725 research outputs found

    Data in support of high rate of pregnancy related deaths in Maiduguri,Borno State,Northeast Nigeria

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    Pregnancy relateddeaths(PRD)arepublichealthconcerninmost developing countriesandNigeriainparticular.Despitetheefforts put inbytheconcernedauthorities,PRDremainsanintegralpart of maternalmortalityormaternaldeathsinNigeriaingeneraland Borno stateinparticular,asevidencedfromtherecordsobtained from UmaruShehuHospital,Maiduguri(astatehospitalinthe state capital.ThedatacontainsfrequencyofPRDinmonthsand grouped intogynaecology,ante-natalandpost-natal,andlabour obtained frommid-2009tomid-2017.Thestatisticalanalysisof the datamayrevealtheextentofincidenceorepidemiologyof PRD isinthestat

    Household Energy Consumption in Nigeria: A Review on the Applicability of the Energy Ladder Model

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    Household energy consumption dynamics in developing countries is often conceptualized through the Energy ladder model and assumes that with increasing income, householders will have a preference to cleaner energy. This paper reviewed various energy sources for household consumption and examines the implications of their dependence on traditional energy sources as well as the energy ladder model as a concept widely used by  scholars in describing the role of income in determining energy use and choices. It further explains the consumption behaviour of households in relation to the major assumptions of the model. The paper posits that the dependence on energy sources at the lowest rung of the energy ladder by most households in Nigeria is accentuated by rising poverty level consistent with the energy ladder hypothesis but disagrees with the notion of complete fuel substitution given that most households tend to have a mix of energy sources for their activities It recommends that government and other stakeholders should formulate policies that will foster the use of modern energy sources with a view to mitigating the environmental and health externalities of traditional energy use as well as improving the quality of human lives. Keywords: Households, energy consumption, energy ladder model, incom

    Synthesis and characterization of N-(I-Morphlinobenzyl) semicarbazide Manganese (II) and Iron (II) complexes

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    The interaction of ethanolic solution of semicarbazide hydrochloride, benzyldehyde and morpholine yielded N-(I-Morpholinobenzyl) Semicarbazide Schiff base. The Schiff base complexes of manganese(II) and iron(II) were synthesized by refluxing the mixture of ethanolic solutions of the Schiff base and metal(II) chlorides, respectively. These complexes were characterized by gravimetry, spectrophotometry, potentiometry, molar conductance and infrared analyses. The Schiff base and the complex compounds are not soluble in water, slightly soluble in most common organic solvents but are readily soluble in methanol and ethanol. The molar conductance of the manganese(II) and iron(II) Schiff base complexes measured are 3.78 and 6.90 ohm-1cm2mol-1, respectively, indicating their non-electrolytic nature. The potentiometric studies revealed a pKa of 5.40 for the Schiff base. The standard Gibb’s free energy of Mn(II) and Fe(II) Schiff base complexes determined are -65.79KJmol-1 and -60.35KJmol-1, respectively. The ratio of metal ion to Schiff base determined potentiometrically and spectrophotometrically for the complex compounds is 1: 2. The IR spectrum of the Schiff base shows bands observable in the two Schiff base complex compounds, indicating the coordination of the Schiff base to the copper ion. Key Words: Schiff base, azomethine, benzyldehyde, potentiometry, spectrophotometry, semicarbazide hydrochloride, morpholine

    The effects of Diethylsulphate on some quantitative traits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)

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    Seeds of three varieties of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) T106, T244 and T420 obtained from the Institute for Agricultural Research, A.B.U Zaria, were treated with Diethylsulphate (DES) at concentrations of 10, 15 and 30 mM with the aim of determining the effective concentration of the mutagen capable of inducing beneficial mutants in tomato. Highly significant differences (

    Spectroscopic and potentiometric studies of Co (II) and Ni (II) complexes with N-(I-Morpholinobenzyl) semicarbazide

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    The Schiff base complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) were synthesized by refluxing the mixture of ethanolic solutions of the Schiff base and metal(II) chlorides, respectively. The complexes were characterized by gravimetry, spectrophotometry, potentiometry, molar conductance and infrared analyses. The N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base and its complex compounds are not soluble in water, slightly soluble in most common organic solvents but are readily soluble in methanol and ethanol. The molar conductance of the cobalt (II) and nickel(II) schiff base complexes determined are in the range 5.38 - 6.03 ohm-1cm2mol-1, suggesting their nonelectrolytic nature. The dissociation constant, pKa, of N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base determined is 5.40. The standard Gibb’s free energy of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base complexes determined are -70.78KJmol-1 and - 68.06KJmol-1, respectively. The ratio of metal ion to Schiff base determined potentiometrically and spectrophotometrically for the complex compounds is 1: 2. The IR spectrum of the Schiff base shows bands observable in the two Schiff base complex compounds, indicating the coordination of the Schiff base to the cobalt(II) and nickel(II) ions. Key Words: Schiff base, azomethine, benzyldehyde, potentiometry, spectrophotometry, morpholine

