13 research outputs found

    Retoryka populistyczna w parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej w dobie kryzysu migracyjnego

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    The main purpose of the study was to examine whether populist rhetoric was present in the statements of the leaders of five political parties (PO, PiS, PSL, Kukiz'15, KORWiN), during the parliamentary election campaign in 2015 in Poland. Analysis of political statements in the traditional media and online media in the period 11—23 October 2015 allowed positively verify the research hypothesis. Leaders of Polish political parties have used populist rhetoric — usually using the negative image of refugees, presenting them as a threat to the state and citizens

    Journalistic role performance in Poland

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    Several research projects in the last decade have been devoted to studying professional role perception among Polish journalists. Still less is known about how different ideals of professional roles affect journalistic role performance. This paper aims to present the findings of the content analysis of 1,130 news stories published in four Polish newspapers in 2012 and 2013. The study was a part of the international research project: Journalistic Role Performance Around the Globe (led by Prof. Clau- dia Mellado from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, in Chile and Lea Hellmueller, from Texas States University, www.journalisticperformance.org). The results indicate that the watchdog model is most commonly used in the Polish press, followed by the infotainment and civic models. However, the findings of the content analysis primarily support the general observation on the political orientations of the Polish newspapers and political parallelism of the Polish media system

    Postawy polskich dziennikarzy wobec aktorów politycznych: badania empiryczne

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    The aim of the paper is to compare the findings of selected surveys conducted among Polish journalists with the findings of a newspaper content analysis. The findings of the surveys showed differences between different generations of journalists. Specifically, those who entered the profession right after the political transition in the early 1990s seem more interested in playing the role of watchdog than those who have recently graduated from universities. Although the youngest generation of Polish journalists believes that the media should monitor political actors, they do not seem very interested in playing that role. The findings of the content analysis showed that Polish journalists pay significant attention to monitoring the policy and performance of political actors. The study supports previous observations on the high level of political parallelism of the Polish media system.Celem artykułu jest zestawienie postaw polskich dziennikarzy wobec aktorów politycznych deklarowanych w ankietach (role perception) z faktycznymi działaniami podejmowanymi przez dziennikarzy wobec polityków w przygotowywanych przez nich materiałach informacyjnych (role performance). Wyniki badań ankietowych ujawniają istotne różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi pokoleniami polskich dziennikarzy. Z rolą watchodoga utożsamia się przede wszystkim pokolenie podejmujące pracę w okresie zmiany ustrojowej, podczas gdy najmłodsze pokolenie – choć uważa tę rolę mediów za ważną – samo nie jest zainteresowane jej pełnieniem. Analiza zawartości mediów potwierdza dużą wagę przywiązywaną przez polskich dziennikarzy do monitorowania działalności prowadzonej przez aktorów politycznych. Badania dostarczają jednocześnie danych potwierdzających wysoki poziom paralelizmu politycznego polskiego systemu medialnego

    Professional values and attitudes of the Polish working and aspiring journalists

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    Celem artykułu jest metaanaliza wyników badań empirycznych prowadzonych wśród polskich dziennikarzy od lat 70. oraz ukazanie kierunków zmian, jakie w tym środowisku zachodziły w ostatnich czterech dekadach. Porównanie wyników badań z czterech ostatnich dekad prowadzi do wniosku, że wraz ze zmianami polityczno-społecznymi w Polsce na plan pierwszy wśród motywów wyboru zawodu dziennikarskiego przez polskich dziennikarzy wysunęły się motywacje indywidualistyczne, zaś straciły na znaczeniu motywacje altruistyczne. Ponadto zestawienie danych dotyczących motywacji do wykonywania zawodu z oczekiwaniami w zakresie pełnienia funkcji i odgrywania ról przez media i dziennikarzy pozwala na odtworzenie deklarowanego przez przedstawicieli organizacji medialnych współczesnego modelu polskiego dziennikarstwa (tzw. "role perception"): nastawionego przede wszystkim na przekaz informacji i przedstawianie szerokiego spektrum poglądów oraz kontrolowanie elit, zaś dopiero w dalszej kolejności podejmującego się aktywizowania lub edukowania obywateli.The aim of this paper is to present the conclusions drawn from a meta-analysis of the findings collected with surveys that have been conducted among Polish journalists since the 1970s. The paper focuses on the trends and shifts in the journalitists' motivations and roles perception that have been occurring in the last four decades. The findings show that since the transformation period in the late 1989s and early 1990s, Polish journalists seem to be more individualistic and professional-oriented than social and altruist-oriented. The contemporary model of the Polish journalism built upon journalists' declarations on the media roles is a combination of the newsprovider and a forum of a broad spectrum of the political opinion presentation - oriented model, with a watchdog - style journalism. Traditional roles of the Polish journalists, such as education and motivation of the citizens, seem to be of the secondary importance for the media people today

