222 research outputs found

    International non-governmental organizations as a platform for street work activities directed at street children

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    The article presents the activities of selected international non-governmental organizations, which serve as a platform for street work among street children from Belgium, Peru and Canada. Street work with socially maladjusted children and adolescents who live or spend a lot of time in the street requires well-qualified and competent workers. Street work platforms promote street work in the world with an increasing number of street children. Although street work with various groups, including street children, is still not regarded a regular profession in many countries, all over the world new street work platforms are created in order to ensure the highest standards of street work. Several examples of such platforms are presented in the article, however, one might wonder how necessary street work networks are

    The Digital Generation of Children and Adolescents in Face of Internet Dangers

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    Organizacje pozarządowe w Polsce jako platforma wsparcia i promocji działań streetworkerskich skierowanych do dzieci ulicy

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    Streetworking ukierunkowany na pracę profilaktyczno-resocjalizacyjną z dziećmi ulicy potrzebuje sieci organizacji pozarządowych rozumianych jako platforma wsparcia i promocji tej metody. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu analizę działalności trzech podmiotów społecznych w Polsce, takich jak: Fundacja dla Polski, Krajowy Komitet Wychowania Resocjalizacyjnego i Ogólnopolska Sieć Organizacji Streetworkerskich jako dobrych przykładów w tym zakresie

    ''Bad touch'' (pedophilia) – the stolen innocence of a child.The analysis of the phenomenon and the forms of aid offered to pedophiles' victims in Poland

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    Pedophilia is a deviant form of hurting children which is growing worldwide and in Poland. From a social perspective, it is a kind of sexual deviation, as it destroys the child's dignity and innocence, leaving irrevocable psychological and physical damage in its wake. Victims of sexual abuse experience disgrace, shame and fear; they hide in the shadow of their tragedy and build a wall of silence, which separates them from normal functioning in a society. That is why pedophilia will never be socially approved, and each instance of child sexual abuse is stigmatized in mass media. The aim of the article is to analyze subject literature devoted to pedophilia and the forms of support offered to its victims in Poland. Scientific considerations devoted to the ethiopathogenesis of pedophilia, its traumatic consequences for the victim and preventive and correctional measures contribute both to a public discussion and to pedagogical practices. Three areas are recommended: 1) an integrated system of preventive activities aimed at protection of children and teenagers against pedophiles' acts, 2) development and implementation of a national preventive programme in this area for students of primary, junior and high schools, and 3) systematic workshops for teachers and parents directed at preventive measures

    O użyteczności kategorii nadziei w sytuacji wychowawczej dziecka wykorzystywanego seksualnie

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    The article deals with the issue of the usefulness of the category of hope in the educational situation of a sexually abused child. The theoretical part presents the perspective of understanding hope in the educator-foster relationship. The future, the way of experiencing the present, and the meaning and size of the space in which person lives depend on his hope. The hope that the educator brings is important from the perspective of psychosocial development, disturbed by a traumatic experience. Rebuilding trust and relationships is the essence of hope. The purpose of this article is to identify significant determinants of hope defining the work of an educator with a child, a victim of sexual violence, and their description in the experience of study participants. The study used the narrative method using content analysis. The research problem took the form of the question: What are the basic determinants of the category of hope in the narratives of post-graduate students preparing to work with an abused child? The research was conducted in 2019 among 23 respondents. Obtained research results allowed to select subcategories within the examined categories, showing the specificity and value of the experiments described by the researched. In addition, the conclusions of the study are valuable for pedagogical practice, especially in the scope of enriching the educational offer for the teaching profession and teacher in relation to diagnostic, intervention and support activities for people with experience of violence.W artykule podjęto problematykę użyteczności kategorii nadziei w sytuacji wychowawczej dziecka wykorzystywanego seksualnie. W części teoretycznej przedstawiono perspektywę rozumienia nadziei w relacji wychowawca – wychowanek. Od nadziei człowieka zależy jego przyszłość, sposób przeżywania teraźniejszości oraz sens i rozmiar przestrzeni, w której żyje. Nadzieja, jaką niesie osoba wychowawcy, jest ważna z perspektywy rozwoju psychospołecznego zakłóconego traumatycznym doświadczeniem. Odbudowanie zaufania, relacji, jest istotą nadziei. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyłonienie znaczących determinant nadziei określających pracę wychowawcy z dzieckiem, ofiarą przemocy seksualnej, a także ich opis w doświadczeniu uczestników badań. W badaniach posłużono się metodą narracyjną z wykorzystaniem analizy treści. Problem badawczy przyjął postać pytania: Jakie są podstawowe determinanty kategorii nadziei w narracjach słuchaczy studiów podyplomowych przygotowujących się do pracy z dzieckiem krzywdzonym? Badania przeprowadzono w 2019 r. w grupie 23 respondentów. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły na wyłonienie w ramach badanych kategorii subkategorii unaoczniających specyfikę i wartość opisywanych przez badanych doświadczeń. Ponadto wnioski z badań są wartościowe dla praktyki pedagogicznej, szczególnie w zakresie wzbogacania oferty kształcenia do zawodu nauczyciela i pedagoga w odniesieniu do działań diagnostycznych, interwencyjnych i wspierających osoby z doświadczeniami przemocy

    Budowanie relacji charakterystyczną cechą pedagogii ewangelicznej

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    Since the beginning of the history of the world, the truth about man as a being in relation has been known. In a wide range of relations we discover two categories of its meanings. The first one, marked with superficiality and self-interest, sets up the relations between two persons in the sphere of being closed to life. The second one, characterized by openness, another person’s good and the attitude of acceptance, aims at living and tasting life as a gift. The second type of relation defines pedagogical relation as a shared way of an educator and a pupil towards the height of humanity.Relation with another man constitutes the first step in evangelical pedagogy, where Jesus is shown as the One, who goes to meet man and seeks him in various moments and events of his fate. To specify these deliberations, two biblical pericops – “The Rich Young Man” (Matthew 19, 16–22) and “The First Four Disciples Are Called” (Mark 1, 16–22) – may prove helpful. Building a pedagogical relation in these evangelical texts between Jesus – the Educator and the pupil is revealed in four stages: intentionality in building relations, ability to participate in an educational situation, willpower to get to know the pupil and a project for one’s own life. In addition, a universal message for contemporary education is shown in each of these stages