101 research outputs found

    Construcción de comunidades virtuales para la investigación

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    S'exposa un avenç de l'anàlisi de la participació de dos equips d'investigació interinstitucionals i una comunitat acadèmica en plataformes virtuals dissenyades per a compartir informació entre els membres de cada grup. S'analitzen les condicions institucionals i les característiques del personal acadèmic i de les eines de comunicació, i se sintetitzen les dificultats per a la col·laboració dels investigadors a través de les eines dissenyades per a coordinar les activitats d'investigació. Finalment es fa una reflexió entorn de les conseqüències d'aquesta situació per a un centre d'investigació regional amb escassos recursos per a exercir la seva funció.We present a preview of the analysis of the participation of inter-institutional research teams and an academic community on virtual, tailor-made platforms for the sharing of information among the members of each group. The institutional conditions and the characteristics of academic workers and communication tools are analysed and we present a summary of the difficulties in collaboration among researchers using tools designed to coordinate research activities. Finally some thoughts are expressed on the consequences of this situation for a regional research centre working with limited financial resources.Se expone un avance del análisis de la participación de dos equipos de investigación interinstitucionales y una comunidad académica en plataformas virtuales diseñadas para compartir información entre los miembros de cada grupo. Se analiza las condiciones institucionales y las características del personal académico y de las herramientas de comunicación, y se sintetizan las dificultades para la colaboración de los investigadores a través de las herramientas diseñadas para coordinar las actividades de investigación. Finalmente se hace una reflexión en torno a las consecuencias de esta situación para un centro de investigación regional con escasos recursos para desempeñar su función

    Personality traits of adolescents with the crime of homicide and attempted homicide, linked to the criminal responsibility system for adolescents in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area

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    El presente estudio describe los rasgos de personalidad de adolescentes vinculados al sistema de responsabilidad penal, por el delito de homicidio y tentativa de homicidio, en Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana, esto se realizó mediante la aplicación del Cuestionario de Análisis Clínico (CAQ), aplicado a una muestra de 48 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre 14 a 19 años, el presente estudio se rigió bajo un método de investigación Cuantitativa de tipo Descriptiva, regirá bajo un diseño transaccional descriptivo. La gestión de los datos fue realizada por medio del análisis de las escalas, decatipos y puntuaciones típicas, realizando un análisis global e individual de las puntuaciones más significativas e indicadores Clínicos (IC), logrando identificar un alto índice de Depresión Suicida, Hipocondriasis, Esquizofrenia, Paranoia, Depresión / Baja Energía, Psicastenia y finalmente Apatía Retirada.Resumen Introducción 3 Planteamiento del Problema 4 Objetivos 7 General 7 Especifico Antecedentes Investigativos 7 Marco Teórico 11 Adolescencia 11 Adolescencia y Personalidad 12 Cambios Cognitivos 13 Características de Personalidad 14 Adolescencia y Conducta Delictiva 14 Factores de Riesgo 15 Marco Legal 17 Metodología 18 Tipo de Investigación 18 Diseño de Investigación 18 Definición de la Población 18 Población 18 Muestra 18 Criterios de Inclusión 19 Criterios de Exclusión 19 Instrumento 19 Procedimiento 21 Consideraciones Éticas 23 Resultados 24 Análisis descriptivo Poblacional 24 Análisis de Resultados Global 29 Análisis de resultados Individual 33 Discusión 106 Conclusiones 108 Referencias 108 Apéndices 112EspecializaciónThe present study describes the personality traits of adolescents linked to the system of criminal responsibility for the crime of murder and attempted murder, in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area, this was done by applying the Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ), applied to a sample of 48 adolescents aged 14-19 years, the present study was governed under a research method Quantitative descriptive type, governed under a transactional descriptive design. Data management was performed by analysis of scales and Ratings decatipes typical, analyzing overall and individual scores of the significant and Clinical indicators (IC), and succeeded in identifying a high rate of Suicidal Depression, Hypochondriasis, Schizophrenia , Paranoia, Depression / Low Energy, and finally Psychasthenia Withdrawal Apathy

    Abordaje integrativo del insomnio en atención primaria: medidas no farmacológicas y fitoterapia frente al tratamiento convencional

