239 research outputs found

    Working Paper 81 - Re-Orienting Public Management in Africa: Selected Issues and Some Country Experiences

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    The objective of this paper is to examine some aspects of the efforts aimed at re-orienting public management in Africa since the early 1990s. The paper begins with a review of the background to the re-orientation exercise: the decline of the public administration systems in a majority of countries that was accompanied, in some cases, with the collapse of the state. In the second chapter, some selected issues in re-orienting public management are examined. One of the selected issues, the politics and administration nexus, which is at the heart of the conduct of government business, is further examined in depth in the third chapter. The fourth chapter is devoted to specific country experiences of good and bad practices, including attention to key lessons from each case. The fifth and final chapter contain first a brief reflection on how countries can achieve better and sustainable public management reform results, and second, some thoughts on the desirability of introducing and implementing an “African administrative space” within the framework of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD).

    The information superhighway and traditional communication: where we stand

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    Advances in communication technology, bring with them new characteristics which often expand the horizons for information exchange among people. The evolving information superhighway is promising to break the physical barriers to the free flow of information. This has serious implications for developing countries. As many parts of the world adopt the new technologies of the information superhighway African countries should be cautious and not too readily abandon their traditional communication methods, which are not necessarily anti-thetical to the Internet. As exciting as the new technologies are, they do not always portend positive developments


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    This paper discusses Religious Interaction among the Akoko of Nigeria. The work explores Christian-Muslim relationin Akokoland and specifically examines why Christians and muslins have lived in peace since inception till date.The paper defines the Geographical location and the people of Akokoland. It discusses the advent of Islam and Christianity in Akoko. It examines the features of Islam and African Christianity.The paper highlights the facilitating factors, mode, and way of interaction. It gives suggestions and draws a conclusion.In our finding, it is discovered that in Akokoland, Muslims, Christians, and African religion live in absolute peace since the introduction of the religions into the area. The secret of this success is discovered to be hinged on mutual respect, accommodation, tolerance dialogue, and understanding among the religions in the area

    Reservoir quality controls and reservoir modelling of continental to transitional shallow marine sedimentary basins of Southern Nigeria

