27 research outputs found

    USH3A transcripts encode clarin-1, a four-transmembrane-domain protein with a possible role in sensory synapses

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    [EN] Usher syndrome type 3 (USH3) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by the association of post-lingual progressive hearing loss, progressive visual loss due to retinitis pigmentosa and variable presence of vestibular dysfunction. Because the previously defined transcripts do not account for all USH3 cases, we performed further analysis and revealed the presence of additional exons embedded in longer human and mouse USH3A transcripts and three novel USH3A mutations. Expression of Ush3a transcripts was localised by whole mount in situ hybridisation to cochlear hair cells and spiral ganglion cells. The full length USH3A transcript encodes clarin-1, a four-transmembrane-domain protein, which defines a novel vertebrate-specific family of three paralogues. Limited sequence homology to stargazin, a cerebellar synapse four-transmembrane-domain protein, suggests a role for clarin-1 in hair cell and photoreceptor cell synapses, as well as a common pathophysiological pathway for different Usher syndromes.We are grateful to all patients and their family members who participated in this study. We would also like to thank Ronna Hertzano for the preparation of the mouse inner ear cDNA. This work was funded by an Infrastructure grant of the Israeli Ministry of Science Culture and Sports, the Crown Human Genome Center at The Weizmann Institute of Science, the Alfried Krupp Foundation and by the Finnish Eye and Tissue Bank Foundation, the Finnish Eye Foundation, the Maud Kuistila Memorial Foundation, the Oskar Oflund Foundation, Finnish State grant TYH9235, the European Commission (QLG2-CT-1999-00988) (KB Araham) and by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. JS Beckman holds the, Hermann Mayer professorial chair and D Lancet holds the Ralf and Lois Silver professorial chair.Adato, A.; Vreugde, S.; Joensuu, T.; Avidan, N.; Hamalainen, R.; Belenkiy, O.; Olender, T.... (2002). USH3A transcripts encode clarin-1, a four-transmembrane-domain protein with a possible role in sensory synapses. European Journal of Human Genetics. 10(6):339-350. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejhg.520083133935010

    The Tomato MIXTA-like Transcription Factor Coordinates Fruit Epidermis Conical Cell Development and Cuticular Lipid Biosynthesis and Assembly

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    The epidermis of aerial plant organs is the primary source of building blocks forming the outer surface cuticular layer. To examine the relationship between epidermal cell development and cuticle assembly in the context of fruit surface, we investigated the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) MIXTA-like gene. MIXTA/MIXTA-like proteins, initially described in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) petals, are known regulators of epidermal cell differentiation. Fruit of transgenically silenced SlMIXTA-like tomato plants displayed defects in patterning of conical epidermal cells. They also showed altered postharvest water loss and resistance to pathogens. Transcriptome and cuticular lipids profiling coupled with comprehensive microscopy revealed significant modifications to cuticle assembly and suggested SlMIXTA-like to regulate cutin biosynthesis. Candidate genes likely acting downstream of SlMIXTA-like included cytochrome P450s (CYPs) of the CYP77A and CYP86A subfamilies, LONG-CHAIN ACYL-COA SYNTHETASE2, GLYCEROL-3-PHOSPHATE SN-2-ACYLTRANSFERASE4, and the ATP-BINDING CASSETTE11 cuticular lipids transporter. As part of a larger regulatory network of epidermal cell patterning and L1-layer identity, we found that SlMIXTA-like acts downstream of SlSHINE3 and possibly cooperates with homeodomain Leu zipper IV transcription factors. Hence, SlMIXTA-like is a positive regulator of both cuticle and conical epidermal cell formation in tomato fruit, acting as a mediator of the tight association between fruit cutin polymer formation, cuticle assembly, and epidermal cell patterning

    Fruit-Surface Flavonoid Accumulation in Tomato Is Controlled by a SlMYB12-Regulated Transcriptional Network

