12 research outputs found

    Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of the Formation of Students' Own Educational Strategies in the Process of Independent Learning

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    The scientific problem to which this article is devoted is determined by the tasks facing modern education. One of these tasks is to build a continuous education system, covering all stages of a person’s life. To ensure the movement of the individual in the educational space, it is necessary to form a culture of lifelong learning, which implies the development of technologies of self-education and self-learning. The latter become a fundamental factor in the system of continuous learning. The analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature showed that the independent work of students in its theoretical justification has always been interpreted as the most important component of the educational process. However, in recent years the problem of improving its effectiveness began to attract increasing attention of researchers. One of the ways, according to scientists, psychologists and methodologists, is to teach students the ability to learn. But in order to "learn how to learn", it is necessary to master various methods of organization and implementation of educational activities. This is facilitated, according to foreign scientists, by the use of various learning strategies. The purpose of this article is to consider different types of educational strategies formed within the framework of independent foreign language training of students. According to the authors of the article, educational process should be organized in such a way that the consistent and purposeful work on formation of teaching strategies is conducted, mastery of which promotes students’ ability to learn. The formation of this skill becomes a support for personal readiness to continuously learn throughout life

    Digital Twins as a New Paradigm of an Industrial Enterprise

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the core principles and possibilities of using digital twin technology for the development of Russia’s industrial sectors, taking into account the international experience. Theoretical and methodological research has been based on the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the use of digital technologies in the management of economic systems, including industry. The study was based on a set of quantitative and qualitative methods, including case analysis and text mining. A semantic analysis of scientific publications and industry literature was conducted to assess the condition of the problem field and determine trends in the digital transformation of industries from the standpoint of digital twin technology. In addition, an open-source collection of over 100 case files reflecting the practice of introducing digital twins into production processes was compiled. It has been proven that digital twins provide a wide range of possibilities for production enterprises: increased productivity, efficient use of resources, energy intensity and efficiency, reduction of different kinds of costs at all stages of the product life cycle, production of new types of products, and the modification of the organization’s business model. A SWOT analysis of economic entities using digital twins was undertaken, which made it possible to identify the opportunities and threats of their introduction into the production process. The study results have refined the model of a new generation industrial economic system based on the functionality of a digital twin, including the parameters of system and predictive analytics, as well as the Internet of Things platform

    Electrospun Biodegradable Nanofibers Coated Homogenously by Cu Magnetron Sputtering Exhibit Fast Ion Release. Computational and Experimental Study

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    Copper-coated nanofibrous materials are desirable for catalysis, electrochemistry, sensing, and biomedical use. The preparation of copper or copper-coated nanofibers can be pretty challenging, requiring many chemical steps that we eliminated in our robust approach, where for the first time, Cu was deposited by magnetron sputtering onto temperature-sensitive polymer nanofibers. For the first time, the large-scale modeling of PCL films irradiation by molecular dynamics simulation was performed and allowed to predict the ions penetration depth and tune the deposition conditions. The Cu-coated polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers were thoroughly characterized and tested as antibacterial agents for various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Fast release of Cu2+ ions (concentration up to 3.4 mu g/mL) led to significant suppression of E. coli and S. aureus colonies but was insufficient against S. typhimurium and Ps. aeruginosa. The effect of Cu layer oxidation upon contact with liquid media was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealing that, after two hours, 55% of Cu atoms are in form of CuO or Cu(OH)(2). The Cu-coated nanofibers will be great candidates for wound dressings thanks to an interesting synergistic effect: on the one hand, the rapid release of copper ions kills bacteria, while on the other hand, it stimulates the regeneration with the activation of immune cells. Indeed, copper ions are necessary for the bacteriostatic action of cells of the immune system. The reactive CO2/C2H4 plasma polymers deposited onto PCL-Cu nanofibers can be applied to grafting of viable proteins, peptides, or drugs, and it further explores the versatility of developed nanofibers for biomedical applications use

    Усовершенствованная концепция ядерной физики

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    The integrated science of nature, which is formatted in present time, proves the improved approach to the natural phenomena. Consideration, taking into account the existence of the planet nonelectromagnetic radiation and the nuclear magnetic-like field, can be produced now for any branch of science. In particular the nuclear-physical phenomena are considered in connection with the mentioned substances and thus the new technologies can be proposed for the nuclear energetics.Интегральное природоведение, формируемое в настоящее время, выдвигает усовершенствованный подход при рассмотрении естественных явлений, с учетом существования планетарного неэлектромагнитного излучения и ядерного магнитоподобного поля. В частности, ядерно-физические явления рассматриваются во взаимосвязи с указанными субстанциями, благодаря чему открывается возможность разработки новых ядерных технологий