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    Kontinentale bis flachmarine Ablagerungssysteme enthalten weltweit bedeutende KohlenwasserstofflagerstĂ€tten. Die HeterogenitĂ€t der Gesteinsschichten stellt jedoch eine Schwierigkeit bei der genauen Abgrenzung und Erschließung von LagerstĂ€tten, sowie den Förderstrategien dar. Ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Eigenschaften von LagerstĂ€tten und ihrer Verteilung und Kontrolle verspricht einen besseren Explorationserfolg. Das östliche Dahomey- und das Nigerdelta-Becken in Nigeria entstanden wĂ€hrend der Trennung der afrikanischen und der sĂŒdamerikanischen Platte im spĂ€ten Mesozoikum, nach dem Auseinanderbrechen des Superkontinents PangĂ€a. Die lokale und regionale HeterogenitĂ€t der Lithofazies erschwert die genaue Lokalisierung und Vorhersage der LagerstĂ€ttenvorkommen im östlichen Dahomey-Becken im SĂŒdwesten Nigerias. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Nigerdelta im SĂŒdosten Nigerias ein erdölfĂŒhrendes Sedimentbecken. Das VerstĂ€ndnis der HeterogenitĂ€t der LagerstĂ€tten, die Kontrolle der LagerstĂ€ttenqualitĂ€t und verbesserte 3-D-Modelle können in dieser Region einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Explorationserfolg ermöglichen. In dieser Studie werden daher die Kontrollfaktoren eines Reservoirs im Rahmen einer statischen 3-D-Modellierung eines Onshore-Feldes im Nigerdelta-Becken anhand seismischer Daten und geophysikalischer Logs untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, wie wichtig die LagerstĂ€ttenqualitĂ€t fĂŒr das produktive LagerstĂ€ttenvolumen ist. Im Folgenden konzentriert sich diese Studie auf die diagenetische Geschichte und die Bewertung der LagerstĂ€ttenqualitĂ€t von LagerstĂ€ttengesteinen im östlichen Dahomey-Becken unter Verwendung petrographischer, mineralogischer und petrophysikalischer Methoden an Kernproben, die aus flachen Erkundungsbohrungen und AufschlĂŒssen gewonnen wurden. Die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der LagerstĂ€tteneigenschaften der deltaischen Sedimentgesteine in der Konzession "Atled Creek" im Onshore-Nigerdelta-Becken wurde in einem 3-D-LagerstĂ€ttenmodell dargestellt. Bohrlochgeophysikalische Gammastrahlen- und Dichtemessungen wurden zur Charakterisierung der Lithologie verwendet, wĂ€hrend bohrlochgeophysikalische Neutronen-PorositĂ€ts- und Dichtemessungen zur Bewertung der petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften eingesetzt wurden. Die Verteilung der AblagerungsrĂ€ume wird durch einen stochastischen objektbasierten Ansatz modelliert, der die HeterogenitĂ€t der Reservoireinheiten berĂŒcksichtigt. Die entsprechenden Trendkarten (Abstand zum Objekt, maximale KrĂŒmmung und Tiefentrends) dienten zur Eingrenzung der Verteilung der petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften innerhalb des Modells. In der Konzession wurden vier LagerstĂ€tteneinheiten identifiziert, die gute bis hervorragende LagerstĂ€tteneigenschaften aufweisen. Die in MĂŒndungsarmen abgelagerten Sedimente weisen die beste LagerstĂ€ttenqualitĂ€t auf. Sie dominieren die Fazies der tiefsten untersuchten LagerstĂ€tteneinheit (EX 2.0), die die beste und einzige ölhaltige LagerstĂ€tte in diesem Gebiet ist. Die ĂŒbrigen drei LagerstĂ€tteneinheiten (DX 6.0, DX 7.0 und DX 9.0) sind ĂŒberwiegend gasfĂŒhrend. Die Unsicherheits- und SensitivitĂ€tsanalyse hilft bei der Bewertung des ermittelten Kohlenwasserstoffvolumens und der Ermittlung der Empfindlichkeit der geologischen Modellparameter. Das erstellte Modell reagiert am empfindlichsten auf Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf den TortuositĂ€tsfaktor, die Sortierung und die AblagerungsrĂ€ume der geologischen Eingangsparameter. Der diagenetisch gesteuerte TortuositĂ€tsfaktor hat im Rahmen seiner Unsicherheiten den grĂ¶ĂŸten Einfluss auf das förderbare Reservoirvolumen. Die untersuchten kreidezeitlichen bis palĂ€ogenen, kontinentalen bis marinen Ablagerungen im östlichen Dahomey-Becken weisen eine hohe HeterogenitĂ€t in ihren lithologischen Zusammensetzung auf. Diese unterschiedliche Verteilung der Lithofazies mit fluvialen, estuarinen und flachmarinen Sand-, Silt- und Tonsteinen sowie marinen Kalksteinen ist fĂŒr die heterogenen Eigenschaften der Gesteine der LagerstĂ€tte verantwortlich. Die Charakterisierung der klastischen Lithologien zeigt eine detritische Zusammensetzung, die von Quarz dominiert wird, mit untergeordneten Anteilen von FeldspĂ€ten und Gesteinsfragmenten. Die authigene Zusammensetzung wird von porenfĂŒllenden Karbonatzementen und Eisenoxid- (FeOx) und Eisenoxidhydroxid- (FeO(OH)) Zementen dominiert, mit untergeordneten Kaolinit- und Glaukonitkörnern. Eisenhaltige Kalzit- und eisenhaltige Dolomit-Zemente sind nur in den Sandsteinproben aus flachen Erkundungsbohrungen im zentralen und westlichen Teil des Beckens vorhanden, wĂ€hrend Siderit-Zementierung in einigen Proben einer Formation im östlichen Teil des Beckens auftritt. In den Aufschlussproben gibt es keine intensive Karbonatzementierung. Eisenoxide (FeOx und FeO(OH)) sind jedoch nur in den AufschlĂŒssen reichlich vorhanden, insbesondere in der Benin-Flanke östlich des Dahomey-Beckens. Detritale Tonmatrix (feiner Silt bis Ton) verschließt die Poren in einigen der Proben aus den flachen Bohrungen und AufschlĂŒssen. Zudem treten feste Kohlenwasserstoffe in den PorenrĂ€umen in Ölsanden einer Formation auf. Die besten ReservoirqualitĂ€ten werden fĂŒr den arenitischen Sandstein mit einer PorositĂ€t von bis zu 47 % und einer PermeabilitĂ€t von >10.000 mD erzielt. Die DurchlĂ€ssigkeit in den matrixgestĂŒtzten Sandsteinabschnitten der Bohrungen ist gering. Auch die starke FeOx- und FeO(OH)-Zementierung in der Benin-Flanke fĂŒhrt zu einer geringen DurchlĂ€ssigkeit, da es keine Verbindungen zwischen der verbleibenden intergranularen PorositĂ€t gibt. Die wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren auf die beobachtete LagerstĂ€ttenqualitĂ€t sind die Menge an Karbonatzementen, Eisenoxiden (FeOx und FeO(OH)) und die Tonmineralmatrix. In den Kalksteinen ist die PorositĂ€t mĂ€ĂŸig, wobei Auflösung und MikroporositĂ€t die wichtigsten Porentypen darstellen, die entsprechende DurchlĂ€ssigkeit im Kalkstein ist jedoch gering. Cementstones weisen die geringste optische PorositĂ€t ≀ 0,7 % auf, wĂ€hrend die besten LagerstĂ€ttenfazies in den Kalksteinen die Wackestones und Packstones sind