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl insomnio es un trastorno del sueño que imposibilita iniciarlo o mantenerlo. En algún momento de la vida, hasta un 50% de adultos lo padecen ante situaciones estresantes.ObjetivoEvaluar el impacto de medidas higiénicas del sueño, técnicas de relajación y fitoterapia para abordar el insomnio, comparado con medidas habituales (tratamiento farmacológico).MetodologíaEstudio experimental, retrospectivo, sin asignación aleatorizada. Revisión de pacientes diagnosticados de insomnio (2008-2010).Los pacientes de grupo intervención (GI) recibieron abordaje integrativo (medidas higiénicas, técnicas de relajación y fitoterapia), y los del grupo control (GC), tratamiento convencional.Se compararon resultados de uso de recursos (media mensual de visitas pre y posdiagnóstico), tipo de tratamiento farmacológico prescrito y dosis total.Evaluación de la calidad del sueño a los 18-24meses (test de Epworth).ResultadosSe incluyeron 48 pacientes en GI y 47 en GC (70% mujeres, media de edad 46años (DE: 14,3).La media mensual de visitas prediagnóstico fue 0,54(DE: 0,42) en GI y 0,53 (DE: 0,53) en GC (p=0,88). La media posterior fue 0,36 (DE: 0,24) y 0,65(DE: 0,46), respectivamente (p<0,0001), observándose reducción estadísticamente significativa en GI.Recibieron alguna benzodiacepina el 52,5% de los pacientes GI y el 93,6% de los del GC (p<0,0001). En GC se prescribió más alprazolam y lorazepam, con dosis acumuladas superiores.En la evaluación posterior no presentaban insomnio el 17% de los pacientes del GI y el 5% del GC. Presentaban insomnio severo el 13% de los pacientes del GC y ninguno del GI (p<0,0001).ConclusionesEl abordaje integrativo del insomnio puede ser resolutivo, disminuyendo las visitas y los efectos secundarios y la dependencia a benzodiacepinas.AbstractIntroductionInsomnia is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep. At some point in life, 50% of adults suffer from it, usually in stress situations.AimTo evaluate the impact of sleep hygiene measures, relaxations techniques, and herbal medicine to deal with insomnia, compared with standard measures (drug treatment).MethodologyAn experimental, retrospective, non-randomized study was conducted by means of a review of patients diagnosed with insomnia (2008-2010).Patients in the intervention group (IG) received an integrative approach (hygiene measures, relaxation techniques, and herbal medicine) and a control group (CG) with conventional treatment.A comparison was made of the resources used in the two groups (average monthly visits pre- and post-diagnosis), type of prescribed drug therapy and total dose.Sleep quality was evaluated at 18-24months (Epworth test).ResultsA total of 48 patients were included in the IG and 47 in the CG (70% women, mean age 46years (SD: 14.3).Average monthly visit pre-diagnosis was 0.54 (SD: 0.42) in the IG and 0.53 (SD: 0.53) in the CG (P=.88). Post-diagnosis it was 0.36 (SD: 0.24) and 0.65 (SD: 0.46), respectively (P<.0001), with a statistically significant reduction being observed in the IG.More than half (52.5%) of the IG patients and 93.6% in the CG had received a benzodiazepine (P<.0001). Alprazolam and lorazepam were the most prescribed in the CG and with higher cumulative dose.In the subsequent evaluation, 17% of patients in the IG and 5% in CG did not have insomnia. Severe insomnia was present in 13% of patients in the IG and none in CG (P<.0001).ConclusionsThe integrative approach to insomnia may be worthwhile as it reduces resource use and side effects, as well as dependence to benzodiazepines

    Inteligencia emocional en adolescentes de 4to de secundaria de una Institución Educativa pública/particular de Piura, 2021

