373 research outputs found

    Use of real-time observations in an operational ocean data assimilation system: the Mediterranean case

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    Real-time observations are essential for operational forecasting that in turn can be used to predict changes of the state of the ocean and its associated biochemical fi elds. In addition, real-time observations are useful to detect changes in the past with the shortest delay, to standardize practices in data collection and to exchange data between remote regions of the ocean and seas. Th e drawback is that real-time observations could be less accurate than their delayed mode counterparts due to the time constraints for data dissemination. In situ real-time data are usually decimated to be transmitted in real time (loss of accuracy and resolution), whereas satellite data are corrected with approximate algorithms and less ancillary data. Delayed mode quality control analysis increases the value of the observational data set, fl agging outliers and producing climatological estimates of the state of the system. Th us real-time data, together with a modelling system and the climatological estimates, give the appropriate information for scientifi c studies and applications. Th e principles of operational science started to develop in the 1940s and 1950s, based on the combined use of real-time data and modelling systems that can extend the information from observations in space and time. Operational science is based on a sound knowledge of the dynamics and processes for the space/timescales of interest and operational meteorology and oceanography have started to implement these principles to weather and ocean forecasting activities. In the past 20 years, operational meteorology has become a reality with a network of in situ and satellite observations that has made the weather forecast capable of extending the theoretical limit of predictability of the atmosphere (only one-two days theoretically, now forecasts are useful for more than fi ve days on average). Today meteorological observations are mainly used in their assimilated form even if observations are still collected for specifi c process-oriented studies. Recently the meteorological re-analysis projects (Gibson et al., 1997; Kalnay et al., 1996) have released a wealth of data to be understood and analysed. Th ese data sets are coherent and approximately continuous (daily), fi lling the observational gaps in space and time with a dynamical interpolation scheme. Th e model and the real-time observations are fused in one best estimate of the state of the system by data-assimilation techniques that have been developed to a great degree of sophistication in recent years (Lorenc, 2002). Th e re-analysis data are now forming the basic reference data set to understand climate variability in the atmosphere and upper oceans. Ch20.indd 73Ch20.indd 733 3/7/07 9:58:01 AM Habwatch 734 Dynamical interpolation/extrapolation of observational data for operational forecasting in the ocean began to be investigated at the beginning of the 1980s and the fi rst successful forecasts were carried out in the open ocean (Robinson and Leslie, 1985). Th ese exercises required real-time data that were initially collected with rapid ship surveys realizing adaptive sampling schemes and collecting a combination of traditional recoverable and expendable instruments (CTD, XBTs). At the same time but in a totally independent way, shelf scale and coastal real-time data from moored and drifting sensors such as meteorological buoys and sea-level stations started to be used for shelf scale storm surge operational forecasting (Prandle, 2002). Operational oceanography is now building on this experience and considers real-time measurements from opportunity platforms and satellites in a manner very similar to operational meteorology. Th is chapter aims to show the use of real-time observations in a state-of-the-art ocean-predicting system realized in the Mediterranean. We discuss the pre-processing schemes required to properly assimilate the observations into an operational nowcasting/ forecasting system, elucidate the role and impact of diff erent observations in the assimilation system and show the use of real-time data to evaluate quality of the modelling system. We start with the description of the Mediterranean Forecasting System (MFS) real-time observing system and pre-processing quality control in Section 20.2, we then describe the modelling and assimilation system in relation to the impact of diff erent real-time observations in Section 20.3. In Section 20.4 we evaluate the consistency, quality and accuracy of the forecasting system using model-data intercomparison and Section 20.5 offers conclusion

    A Nested Atlantic-Mediterranean Sea General Circulation Model for Operational Forecasting.

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    Abstract. A new numerical general circulation ocean model for the Mediterranean Sea has been implemented nested within an Atlantic general circulation model within the framework of the Marine Environment and Security for the European Area project (MERSEA, Desaubies, 2006). A 4-year twin experiment was carried out from January 2004 to December 2007 with two different models to evaluate the impact on the Mediterranean Sea circulation of open lateral boundary conditions in the Atlantic Ocean. One model considers a closed lateral boundary in a large Atlantic box and the other is nested in the same box in a global ocean circulation model. Impact was observed comparing the two simulations with independent observations: ARGO for temperature and salinity profiles and tide gauges and along-track satellite observations for the sea surface height. The improvement in the nested Atlantic-Mediterranean model with respect to the closed one is particularly evident in the salinity characteristics of the Modified Atlantic Water and in the Mediterranean sea level seasonal variability

    A nested Atlantic-Mediterranean Sea general circulation model for operational forecasting