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    The cuticle covering plants' aerial surfaces is a unique structure that plays a key role in organ development and protection against diverse stress conditions. A detailed analysis of the tomato colorless-peel y mutant was carried out in the framework of studying the outer surface of reproductive organs. The y mutant peel lacks the yellow flavonoid pigment naringenin chalcone, which has been suggested to influence the characteristics and function of the cuticular layer. Large-scale metabolic and transcript profiling revealed broad effects on both primary and secondary metabolism, related mostly to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, particularly flavonoids. These were not restricted to the fruit or to a specific stage of its development and indicated that the y mutant phenotype is due to a mutation in a regulatory gene. Indeed, expression analyses specified three R2R3-MYB–type transcription factors that were significantly down-regulated in the y mutant fruit peel. One of these, SlMYB12, was mapped to the genomic region on tomato chromosome 1 previously shown to harbor the y mutation. Identification of an additional mutant allele that co-segregates with the colorless-peel trait, specific down-regulation of SlMYB12 and rescue of the y phenotype by overexpression of SlMYB12 on the mutant background, confirmed that a lesion in this regulator underlies the y phenotype. Hence, this work provides novel insight to the study of fleshy fruit cuticular structure and paves the way for the elucidation of the regulatory network that controls flavonoid accumulation in tomato fruit cuticle

    Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome in Israel—Novel Findings from a New National Center

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    Background. Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder of the autonomic nervous system that results from mutations in the PHOX2B gene. A national CCHS center was founded in Israel in 2018. Unique new findings were observed. Methods. All 27 CCHS patients in Israel were contacted and followed. Novel findings were observed. Results. The prevalence of new CCHS cases was almost twice higher compared to other countries. The most common mutations in our cohort were polyalanine repeat mutations (PARM) 20/25, 20/26, 20/27 (combined = 85% of cases). Two patients showed unique recessive inheritance while their heterozygotes family members were asymptomatic. A right-sided cardio-neuromodulation was performed on an eight-year-old boy for recurrent asystoles by ablating the parasympathetic ganglionated plexi using radiofrequency (RF) energy. Over 36 months’ follow-up with an implantable loop-recorder, no bradycardias/pauses events were observed. A cardiac pacemaker was avoided. Conclusions. A significant benefit and new information arise from a nationwide expert CCHS center for both clinical and basic purposes. The incidence of CCHS in some populations may be increased. Asymptomatic NPARM mutations may be much more common in the general population, leading to an autosomal recessive presentation of CCHS. RF cardio-neuromodulation offers a novel approach to children avoiding the need for permanent pacemaker implantation

    Riboswitch-dependent gene regulation and its evolution in the plant kingdom

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    Riboswitches are natural RNA sensors that affect gene control via their capacity to bind small molecules. Their prevalence in higher eukaryotes is unclear. We discovered a post-transcriptional mechanism in plants that uses a riboswitch to control a metabolic feedback loop through differential processing of the precursor RNA 3′ terminus. When cellular thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) levels rise, metabolite sensing by the riboswitch located in TPP biosynthesis genes directs formation of an unstable splicing product, and consequently TPP levels drop. When transformed in plants, engineered TPP riboswitches can act autonomously to modulate gene expression. In an evolutionary perspective, a TPP riboswitch is also present in ancient plant taxa, suggesting that this mechanism is active since vascular plants emerged 400 million years ago

    genome maps

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    Vol. 19 Suppl. 1 2003, pages i222–i22

    Usherin, the defective protein in Usher syndrome type IIA, is likely to be a component of interstereocilia ankle links in the inner ear sensory cells

