63 research outputs found

    Disaster Journalism in Print Media: Analysis of the Top 10 Hydrogeomorphological Disaster Events in Portugal, 1865–2015

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    Disaster communication guidelines emphasize that journalists should be aware of past major disasters and draw lessons from the coverage of those events. The press is an important source for the evolution of historical disaster and risk research paradigms over time. This study explored the top 10 damaging hydrogeomorphological events in Portugal selected from the disaster database, which includes events that caused human damages (fatalities, injured, missing, evacuated, and displaced) reported over a period of 151 years (1865–2015) by the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias (DN). News analysis was guided by the news protocol. The analysis of the news published in DN enabled us to identify textual marks that present interconnections in the journalistic coverage and produce discursive standards for these disasters. The textual marks were associated with the hazard and risk paradigms. The discursive standards of DN did not clearly reflect the ruptures in the hazard paradigms. As a rule, the journalistic reports contributed to the naturalization of disasters and the gap in public understanding of risks, by presenting an approach focused on relief actions—ignoring social issues, vulnerability, and population resilience—reducing the discourse of preparedness for future disasters.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Access to prenatal care: assessment of the adequacy of different indices

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    This study aimed to compare the evaluation of adequate access to prenatal care according to different indices. Data to construct the indices were obtained from 1,006 patient interviews, prenatal cards, and medical charts for postpartum women who had been admitted for childbirth at maternity hospitals in Greater Metropolitan Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, from April to September 2010. The various indices for the evaluation of prenatal care were compared to the Kotelchuck index (1994) as the standard reference. Prevalence rates for adequacy were calculated, as were agreement, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy, and likelihood ratios. The Takeda index showed the highest prevalence of adequacy (55.8%). The highest agreement was between the indices proposed by Villar et al. and Rosen et al. (adjusted kappa = 0.84). The study concludes that the Carvalho & Novaes index and the Brazilian Ministry of Health index are relevant for assessing adequate access to prenatal care

    Health needs and right to communication in times of mediatization

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    The contemporary world is characterized by a mediatic society in which the media has influence on all the social spheres, including the health. In this scenario, interests, institutions and actors are included as parts of the process that produces the news. From the dialogues between the field of communication & health (C & S) and the field of collective health, it is understood that the right to communication is inextricably linked to the right to health. Thereby, the diffusion of health needs by media should correspond to the main specific demands for health from the population of a territory. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the non-dissemination by media of the health needs and to reflect on the right to communication as a fundamental social right to full sense of citizenship and a guarantee of the right to health in the context of a mediatic society

    Factors associated with onset of mouth breathing in early child development

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    OBJETIVO: os problemas relacionados com a respiração bucal são vários e possuem diversas consequências na saúde humana. O estudo de coorte prospectiva se propõe a determinar os fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento da respiração bucal nos primeiros períodos do desenvolvimento infantil. MÉTODO: o grupo inicial constituiu-se por 86 bebês com idade de zero a três meses selecionados em áreas de abrangência do município de Vitória-ES. Realizaram-se sete visitas domiciliares, coletando-se dados sobre respiração bucal, mista, vedamento labial, alterações respiratórias intervisitas, estimulação da respiração nasal, ronco habitual ao dormir, uso de mamadeira, sucção de chupeta, sucção de dedo e aleitamento materno. A partir do grupo inicial, 67 crianças permaneceram em acompanhamento até a idade média de 29,42 meses (+ 2,49dp). RESULTADOS: a prevalência de respiração bucal foi de 3,0%. O aleitamento materno (ORaj = 0,27 : 0,09 - 0,83) e a estimulação da respiração nasal (ORaj = 0,09 : 0,01 - 0,52) funcionam como fatores de proteção ao vedamento labial, enquanto a alteração respiratória intervisita (ORaj = 7,61 : 1,09 - 53,01), sucção de chupeta (ORaj = 5,54 : 2,00 - 15,37) e o ronco (ORaj = 10,74 : 2,32 - 49,64) funcionam com fatores de risco. CONCLUSÃO: a gênese da respiração bucal inicia-se pela perda do vedamento labial, como conseqüência da interação de fatores positivos e negativos sobre o complexo neurológico, ósseo e muscular.PURPOSE: there are several problems related to mouth breathing and there is many consequences in the human health. In this context, this prospective cohort study aims to determine the risk factors associated to the development of mouth breathing in the first periods of children's development. METHODS: The initial group was constituted of 86 babies aging from zero to three months old, selected in the encircled areas of Vitória district, state of Espírito Santo. Seven domiciliary visits were made, collecting data about oral breathing, mixed, labial closing, inter visits respiration alterations, nasal breathing stimulation, common snore when sleeping, the use of baby's milk bottle, pacifier suction, finger suction and breastfeeding. From the initial group, 67 children were assisted until the average age of 29,42 months old (±2,49dp). RESULTS: The prevalence of mouth breathing was of 3,0%. Breastfeeding (ORadj=0,27:0,09-0,83) and the nasal breathing stimulation (ORadj=0,09:0,01-0,52) worked as protection factors against labial closing, while the inter visit breathing alteration (ORadj=7,61:1,09-53,01), pacifier suction (ORadj=5,54:2,00- 15,37) and snoring (ORadj=10,74:2,32-49,64) worked as risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The genesis of the oral breathing initiates by the loss of lip closing, as consequence of the interaction of positive and negative factors about the neurological, bone and muscular complex