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    A new numerical general circulation ocean model for the Mediterranean Sea has been implemented nested within an Atlantic general circulation model within the framework of the Marine Environment and Security for the European Area project (MERSEA, Desaubies, 2006). A 4- year twin experiment was carried out from January 2004 to December 2007 with two different models to evaluate the impact on the Mediterranean Sea circulation of open lateral boundary conditions in the Atlantic Ocean. One model considers a closed lateral boundary in a large Atlantic box and the other is nested in the same box in a global ocean circulation model. Impact was observed comparing the two simulations with independent observations: ARGO for temperature and salinity profiles and tide gauges and along-track satellite observations for the sea surface height. The improvement in the nested Atlantic-Mediterranean model with respect to the closed one is particularly evident in the salinity characteristics of the Modified Atlantic Water and in the Mediterranean sea level seasonal variability

    Identifying evolving priorities in national river governance from Parliamentary Questions

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    Rivers and their surrounding land provide resources and services that result in trade-offs requiring legislative and institutional interventions, for which the perspectives of law-policymakers and their societal values and political expediencies play a major role in decision-making. This study critically evaluates the evolving land–river governance in large democratically elected governments with complex developmental priorities and how law-policymakers’ recognition of emerging issues of river management influences common pool environmental resources governance. We selected an emerging economy – India – and analysed Parliamentary Questions (PQs) between 1999 and 2020 using a mixed method approach. Conflicting priorities over economic development, pollution management, socio-cultural values and inter-state–centre issues shape the evolving priorities of land–river governance. A declining focus on large-scale dams coupled with increasing attention on inter-basin water transfers, river conservation and pollution abatement, demonstrates an evolution away from the earlier narrow view of rivers for irrigation and hydropower. Our analysis demonstrates how the priorities of law-policymakers and political expedience play a critical role in river governance and thereby provide important insights into common pool environmental resources governance for sustainable development while also identifying important knowledge gaps and suggesting scopes for interdisciplinary studies

    Daily oceanographic analyses by the Mediterranean basin scale assimilation system

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    This study presents the upgrade of the Optimal Interpolation scheme used in the basin scale assimilation scheme of the Mediterranean Forecasting System . The modifications include a daily analysis cycle, the assimilation of ARGO float profiles, the implementation of the geostrophic balance in the background error covariance matrix and the initialisation of the analyses. A series of numerical experiments showed that each modification had a positive impact on the accuracy of the analyses: The daily cycle improved the representation of the processes with a relatively high temporal variability, the assimilation of ARGO floats profiles significantly improved the salinity analyses quality, the geostrophically balanced background error covariances improved the accuracy of the surface elevation analyses, and the initialisation removed the barotropic adjustment in the forecast first time steps starting from the analysis

    Techno-economic assessment at full scale of a biogas refinery plant receiving nitrogen rich feedstock and producing renewable energy and biobased fertilisers

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    Anaerobic digestion of nitrogen (N) rich substrates might be hindered when ammonia (NH3) formation reaches toxic levels for methanogenic microorganisms. One possible strategy to avoid inhibiting conditions is the removal of NH3 from digestate by stripping and scrubbing technology and by recirculating N depleted digestate back to the digester. This study aimed to i) monitor the performance (mass and energy balances) of a full scale digestate processing cascade that includes an innovative vacuum side stream NH3stripping and scrubbing system, ii) assess the production cost of ammonium sulphate (AS) solution and iii) evaluate its fertiliser quality. The use of gypsum to recover NH3 in the scrubbing unit, instead of the more common sulphuric acid, results in the generation of AS and a fertilising liming substrate. Mass and nutrient balances indicated that 57% and 7.5% of ammonium N contained in digestate was recovered in the form of a 22% AS and liming substrate, respectively. The energy balance showed that about 3.8 kWhel and 59 kWhth were necessary to recover 1 kg of N in the form of AS. Furthermore, the production cost of AS, including both capital and operational costs, resulted to be 5.8 € t−1 of digestate processed. According to the fertiliser quality assessment, this technology allows for the recovery of NH3in the form of salt solutions that can be utilised as a substitute for synthetic mineral nitrogen fertilisers.</p

    Environmental and occupational risk factors for early onset dementia in an Italian community

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    Background: Early onset dementia (EOD) is defined as dementia with symptoms onset before 65 years. Little is known about the etiological role of environmental and occupational risk factors. We aimed at assessing the role of these factors in disease etiology.Methods: Using a case-control design, we recruited all EOD cases resident in Modena province from October, 2016 to October, 2019, as well as a referent population drawn from patients’ care-givers. We investigated residential history of study participants, and their occupational and environmental exposures to pesticides, solvents and metals through a self-administered questionnaire. We computed the odds ratios (ORs) of disease risk, and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs), according to exposure to the investigated risk factors, using an unconditional logistic regression model adjusted for sex, age, and education. Results: Fifty-eight EOD cases and fifty-four controls agreed to participate. Among occupational factors, disease risk was associated with exposure to aluminum (OR 2.6, 95% CI 0.4-15.7), pesticides (OR 2.3, 95% CI 0.7-7.8) particularly from agricultural occupational exposure (OR 3.1, 95% CI 0.7-13.3) and dyes, paints or thinners (OR 1.7, 95% CI 0.6-5.0). Among lifestyles factors, smoking (OR 1.3, 95% CI 0.6-2.9) and playing football (OR 2.2, 95% CI 0.5-9.3) or cycling (OR 2.3, 95% CI 0.4-13.4) were associated with higher EOD risk, although overall sports practice appeared to be protective factor (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9). Risk was also positively associated with history of head trauma (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.3-4.1) and particularly upper arm trauma (OR 2.2, 95% CI 0.7-7.5), but not overall trauma. No association emerged for exposure to electromagnetic fields. Conclusions:Despite the study limitations, our results appear to support a role of environmental risk factors in EOD etiology, particularly of some chemical exposures and professional sports, while overall sports practice may have a beneficial effect