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    International audienceUsher syndrome type IIa (USH2A) combines moderate to severe congenital hearing impairment and retinitis pigmentosa. It is the most common genetic form of USH. USH2A encodes usherin, which was previously defined as a basement membrane protein. A much larger USH2A transcript predicted to encode a transmembrane (TM) isoform was recently reported. Here, we address the role of TM usherin in the inner ear. Analysis of the usherin alternative transcripts in the murine inner ear revealed the existence of several predicted TM usherin isoforms with modular ectodomains of different lengths. In addition, we identified in the usherin cytoplasmic region a predicted 24 amino acid peptide, derived from a newly defined exon that is predominantly expressed in the inner ear but not in the retina. In mouse and rat inner ears, we show that TM usherin is present at the base of the differentiating stereocilia, which make up the mechanosensitive hair bundles receptive to sound. The usherin immunolabeling is transient in the hair bundles of cochlear hair cells (HCs), but persists in mature hair bundles of vestibular HCs. Several lines of evidence support the involvement of TM usherin in the composition of the ankle links, a subset of filamentous lateral links connecting stereocilia at the base. By co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays, we establish that the usherin cytodomain can bind to whirlin and harmonin, two PDZ domain-containing proteins that are defective in genetic forms of isolated deafness and USH type I, respectively. These PDZ proteins are suitable to provide the anchoring of interstereocilia lateral links to the F-actin core of stereocilia. Our results strongly suggest that congenital deafness in USH type I and type II shares similar pathogenic mechanisms, i.e. the disruption of hair bundle links-mediated adhesion forces that are essential for the proper organization of growing hair bundles

    Interactions in the network of Usher syndrome type 1 proteins

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    International audienceDefects in myosin VIIa, harmonin (a PDZ domain protein), cadherin 23, protocadherin 15 and sans (a putative scaffolding protein), underlie five forms of Usher syndrome type I (USH1). Mouse mutants for all these proteins exhibit disorganization of their hair bundle, which is the mechanotransduction receptive structure of the inner ear sensory cells, the cochlear and vestibular hair cells. We have previously demonstrated that harmonin interacts with cadherin 23 and myosin VIIa. Here we address the extent of interactions between the five known USH1 proteins. We establish the previously suggested sans-harmonin interaction and find that sans also binds to myosin VIIa. We show that sans can form homomeric structures and that harmonin b can interact with all harmonin isoforms. We reveal that harmonin also binds to protocadherin 15. Molecular characterization of these interactions indicates that through its binding to four of the five USH1 proteins, the first PDZ domain (PDZ1) of harmonin plays a central role in this network. We localize sans in the apical region of cochlear and vestibular hair cell bodies underneath the cuticular plate. In contrast to the other four known USH1 proteins, no sans labeling was detected within the stereocilia. We propose that via its binding to myosin VIIa and/or harmonin, sans controls the hair bundle cohesion and proper development by regulating the traffic of USH1 proteins en route to the stereocilia

    Identification of evolutionarily conserved downstream core promoter elements required for the transcriptional regulation of Fushi tarazu target genes.

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    The regulation of transcription initiation is critical for developmental and cellular processes. RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is recruited by the basal transcription machinery to the core promoter where Pol II initiates transcription. The core promoter encompasses the region from -40 to +40 bp relative to the +1 transcription start site (TSS). Core promoters may contain one or more core promoter motifs that confer specific properties to the core promoter, such as the TATA box, initiator (Inr) and motifs that are located downstream of the TSS, namely, motif 10 element (MTE), the downstream core promoter element (DPE) and the Bridge, a bipartite core promoter element. We had previously shown that Caudal, an enhancer-binding homeodomain transcription factor and a key regulator of the Hox gene network, is a DPE-specific activator. Interestingly, pair-rule proteins have been implicated in enhancer-promoter communication at the engrailed locus. Fushi tarazu (Ftz) is an enhancer-binding homeodomain transcription factor encoded by the ftz pair-rule gene. Ftz works in concert with its co-factor, Ftz-F1, to activate transcription. Here, we examined whether Ftz and Ftz-F1 activate transcription with a preference for a specific core promoter motif. Our analysis revealed that similarly to Caudal, Ftz and Ftz-F1 activate the promoter containing a TATA box mutation to significantly higher levels than the promoter containing a DPE mutation, thus demonstrating a preference for the DPE motif. We further discovered that Ftz target genes are enriched for a combination of functional downstream core promoter elements that are conserved among Drosophila species. Thus, the unique combination (Inr, Bridge and DPE) of functional downstream core promoter elements within Ftz target genes highlights the complexity of transcriptional regulation via the core promoter in the transcription of different developmental gene regulatory networks