    Women’s perception on rights during pregnancy and childbirth

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    Background: The Nigerian health system as a whole has been plagued by problems associated with the quality of service, including but not limited to unfriendly staff attitudes to patients, inadequate skills, decaying infrastructures, and chronic shortages of essential drugs. Approximately two-thirds of all Nigerian women deliver outside of health facilities and without the presence of medically skilled attendants.  The study was carried out to assess the awareness and knowledge of women regarding their rights during pregnancy and childbirth, and to explore the extent to which women’s rights were respected during pregnancy and childbirth.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among randomly selected 140 women at Mother and Child Hospital, Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria. Data was collected with a pretested questionnaire and was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.Results: Findings revealed that majority (76.9%) of the women had a fair knowledge of their rights in pregnancy and childbirth, with the source of knowledge majorly from their friends. Right to information, informed consent and refusal, even distribution of healthcare services, maintenance of attainable level of health regarding proper monitoring were fairly observed by the health care providers. Right of women against verbal and physical abuse, privacy, treatment with dignity and respect were least accorded to women.Conclusions: Respective Maternity Care remains a challenge that demands policy interventions in most public health facilities to enhance positive endorsement and utilisation of maternal and health care services

    Microbiological Assessment of Poultry Droppings, Water and Soil Under Deep Litter (Dl) And Battery Cage (Bl) Systems Within Lagos, Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the evaluation of the microbiological profile of microbes found in water, soil, droppings, in selected poultry farms under intensive and semi-intensive management system within Lagos, Nigeria. Bacteria and fungi were isolated from poultry droppings, water and soil samples and identified by standard microbiological protocol. The data on the assessment of poultry production system were obtained with structured questionnaire. The bacterial and fungal counts ranged from 29 X 109 CFU/mL - 106 X 109 CFU/mL and 72 X 109 CFU/mL - 115 X 109 CFU/mL respectively. The microorganisms isolated were Streptococcus pluranimalium, Micrococcus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus arlettae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Bacilllus subtilis, Aeromonas hydrophila, Candida tropicalis, Saccharomyces spp, Sporendonema spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium oxysporum, Kloeckera spp., Zygosaccharomyces spp and Aspergillus niger. Aspergillus niger (30.5%), Micrococcus sp. (17.6%) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus, (17.6%), occur most frequently while Candida tropicalis (4.6%) and Escherichia coli (5.8%) has the lowest percentage occurrence in poultry droppings. Aspergillus sp. (48.4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (28.6%) occur most frequently while Penicillium sp. (15.2%), Staphylococcus spp. (7.1%), has the lowest percentage occurrence in poultry soil samples. Fusarium sp. (38.8%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (28.6%), occur most frequently while Aspergillus sp. (7.7%), Staphylococcus spp. (7.1%) has the lowest percentage occurrence in water samples. Most of the isolated bacteria showed resistance to at least two different classes of antibiotics. There is strong evidence that poultry farms in Lagos have utilized many antibiotics and this may have contributed to antibiotic resistant pattern of some bacterial isolates to antibiotics

