2,348 research outputs found

    Lysosomal sulfate transport: inhibitor studies

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    AbstractSulfate derived from the degradation of macromolecules is released from lysosomes via a carrier mediated process. In order to further characterize this process, recognized inhibitors of the erythrocyte band 3 anion transporter were examined for their effects on the lysosomal system. Studies with band 3 transport site inhibitors such as DIDS, SITS and phenylglyoxal indicated that, similar to the case for the band 3 protein, the llysosomal transporter has critical lysine and arginine residues. Band 3 translocation pathway or channel blocking inhibitors had mixed effects on the lysosomal system. 1,2-Cyclohexanedione, which covalently modifies a band 3 arginine residue distinct from that modified by phenylglyoxal, inhibited lysosomal sulfate transport. In contrast, the potent band 3 inhibitor dipyridamole had no effect on lysosomal sulfate transport indicating that there are some structural differences between the erythrocyte and lysosomal anion transporters. The band 3 translocation inhibitors niflumic acid and dinitrofluorobenzene were both effective inhibitors of the lysosomal system. Cupric ion inhibited sulfate transport while Ca2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ had no inhibitory effects. Exposure of intact lysosomes to trypsin largely ablated transport of sulfate. This information should be useful in efforts to further elucidate the structure and function of the lysosomal sulfate transporter

    The C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS): New Constraints on the Integrated Radio Spectrum of M 31

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    The Andromeda galaxy (M31) is our closest neighbouring spiral galaxy, making it an ideal target for studying the physics of the interstellar medium in a galaxy very similar to our own. Using new observations of M31 at 4.76GHz by the C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS), and all available radio data at 1∘1^\circ resolution, we produce the integrated spectrum and put new constraints on the synchrotron spectral index and anomalous microwave emission (AME) from M31. We use aperture photometry and spectral modelling to fit for the integrated spectrum of M31, and subtract a comprehensive model of nearby background radio sources. The AME in M31 is detected at 3σ3\sigma significance with a peak near 30GHz and flux density 0.27±0.090.27\pm0.09Jy. The synchrotron spectral index of M31 is flatter than our own Galaxy at α=−0.66±0.03\alpha = -0.66 \pm 0.03 with no strong evidence of spectral curvature. The emissivity of AME, averaged over the total emission from M31 is lower than typical AME sources in our Galaxy, implying that AME is not uniformly distributed throughout M31 and instead is likely confined to sub-regions -- this will need to be confirmed using future higher resolution observations around 20--30GHz.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Negotiating the inhuman: Bakhtin, materiality and the instrumentalization of climate change

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    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be resisted if our desire for a false stability in the world is overcome. The key to this overcoming of fear, for him, lies in recognizing and confronting the worldly relations of the human body. This consciousness represents the beginning of one’s ‘deautomatization’ from following established patterns of reactions to predicted or real changes. In the vein of several theorists and artists of his time who explored similar ‘deautomatization’ strategies – examples include Shklovsky’s ‘ostranenie’, Brecht’s ‘Verfremdung’, Artaud’s emotional ‘cruelty’ and Bataille’s ‘base materialism’ – Bakhtin proposes a more playful and widely accessible experimentation to deconstruct our ‘habitual picture of the world’. Experimentation is envisioned to take place across the material and the textual to increase possibilities for action. Through engaging with Bakhtin’s ideas, this article seeks to draw attention to relations between the imagination of the world and political agency, and the need to include these relations in our own experiments with creating climate change awareness

    Spectroscopy of a single-carrier bilayer graphene quantum dot from time-resolved charge detection

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    We measured the spectrum of a single-carrier bilayer graphene quantum dot as a function of both parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields, using a time-resolved charge detection technique that gives access to individual tunnel events. Thanks to our unprecedented energy resolution of 4Ό \mu~eV, we could distinguish all four levels of the dot's first orbital, in particular in the range of magnetic fields where the first and second excited states cross (B⊄â‰Č100 B_\perp\lesssim 100~mT). We thereby experimentally establish, the hitherto extrapolated, single-charge carrier spectrum picture and provide a new upper bound for the inter-valley mixing, equal to our energy resolution

    Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Models of the Present Climate

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    The global characteristics of tropical cyclones (TCs) simulated by several climate models are analyzed and compared with observations. The global climate models were forced by the same sea surface temperature (SST) in two types of experiments, using a climatological SST and interannually varying SST. TC tracks and intensities are derived from each model's output fields by the group who ran that model, using their own preferred tracking scheme; the study considers the combination of model and tracking scheme as a single modeling system, and compares the properties derived from the different systems. Overall, the observed geographic distribution of global TC frequency was reasonably well reproduced. As expected, with the exception of one model, intensities of the simulated TC were lower than in observations, to a degree that varies considerably across models

    Corresponding States of Structural Glass Formers

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    The variation with respect to temperature T of transport properties of 58 fragile structural glass forming liquids (68 data sets in total) are analyzed and shown to exhibit a remarkable degree of universality. In particular, super-Arrhenius behaviors of all super-cooled liquids appear to collapse to one parabola for which there is no singular behavior at any finite temperature. This behavior is bounded by an onset temperature To above which liquid transport has a much weaker temperature dependence. A similar collapse is also demonstrated, over the smaller available range, for existing numerical simulation data.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Updated References, Table Values, Submitted for Publicatio

    First radial velocity results from the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA)

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    The MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA) is a dedicated observatory of four 0.7m robotic telescopes fiber-fed to a KiwiSpec spectrograph. The MINERVA mission is to discover super-Earths in the habitable zones of nearby stars. This can be accomplished with MINERVA's unique combination of high precision and high cadence over long time periods. In this work, we detail changes to the MINERVA facility that have occurred since our previous paper. We then describe MINERVA's robotic control software, the process by which we perform 1D spectral extraction, and our forward modeling Doppler pipeline. In the process of improving our forward modeling procedure, we found that our spectrograph's intrinsic instrumental profile is stable for at least nine months. Because of that, we characterized our instrumental profile with a time-independent, cubic spline function based on the profile in the cross dispersion direction, with which we achieved a radial velocity precision similar to using a conventional "sum-of-Gaussians" instrumental profile: 1.8 m s−1^{-1} over 1.5 months on the RV standard star HD 122064. Therefore, we conclude that the instrumental profile need not be perfectly accurate as long as it is stable. In addition, we observed 51 Peg and our results are consistent with the literature, confirming our spectrograph and Doppler pipeline are producing accurate and precise radial velocities.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PASP, Peer-Reviewed and Accepte