    Social Representations of prenatal care access within the Brazilian National Health System in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil

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    As representações sociais das puérperas sobre o acesso ao cuidado pré-natal destacam aspectos relacionados às barreiras de acesso e às formas de sua superação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o acesso ao cuidado pré-natal a partir das representações sociais de usuárias do Sistema Único de Saúde. A partir de 1.035 puérperas, selecionaram-se 24 puérperas da Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo: um grupo de 14 puérperas que realizou mais de seis consultas de pré-natal e um grupo de 10 puérperas que realizou nenhuma ou até três consultas. Entrevistas individuais abordaram qualitativamente questões sobre o acesso aos serviços de saúde, segundo as dimensões disponibilidade, capacidade de pagar e aceitabilidade. A análise de conteúdo temática revelou situações de acesso satisfatório, mas também a existência de barreiras de acesso geográfico, organizacionais, indisponibilidade de recursos materiais e humanos, custos diretos e indiretos para a obtenção do cuidado e expectativas não atendidas sobre os procedimentos e os aspectos mais subjetivos, resultados semelhantes nos dois grupos estudados. As diferenças na capacidade de enfrentamento desses obstáculos foram determinantes para o acesso adequado ao cuidado pré-natal. Considera-se que incluir as representações sociais das gestantes na avaliação do cuidado pré-natal facilita a adoção de medidas que assegurem a melhoria do acesso.Social representations of postpartum women on access to prenatal care highlight aspects related to access barriers and ways to overcome them. The aim of this study was to analyze access to prenatal care based on the social representations of users of the Brazilian National Health System. Out of a set of 1,035 postpartum women, we selected 24 from the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, Espírito Santo (Southeastern Brazil): a group of 14 postpartum women who attended more than six prenatal consultations and a group of 10 postpartum women who did not have any consultations or attended up to three. Individual qualitative interviews addressed issues about access to health services, according to the dimensions availability, affordability and acceptability. Thematic content analysis revealed satisfactory access situations, but also the existence of geographical access barriers, organizational barriers, unavailability of material and human resources, direct and indirect costs for obtaining care, unmet expectations about the procedures, and more subjective aspects. Both groups presented similar results. Differences in the ability to face these obstacles were decisive for an adequate access to prenatal care. We believe that including the social representations of pregnant women in the evaluation of prenatal care facilitates the adoption of measures to ensure improved access

    Visual archives concerning Zika virus: images on Instagram as part of the constitution of an epidemic memory

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    This article bases on a study aiming to analyze the images on Zika virus epidemic that aroused a great public interest and a great number of sharings from the device Instagram. The period of analysis covers November and December 2015, namely two months after researchers and medical authorities have proclaimed that the infection could be associated with cases of microcephaly diagnosed in newborns. This study used the ImageCloud, a tool developed by Laboratório de Estudos sobre Imagem e Cibercultura, da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Laboratory for studies of Image and Cyberculture, from Federal University of Espirito Santo), which allows us to visualize a lot of images in databases like, for example, onsocial networks. The theoretical base used to the analysis in question was the discourse analysis