    The People's Republic of China and FAPRA: Catalysts for theory building in Africa's public relations

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    Africa is experiencing an unusually high economic interest from the People's Republic of China, whose government has invested billions of dollars in schools, clinics, roads, railways, factories, and oil wells on the continent; has canceled more than 1.36billionindebtsowedtoitby33Africannations;andhaspledgedtoprovideAfricawith1.36 billion in debts owed to it by 33 African nations; and has pledged to provide Africa with 5 billion in preferential loans and credits through 2009. Its top party officials traverse the continent, seeking to develop business relationships and to reinforce others. While such efforts help place Africa on the cusp of significant economic growth, they also boost the programs and activities of the Nairobi, Kenya-based Federation of African Public Relations Associations (FAPRA), and an umbrella body of all national public relations associations in Africa and a consultant to African governments and to the African Union. FAPRA has launched a 5-year action plan to improve the stature and social relevance of the public relations practice, largely through enhancing its efforts to professionalize it. Both China and FAPRA are, in essence, collaborating to create environments conducive to enhancing the practice in Africa, and to laying a foundation for an expansive view of public relations research—one that questions grand narratives, defines concepts, challenges orthodoxies, measures variables, and determines program outcomes or effects. And researchers and practitioners work together in creative ways to improve the practice. This article argues that questions and concepts are, in themselves, opportunities for a much-needed theory building in Africa's public relations. It, therefore, outlines 4 propositions as a template for such theory building, based on a 4-concept research agenda: culture, good governance and rule of law, economic freedom, and FAPRA's integrated programs and activities outlined in its 5-year action plan. The return of China 
 to global economic prominence in the twenty-first century is likely to reshape global politics and society. The overwhelming dominance of the West, which lasted half a millennium, is probably passĂ©. We should view these developments not only with awe, but with anticipation. (Sachs, 2005Sachs, J. D. 2005. The end of poverty: Economic possibilities of our time, New York: Penguin. [Google Scholar], p. 187) We want to work in partnership with the international community, but we believe that it must be a partnership based on mutual respect and mutual accountability. (Former Namibian Prime Minister Geingob, 2006Geingob, H. 2006. “Democracy in Africa”. In Democracy rising: Assessing the global challenges, Edited by: Muñoz, H.55–60. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. [Google Scholar], p. 56

    Occurrence and Environmental Implications of Calcareous Nannofossils in Surface Sediments of the Western Gulf of Guinea: off Lagos Coast, South-western Nigeria

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    The application of calcareous nannofossils in oil exploration, and environmental studies is playing an increasingly important role all over the world. Most recent researches on this subject area in Nigeria are confined/restricted to the oil producing Niger Delta leaving most other areas untouched. This however limits nannofossils’ application in biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental interpretation of non oil producing areas within the country. Before now, nannofossils occurrence and application have not been documented in the surface sediments of Nigeria. Consequently, calcareous nannofossils have been investigated in thirteen (13) surface sediments samples of the littoral area from the continental shelf of western Gulf of Guinea, off Lagos coast. Primarily, this research was aimed at determining the occurrence (and or non occurrence), and relative abundance of nannofossils in surface sediments of the area with which the age of the sediments, paleoenvironment and paleoecological condition(s) could be determined.The samples were collected with the aid of grab sampler, allowed to dry and subjected to detailed lithologic description. Furthermore, the samples were subjected to nannofossils analysis by standard method of preparation. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis was done using the high power Olympus Transmitted Light Microscope (TLM). The occurrence of nannofossils has been established in the study area (littoral area of the western Gulf of Guinea). Most of the sediments are poorly consolidated, fine to coarse grained sand with little amount of clay ant silt fractions that yielded Pliocene to Recent nannofossils (mainly Pleistocene). A total population of 1132 belonging to five different genera (Calcidiscus, Ceratolithus, Gephyrocapsa, Helicosphera and Reticulofenestra) and seven species were found in the studied samples with Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica being the most abundant (followed by Gephyrocapsa oceanica of a little lower abundance). The species indicate a truly shallow marine environment within recent sediment accumulation. Keywords: Surface sediments, littoral, calcareous nannofossils, Gulf of Guinea, Lagos, Nigeria, biostratigraphy, paleoenvironment, paleoecology, lithologic