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    El actual estudio que tiene por nombre “Inteligencia emocional en adolescentes de 4to de secundaria de una Institución Educativa pública/particular de Piura”, por cual partió con un objetivo general de determinar las diferencias de la inteligencia emocional en los adolescentes de 4to de secundaria de una Institución Educativa pública/ particular de Piura. Asimismo, esta investigación es de un diseño descriptivo comparativo, con muestra de 145 educandos del 4to grado del nivel secundario de ambas casas de estudio en el año escolar 2021, empleando el Inventario de Inteligencia Emocional de BarOn ICE NA- Forma Abreviada como instrumento evaluador. Luego de realizar el análisis de resultados, se pudo ultimar que las disimilitud entre el grado de inteligencia emocional en ambas casas de estudio son significativos por el hecho de que la institución educativa particular mostró un porcentaje mayor en cuanto a educandos con una inteligencia emocional muy desarrollada y no sólo a nivel general sino a nivel de dimensiones; en tal sentido se encuentra a un nivel diferente que el de la institución educativa pública y por ende se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación debido a que las diferencias entre estas dos casas de estudio fueron significativas.The current study called ""Emotional intelligence in adolescents of 4th grade of a public / private Educational Institution of Piura"", for which started with a general objective of determining the differences of emotional intelligence in adolescents of fourth grade of an Educational Institution public / private of Piura. Likewise, this research is of a comparative descriptive design, with a sample of 145 students of the fourth grade of the secondary level of both houses of study in the 2021 school year, using the Emotional Intelligence Inventory of BarOn ICE NA- Abbreviated Form as evaluation instrument. After carrying out the analysis of the results, it was possible to conclude that the dissimilarities between the level of emotional intelligence in both houses of study are significant due to the fact that the I.E., private showed a higher percentage in terms of students with highly developed emotional intelligence and not only at a general level but also at the level of dimensions; In this sense, it is at a different level than that of the I.E. The research hypothesis was therefore accepted because the differences between these two study houses were significantTesi

    Planeamiento estratégico del sistema de agua y saneamiento en el Perú

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    El Sistema de Agua y Saneamiento en el Perú es esencial para el desarrollo de la población, así como para todas las actividades productivas. En el territorio nacional existen diversas formas de fuentes de agua, que cuentan con abundantes recursos hídricos, lo que le otorga al país una ventaja comparativa. Pero el problema es que este recurso no ha sido debidamente aprovechado. Tal situación se complica con un uso ineficiente del agua, que se evidencia en el consumo per cápita, que asciende a 250 litros diarios, mientras que lo recomendado a nivel internacional son 100 litros. El Índice de Progreso Social 2017 señala las diferencias en el acceso a los servicios de agua y saneamiento entre las regiones, ya que algunas han logrado casi una cobertura alta, como en el caso de Lima, mientras que aún existen regiones del interior del país en las que el acceso de la población a estos servicios básicos no supera el 15%. Con la implementación de este plan estratégico se logrará aumentar la cobertura de la red de agua potable y de saneamiento, beneficiando cada año a más peruanos hasta llegar a más del 90% de la población para el 2028. Para ello se implementarán las siguientes estrategias: (a) hacer alianzas con los distritos de Lima para exigir que las nuevas obras de oficinas o complejos habitacionales cuenten con su propia planta de tratamiento, (b) incluir el uso de la tecnología para mejorar el mantenimiento de las aguas y saneamiento, (c) penetrar en las áreas rurales con la red de tuberías, utilizando fondos del programa “Obras por impuestos”; (d) penetrar el mercado, colocando medidores en todas las viviendas y empresas; (e) hacer alianza con el MINEDU para capacitar a los niños, desde la etapa inicial, en el cuidado del agua; (f) incrementar mediciones diarias de consumo real de agua, para evitar el desperdicio; (g) incrementar el uso de las plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas, y (h) realizar mejores controles para identificar y luego formalizar las instalaciones clandestinas de agua potable.The Water and Sanitation System in Peru is essential for the development of the population, as well as for all productive activities. In the national territory there are different forms of water sources, which have abundant water resources, which gives the country a comparative advantage. But the problem is that this resource has not been properly exploited. This situation is complicated by an inefficient use of water, which is evident in per capita consumption, which amounts to 250 liters per day, while the recommended international level is 100 liters. The Social Progress Index 2017, points out the differences in access to water and sanitation services between the regions, since some have achieved almost a high coverage, as in the case of Lima, while there are still regions of the interior of the country in which the access of the population to these basic services does not exceed 15%. With the implementation of this strategic plan, it will be possible to increase the coverage of the drinking water and sanitation network, benefiting more Peruvians every year until reaching more than 90% of the population by 2028. For this, the following strategies will be implemented: (a) make alliances with the districts of Lima to demand that the new works of offices or housing complexes have their own treatment plant, (b) include the use of technology to improve water and sanitation maintenance, (c) ) penetrate rural areas with the pipe network, using funds from the "Works for taxes" program; (d) penetrate the market, placing meters in all homes and businesses; (e) make an alliance with MINEDU to train children, from the initial stage, in the care of water; (f) increase daily measurements of actual water consumption, to avoid waste; (g) increase the use of sewage treatment plants, and (h) perform better controls to identify and then formalize clandestine drinking water facilities.Tesi

    Family Support and Diabetes: Patient's Experiences From a Public Hospital in Peru.