    ‘Health-value’: potential epidemiological criteria for health communication

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    The study aims to develop potencial priorities criteria for health communication ('health-value'), from the analysis of health policies and morbidity and mortality data of Espírito Santo (ES, Brazil). Documentary research was performed from 2011 and 2012 data. These data were collected in state health priority policies and health information systems, and they were ranked according to decreasing criterion causes of mortality, morbidity and notification, in addition to the coincidence of the disease in more than one policy selected. The `healthvalue' shows ideally priority morbid conditions in the media agenda of ES, such as: ischemic heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis, hanseniasis, schistosomiasis and dengue. It highlights the persistence of diseases related to poor socio-sanitary conditions, plus child and maternal mortality, syphilis in pregnant women, Aids, diabetes and pertussis. Thus, 'health-value' acts as a relevant criterion in publicization of public problems in order to create attention and guided debates in society

    Dimensions of oral health services access in printed media

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    As informações divulgadas pela mídia contribuem para construir a representação populacional sobre o Siste ma Único de Saúde. Este estudo objetivou analisar a veiculação do tema "acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal" na mídia impressa do Espírito Santo (ES), Brasil. Uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e documental foi realizada, com análise das matérias relacionadas ao acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal veiculadas entre março de 2004 e junho de 2009 nos dois principais jornais do Espírito Santo (A Gazeta e A Tribuna). Para a seleção das matérias utilizamos as palavras-chave: "Dentista", "Odontologia" e "Saúde Bucal". Foram en contradas 392 notícias, sendo 121 delas sobre o tema "acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal". Foram selecio nadas 41 matérias para esta análise, segundo as regras de exaustividade, representatividade, homogeneidade e pertinência. A análise de conteúdo temática dos dados foi realizada seguindo as categorias "disponibilidade", "capacidade de pagar" e "aceitabilidade". A maioria das matérias divulgou serviços odontológicos disponibili zados gratuitamente por prefeituras, faculdades, igre jas e ações maçônicas. Percebeu-se maior divulgação sobre políticas públicas de saúde bucal em 2004, que abordavam o acesso ao tratamento odontológico e à água fluoretada. Constatou-se frequente divulgação sobre a disponibilidade dos serviços de saúde bucal, incisiva sinalização dos problemas do setor público e apresentação da saúde suplementar como alternativa para suprir suas ineficiências. Também se verificou poucas matérias que abordaram a dimensão da acei tabilidade. Considera-se que, apesar da considerável disseminação de informações pelos veículos de comu nicação no período estudado, torna-se fundamental que a imprensa problematize o acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal em suas dimensões.The information disseminated by the media con tribute to create the population representation about the Health Unified System (SUS). This study aimed to analyze the publication of the theme "ac cess to oral health services" in the print media of the Espírito Santo (ES), Brazil. We used a qualita tive and documental approach to analyze the news on the access to oral health services disseminated between March 2004 and June 2009 in the two main newspapers of Espírito Santo, Brazil (A Gazeta and A Tribuna). To select the materials we used the keywords "Dentist", "Dentistry" and "Oral Health". Of the 392 news found, 121 were about "access to oral health services". We selected 41 pieces for this analysis according to the rules of completeness, representativeness, consistency and relevance. The thematic content analysis of the data was performed according to the following categories: "availability", "acceptability" and "affordability". Most part of the news published was about dental services provided for free by municipalities, colleges, churches and Masonic actions. We observed more attention given to public dental health policies in 2004, addressing access to dental treatment and to fluoridated water, and also noticed frequent disclosure about the avail ability of oral health services, emphasizing thus the problems of public sector and supplementary health insurance as an alternative to address its inefficien cies. Few pieces addressed acceptability. We consid ered that, despite the considerable dissemination of information by the media on the period of our study, it is essential that the press problematizes access to oral health services in its dimensions