 2.85. The highest tide will occur on March 8, 2021 with an interval of 2 hours and an elevation of 0.20-0.42m. Prediction of the highest tidal flood inundation will occur on March 13, 2021 with an interval of 3 hours and an elevation value ranging from 0.11-0.15 m on the coast of Pedes District with an inundation area of 38.69 km2


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    Lactagogum is a drug that can increase or facilitate the production of milk. Synthetic lactagogums are not widely known and relatively expensive. This causes the need for alternative laktagogum drugs. Efforts to increase breast milk production can be done by carrying out early and routine breast care, improving breastfeeding techniques, or by consuming foods that can affect breast milk production. One of the reasons for the failure of exclusive breastfeeding is the perception of insufficient breast milk, which can be caused by physiological and psychological factors. Education is a very important factor in this life, which is why education is a very important business of all time. Increasing breast milk production can be done in various ways, one of which is increasing the intake of lactagogum. Lactagogum is a drug that can increase or facilitate the production of milk. The sample in this study were breastfeeding mothers who had babies ranging in age from 3 to 6 months spread throughout Indonesia. This study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to assess education and the use of Lactagogue as a food to increase breast milk production. Dissemination of questionnaires can be done manually or via Google Drive links which are distributed to several regions in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education and the use of laktagogums. The research results are there is a relationship between education and the use of Lactagogum. It is hoped that mothers who are in the process of breastfeeding can make efforts to increase milk production, one of which is by consuming Lactagogum.Laktagogum merupakan obat yang dapat meningkatkan atau memperlancar pengeluaran air susu. Laktagogum sintetis tidak banyak dikenal dan relatif mahal. Hal ini menyebabkan perlu dicarinya obat laktagogum alternatif. Upaya dalam peningkatan produksi ASI bisa dilakukan dengan cara melakukan perawatan payudara sejak dini dan rutin, memperbaiki teknik menyusui, atau dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang dapat mempengaruhi produksi ASI. Salah satu kegagalan dalam pemebrian ASi Eksklusif adalah adanya persepsi ketidakcukupan ASI, dan hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh factor fisiologis dan psikologis. Pendidikan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting di dalam kehidupan ini, itulah sebabnya maka pendidikan menjadi urusan yang sangat penting sepanjang masa. Meningkatkan produksi ASI bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai hal, salah satunya adalah meningkatkan asupan laktagogum. Laktagogum merupakan obat yang dapat meningkatkan atau memperlancar pengeluaran air susu. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel ibu menyusui yang memiliki bayi dengan rentang usia 3 sampai 6 bulan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang berjumlah 109 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kueisoner untuk menilai pendidikan dan penggunaan Laktagogue sebagai makanan untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI. Penyebaran kuesioner dapat dilakukan secara manual maupun melalui link google drive yang disebar ke beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pendidikan terhadap penggunaan laktagogum. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan terhadap penggunaan Laktagogum. Diharapkan ibu-ibu yang dalam proses menyusui dapat melakukan ikhtihar dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI yang salah satunya adalah dengan mengkonsumsi Laktagogum.     &nbsp

    The Impact Of Oil Spill To The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (Tph) Concentration In Fishes At North Coastal Of Karawang Regency, West Java Province