    The factors influencing municipal solid waste generation in bauchi town, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the factors influencing municipal solid waste generation (MSWG) in Bauchi town, the administrative headquarters of Bauchi state, Nigeria. The study used quantitative method, while experiments and questionnaire surveys, were used as the major instruments for data collection. Data on solid waste generation and the socioeconomic attributes of residents from 400 households were collected from residential zones within Bauchi town, the study area. Descriptive statistics, Correlations and Standard Multiple Regressions (SMR) were computed for data analysis using SPSS 2.2 software. Twelve (12) socioeconomic factors were computed in SMR to determine the significant factors of MSWG in the study. The results showed that five factors, namely: household size, income, education, house head age and occupation have exerted significant influence on MSWG in the study area. The results also showed that F (5:362) = 84.058 at p ≤ 0.01 and adjusted R² = 0.531; which indicated that the factors in the SMR model have sufficiently explained the variance in MSWG in Bauchi town. The study concluded that the five significant predictor factors have adequately explained the variance of MSWG in the study area. Therefore, the factors have implications for planning of effective waste management system in Bauchi town, Nigeria

    Intestinal protozoan infections among HIV positive persons with and without Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in selected ART centers in Adama, Afar and Dire-Dawa, Ethiopia

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    Background: In developing countries, gastroenteritis caused by intestinal parasites may be complicated and is a major cause of morbidity, in general, and kills millions of AIDS patients annually. Thus, the consequences of parasitic diseases are among the major health problems in tropical developing countries. Methods: A total of 200 HIV positive patients on and without-ART aged from 18 to 65 years, of both sexes participated in the study. Each study participant was provided with a faecal collection vial containing 10% formalin for microscopic examination of ova, larvae, and cysts. For detection of Cryptosporidium spp, lsospora belli andCyclospora spp, the modified Zeihl-Neelsen staining method was used. Results: Most (60%) of the study participants were on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Out of those, only two (1.5%) were diagnosed with an opportunistic parasite, and 96 (48%) of the non-ART study participants were infected with at least one other intestinal parasite species. The prevalence was 16% for Giardia lamblia, 13% for Entamoeba histolytica/ E. dispar, 8% for Cryptosporidium spp, 5% for Isospora belli, 1.5% for Blastocystis hominis, 2.5% for Ascaris lumbricoides and 2% for Hymnolepis nana. Diarrhoea was significantly associated with cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, and isosporiasis. Significant association was observed between lower CD4+ T cell count

    Morphogical effects of sodium azide on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)

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    Dry seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun Mill), varieties T106, T244 and T420 obtained from the Institute of Agriculture Research, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria were treated with sodium azide at concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mM aimed at determining the effects of the mutagen on the morphological features of tomato. Highly significant differences (

    A report of heat stroke in two Nigerian siblings

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    Infants and children are at higher risk of heat stroke for several reasons. We report these cases to highlight the danger of leaving children unsupervised in vehicles, aid prompt diagnosis, and management of heat stroke. Two Nigerian siblings aged ranges 5 and 3 years old, were trapped inside an unlocked vehicle and subsequently developed heat stroke. Both children presented with hyperthermia, severe dehydration, convulsions, and loss of consciousness. One of them also had hematuria. They were treated by spraying water onto their bodies to bring down the temperature, intravenous fluid resuscitation, oxygen therapy, and anticonvulsants. Both eventually recovered and were discharged with no obvious neurologic sequalae, but are being followed.up. Key words: Childhood, heatstroke, hyperthermia, vehicular entrapmen


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    This paper shows result obtained from analysis done on some selected heavy metals accumulated in maize planted in contaminated soil for forty two days. The soil (3kg) each was contaminated with 2g of the metals (as FeSO4, CdCO3 and Zn, Mn, Pb, and Cr powder), adapting experimental method of Abd-El Naby 2002 . The results show that essential heavy metals (Fe, Zn and Mn) at day 14 were high with values of 28.275±0.05, 18.210±0.03 and 4.815±0.11 in the experimental and Fe and Zn were high at 28 days with values of 30.21±0.02 and 16.52± 0.01, while at 42 days Fe and Mn were high with values of 33.01±0.00 and 16.88±0.01 respectively. The result for the control soil indicates that Fe, Pb and Zn reduced considerably with values of 3.650± 0.06, 2.006±0.00 and 1.113±0.00 respectively while at day 28 and 42 the same trend was observed to be as day 14. Generally, it was observed that the heavy metals accumulation by the plant in soil for both experimental and control is high in maize. The results show that maize can be used to phytoremediate these metals
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