    Актуальные проблемы современной физики

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    The modern physics problems are connected with development of the integrated science of nature, including the ecologically pure technologies, based on the usage of the planet nonelectromagnetic radiation. The actual phenomena occure to be the hadron ones and thus namely the nuclear physics plays the main role under the technological progress.Проблемы современной физики связаны с развитием интегрального природоведения, включая разработку экологически чистых технологий, основанных на использовании планетарного неэлектромагнитного излучения. Актуальные явления оказались адронными и поэтому именно ядерная физика играет основную роль в технологическом прогрессе

    Детальное рассмотрение процесса генерирования адронного излучения путем вибрации нуклонов

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    The hadron radiation is generated by the great cosmos bodies (Earth, Sun) together with the electromagnetic one. The first approximation theory describes this radiation generation as an yield of the nucleons vibration along the hadron bond. The improved theory is developed and shown for such an example as the helium nucleus. The obtained frequency values directly refer to the solar hadron radiation and can be used as an approximate estimation for the planet one.Адронное излучение генерируется крупными космическими телами наряду с электромагнитным излучением. В первом приближении генерирование данного излучения рассматривается как следствие вибрации нуклонов вдоль адронной связи. Разработана усовершенствованная теория, показанная на примере ядра гелия. Полученные значения частоты излучения непосредственно относятся к солнечному адронному излучению и могут быть использованы в качестве приблизительной оценки для аналогичного планетарного излучения

    Развитие расширенной структуры фундаментальных взаимодействий

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    The experimental observations, carried out by the independent authors, prove the existence of the nonelectromagnetic phenomena, which cannot be perceived on the base of the known fundamental interactions structure. We have to point out the known structure shortcoming which is the absence of the symmetry. The improved fundamental interactions structure has the symmetrical form and includes the places for the observed nonelectromagnetic phenomena. We have obtained the fundamental notions base for the integrated science formation and the new technological means construction.Экспериментальные наблюдения, проведенные независимыми авторами, доказывают существование неэлектромагнитных феноменов, которые не могут быть поняты на основе известной структуры фундаментальных взаимодействий. Необходимо подчеркнуть, что недостатком известной структуры является отсутствие симметрии. Расширенная структура фундаментальных взаимодействий обладает симметричной формой и в ней находят свое место наблюдаемые неэлектромагнитные феномены. Нами получены фундаментальные основания для формирования интегральной науки и новых технологий

    Serosurvey of Selected Zoonotic Pathogens in Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus Phipps, 1774) in the Russian Arctic

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    Antibodies to several pathogens were detected in the serum samples of nine polar bears (Ursus maritimus, Phipps, 1774) from areas of the Russian Arctic. Plasma was studied for antibodies to sixteen infectious and parasitic diseases using indirect Protein-A ELISA. It is known that when using ELISA, the interaction of antibodies with a heterologous antigen is possible due to immunological crossings between antigens. We investigated the plasma for the presence of antibodies to the major pathogens and for the presence of antibodies to pathogens, for which the cross-immunological reactions to these pathogens are described. For example, antibodies to the pathogens of opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, and ascariasis were found simultaneously in four polar bears. Antibodies to both anisakidosis and trichinellosis pathogens were found in six animals. The data obtained may also indicate a joint invasion by these pathogens. Unfortunately, due to the small number of animals sampled, it is impossible to carry out statistical processing of the data

    Serosurvey of Selected Zoonotic Pathogens in Polar Bears (<i>Ursus maritimus</i> Phipps, 1774) in the Russian Arctic

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    Antibodies to several pathogens were detected in the serum samples of nine polar bears (Ursus maritimus, Phipps, 1774) from areas of the Russian Arctic. Plasma was studied for antibodies to sixteen infectious and parasitic diseases using indirect Protein-A ELISA. It is known that when using ELISA, the interaction of antibodies with a heterologous antigen is possible due to immunological crossings between antigens. We investigated the plasma for the presence of antibodies to the major pathogens and for the presence of antibodies to pathogens, for which the cross-immunological reactions to these pathogens are described. For example, antibodies to the pathogens of opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, and ascariasis were found simultaneously in four polar bears. Antibodies to both anisakidosis and trichinellosis pathogens were found in six animals. The data obtained may also indicate a joint invasion by these pathogens. Unfortunately, due to the small number of animals sampled, it is impossible to carry out statistical processing of the data