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    Family support is crucial for managing chronic conditions but it is often overlooked when designing behavioral interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). As part of the formative phase of a feasibility randomized control trial (RCT), we conducted 20 semistructured interviews with people with T2DM from Lima, Peru. Based on such results, we describe the support people with T2DM receive from their families and the role that such support has in their efforts to implement diabetes management practices. We learned that participants receive support from family members, but mostly from their spouses and children. Their relatives encourage them and motivate them to fight for their health, they also provide instrumental support by preparing healthy meals, reminding them to take medications, and sharing physical activity. Participants also reported controlling actions which were not always "well received." Thus, any intervention supporting self-management practices need to work with key family members. We support the literature that suggests that interventions should target family members to ensure improved T2DM self-management practices

    Kinetic characterisation and thermal inactivation study of red alga (Mastocarpus stellatus) peroxidase

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    Peroxidase (POD) was extracted from red alga (Mastocarpus stellatus) using Triton X-114 and characterised by UV-spectrophotometry. Optimum activity using 2,2´ -azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazolinesulphonic acid) (ABTS) as the H-donor was obtained at pH 5.0. In the presence of the anionic detergent, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), however, POD was inactivated at all the pH values studied and totally inactivated at 1 mM SDS. When the enzyme was kinetically characterised, the KM and Vm values for ABTS were found to be 13 mM and 40 lM/min, respectively. In addition, when the H2O2 concentration was increased, at a fixed concentration of ABTS, the activity was inhibited at the highest H2O2 concentrations. In a study of the effect of several reducing agents, L-cysteine was found to be the most active. A thermal inactivation study showed a first-order inactivation kinetic, and the Arrhenius plot yielded a straight line with a slope equivalent to an activation energy of 121.6 kJ/mol. Significant inactivation occurred at temperatures of >35 C, with >90% of the relative activity being lost after only 5 min of incubation at 48.4 C.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background Underweight, overweight, and obesity in childhood and adolescence are associated with adverse health consequences throughout the life-course. Our aim was to estimate worldwide trends in mean body-mass index (BMI) and a comprehensive set of BMI categories that cover underweight to obesity in children and adolescents, and to compare trends with those of adults. Methods We pooled 2416 population-based studies with measurements of height and weight on 128·9 million participants aged 5 years and older, including 31·5 million aged 5–19 years. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1975 to 2016 in 200 countries for mean BMI and for prevalence of BMI in the following categories for children and adolescents aged 5–19 years: more than 2 SD below the median of the WHO growth reference for children and adolescents (referred to as moderate and severe underweight hereafter), 2 SD to more than 1 SD below the median (mild underweight), 1 SD below the median to 1 SD above the median (healthy weight), more than 1 SD to 2 SD above the median (overweight but not obese), and more than 2 SD above the median (obesity). Findings Regional change in age-standardised mean BMI in girls from 1975 to 2016 ranged from virtually no change (−0·01 kg/m2 per decade; 95% credible interval −0·42 to 0·39, posterior probability [PP] of the observed decrease being a true decrease=0·5098) in eastern Europe to an increase of 1·00 kg/m2 per decade (0·69–1·35, PP\u3e0·9999) in central Latin America and an increase of 0·95 kg/m2 per decade (0·64–1·25, PP\u3e0·9999) in Polynesia and Micronesia. The range for boys was from a non-significant increase of 0·09 kg/m2 per decade (−0·33 to 0·49, PP=0·6926) in eastern Europe to an increase of 0·77 kg/m2 per decade (0·50–1·06, PP\u3e0·9999) in Polynesia and Micronesia. Trends in mean BMI have recently flattened in northwestern Europe and the high-income English-speaking and Asia-Pacific regions for both sexes, southwestern Europe for boys, and central and Andean Latin America for girls. By contrast, the rise in BMI has accelerated in east and south Asia for both sexes, and southeast Asia for boys. Global age-standardised prevalence of obesity increased from 0·7% (0·4–1·2) in 1975 to 5·6% (4·8–6·5) in 2016 in girls, and from 0·9% (0·5–1·3) in 1975 to 7·8% (6·7–9·1) in 2016 in boys; the prevalence of moderate and severe underweight decreased from 9·2% (6·0–12·9) in 1975 to 8·4% (6·8–10·1) in 2016 in girls and from 14·8% (10·4–19·5) in 1975 to 12·4% (10·3–14·5) in 2016 in boys. Prevalence of moderate and severe underweight was highest in India, at 22·7% (16·7–29·6) among girls and 30·7% (23·5–38·0) among boys. Prevalence of obesity was more than 30% in girls in Nauru, the Cook Islands, and Palau; and boys in the Cook Islands, Nauru, Palau, Niue, and American Samoa in 2016. Prevalence of obesity was about 20% or more in several countries in Polynesia and Micronesia, the Middle East and north Africa, the Caribbean, and the USA. In 2016, 75 (44–117) million girls and 117 (70–178) million boys worldwide were moderately or severely underweight. In the same year, 50 (24–89) million girls and 74 (39–125) million boys worldwide were obese. Interpretation The rising trends in children\u27s and adolescents\u27 BMI have plateaued in many high-income countries, albeit at high levels, but have accelerated in parts of Asia, with trends no longer correlated with those of adults. Funding Wellcome Trust, AstraZeneca Young Health Programme