    Environmental Risk Factors for Early-Onset Alzheimer's Dementia and Frontotemporal Dementia: A Case-Control Study in Northern Italy

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    Background: Early-onset dementia (EOD) is defined as dementia with symptom onset before 65 years. The role of environmental risk factors in the etiology of EOD is still undefined. We aimed at assessing the role of environmental risk factors in EOD etiology, taking into account its different clinical types. Methods: Using a case-control study, we recruited all EOD cases referred to Modena hospitals from 2016 to 2019, while the referent population was drawn from cases' caregivers. We investigated residential history, occupational and environmental exposures to chemicals and lifestyle behaviors through a self-administered questionnaire. We computed the odds ratios of EOD risk (overall and restricting to the Alzheimer's dementia (AD) or frontotemporal dementia (FTD) diagnoses) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals using an unconditional logistic regression model. Results: Fifty-eight EOD patients (19 FTD and 32 AD) and 54 controls agreed to participate. Most of the investigated exposures, such as occupational exposure to aluminum, pesticides, dyes, paints or thinners, were associated with an increased odds ratio (OR) for FTD but not for AD. Long-term use of selenium-containing dietary supplements was associated with increased OR for EOD and, particularly, for FTD. For both EOD forms, smoking and playing football showed an increased odds ratio, while cycling was associated with increased risk only in FTD. Overall sports practice appeared to be a protective factor for both types. Conclusions: Our results suggest a role of environmental and behavioral risk factors such as some chemical exposures and professional sports in EOD etiology, in particular with reference to FTD. Overall sports practice may be associated with a reduced EOD risk

    Solid fraction of separated digestate as soil improver : implications for soil fertility and carbon sequestration

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    Purpose This study investigated the C and N mineralisation potential of solid fractions (SFs) from co-digestated pig manure after P-stripping (P-POOR SF) in comparison with P-rich SFs, as a means to estimate their organic matter stability in soil. Compost (COMP) and biochar (BCHR) (made from P-POOR SF) were also included in the study as reference biosolids. Methods The SFs were incubated in a sandy-loam soil under moist conditions to determine production of CO(2)and mineral N. At specified intervals, CO(2)evolution in the mixtures was measured via the alkali trap method and titration over a period of 81 days, while mineral N was measured using a flow analyser after KCl extraction over a period of 112 days. Results The various SFs showed similar patterns of C mineralisation (15-26% of added total C in 81 days) that were clearly higher than for COMP and BCHR (6% and 7%, respectively). Temporary N immobilisation was observed in biosolids with a high C/N ratio. The effective organic matter (EOM) of the SFs was calculated based on the C mineralisation data and varied between 130 and 369 kg Mg-1. Conclusions The SF with a reduced P content had a high EOM/P ratio which is beneficial in areas where P status of the soil is already high. Moreover, the N mineralisation patterns confirm that a high C/N ratio may also reduce risks for N leaching due to temporary N immobilisation

    Development of a tomato pomace biorefinery based on a CO2-supercritical extraction process for the production of a high value lycopene product, bioenergy and digestate

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    Tomato peels and seeds (TP) are the most abundant canning industry waste actually used to produce biogas. TP is rich in lycopene (lyc) and represent a more sustainable feedstock than tomato fruits actually employed. It was therefore chosen as feedstock together with supercritical CO2 extraction (SFE-CO2) technology to develop a TP-SFE-CO2 biorefinery, topic scarcely investigated. Two TP were tested and although TP-SFE-CO2 parameters were the same, lyc recoveries depended by peel structure changes occurred during pre -SFE-CO2 drying step. Higher moisture (102.7 g kg-1 wet weight) permitted 97 % lyc recovery and gave a water-in-oil emulsion as extract. Mass balance confirmed that lyc isomerisation did not cause lyc losses. After a significant oil extraction, exhaust TP showed a biodegradability 64% higher than the raw one, attributable to fibre structure disruption. The biorefinery proposed (SFE_CO2+anaerobic digestion) determined positive economic revenue (+787.9 \u20ac t-1 TP) on the contrary of the actual TP management
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