    Journalistic role performance in Poland

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    Several research projects in the last decade have been devoted to studying professional role perception among Polish journalists. Still less is known about how different ideals of professional roles affect journalistic role performance. This paper aims to present the findings of the content analysis of 1,130 news stories published in four Polish newspapers in 2012 and 2013. The study was a part of the international research project: Journalistic Role Performance Around the Globe (led by Prof. Claudia Mellado from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, in Chile and Lea Hellmueller, from Texas States University, www.journalisticperformance.org). The results indicate that the watchdog model is most commonly used in the Polish press, followed by the infotainment and civic models. However, the findings of the content analysis primarily support the general observation on the political orientations of the Polish newspapers and political parallelism of the Polish media system

    A party and its leader in social media during the 2015 Polish parliamentary election campaign

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    Problem badawczy dotyczy obecności zjawiska personalizacji w przekazach mediów społecznościowych kontrolowanych przez polityków podczas parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej w Polsce w 2015 roku. W badaniu posłużono się przykładem ówczesnej największej partii opozycyjnej - Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, która w wyborach parlamentarnych odniosła sukces wyborczy. Celem pracy jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy kampania wyborcza w mediach społecznościowych prowadzonych przez PiS była nastawiona na ekspozycję lidera, a jeśli tak, jak kształtowała się relacja partia-lider oraz lider-partia. Otrzymane wyniki dowodzą, że w przypadku PiS-u komunikowanie w mediach społecznościowych uległo medialnej personalizacji scentralizowanej.The research problem of this article focuses on the issue of personalization in social media channels controlled by politicians during the Polish parliamentary election campaign in 2015. The research material consists of social media messages created by the large stop position party of that time - the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość), which won the parliamentary elections concerned. The purpose of the research is to find out whether, in the election campaign led in social media by the Law and Justice, the party leader was more exposed than other candidates and if so, what was the relationship between the leader and the party. The results show that, in the case of the Law and Justice, communication in social media was based on the exposure of the party leader - the phenomenon called centralized personalization

    Retoryka populistyczna w parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej w dobie kryzysu migracyjnego

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    The main purpose of the study was to examine whether populist rhetoric was present in the statements of the leaders of five political parties (PO, PiS, PSL, Kukiz'15, KORWiN), during the parliamentary election campaign in 2015 in Poland. Analysis of political statements in the traditional media and online media in the period 11-23 October 2015 allowed positively verify the research hypothesis. Leaders of Polish political parties have used populist rhetoric - usually using the negative image of refugees, presenting them as a threat to the state and citizens

    Dimensions, speakers, and targets: Basic patterns in European media reporting on populism

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    European media systems have been affected by major changes in the last few decades that have facilitated the dissemination of populist messages, including increased media ownership concentration, increased commercialization, and a stronger orientation towards news values (Esser, Stępińska, & Hopmann, 2017). At the same time, Europe has faced several political crises, such as the European sovereign debt crisis, the refugee crisis, and ‘Brexit’. Against this background, we analyze populist communication in immigration news coverage as well as in opinion pieces within two time periods (2016 & 2017) across twelve European countries. We define populism as a ‘thin’ ideology (Mudde, 2004) and derive four dimensions of populist communication: people-centrism, anti-elitism, the exclusion of specific out-groups, and restoring sovereignty (Mény & Surel, 2002; Reinemann, Aalberg, Esser, Strömbäck, & de Vreese, 2017). This chapter provides a theoretical introduction to populist communication in the media, and a detailed description of the methodological approach, as well as first descriptive results of the study