    Life expectancy and mortality in 363 cities of Latin America

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    The concept of a so-called urban advantage in health ignores the possibility of heterogeneity in health outcomes across cities. Using a harmonized dataset from the SALURBAL project, we describe variability and predictors of life expectancy and proportionate mortality in 363 cities across nine Latin American countries. Life expectancy differed substantially across cities within the same country. Cause-specific mortality also varied across cities, with some causes of death (unintentional and violent injuries and deaths) showing large variation within countries, whereas other causes of death (communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional, cancer, cardiovascular disease and other noncommunicable diseases) varied substantially between countries. In multivariable mixed models, higher levels of education, water access and sanitation and less overcrowding were associated with longer life expectancy, a relatively lower proportion of communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional deaths and a higher proportion of deaths from cancer, cardiovascular disease and other noncommunicable diseases. These results highlight considerable heterogeneity in life expectancy and causes of death across cities of Latin America, revealing modifiable factors that could be amenable to urban policies aimed toward improving urban health in Latin America and more generally in other urban environments

    The radio soap opera as a pedagogical practice for reading learning in primary school

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    La radionovela es un género radial en desuso con un lenguaje coloquial que conmueve a los oyentes en sus conductas lingüísticas a través de su influencia cotidiana. Cuyo lenguaje puede favorecer el aprendizaje en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes. El estudio tuvo como propósito implementar la radionovela como práctica pedagógica para el aprendizaje de lectura en básica primaria. Este estuvo guiado bajo los lineamientos metodológicos de la IEP con un diseño basado en las trayectorias de indagación. Se utilizaron técnicas de recolección de datos como; la observación participante y el diario de campo. La población estuvo conformada por cuarenta (40) estudiantes de básica primaria de la IED Cerro Blanco del Municipio de Zona Bananera, Magdalena. Se evidencio que los estudiantes mejoraron su comprensión lectora y por ende su desempeño académico observando que el acompañamiento en casa muchas veces era limitado porque los adultos no sabían leer y a través de la implementación de la radionovela lograron comprender y acompañar a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje, concluyendo que cualquier acción educativa está compuesta por relaciones sociales, están manifiestan bajo formas pedagógicas aquellas representaciones sociales que son visibles en este género radial.The radionovela is a disused radio genre with a colloquial language that moves the listeners in their linguistic behaviors through their daily influence. Whose language can favor learning in the reading comprehension of students. The purpose of the study was to implement the radionovela as a pedagogical practice for reading learning in elementary school. This was guided under the methodological guidelines of the IEP with a design based on the trajectories of inquiry. Data collection techniques were used, such as; the participant observation and the field diary. The population was conformed by forty (40) primary students of the IED Cerro Blanco of the Municipality of Zona Bananera, Magdalena. It was evidenced that the students improved their reading comprehension and therefore their academic performance observing that the accompaniment at home was often limited because the adults did not know how to read and through the implementation of the radionovela they were able to understand and accompany the students in the process of learning, concluding that any educational action is composed of social relations, are manifested under pedagogical forms those social representations that are visible in this radial genre