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    The coastal area is one of the areas that is quite vulnerable to the threat of pollution caused by human activities, including pollution caused by oil spills (hydrocarbons) in the sea. The incident can be caused by several factors including the explosion, leakage of petroleum pipelines on the seabed, leakage of tanks or petroleum tankers at sea and disposal of waste petroleum products into the environment. Oil spills continuously can cause environmental contamination and pollution both aquatic and terrestrial. If the petroleum hydrocarbons enter sea waters, some of them will be absorbed by aquatic organisms because the nature of the petroleum hydrocarbons is difficult to decompose in waters. The intentional and unintentional entry of hazardous and toxic substances into marine ecosystems such as petroleum hydrocarbons and chemical solvents resulting from industrial wastes has become a serious problem for human health and the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) contained in fish in coastal waters of Karawang Regency, West Java Province. This research was conducted in September-November 2019 by taking several fish samples at Ciparage Jaya Fish Auction Place, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu Rive with a total sample of 24 fish, and taking seawater samples in the three study sites. TPH analysis was carried out at the Integrated Chemistry Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. TPH values in fish at Ciparage-1, Ciparage-2, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu stations, in general, have different mean values but are almost uniform, each at 6.82; 6.82; 7.45 and 5.12 mg/kg. Based on the average TPH concentration in fish, it can be said that the average TPH in fish at Betok Mati station is relatively higher compared to other stations. TPH values in all fish samples exceed the safe threshold, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/kg. Based on the results of the Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) analysis showed that the average TPH in fish was 6.55 mg/kg and the average TPH in the waters was 11.23 mg/l, so the BAF value was 58.35 which means that the absorption rate of TPH by fish organisms against the concentration of TPH in the waters of 58.35%. The analysis shows that the value of Ecological Hazard Assessment (EHA) is 3743.33 which means that the level of influence of the hazard on ecosystems and organisms is 3743.33. This value exceeds the recommended threshold according to the European Union, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/l

    Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Lemak Nannocloropsis sp. dengan Penambahan Mangnesium (Mg) dan Besi (Fe)

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    Nutrien seperti magnesium dan besi dan kondisi lingkungan optimum berperan untuk pertumbuhan dan lemak yang dihasilkan oleh Nannochloropsis sp. Laju pertumbuhan dan lemak Nannochloropsis sp diamati untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi magnesium dan besi dalam media kultivasi. Kultivasi Nannochloropsis sp menggunakan skala semi massal secara outdoor dengan 3 perlakuan yaitu kontrol, magnesium dan besi. Magnesium dan besi ditambahkan dalam media dengan 3 tingkat konsentrasi yaitu 1x, 3x dan 5x dan. Laju pertumbuhan Nannochloropsis sp diamati setiap hari dan kandungan lemak diuji dengan metode Mojonnier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan Nannochloropsis sp dengan penambahan magnesium 0.319/hari dan penambahan besi 0.256/hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol. Sehingga lemak yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih tinggi sebesar 4.16% dan 2.27%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi magnesium dan besi pada kultivasi Nannochloropsis sp meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan sehingga lemak yang dihasilkan menjadi  lebih tinggi.


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    This community service activity aims to support the tourism object development program from Tambak Sari Village, Tirtajaya District as a tourist destination that is integrated with beach tourism. Increase awareness of coastal communities on the importance of the role of mangrove forests for coastal areas. This activity is a form of community service from the Marine Engineering Study Program, KP Karawang Polytechnic. Community service is the third dharma of the Tridharma of Higher Education. The existence of community service is actually very important both for university managers as well as for the existence of these universities in the community. Community service with the title "DEVELOPMENT OF MARINE TOURISM OBJECTS IN TIRTAJAYA DISTRICT KARAWANG DISTRICT” has been implemented at Sarakan Beach, Tambak Sari Village, Tirtajaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java. Attended by the participants of the Conservation Community Group (POKMASI) of Tambak Sari Village. The method of community service is carried out by counseling and direct practice in the field. The community service program planned by the lecturers of the Marine Engineering Study Program, KP Karawang Polytechnic can be carried out well. This happened because of good cooperation and supported by the Director of the Polytechnic KP Karawang. Head of Tambak Sari Village and Head of Conservation Society Group

    Identifikasi Spesies Mangrove dengan Menggunakan Sistem Pesawat Udara Kecil Tanpa Awak di Kawasan Ekosistem Mangrove Sedari, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat

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    Remote sensing is one of the effective methods of monitoring mangrove ecosystems. One of the challenges in implementing this method is image resolution. Access to large-resolution imagery as a basic material for spatial analysis is not cheap. Unmanned small aircraft systems (SPUKTA) or drones are able to answer these challenges. Orthophotos obtained from the acquisition of drones are capable of producing large-resolution imagery. This method is then implemented in conservation areas, to facilitate the process of identifying mangrove species in the area. The drone was flown at an altitude of 150 m with a pavement value of 85% for 4 flying missions. The result of processing 1614 aerial photos into orthophotos produced images with a GSD resolution of 4.75 cm/pix. These images are then analyzed with on-screen digitization techniques and visual interpretation. From the total area of the study area of 46.48 ha obtained the digitization results of Rhizophora sp. with a total area of 24.68 ha, Avicennia sp. 7.64 ha, dead mangroves 0.19 ha, and non-vegetation 13.97 ha.Penginderaan jauh adalah salah satu metode yang efektif dalam pemantauan ekosistem mangrove. Salah satu hal yang menjadi tantangan dalam implementasi metode ini adalah resolusi citra. Akses citra beresolusi besar sebagai bahan dasar analisa spasial tidaklah murah. Sistem pesawat udara kecil tanpa awak (SPUKTA) atau drone mampu menjawab tantangan tersebut. Orthophoto yang diperoleh dari hasil akuisisi drone mampu menghasilkan citra beresolusi besar. Metode ini kemudian diimplementasikan pada kawasan konservasi mangrove Desa Sedari, Kecamatan cibuaya, Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat. Drone diterbangkan pada ketinggian 150 m dengan nilai pertampalan 85% untuk 4 misi terbang. Hasil dari pengolahan 1614 foto udara menjadi orthophoto menghasilkan citra dengan resolusi GSD 4,75 cm/ pix. Citra ini kemudian dianalisa dengan teknik digitasi on-screen dan interpretasi visual. Dari total luasan area kajian 46,48 ha diperoleh hasil digitasi spesies Rhizophora sp. dengan total luasan 24,68 ha, Avicennia sp. 7,64 ha, mangrove yang mati 0,19 ha, dan non vegetasi 13,97 ha

    Pemanfaatan Tepung Tulang Ikan Patin Sebagai Bahan Fortifikasi Biskuit untuk Stunting di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Rokan Hilir is a district with the 4th rank out of 5 districts/cities in Riau related to stunting problems.One of the causes of stunting is inadequate intake of energy and nutrients. Foods that contain calcium and protein are found in fish. Rokan downstream is a city of fish. Fish bones and skulls can be processed into flour because this part of the fish still contains minerals, such as calcium in fish bone meal, which can be utilized. The purpose of this service is to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers in utilizing catfish bone waste to be used as biscuits in overcoming stunting. This activity was carried out in the village of Labuhan Tangga downstream with 15 participants. The methods used are lectures, questions and answers, training on making catfish bone meal and biscuit making. The results of this community activity can be seen an increase in participants' knowledge about stunting seen from the pretest and posttest scores from 47.3 to 85.0. The result of the training is that the participants have succeeded in making catfish bone meal and biscuits. It is hoped that the people of the village of Labuhan Tangga downstream can take advantage of local fish products and processing the fish into biscuits can also be used as a source of business or a side business for the family. Abstrak: Rokan Hilir merupakan kabupaten dengan peringkat ke 4 dari 5 kabupaten/kota di Riau terkait masalah stunting. Salah satu penyebab stunting adalah tidak memadai asupan energi dan zat gizi. Makanan yang mengandung kalsium dan protein terdapat pada ikan. Rokan hilir merupakan kota ikan, Tulang dan tengkorak ikan dapat diproses menjadi tepung karena bagian ikan ini masih terdapat kandungan mineral, seperti kalsium pada tepung tulang ikan yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam memanfaatkan limbah tulang ikan patin untuk dijadikan biskuit dalam mengatasi stunting. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di desa labuhan tangga hilir dengan jumlah peserta 15 orang. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu ceramah, tanya jawab, pelatihan pembuatan tepung tulang ikan patin dan pembuatan biskuit. Hasil dari kegiatan masyarakat ini dapat diketahui adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta tentang stunting dilihat dari nilai pretest dan postest yaitu 47,3 menjadi 85,0. Hasil pelatihan yaitu para peserta telah berhasil membuat tepung tulang ikan patin dan biskuit. Diharapkan kepada masyarakat desa labuhan tangga hilir dapat memanfaatkan produk ikan lokal dan pengolahan ikan tersebut menjadi biskuit juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber usaha atau usaha sampingan bagi keluarg